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The Mission Edition
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Issa cooking la bolognesa
Good, enjoy. I love all kinds of pasta.
Io preparando une molto belissime lasagne
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Gn my boy hope the xanny kicks in soon
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looks good, keep the council updated
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Here it is
I'll post the cross cut later
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Its so wavy and crispy, just how I wanted it
thank you
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Lmao czech it's not done
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put on some ketchup, Heinz
That's an abomination
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I will never understand the ketchup jihad.
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What is ketchup good for? I've been around for 34 years, and I still haven't figured it out.
There's a lot of tomato passata in there, no need for ketchup or any of that
Ketchup is a bottom tier condiment. Don’t understand why it’s so popular.
Ketchup has nice vinegar taste to it
Oh fuck we're close to the get, URUGAY GET READY REDEEM YOURSELF FOR DUCKSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Don’t understand why it’s so popular.
Same. There's a better solution for every meal - ljutenica, pesto, peeled tomatoes,... It is very easy to make a tastier dip.

And fries are only eaten with mayonnaise.
We have this new thing called bbq jalapeno sauce and it's breddy gud with fries
I still prefer homemade mayonnaise, from which I can prepare many different variants.
I know picrel sauces, and I don't mind it when I'm with friends or whatever.
And now it's time for a walk. I'll keep you posted, of course.
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That's my cue to go to sleep
Lmao jk have a good walk
probably because it tastes good idk
Love that Croats aren't bitches about spice, jalapenos are legitimately delicious
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Tastes like burnt dishwater
why do none of you live here actually
Benadryl spiders
flaglet fuck spiders
why do you post this every day
I forgot to take a pictures. Sorry.
Here's a river I went to yesterday to make up for it
Making kahmak and getting drunk, lads
Kajmak* ffs
That's very based I want some homemade kajmak
This is my first attempt as it is not super easy to find raw milk here.
I want a taste report tonight
Name of the river btw...?
First batch should be done around 1500 my time, so it'll probably be fully done around 1900
I reckon I could sample the first batch
Vis river

Here's one from earlier this week
Verdouble river
This is fucking epic, I'm jealous. Rivers of this size in our country are destroyed by heavy industry, sewage, and mud. I mean, we have sewage treatment plants everywhere, but it still sucks.
I drink French absinthe

sewage treatment mentioned
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This is so fucking unfair. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Just let it cool down, how did you get raw milk. Also I think you can just get full fat milk
Ah well we have our share of fucked up rivers in France but I live near mountains where they originate so I can go swim near their sources where the water is excellent

Pic rel is the Buèges river
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>so I can go swim near their sources where the water is excellent
>I drink French absinthe

What brand
On Saturdays there's a craft/farmer's market in the park, and it happened to catch my eye that a local dairy farm was there, so I asked if they had any, and they did.
In my state, you have to sell raw milk for "pet food"

La Muse Verte is my preferred brand, but I'm finishing my last glass of Lucid rn
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>sewage treatment mentioned
Yes, picrel is my city. Red line is border with Poland.
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I only drank Jaques Senaux
If you like hard liquors, I recommend trying this brand.
It is probably the only Czech company that produces and exports top class booze.
where's da fish
Spooked by the boomer that was having a dip
This one was full of trouts though >>199970175
Looks like 2 oxidation ditches, 3 clarifiers (can't tell how many are primary, secondary, etc)
and maybe an anaerobic digester.
Prolly like a 1-2 million gallon a day plant average
Just in case you're wondering.

I think our selection is a little more limited here cause it was illegal for a while

Looks like they make a bunch of rakija or whatever it's called in Czech
There's an American brand called St. George, but the color weirds me out because it's brandy based instead of neutral spirits
Yeah I know we talked about it, also import tax
did you catch any?
Nah I don't fish
Wouldn't mind doing it I just never have
Hey opice how are you doing?
You managed to ignore me only for one day. I was expecting a better performance. Howdy
>bunch of rakija or whatever it's called in Czech
we don't have a universal word for this, each type has its own name according to the fruit
Ooh ooh ahh ahh
Sorry I don’t understand opice-speak
How do credit scores work outside of the US
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That's a relief.
We don't have that. They'll just give or don't depending on your salary and work years without stop
They don't
>How do credit scores work outside of the US
Mobile operators share information with banks, and the same goes for the biggest e-shops. They have very sophisticated and accurate metrics. + they draw data from the public insolvency register
Very mature of you being “racist” in the internet
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I am being unfairly accused of racism.
What the fuck did I type
There's no "measurable" credit score is what I wanted to say. When I wanted to increase my bank account overdraft they looked at my whole banking history and who knows what else so I think it's up to them to decide whether you'll get a loan or not
>called me monkey like 50 times
>shat on me saying your dog’s food is more balanced than a Brazilian’s
>I’m not being racist mommy I swear
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>called me monkey like 50 times
>saying your dog’s food is more balanced than a Brazilian’s
It's just a fact.
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We're all at least a little bit racist and that's ok
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But he is literally a white Brazilian. He enjoys making baits. I'm having fun giving him serious answers.
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You can be racist to white people as well.
Also how white can a white brazilian truly be?
You’re right. I’m 300% nigger. Then where are all of my benefits and brownie points? When are you whites going to pay all that for me? Do you enjoy watching your white wife get railed by those somalian niggers that arrive in the boats? Being a cuck is European culture.
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>your white wife
Soon my friend
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He's white, and he's from a rich family.
flight in 3 hours
I'm packing my things, and I have a night ride over Poland to visit my brother.
airport already or...?
homemade bbq sauce, it's too sweet for anything else
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Guess who just went to the liquor store
Good, tired of this PRC-tier shit we have here
I was aware that this information is kept more confidential in Europe but wasn't exactly sure how
Obviously lenders and creditors need to see some evidence that you can actually pay them back in any country, and I have a good credit score, but the way it's handled here (and how important it's considered) creeps me out on principle
>Sorry, sir, your credit score is too low for a home loan because you don't have enough debt.
>this information is kept more confidential in Europe
I don't think that's true. Basically, with every new service, you're automatically giving them permission to check you out... You can refuse, but your mobile carrier will want payment in advance for X months.

I always pay 12 months in advance, but only because I'm lazy and don't want to pay each bill separately.
my mom got me a credit card when I was like 16 and told me to spend like $20 and then pay it off every month so I could build credit
she was right but god damn this system is weird and kind of twisted
Fun fact
I do have a lot of money in the bank and an above average income, but since I've never had any loan, I have a pre-approved loan option for 250 USD, kek.
My friend has only average income, but he had several loans, so he has a pre-approved loan for 30k USD. (same bank)
The only sort of financial lessons I ever had were some Dave Ramsey courses my school made me take (sleep through) and he had a hateboner for credit cards, so I never got one.
fuck it might go to the mall
What've you got in mind?
Lmao they are begging my gf to take a 20k€ loan bc she'a regular house loan payer. It's basically spamming
desu I haven't changed phone plan in like 15 years so I'm not even sure how carriers here handle that
the issue with the American system is not only privacy, it's also what >>199974696 mentioned. It's constructed in a way where it's more advantageous for you to have some debts and be making regular payments on them then to never have any debts at all. That wouldn't be so much of a problem if it related just to pre-approved loans like you mentioned, here there's all kind of additional bonus bulllshit on top of that like landlords and employers having access to it.

However I did some searching and I can see that my initial question was kind of stupid, because systems in Europe appear to be very different. UK and Germany are like the US, and on the other end of the spectrum France and Italy don't allow any of this nonsense. Seems like Czech Republic and Croatia are comfortably in the middle of that spectrum
ohhhhhh i wish i was in the land of cotton
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sorry, CZECHIA
Almost like we are different governments
EU is a fever dream we all have and we'll snap out of it soon
skill issue
We also have special regulation, I don't know if it works in other EU countries. Any institution licensed to provide credit has to evaluate whether you are OBJECTIVELY able to repay the loan.
It's more that I thought the US was the only democratic country that had this then thinking you all have the same laws, was thinking of Canada/some of South America/Australia/whatever too
>to provide credit
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Virginia didn’t really have towns; the Chesapeake Bay was such a giant maze of rivers and estuaries and waterways that there wasn’t much need for land transport hubs. Instead, the unit of settlement was the plantation, which consisted of an aristocratic planter, his wife and family, his servants, his slaves, and a bunch of guests who hung around and mooched off him in accordance with the ancient custom of hospitality.

Virginian recreation mostly revolved around hunting and bloodsports. Great lords hunted deer, lesser gentry hunted foxes, indentured servants had a weird game in which they essentially draw-and-quartered geese, young children “killed and tortured songbirds”, and “at the bottom of this hierarchy of bloody games were male infants who prepared themselves for the larger pleasures of maturity by torturing snakes, maiming frogs, and pulling the wings off butterflies. Thus, every red-blooded male in Virginia was permitted to slaughter some animal or other, and the size of his victim was proportioned to his social rank.”

Their homicide rate was sky-high, and people were actively encouraged to respond to slights against their honor with duels (for the rich) and violence (for the poor). They were obsessed with gambling, and “made bets not merely on horses, cards, cockfights, and backgammon, but also on crops, prices, women, and the weather”. Their cuisine focused on gigantic sumptuous feasts of animals killed in horrible ways.
Truly educational, should post it couple of times more to really stamp it into my brain
I did the same but for rent and utilities when I went to uni. It's literally not even that hard, there's tons of guides and many credit cards offer cash back rewards.
Nobody said it was hard, way to miss the entire point
I assumed that by weird and twisted you were refering to it excluding poor people or something
I've never used credit cards, only debit.
The only exception is our company, credit cards give us real benefits.
I used the one for Sam's Club because it pays for the membership
I'll be on my way in a moment. Maybe I'll show you the Polish countryside.
(it will depend on 5G/LTE coverage)
I meant that it's weird and twisted because the system shouldn't be constructed in a way where encouraging teenagers to use credit cards is actually a good idea for their futures
Outside of credit score garbage there's no real reason to use one outside of discounts/benefits
I guess emergency purchases but that only applies to brokies

I applied for an Amazon Prime Visa like a month ago because you get a $200 gift card upon approval, and that will probably cover basic household supplies (paper towels, cleaning products, coffee filters, batteries, etc) for six months just by itself if I buy in bulk
Bought a couple of books
I gotta try to get back into reading,
This thread is basically all reading and B2 category english learning I need
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Dang Boi. You got it like that??
According to some EU test I took, I am a "B2" German speaker
I'm borderline depressed with how nice this looks
I lean heavily on the Holy Spirit and Christ to cure my depression. Some days are better than others.
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what about alcohol
the Amazon one is pretty good, thinking about cancelling my bank card and applying for the Amazon one
What do you usually use it for (aside from listening to music)
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It's very much secondary and if I drink because of depression I'm probably also drunk dialing the Lord; for better or worse.

I've been working hard to have moderation because I hate feeling dog sick the next day.
Might watch dragon ball Z later
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Polish-Czech border region has some of my favorite skies and natural lighting, especially late afternoon and evening
Took pics of completely mundane things like fields at rest stops because of how impressed I was
It's odd, considering how much air pollution there is
Kind of looks like he middle of no where in Indiana or Illinois.
you cry out in your sleep
all of my niggers exposed
I enjoyed driving through the midwest a lot the one time I did that
I prefer mountains and coastline but flat plains don't deserve the hate they get. In Virginia there's plenty of fields and farmland but there's too many hills and mountain ranges and various things off in the horizon to be able to stand in a random field and feel like you can see absolutely everything in existence
First time I ever really experienced that in my life was the midwest (Ohio specifically) and the region I posted, which is why I felt compelled to stand around and take photos of a field like an idiot
I used it when I went to Germany, but that's p much it desu.
I've listened to a couple like German podcasts or watched a German movie, but there's not much use for it here.

That was another thing I loved about it
Small towns in the flat parts of the US are generally very far apart, I like the idea of being able to live in a setting like that but also at the same time not feeling cut off from everything and being able to just walk or go on a short drive to other small towns
>which is why I felt compelled to stand around and take photos of a field like an idiot
You're absolutely right my guy. Idk why people hate on the farm lands. America has a crap ton of flat farmland and it's the underrepresented hero in many ways. What other kind of land would you even use to produce food for a nation this big? It's even in a good climate zone with enough seasonal rain. It's a huge flex and yet people trash talk those lands. We can. Produce so much food that there's enough left over to sell the excess to other countries and I'm happy about that. I do wish they would change laws around farming to exclude foreign land owners and corporate buy ups. That's another discussion.
That doesn't bother you??
For me that's hard to imagine because here you can drive for an hour and not see a town... especially in the desert of Texas.
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I've had pancreatitis at least 3 times
What do you think
That's horrible. I just thought everything rolled off you for some reason but I guess that's not true. Do you need a hug?
You should come see Texas. It's still mostly wilderness outside the cities.
can someone nail me to a cross?
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Where does your brother live, why Poland?
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All my posts deleted
/icy/ deleted
Banned for Child pornography
Fuck you jannies
Rychlebské hory. It's fastest way through Polska.
Your landscape pictures??
>Banned for Child pornography
Happens to the best of us
feeling freaky
I think about Stamper a lot
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brazilian mods don't mess around
Nah you live in Texas now don't you ? The west looks awesome
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Thinking about going to Saturday vespers. I still have no idea what to do there but I want to go to church.
Idk who that is.
Yeah I do. I mean... it would be cooler if it wasn't so easy to die out there... they also have a lot of caves with old cave paintingsfrom the natives. Kind of neat.
Where is that?
>I still have no idea what to do there
Similar to a divine liturgy, which IIRC you attended one of those, didn't you?

>Idk who that is.
A Newgrounds/Youtube animator, voice actor, and podcaster that I really liked who went off the deep end with drugs and alcohol

>Where is that?
That was the view from the balcony where I stayed in Thessaloniki
>Similar to a divine liturgy, which IIRC you attended one of those, didn't you?
Oh that's great. Very nice. Yes I have gone.
>That was the view from the balcony where I stayed in Thessaloniki
That's wild but the view is amazing. Pretty church in Pic.
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You got 'ZILLED lmaoooo
>Pretty church in Pic.
Yeah, I didn't go in, but all the churches over there have little prayer booths with icons and candles, and that was my last stop after getting positively smashed until 8am on my first night there
Old man on the balcony watched with a weird bemusement as he smoked his morning cigarette.
Also the really large mountain in the background is Mt Olympus
Maybe one day you'll go back and check out the qt churches
I didn't notice before. That's so bizarre and cool
Well, I went to the Agios Demetrios which contains the relics of Sts. Demetrios and Anysia, as well as the Rotunda of St. George which was consecrated as a church in the late 300's
my farts today smell like when horses have diarrhoea
Hey, Hinds,
Turkbud asks if you can voice a character on his video sometime next week
He said he can't ask because 4chan is banned
wow based welcome anytime im gay
So, /int/ has also a Czech mod, and this nigga has a personal problem with one Czech anon = bans and permabans for all visitors of /icy/.
That bitch even posts in Czech and laughs. Not a single rule has been broken.
You're Czech
I want those rubber alien, life sized
Some normal, some evil looking and some of those that look like they are about to fall asleep or have overdosed on heroin
Yes, but I am not a mod/that anon.
I'm making kajmak, lad

Yes, but you are Czech
Make sure you drain it good, let it stack, dont let it become creamy between stacks, youll fuck it up and it will turn bitter, then the whole thing can go bad in a day despite refrigeration
Using a strainer to scoop and draining any leftover from the container
Yes, I think it's obvious.
I just wanted to really emphasize the fact that you are from the modern Czech Republic
Are we talking about Czechia?

Btw this Czech mod is openly threatening to doxxx the anon.
Czechia, correct. The area consisting primarily of the regions historically known as Bohemia and Moravia.

Also wow, what a guy
Yes, but smaller part of Silesia is part of Czechia too.
Oh, you mean Schlesien, right?
in the Sudetenland?
Silesia was never part of the Sudetenland. I'm afraid you're using this terms in wrong way.
Back in states?
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Ober-und-niederschlesien weren't part of the Sudetenland
German-speaking parts of Moravia-Silesia were
Well, I mean, there was overlap, but they weren't the same thing
>/dixie/'s dead
>I'm drunk
gonna be a long fucking night
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I will not rest until Lusatia and the Sorb people are free.
I, too, am drunk
And /icy/ killed by mods. OP pic flagged as "child porn" kek. So this general is probably my new homeland.
>So this general is probably my new homeland

The fire rises....
Let's drunker

We are a place of refuge to all
or some shit
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Went to vespers. It was nice.

That's cool.
Ok, that's so odd. Where are we supposed to hang out if not Dixie? Cornbread?
why doesn't that retard just post
I can send you his steam friend code if you log on

He said it's gov't banned
I reckon the tranny janny offs itself within a month
I will not rest until United delays my flight for 4 hours (gone wrong)
there are turks on /int/
you in SK or this a proxy
also opinions on shrooms vs lsd, I really liked shrooms
I dunno, dude, ask him not me
maybe it's a rangeban that doesn't cover the full country or some isps or some shit
I'm the anon from /icy/ with whom some Czech admin tranny has a personal beef. My IP got banned yesterday so I'm posting through proxy
ye I know whomst you are
Sure. Let me do that.
fucking /int/ drama lmao, is this for real
found the issue

very non-Trojan Roman behavior, disappointing
we're called psychonauts
Regular folgers is disgusting, but Colombian folgers is surprisingly good. It's the cheapest Colombian bean coffee you can buy.
better than fucking AA

terrence pls
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overrated 2/5
About to cook dinner or something
Come get this Turban-wearer's code
about to fly (or something)
I SUFFER on United
about to drink (or something)
I SUFFER on sobriety
About to eat southwest tortilla soup
(or something)
And then probably have a mimosa (or something)
I have a large mimosa every saturday morning
So earlier today? How was your walk?
Standard. Walked my usual summer patch, gawked at the homeless, told the Jehovah's Witnesses good morning, got my sandwich and drink, went to the farmer's market and went home
Oh that sounds like you had a wonderful walk. And ahh the farmers markets. I don't think we have one around but it I used to live somewhere that they did. They had cheese makers and the regular fruits and vegetables. But also a food truck that made crepes. I miss that market.
>Oh that sounds like you had a wonderful walk
Same as every other one
In the colder months I make the walks a bit longer, but it's infuckingsufferably hot right now
Am drunker still
Currently on calvados
>it's infuckingsufferably hot right now
I don't even want to check on my plants outside. But I do. Wish it was winter rn. Fogs up my sunglasses too
apples and/or pears?
Vodka moment

I work outside so I'm really not that keen on walking around in the buttfucking heat all day on my day off, but if I don't I'll just get fucking drunk all day so
>but if I don't I'll just get fucking drunk all day so
I guess it's better to do that. You're probably doing the right thing.
Don't be fooled
I' still got drunk immediately after
I prefer to drink after dinner. I can't drink and get drunk the way I use to.
let's switch
Calvados is apple only as far as I know
Ok, but you'll probably be a chainsmoker when you get your body back. you won't be at alcoholic though. Whatever that's worth.
Wiki told me otherwise. So I don't know.
Has chainsmoking ever gotten you arrested or hospitalized
Never. I've been to the hospital only once and it was because I accidentally dislocated my knee when I was a teen. And I've never been in trouble w/ the law. I got u fãm. No drinking.
yes drinking
Not if we switch places.
No, if we switch places you are obligated to drink until it ruins your finances, health, criminal record, and personal relationships
You had me scared until you said personal relationships. Hahaha haha, that's funny.
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I wasn't joking
Yeah. I don't think I have too many of those.
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cooked a steak and ate it with ovenpotatoes and onions

what are dixans eating
I ate soup
I passed out
gonna d o it again
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Year 3 of the 3 day special military operation in ukraine (year 10 of 2 day anti terrorist raid of donbass) and the russian army has captured New York
I shit you not, google it
New York was defended valiantly but the attackers had superiour artillery and airfirce.
Im off to drink for the dead, maybe fire up the grill, it will be sunny today
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I tried to torrent Amplitube 5 and Guitar Rig 7 and every single time picrel.
Nobody does it for the good of the people anymore
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did you use slavtracker
I'm using a plebbit approved site for downloading DAW torrents now, so I'll see in a couple of minutes if it's okay. Malwarebytes is shitting itself thinking everything I do is a malware so I don't even know what's ok and what's mb sperging out
Would you be able to find me this if you have nothing else to do?
IK multimedia Amplitube 5 MAX for windows
Every single one I find is loaded with R2R keygen which is most likely a trojan
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best I can do
Ok I found Guitar Rig 7 and it's aight, nevertheless thanks very much
Slept like shit
Nice thread, retards
What's nice about it
I'm here
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Why doesn't it feel nice
If that were involved it would feel nice
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Hey, I think this is the Czech guy again
gonna go take a fat shit then a nice shower
You're not abiding by the rules
Why not take a fat shit in the nice shower?
im not taking advice from colonel earth again
>colonel earth
what did he mean by this
Minor villain in CHS universe
>You're not abiding by the rules
What do you mean?
You were b& right
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You know the story.
meant for
wew lad
Alri lads
Helly gay but cool
Sunday morning. Today is the Lord's day. Sipping some coffee.
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what's with the socks tho
why are your socks on
sockgate has commenced
have never understood how the word cunt basically reached the level of nigger in American society
it wasn't even part of common parlance besides porn video titles
>common parlance
You gotta go to my onlyfans to see my feet with no socks sorry
I am truly living in a capitalist dystopia
is morocco among dixie friends ? we both have red in our flag
you're alive?

yes welcome
we've had a Turk and an Iraqi Kurd before, you can be our first Arab
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From the top
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And flat Polska on the horizon
i am north african
20 cm for pole is insane
that's a big pole
i uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
90 cows for finland is craaazy
more like
nigga you gay
us gay
Who's "us"?
You got a mouse in your pocket?
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>swarthchatting anyone in alabama during the a 100% humidity summer day
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desktop wallpaper worthy
So guys now what Biden is out
Neo-Jeffersonian agrarian pseudointellectualism
Low-CO2 coal mining inspired hypopatriotic communism
Pick your vote
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I have an idea
Back from Church. Need new bread.
need liquor
Ok am I gunna make it?
I would love nothing more than for you to make me some liquor
New bread

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