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Battle of Agincourt edition
My dad used to play this song every day when I was a little girl...it was his favorite song to sing and I loved it when he would because I could tell it made him really happy. I recently found out that this too was my mom's favorite song...it was their song. I didn't know this because my mom died when I was 3. I realized now that my dad loved it so much because it reminded him of her. Sadly, my dad also ended up passing away when I was 11 and I now listen to this song to remind me of him...

To anyone who read to the end of this, cherish the ones you love. You never know when your last moment together will be
fucking sad little twat you are diego
couldn't even show up for your own day yesterday could you
bairns are crying now thanks a lot
have left some not so kind post before, hope youre not talking about me x
anyone on the reddit flags these days
(8) she a sad little sinner in the mirror the devil works hard like my liver (8)
I see it's another smelly incel copy and pastes posts from reddit edish
jumanji. kino
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anyone else used to get EMA
sorry babe x
doubt i'll make either of the next 2 fridays either lol maybe a bit early next friday
as much as i appreciate them, don't understand the logic of people who put up torrents of bootleg films and so forth, why would you risk getting in legal trouble to help other people steal media and not even get paid for it?
got the psychedelic trance on
*Soviet anthem blasts out*
Bah gawd, th-that's commiemong's music! Commiemong is here!
mad how Paradox has the audacity to demand hundreds of pounds for a game that I can pirate so easily
Do men actually like facesitting or is it an internet joke thing?
so niggeringly high lads
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Alright guys. Toil soon. Glad the weather has cooled down a bit as I can't manage hot weather very well
I see it's another smelly incel copy and pastes posts from the previous thread
you're losing your grip on reality diego
you're becoming an insane man completely detached from God
The week before my wife passed, she didn’t eat a thing. The day before she died, I woke up in the middle of the night to find her in the kitchen eating a piece of toast. My god it was such a beautiful sight.
wtf why do you say such horrible things
It's mental how Russia, a country filled with Muslims, HIV, high divorce rates, alcoholism and drug use has managed to convince right wing spastics that they're the bastion of trad values.
I'm just speaking the truth
AI wanktoil looms
money, like, doesn't exist man
glad that I don't have to go to reddit any more because you smelly incels are just copy and pasting the whole of reddit into /brit/ for me
join the club pal, i used to post racism here and also porn on occasion because i was sick of the janny's bullshit petty power trip, so i made it my mission to shit up the thread with as much rule-breaking as possible
i still believe in that philosophy but i don't really find it fun anymore, besides i've got a 4chan pass to maintain now, can't very well evade bans with that
how so?
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No need for AI.
Unlimited trans access to female spaces
Every song on YouTube has gay ass comments like this.
the jews have corrupted you
why are yank houses built out of cardboard and polystyreme
might take a trip to B&Q

don't need anyything from there but it's something to do and I enjoy the smell
smartest economist
got any gay mates?
190... Blud please stop this
No chance I’m clicking on that webm
It just works
so it blows away when a twister cooms
yeah loads
Jewish corruption
Russia is a civilisational state against the decadent West.
used to like going to B&Q, wickes and homebase with me da
can tell this (You) wasnt meant for me but im having it
loads in your bum?
yeah would get £20 quid a week. got an original xbox and halo 2 with it
Drumpf is actually Donald's real surname
I thought it was a joke but Trump is just a simplified form
Lmao what the fuck
Ok Ivan, pour yourself another drink and wait for the draft
he'll never recover from this
wolies tear n share
everyone figured this out in 2016 already lad
They stopped this by the time I reached college and all I could get was either a bus pass (hate buses) or free meals (fuck that). Take the piss. I was proper looking forward to it too.
sex with the woolies checkout girls
nigel fagrage
it was blumpf before that
quite a dry mouth today
bristling with british culture this post
still fuming over the two scoops
Donald Trumps mother was a Scottish immigrant because all the men in her local area were killed by the king in ww1
and before that Blonald Blimp
bahtroom fan is broken sprayed the dust out and put some wd40 on it but its still broken
society has collapsed
woolies went bust in like 2010
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didnt ask you actually so fuck off
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toilet bog fart
shag off retard
rorke refusing to pull sumo despite his stubby little t-rex arms
wish i were in a famous rock band in the 70s and 80s, imagine all the free drugs and blowjobs
only problem with that is that your style is guaranteed to end eventually and you become washed up and sad by the time you're 40, and you're a creative soul so you keep making music but no one listens to it because you're not relevant anymore
still exist in Aus

it's like their version of Tesco
See >>199961822
Donald Trump is a hotel owner in Ayrshire
i'll GIVE YOU what you want what you really really want ill GIVE you what you want what you really really want you want a NIG you want a NIG you want a NIG you want a NIG you want a really really want a nigga nigga nig nahhhh
this shit actually made me attend college
was mint
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Mad how we haven't made it past the ice wall yet
tear and share but 15
I always struggle with nausea and headaches in hot weather.
>gets blacked
>castrates her son
I wonder what her father did to her
would still rather be a washed up millionaire rockstar making sleepytime music that everyone hates than be a wageslave.
Can you niggers stop talking about American politics and get back to discussing British culture shit like rimming your friend's asshole?
drinkulating a lot of water
how so?
american poolitics
are you a transsexual or are you from cheshire or whats going on
Paki pizza on the way
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plenty of cases of fame ruining people's lives, just look at macaulay culkin or the two lads who played anakin skywalker
they've dug inside your brain and spun a web of propaganda
/sp/ webm folder filled to the brim
little dogberg scranning an egg
hes MAD fer it
any examples of this?
It's 7am
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just got some loaded fries from the paki shop
culkin has a good life now and a peng asian ting
Get the RuneScape on lads
fuck off murderer
some people should be euthanized against their will
what the hell is cg?
i hate it when these people use abbreviations and expect you to know what they mean, one of many reasons i hate redditors
just re-read your post history from the last month
oh i heard he was starting to turn things around but didn't think it would last
cock guard
dadberg claimed my shoes 'looked gay'
reckon the uk is still a first world country?
too ill to cook might go get a kebab and chips
he some sort of expert is he
post gay shoes
>oh no you'll be washed up at 40 instead of being washed up at 30 and posting on brit all day
yeah, some bits anyway
/brit/ culture has not progressed beyond 2017 or so
this is what happens when everyone is on SSRIs, it prevents people who by all reasonable logic should have killed themselves by now from doing so
rorke can be seen shedding a single tear
who let bro cook
just done so couldnt see naything should be easy for you to find a single comment applicable then
yer da
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.. Goodbye ..
reckon you should lay off /pol/
you used to post bible verses and now you exclusively post pop music lyrics alluding to satan worship
would love to heem this freak show through a wall
gay porn… shoes?
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Reading this atm
It's funny because I got a far more negative image of the French reading Sumption's book than I do this one
thats funny is it
haven't played overwatch since release but that new hero got me bricked up
bit of an as sumption
he's a unit of a man; thighs like a back row.

he's destroy you
might say the n word even though its against the rules
might not
are you insane the only song lyrics i've posted today are from an explicitly christian song and artist
unironically, fuck timmy gon' do?
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what is there to do in glasgow other than drink tennents
conspiring to post racism outside of /b/
was once banned for posting this very image, i don't think that's very fair because i'm not the one who said it, jannyberg was shooting the messenger as far as i'm concerned
I will never listen to Charlie XCX
you only post lyrics from confirmed satan worshipers
guilty pleasure innit
left is a babe
you're either retarded or a troll
neither is a good look
i heard its an arty city
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are clairo on the fags
marlboro lights - classic choice
you think that all these harlots write their own music?
you could get a spicy chicken sandwich
I just wanted to talk about it because of the thread theme
mad how fit brooke shields used to be
time a cruel bastard
servo run soon. sacred white Australian ritual
so is london
i can do that in london
Starmer wankers love their Zelenski cabinet meetings
did the incel post about a random woman that nobody cares about

did he

did he


oh ok
>quote famous christian singer songwriter
>reeee why do you quote devil worshipping music written by someone else
you're utterly retarded
i am an adult human being
and then trigger made a face
soccer is the most un-fun sport
arvo servo run? fuck off
plotting a gigawank
fannies have acid in them
oh shucks it's gaming time
cope on chubs
whos gunna get the 200000000 then
poztralians love their little slang words
you're in denial diego
non of the musicians you listen to or the jewish people who write their music for them are even remotely christian
did diego seethe because he got reminded he's a 40 year old virgin again
dogs are barking at neighbourberg's dog and no matter how many times i tell them to shut up they don't, my life is hell
Think there's a pride march on this weekend
why is this samefag arguing with himself
mad how there's always these old films on the telly like cowboy shite from nineteen canteen and black and white dross because the rights to these films have long since expired and no one wants them

but in like 2050 it'll be films like Transformers and The Matrix on during daytime hours and the children of 2050 will consider those films to be dogshit boomerslop
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you're genuinely too retarded to be capable of having a conversation
you do not even know the song/artists i am quoting
cos you're just that retarded
It's a hot weekend you know what that means don't you? Your neighbours will be blasting their shit music all day and night and there's NOTHING you can do about it! Yay I love living in a chav shithole.
dont know as im not diego
get a paddle pop
probably some scripting tranny
there wont be a 2050 you stupid slut
fuck you westerns are kino
mental illness award
>dogshit boomerslop
wouldn'y be wrong though would they
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nth for the baddiedem
favourite gta?
you're lashing out at my because I'm right diego
and deep down in your cold unlovable heart you know it too
get the trans porn trusted
live in a posh bit of surrey me so no such problems here x
love gay trans arseholes
i live in wales
least retarded atheist
Weybridge is nice
every single lyric you post is jewish slop
same mate
not even mousenonce:
the non conscious cucknadian: omgggggg stop paying attention to diego pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeee
Need to get myself a succubus to literally suck my cock off
am am am am in swanage de lad am am am in swanage de lads
hampton court for me x
least retarded atheist
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might start drinking spirits so I can enjoy alcohol and stay skinny
honestly believe at this point diego is an agent of satan sent to discourage the poor souls on brit from pursuing a life of god
They did that a few weeks ago when it wasn't hot, all I could hear was cackling drunk women for hours on end. I don't live in a chav shithole either, just on a deano estate.
you're becoming an atheist listening to the jewish pop music
sydney ass nigga
least satanic atheist
should i have a coffee
kek I saw one on at the gym this morning, some old war film.
haha it worked
begone you wretched demon and return to the pits of HELL
least retarded atheist
>the moeposter was actually more cancerous than the sneed poster
diego is broken
he's bluescreening
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Why not take the train to the beach or something if it's hot?
homealone meltie in progress
might go back to bed and wait for mumsie to come home with my lunch
least satanic atheist
Sad that nappy is too busy posting his cuck fetish to pretend to be Diego on Friday now so we have to suffer his monotonous spam on Saturdays now
mumberg loves her black and white film noir
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in genuine awe of how mentally ill some posters here are
like it takes a talent to be that mentally ill
love is drug and i am addicted
lovely bait teed up nicely

who will take it
working on an unruly tod
diego turned his back on the Lord
wanking my unruly rod
need attention lads
Everyone on 4chan is at least slightly mentally ill
attention deficit disorder
*slaps you about*
hes a demon
/x/ is proper shite now, just went there for the first time and it's not even schizo anymore, just a bunch of UFO freaks and people talking about their connection to animals.
>need to hoover the flat when it's 100C
This is going to be fun
begone demon
do it naked
using a dyson hoover are you?
get a robot vacuum
most evidence based atheist
just had a curry (lamb vindaloo), rice (jasmine), 2 bread rolls (topped with sesame seeds) and 3 onions (pickled) for dinner
diego is a demonic entity
wokring my unruly knob
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Nah I'm using an upright Hoover hoover, it was only 70 quid but does a good job, looks hideous though.
1 curry? 1 rice? 2 bread rolls? 3 onions? that's insane!
you've lost the plot completely
6 pints of beer is 1600 calories
yeah a bit haha
got a dyson and its shite
need to get a new one
not as insane as 4 naan though haha
Might kill myself
get an henry honestly
can’t be used to produce fat though x
they used to give it to farm workers for the calories
ahaaaaaa love that fuckin show la
sweaty dua lipa pics
haha yaaaaaaaassssssssss
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Try telling that to my mum
gordon hoover
don't do that
pua shita
people here recommend miele vacuums
lightly hungover
should i play video game
read philosophy
or watch tv
reckon voldemort was right, if there really were wizards then they should be in charge, it makes more sense than the jews and deep state bullshit
F, don't know much about him, sounds like he was good in the 70s
do all three
fuck up you demonic worm
least mentally ill atheits
Have a negroni.
Have two.
can’t imagine being such a boring loser you have to larp as a 45 year old virgin on a chinese pottery newsletter
had more than that yesterday x
cant wank on account of the fact cant find any trannies with a smaller willy than mine, quite troubling
dont care if pakis are taking over the country because they wont take over my familys comfy farm that i get to live on like a king neet
its not "illegal" to use rabbits as prostirutes
least derranged mousenonce post
on my fourth pint of water of the day

making big movements
Dysons are crap, they're the Apple of the vacuum world, 'looks nice but is actually shit'.
okay so if i sell my rabbits to thr primary school AND I give tgem viagra before that would be good for society
was just saying this down the pub
when starmer appropriates your land for the revolution it will be distributed among the working class (new immigrants on benefits)
retarded and a tiny cock can you take any more Ls
almost finished a pint of vodka and orange started at 6, me
Need some stories that don't start with that one time I was really drunk

What are some good stories?
bad mousenonce tribute act
big bladder movements
starmer wont be here in 4 years anyway
the dursleys were normal ass niggas, thank you very much
pray tell where do the calories go then
the next puppet will be though
now he’s pretending to be the mouseposter
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sound like me mum mate, ease off will you
poo smells lol
desperate attempt to besmirch his good name
fallen in love int i
got needs that can only be satisfied by hugs and cuddles
Hate uppity black people, should be allowed to carry a whip and crack it at them when they get mouthy

acetaldehyde that is excreted in the urine
fingering my cat
too early
deal with him janitor
got what you deserved
Sir Keir Starmer
i love the way she says gen z boss and a mini
pouring salt on diego so he shrivels up and dies like the demonic agent of satan that he is
Me too haha
my fingers smell like parmesan but i've not had any parmesan in ages
excellent post
no you don't
shut up
slugging meself off as we speak de lads
there’s a lump on my back that if I squeeze it a cheesy smelly substance comes out had it for years
slugoid gang
Sir Slug
diego you fucking slug

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