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jomon yayoi
haha alri
dogshit jf edition
anime sex erotic
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good blarning saars
good edition
*tumbleweed rolls through thread*
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She has a white band on her wrist from where she must normally wear a watch every day.
Violence has gotten so bad in the UK that scientists project that by 2030 project that by 2030 scientists project that by 2030 scientists project that that by 2030 scientists project that that by 2030 scientists project that that by 2030 scientists project that
Carling you created a monster, and they called him Drinkenstein.
lan lan
lan lan make my bibi go chan chan
get the oil Just Stop'd
They say of the acropolis where the parrthenon is...
zinger stacker on the cards
torn between going to tescoberg unwashed and hungover to get brekkie scran or to pay a little albanian fellow on a bike to deliver me some
it's not sausage and beans the Albanians are delivering fella
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Has anyone else suffered living in council flats. I've been in 2 in different cities and they were both grim as fuck.
why is there a jew star in the england flag
My back HURTS!!
The the flag of ulster, you fucking retard.
Hangovers are 100x worse the instant you hit 30
wonder which characters will hook up in the show. We'll just have to watch to find out.
they discovered one of those fatbergs in the sewers under my town and it's being reported that it's going to cost the council a few hundred thousand to clean it up and I'm sitting here screaming because for years I've flushed non disposable wet wipes down the toilet lmao
mumbergs dog on the roof terrace
hello proxy using mong
joe bdien soiling his adult nappy on stage
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Michael the Pichael
There is something very brown about Jew obsession. You can tell when a post about nefarious Jewish influence is written by a white person because it will usually be pointed, specific, precise. Browns, however, see menoras and stars of David everywhere and see them as this all-powerful influence. You'll never not notice this again after you notice it for the first time.
tarq cunt
nothing gets past you two
No hangover for me das ladden
something very brown about poo obsession
Thinking about starting a government thinktank.

Need to get myself a tank and a few good thinkers. Any volunteers? I will pay you nothing.
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so, this is rorke
I have a policy paper from my phd, in that I advocate gfs for boring little incels such as myself and other brit posters
when you’re 29, you are the OLDEST a “young person” can be, and feel like you’re gonna die asap

the second you turn 30, you’re now the YOUNGEST that a “real adult” aka “old person” will ever be, and life is good again
is it
don't question me
Unfortunately, yes
severely mentalist me
so much so we have an autist in on one of those get a spacker to work schemes in toil and he’s more well adjusted than me
Poo in it
Just go yourself, will help with the hangover and you don't have to pay through the nose for it
finally learned how to drive and mumstein is a hyper neurotic absolute fucking nightmare to have as a passenger, wish dadberg were still alive
Have finally deleted my Uber Eats, cannot keep contributing to the brown invaders.
Been getting the fear a lot more recently, horrible horrible stuff
Become an alcoholic and you'll never have a hangover again.
You turn 30 and your sneezes become ten times more violent
REALLY need to accelerate the whole get married, get house, get baby process
Currently suffering from this
You're in.

Can't just be the two of us though, we need a darkie and a woman
So you're fking brit. Noted
is it weird that i'm 29 and my best mate is 19
No sorry i don’t want to do something over the weekend, i’m exhausted from toiling and i want to relax at home
Playing around with my willy like it’s joystick lol
Hello Jew
feels weird being 29 reading this
my net worth is over 300k
that's how i had my first few wanks before i figured out how to do it properly, jerking it around like a joystick instead of stroking it may be unorthodox but it does get the job done
My net worth is 300 billion
That image has been circulating the internet as a meme for so long that the kid who drew it is probably old enough to get why it was funny.
brit is a nevergoon general, hands off
Is that all?
got the fanny flutters at this
yeah 300k
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>Hello Jew
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bahahahahah this will b me 2nite ahaaaa xx
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found this account on steam
rorke putting on his mums knickers and doing a gay porn dance in front of the mirror
the bright side of getting older is that people respect you more, the downside is that you get tied down with more responsibilities and you can't shag young prime pussy without people thinking you're a nonce
lol same x
there was a bloke posting his cross dressing fits last night
good lord what a weirdo
free handred pand
most of the "hidden vegetables" recipes for getting kids to eat veggies just seem like... ways to make them nice?? I don't really like plain steamed vegetables either, why do I need kids to be eating them
what the fuck hahahhahaahha
me trying to flirt with a zoomer lass:

*pointing at my penis*
this goes hard
agenda 21 is a pisstake
snorted irl
Steaming doesn't completely nuke the goodness out and it's a good way to, as you say, make vegies "nice"
Fibre and vitamins is why the kiddies need them
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yep lol
dunno, there's really no benefit to eating vegetables anyway
all you really need to eat is a simple protein and carbohydrate pairing like chicken and rice and occasionally some vitamin-rich fruit like kiwis or blueberries
smornin :)
gf is so fucking annoying just fu k off i dont care i dont csre i dont care stop talking fuck off ishtwjdnfbfnfhsdmkvnen
>he's brown
>he's leftist
Jewish meltdowns
*puts the lotion on its skin*
ill take her off your small hands mate
My post clearly indicated that there is such a thing as nefarious Jewish influence, so keep seething brown boy.
the fabled gay porn fit
had 2 eggs with my noodles for dinner last night and just had 4 to break my fast this morning
love eggbergs me
The Jewish meltdown has begun
Potatoes can be peng
Asian greens can be peng
Kumara can be peng
Big up my greengroceryem
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Would honestly love to lick his thighs, does that make me gay?
keep trying to make plans to catch up with an old mate of mine but we're having trouble finding a time that fits both our schedules, being an adult sucks arse
love when women have big boobs ans bums
My life would be so much better if the holocaust actually happened
Do /fit/brit/ lads work out fasted or fed
so are jews still waiting for their messiah to show up since they decided to reject jesus?
Haven't you heard, there's a pandemic
Wrong actually
Your life would be better if Jews were just not allowed control over culture or government influence instead
Violence isn't the answer
fed for me. lifts go down and i feel sick if i don't eat lots before gymtoil.
yes, it does, that is an obvious man
like feeling 'empty' when i wank and going to the gym always gets me horny so fasted for me in case i need to fire one off after
shoving my bollocks up my arse and farting them back out again
It's a question that marks major sectarian differences within modern Judaism
Mainstream liberal Jews will say that in the end really the Messiah was in all of them all along
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need to fire a poo out of my arse
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38 years old, never kissed a girl.
how did the beer = manly psyop ever come about
it literally is estrogenic
You can download a program to trick steam into thinking you're playing a game or multiple games at once. The same program will unlock any achievement you want too.

Some autists see it as a badge of honour to have like 10,000 hours in something.

I use the program to unlock all achievements because I am an OCD freak and can't handle seeing one of my games have 99/100 achievements as some are impossible to get due to multiplayer shutting down or something. Achievements are meaningless but my tism can't let it go.
shut up nigga
Beer is a refreshing drink for physical toilers
Never forget the first time I took the English Mastiff for a a walk. Had to wear a lead that wrapped around my stomach and he pulled me all the way without getting tired. He did a shit that was bigger than anything I've ever done and I still remember the warm feeling of it through the bag to this day. An utterly colossal warm turd.
You'll know civilization is advancing when computers that shouldn't be connected to the Internet, arent
Ever shag him up the arse?
If you're worried about beer being 'estrogenic' you aren't manly.
elden ring aussie loves his elden ring
That doesn't mean anything. Tap water has dinosaur piss in it.
Based retard
No, but my cousin (who was a toddler at the time) shover his middle finger in it's arse and made it yelp. Surprised the thing didn't get aggressive lol
loves his gay porn too
more like something shilled to the proles so they keep being mongs
would rather drink sparkling water to get refreshed and i actually toil
retard based
Is this girl treating me as a backup or is it just a crush?

She joined my department about 6 months ago, we got on really well and I genuinely enjoyed coming into work with her. Discovered she had a bf. They moved her after about 3 months and we’ve kept in touch since, it’s been about 2-3 months we’ve been messaging every other day mostly about work, sometimes about personal stuff. I’ve tried to keep a distance as she has a bf. Sometimes she replies instantly, sometimes takes a while. We’re both slightly autismo and joke about neurotypicals. She’s quite wholesome, isn’t the deceiving or calculating type at all. I’m also quite handsome.

Not sure what to make of this? Been messaging for a long while now regularly. On the two times I made an excuse to visit her in her department she seemed excited to see me.
Uhh no
omdz stfu you monumental virgin
It has plant steroids in it that Rorke thinks are sapping his purity of essence
she just likes the attention. if you're not sure if she's into you, she isn't into you unfortunately.
Didnt read any of that, but I imagine the next manager needs to be someone the dressing room respects really, to answer your question
It is astounding how ugly vaginas are.
It's got piss in it
not gay, don't watch gay porn, but frequently gay porn post
sjtfu rorke youre just saying that cause you've only ever seen your grans one
Having one of those moments where I regret all my life I've been searching for something something never comes never leaves to nothing nothing satisfy but im getting close closer to the prize at the end of the rope
tiktok is ridiculously addictive. been watching clips of the same trend for hours since i woke up
hawk tuah
>It ith athtounding how ugly vaginath are.
this poster has been emboldened by a Labour government
rattled simps
you man some gay niggas fr
teenagers doing leggings try on hauls?
hi guysh : - D
What!? I'm 32!
Every time Id speak to her she’d play with her hair, you should’ve seen how happy she was to see me when I dropped by. Have a feeling she thinks I’m too attractive for her
dear USA
are you guys, like, ok?
signed, Canada
it's an old one where teens show their thongs
doing a cheeky drive on forza horizon 4
Sean Connery died 4 fucking years back
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might piss on the gfs head
I didn't even know he was ill
Enjoyed that hot evening in the beer garden last night a little too much lads ahah x
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>Have a feeling she thinks I’m too attractive for her
you lot are genuinely retarded sometimes
you oughta know sweetie
big fan of consent me
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>Nina (left), 25, a research analyst, meets Grace, 23, a production assistant
How'd you think it went?
No you aren't, you're blogposting on 4chan (the sole witness to your incel life)
Go play your little video game and don't come back
Runners and cyclists fuck it like this all the time
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wonder what happens when two lezzers with rotten smelling gashes scissor each other, would it create a whole new multiplied horrible pussy smell
going to get anxiety medication
not sure how to go to a doctor havent been in like 10 years
Was it arrogance?
4/10 women think they can pull 8/10 men these days
we've inflated their ego too much with all this women's rights malarky
excuse me im a virgin
currently doing one of those poos i've heard so much about
feel sorry for what jesus went through but at least he didn't get the brazen bull
I see a lot of cats in their respective futures
my life gonna do a whole 360 I can feel it
>4/10 women think they can pull 8/10 men these days
and they can
the sad truth
>anxiety medication
just have a beer or two cherub
days are too long when you're sober
won't somebody please think of the virgins
Women can use emotional tricks that most men can't so they get a multiplier on their looks
Dad had all his mates round last night for a barbeque and it's the first time in ages I've seen him properly happy
Was nice
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>Conservation chiefs say they will contact police after campers left a trail of destruction in the Lake District.

>The National Trust was left with a two-day clean-up bill estimated to be in the region of £1,000 after a group discarded camping equipment, mattresses and clothing on the shores of Buttermere.

>An axe was also found having been used to chop nearby trees and several fires had burned patches of ground.

>The organisation said it would pass a number of online posts and videos believed to involve the suspects to Cumbria Police.

ain nun lil timmy gon do bowt dah
just shifted enough logs to build a bridge to china
trannies are disgusting
do you yeah what sites are those then
sure but lets not spam our hideous tranny pics on here ok
It's interesting how much of our accepted detail of the crucifixion is shit people made up in the middle ages to fill in the gaps in the gospels because the original books didn't go into the gory details
he got flogged then crucified, honestly it couldve been worse
they broke the legs of the 2 other guys who got crucified
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Been on HRT for 3 years and you're lying if you say I don't pass
Not him but Guardian/Observer probably
no trannies
ahahaha yes, they got sum of dat thug luvvvin LOOOL
watching a nonce hunting video where the nonce simply closes the door on the nonce hunters and starts microwaving some scran in his kitchen
nonce hunter status : seething
>dose this girl like me? Her bf...
Who cares? She isn't a virgin. So she isn't a thought in my mind.
definitely genuine and not some incel burner account who wants to make people hate women
pass as what? you're a bloke in a dress.
women aren't defined by clothes or hairstyles you sexist shit
been ghosting my friend ever since he trooned out
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Should I apply lads
Lmao I just saw an article about them in Scotland too
chuck us a link will ya blud
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>the crew leaders want people to take sick days for mobile game battles
been fisting my friend ever since he trooned out
I look like a woman, that's a fact.
Self care sun-ack!
>I look like a woman, that's a fact.
would let you suck me off fwiw
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Got one of those hangovers where you feel knackered but the shitty feeling of being hungover means you can't go back to sleep
would smash
nigga has a more masculine frame than most /brit/ posters
So this is why Clarkson said he's not doing the grand tour any longer.
I don't look like that, so nice cope.
Is your mum proud of this?
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boyfriend woke up, turned to me with wide eyes, said “i have a secret. ….i love you”, kissed me and promptly went back to bed lol
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Love legs me
Hello Belgium, might interest you in knowing that I'm currently dming a Jamaican lad and probably going to take his BBC
Why are they like this
least gay australian
Troon/cuckposting discord raid. *starts ringing bells and cranking an air raid siren*
cant wait until this happens on your death bed for aids lol!!!
just put a bucket next to your bed and try your best to sleep it off
honestly the relief you feel after a hangover chunder is better than an orgasm imho, at least until about half an hour later when the nausea comes back
Can't think it's that since these are all negative images of trannies
The new janny will ban them for it 100%
Just want to see one video of nonce hunters getting battered because they fucked with the wrong nonce who saw them for the cowardly little clout chasers they are
so trans folx are only valid if they adhere to your cishet standards of beauty? i think not buddy.
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Do I pass?
Normalise ignoring women
Yes. The Belgian VPN arrived right at the same time the trannyposting started but that’s just a coincidence, just like the last several times both popped up out of nowhere at the same time.
When his name is Delashous and he has no job
/brit/ is a tranny general
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Going out shopping with my bff now lads, see you later xx
this guys videos are funny
depressing slavic-looking house

*continues cranking air raid siren*
What do childless people generally do with their money once they've accumulated a lot? Someone in their 30s and 40s who saves half their salary can have quite a sum built up.
Someone who saves a lot of money probably isn't going to suddenly feel the need to buy expensive watches and fast cars.
trading my fast food addiction for a gambling addiction de laaaaaads, still poor, but maybe not fat?
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As a communist, it's good that the 20th July plot failed in 1944.

The July 20 plotters wanted peace with the noble British and Americans while continuing the carnage in the east.

As a communist I'm delighted the 20 July plot failed. Different brands of fascists killed each other, in gruesome ways, it failed, and the Soviets kept on crushing them with Bagration.

From the communist perspective, the July 20 plot failing was pretty good. It was a bunch of Prussian aristocrat army officers who were all all of course giddy for war against the USSR in 1941 but later got cold feet who ended up executed in some fascist infighting. Pretty funny.
>saves a lot of money
desperately need your wet lips around my 4 inch knob
i'd spend it on cans
Why did Tommy Robinson tell me it was pakis in Leeds when it was actually irish gypsies?
Because he's a servant of the Jews but it was actually Pakis
I don't live with my mum mate why don't you try moving out of your smelly childhood bedroom
A lot retire early, it is called FIRE
Gen z boss!!
Tommy is a civic nationalist who is more anti-islam than the average civic nationalist. He doesn't actually care about demographics because he's kosher. He genuinely thinks that you can be english if you're a sikh or a hindu, should be ignored. Steve Laws is the future.
I remember when I was flying with my mate and he was so nervous because his passport had a mistake in his name
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rorke getting his daily news
trying to find a site i used to use years ago but can't quite remember the name of, all i'm getting is a bunch of essays by overeducated useless wankers about topics that are completely pointless
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Just woke up at 4:30 and got showered and everything and forgot it was the FUCKING weekend
Hey 190
>spends all day looking at teenage girls
Grow up 190
Like women your own age
it wasn't irish gypsies
it was roma gypsies (indian)
also a lot of pakis also joined in when they started rioting
I reckon early retirement is no good unless you have an intense hobby that will take up a lot of time
timmy going on HRT and getting more thug lovin than his sister
what's the plan today lads? (after posting about trannies for several hours i mean)
the average IQ in australia is around 98
the average IQ of a uni graduate is around 115
my IQ is 114
i didn't go to uni because my IQ wasn't high enough
How many obsessive pictures about trannies do you have saved? Show us the size of your folder
Ask chat gpt
Why not lol
Being retired in your 40s means free time when you're still fit
don't like filtering aussies but it's just easier this way
Forgot your proxy spaino
Kinda wish it was a nauseous one so I could be sick
It's one of those heavy headed ones dizzy and all the light is too bright
>Depraved pair drugged, raped and murdered a stranger introduced to them by a mutual friend for 'sexual gratification'
Mad how none of the media reporting on this story mentions the fact the two convicted men are the SNP trannies that were pictured with two MSPs holding a 'decapitate TERFs' sign.
how long before he starts posting botched surgeries?
enrolling into a tafe course i dont really want to do and im pretty sure wont even help me get a job because i dont want my job seeker hassling me constantly. but i told me job seeker i'd done this course last semester (wasnt even enrolled), so i have to come up with a lie and go "ah yeah i failed a few courses gotta do it again" or some such
think I would rather die young than live to be old and grey
And if you've got a big hobby like painting or something to fill up that free time then great, otherwise one would probably just live like a NEET
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My bed is the only comfort life has given me
blinded by the shite
Imagine having a folder on your computer of grotesque images of transexuals
Australians are on average the least spamming/schizo common flag
it's almost like IQ testing is generally terrible done outside of the west
would love to see the study that found people with IQs of 43
search bubblebumbutt
blog on yuou boring bastard
don't post leaked content
Lmao the snp managed to fuck up the best deal any party had
reckon i've got the smelliest arse in britain at this moment
the bruce is quite the collector of tranny photos. wonder how much time he puts into curating his tranny pic collection.
not a chance
those are bollocks
neighbour just knocked on saying he could smell it through the wall
soho candy
might just sign up to it anyway, and try get on the student allowance rather than the job seeker shite. might have to drop $50 a week in dole payments but might be worth it innit
best go to the gym before the day gets away from me

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