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I visited Poland (Warsaw) for the first time. Here is my impression of Poland.

- Flat and foresty
- People don't smile and don't greed you
- I got "emerging country" vibes. I could tell people don't live bad. Standards of living are decent. It's clean and peaceful. Stable country, growing in all areas, but it's in the early to mid stages of its maturity as a country
- Consumerism is still in its developing stage.
- Safe and high trust society. I never felt unsafe anywhere at any time. I forgot my bag at a bench late at night, and when I came back after 1 hour, it was still there. I also saw some stuff left on a bench, and nobody was touching it.
- Law-abiding people. I noticed nobody was crossing on red even when there were no cars anywhere to be seen. Late at night, I saw some red-light-crossing, but most people were patiently waiting for the green.
- Not a cosmopolitan city. It's slowing becoming more international, and diversity is creeping in, but for the most part, people are not used to foreigners and tourists. It seems to be a novelty for them.
- Similar to Germans, people are friendly if you ask them something, but they don't want to engage with you beyond that.
- Lack of organizational skills. Things do work, and it's an orderly country, but not highly efficient. E.g., the bike lanes are so chaotic. The pedestrian lane is always in between two bike lanes, so if you want to cross the street, you always have to first cross the bike lane, and you have to look for flying bikes. This was really annoying, and I almost got hit a couple of times. Also, in front of tourist attractions, there were big parking lots and a lot of parked cars. It makes it difficult to take a picture without a car being in the middle.
- Not pedestrian friendly! It seemed like the city was not designed for people walking, but for cars and recently updated to include bicycles too!
>I noticed nobody was crossing on red even when there were no cars anywhere to be seen.
That's because it's strictly banned here and the police loves making money on fining people for it so we are already taught in kindergartens that crossing on red is the worst felony possible.

>- Not pedestrian friendly! It seemed like the city was not designed for people walking, but for cars and recently updated to include bicycles too!
Yes, commie cities are always like that and it's hard to improve this because of how they're planned (wide roads, tall commieblocks). It's better in pre-WW2 areas but Warsaw has few of them for historical reasons.

Also, Warsaw is not really good representation of Poland, sadly it's our capital so most foreigners end up here which skews their image of Poland (in both positive and negative sense, it's just a world on its own).
Adolf, you have to come back and make order with ukrainians.
shut up, Ukrainians are our bros
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Why would an Austrian go to Warsaw instead of Kaiserliche und Königliche Stadt Krakau?
>not mentioning skyscrapers

Warsawbros, we didn't spam this board enough apparently, time to correct it
More like you're their bitch lol
everything on point, also Warsaw stands out when it comes to pedestrian unfriendliness, other cities are much better in that regard
>other cities are much better in that regard
but they don't have skyscrapers
>It seemed like the city was not designed
Yes, that's a correct assessment of w*rsaw
The problem I have with westerners writing anything about Poland here is that I never know if they're real native westoids or immigrants so I don't know if I should take their opinions seriously or ignore them.
>I noticed nobody was crossing on red even when there were no cars anywhere to be seen
Germans and Poles truly are the same people <3
all Polish cities are like this in this way or another since urban planning in the western sense doesn't exist anywhere

just some cities look better by the virtue of having more historical architecture and some don't have it, but modern planning is equally non-existent everywhere
Go back to the trenches, Mykola
>the pedestrian lane is always in between two bike lanes, so if you want to cross the street, you always have to first cross the bike lane, and you have to look for flying bikes
total cyclist death
t. Karol Wedel
You should ignore them in both cases and work towards a fully autarkic 100% pure Lechitic ethnostate.
Wedel was German not Austrian THO
>- Lack of organizational skills. Things do work, and it's an orderly country, but not highly efficient. E.g., the bike lanes are so chaotic. The pedestrian lane is always in between two bike lanes, so if you want to cross the street, you always have to first cross the bike lane, and you have to look for flying bikes. This was really annoying, and I almost got hit a couple of times. Also, in front of tourist attractions, there were big parking lots and a lot of parked cars. It makes it difficult to take a picture without a car being in the middle.
spot on honestly. thats perhaps the only thing i wish we were more similar to the west
I will not read your blog
>German not Austrian
same thing
so basically Poles are like Ossis and Poland is like the Ossiland yet the biggest Poland-hater on this board is the butthurt Ossi kek, feels like a family conflict
I want to escape Korea to live in Poland or Latvia
>feels like a family conflict
always has been. ossis are germanized wends and polabians
what for
Pawel from Warsaw oblast here, I totally agree with this random Polish comrade kurwa
Come to Wrocław, lots of Koreans here. There is a whole Koreatown for them
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I've been to Austria recently and I am jelaous ever since. Your country is very wealthy, pristinely clean, and well organized. I wish we would one day reach that level. The only thing I didn't like is that even in small towns there are lots of immigrants, but I hope they will assimilate and it will somewhat work out
To escape this extreme weather and complex geopolitics
Austrians are germans THO
Wedel was protestant THO
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>The only thing I didn't like is that even in small towns there are lots of immigrants
es ist vorbei
>but I hope they will assimilate and it will somewhat work out
so just go to Slovenia, it has all pros of Austria without the cons
>extreme weather
idk what you mean but it's quite hot in Poland now too. And the winters here are harsh
>complex geopolitics
I think our geopolitical location is as bad as Korea's
From my experience the biggest diffenence I've seen after visiting most European countries is that Poland really stands out when it comes to the fatherhood.

I have never seen a father walking alone with a stroller or walking with a child on his back anywhere else than Poland. Men seem to be proud fathers here, other than that Poland is really nothing special, it's a homogenous country with given set of rules that most people abide and life just goes on.
>Men seem to be proud fathers here,
lol, and that's why we have almost the lowest birth rate in the world?
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>I didn't like is that even in small towns there are lots of immigrants, but I hope they will assimilate and it will somewhat work out
Bros, why did Wendish languages have to die? Polabian was so kino. I can't believe the Germans have done this.
>lol, and that's why we have almost the lowest birth rate in the world?
No low birth rates are caused by women choosing careers over having children.
Oh, yeah I forgot about this lol
Yes! Warsaw has more skyscrappers than London. This also made a big impression on me.
>just some cities look better by the virtue of having more historical architecture and some don't have it, but modern planning is equally non-existent everywhere
Yes, exactly. Most of our old cities at least have the old planning as a framework modern devshits (TDD) are forced to work around, whereasbeit w*rsaw has nothing. It's an architectural Frankenstein's monster, a garish, tasteless hodgepodge of all that is ugly in all possible styles. Concrete commieblocks, glass-and-steel skyscrapers, occasional attempts at restored pre-war architecture, anything and everything in between, all mashed together and clumsily scrambled. Tragicomedically enough, this architectural chaos perfectly mirrors the nature of this "city" in nearly every other aspect.
This isn't even a sovless place - it's a place with a negative anti-sovl, one that actively drains its inhabitants of normalcy, decency and sense of belonging, turning tgem vain, void and utterly unhinged.
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defend this, varshaviax
People who care plan for family here, there's not much of mistake babies from teen mothers like in western europe
>Flat and foresty
>People don't smile
yes, based
>and don't greed you
not true
>Safe and high trust society
>I never felt unsafe anywhere at any time
>people are friendly if you ask them something, but they don't want to engage with you beyond that
it's actually being remodelled now, office buildings are being demolished and replaced with regular apartment blocks
Warszawiaks in shambles
Same shit thereforesofar
nah, I actually like Warsaw being like that and you villagers can seethe
I will read his blog
Another one
Polabians have pretty good teasons to hate us thoughbeit, so I guess the ossi schizo was the rational one all along
How to get these?
Why do Poles speak English to each other?
пepeпpoшyю, нe знaю щe пoльcькy дyжe дoбpe
pogadam z tobą po polsku jeśli chcesz wybacz mój chujowy polski
Ale nééééé, Poláci začínají mluvit Polsky. Je konec.
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I live in a real city, not a crowded simulacrum like W*rszawa.
>to escape complex geopolitics I want to move to historically THE WORST geopolitical location on the planet
can't tell if it was a joke or not
Poland is like Korea but without all the water separating you from hostile countries
rozuměl jsem každému slovu
Bylo by zvláštní, kdyby ne.
Nejsi retard, gratuluji.
>I live in a real city,
It's not a real city if it doesn't have pic rel

Krakowiak keep coping you will always live in an overgrown village
One may be somehow a result of the other, yeah. Normies are slowly noticing just how fucked we are in the long term with our demographic collapse, so having a kid may start to be something rare znd impressive. It might be a good thing, a foundation for eventually reversing this trend.
Krakov > ... > Varšava
Ostrava still beats the shit out of every Polish city
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*blocks your path*
Absolutně nemůžu respektovat Varšavu.
Picrel je gigantická ostuda.
Zbourejte to kurva.
not true
>krakowians are unironically proud of that memetramway

you're like little children given a new toy to play in front of adults
nah, it looks fine, it just needs to be cleaned to restore its natural color
>I visited Poland
kill yourself
It would get soon dirty again from Polish air pollution
przepiękny budynek art deco w stylu amerykańskim.

Reprezentuje on amerykańskie podejście do życia Polaków
nie uznałem słowa zvláštni ale przypomina mi zwłaszcza
Rusové se vám vysrali na záda, a vy se o to hovno staráte. Nepochopím to. Nikdy.
>Rusové se vám vysrali na záda,
Actually it was designed with some typical Polish architectural traits in mind, that's why it has that fancy attic which resembles rennaissance attics from Zamość or Lublin houses

>a vy se o to hovno staráte.
cost of demolition would be really high because that shit is made of pure stone, it was meant to survive a nuclear strike
Dignity isn't about money.
zburzymy jak przyjedziesz nad nasze morze

you are a retard, only a retard or a nationalistic poolack would say good things about poland
there is nothing good about poland, this country is an unredeemable shithole and should be nuked
Jojo, Chorvatsko už je moc drahé pro Czechpoors.
Poland has the most beautiful women in Europe
nie wiedziałem że Czesi pochodzą z Torunia
stay back, don't touch our sisters
looks much better in white
Austrians shouldnt be allowed to visit Poland after all you have done to us
just how many polacks is there on this board
they’re wretched coal burning whores
I WILL marry a beautiful polish woman from Łódź and we WILL have a happy life together
Tam jsem ještě nebyl.
Moje příští zastávka je Białystok.
Atleast 5
I WILL marry a beautiful polish twunk from Łódź and we WILL have a happy life together
Siema kto pl?
Worth noting how you didn't deny it's all true morethereforethough
>January colder in Korea
does it snow a lot in Korea?
As an EU citizen you could easily move to Poland. Much more easily than me. You should move there. But they don't allow gay marriage.
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Polish women aren't like that thoughbeitfore
Because the thread was made by an english-speaking austrian, because there are other english-speaking foreignoids itt, and because our nation has had deeply internalized self-loathing issues for about a thousand years
prdl brdl srdl
Being the best out of 3 occupiers? Truly horrible
Yeah when I was in the military, I had to do snow removal work in winter
I lived in Warsaw merely 1,5 years and the very word "Kabaty" fills me with mindless bloodlust and genocidal hatred
vgh, stalinist minas tirith
baza, been saying it for years
can someone explain this
The building is made from sandstone so it was creamy and not white like in pic rel
Nie ja
to spierdalaj
erm actually it was covered in white gold and diamonds, crapitalists covered it in dirt and pretend cleaning it is too expensive just to make it look bad
I'm PL but I spent a shitload of time abroad in multiple countries. PL is getting better, which is nice, but people still remain rather close-minded and materialistic. They feel very intimidated by the wider world and frightened by anything even remotely high-brow.
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>Not pedestrian friendly!
Walkable bros... it's so over...

But yeah, I'd say it's a pretty accurate assessment of the city. Hope you enjoyed your trip.
kino, haven't seen this stuff in over a decade
does he still make comics?
I had 1h sex with a Romanian slut. It was a good trip.
Yugos are America's greatest ally

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