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Sitting down to a nice cup of coffee
How is your saturday going so far qts?
So let me get this straight. Old mate

- fantasised about killing peaceful climate activists
- talking about how ready he was for civil war
- claimed he would save putin from a burning building over hillary, biden and aoc (as an american firefighter no less)
- showed up to rallies to support someone who tried to subvert the peaceful transfer of power

And I'm meant to be sad that he's dead?

I don't agree with killing people just because they think things, but why is it bad such a hateful piece of shit got sent 6 feet under early?
in the hospital still
Finally stopped farting
why do australians know who aoc is
Your average Australian knows more about American politics than Australian, I say that unironically.
That's because American politics have been hijacked by the media to be entertainment instead of professional.
Australian politics are probably super boring, which is a good thing.
Good image, whoever suggested it must be a very smart and respectable person
I have awakened.
I shall await my first poop of the day, and then shall go run errands (authors note: errands in this case means incelwalking until I get bored).
Drinking coffee myself. Yeah today's okay.

Sorry to hear this.
for the incelwalker, don't forget to wear sunscreen and bring a water to stay hydrated.
Australian politics be like
>g'day mate, how many shrimp do yer put on yer barbie?
And then they argue about which beer is better, VB or XXXX
Kind of gay ngl
Enjoy looking 55 when you're 40
enjoy skin cancer ig
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Nice, I saw this bun on my morning walk
Meant for >>199966691
This fucking sucks. I wagecuck all year for this.
It's over
I aspire to wagecuck. I’ve been unemployed for years now.
There are no jobs in canada
asked my gf if she would want to know if I was dying and she cried
can somebody make AI art of Jeffrey Epstein with Thor's hammer
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Just masburbated, listening to Bush War songs and pondering on great awakenings of humanity atm
Humanity will never awaken, we're fucked
fuck bush
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I keep trying to get the AI to make Epstein with an egg-shaped thor's hammer but it dont work
pondering the mediocre sleepening of aliens
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By God, we've done it!
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Humanity as a whole won't, small communities will, like kibbutz, but common sense for jewishness.
penis cookies yumm yum
any smart ukrainians already fled 2 years ago
>Bush War songs
Annoying ass cleaning slaves woke me up. I hate hotels
Some people are made to yell and others are definitely made to yell at
been noticing more colourful spiders this summer
probably because of climate change
I fuckin love hotels
>Clean sheets every night
>Cuck chair facing the bed
Only problems is they often have shit pillows
>31 degrees inside
It's over
get ready for 40C in the second half of the century
For me it's the humble heat pump.
once you get bed bugs or roaches from a hotel you'll never sleep in one again. same with water parks and legionella
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Do you not have these in France?
feel like I’m dying
Days never finished. Master got me working. Someday master set me free!
I have no master
Flag is Frog because of data provider. Im in Piedmont and being cooked alive despite the ac
Piedmont... which state
I went to Piedmont High
I dont understand. My ancestors ploughed sand barehanded with worse heats.
Why am I dying
shut yo bitch ass up
Brown people do not give a fuck about the heat, that's why they don't believe in climate change. To them, polluted smoggy air and slimy rivers with 40 degree heat is just like home so why would they care? Environmentalism is the white man's burden.
Go to Sweden
melanin is an evolutionary advantage, whitey gets sunburnt and cancer
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>Cash me outside how bout da-AAAACK
American women love BBC so much they'd die for it.
hybristophilia, all women have it
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I'm at the airport.
Any funny pranks I can play?
Guten morgen
looks like gsp but I could be way off
re-enact that one mission in MW2 but with a watergun
Buy a bottle of wine and bring it in the airplane
Might day drink today. Feeling a bit like it
We need to stop before our bodies collapse.
Past 25 years old we dont regenerate any cells anymore
Women of all races look ugly when they are obese, but some obese Latinas look like actual ogres
wtf are you talking about
Obese white women are angels
use a frying pan as a drying pan
Gucci flip flops fuck it hit your bitch with my socks
Ok Tyrone
t. Georgian
Italy should have electric fans
barely slept last night because my mattress is shit, but the brief bouts of exhaustion culminated in some very strange dreams
I'm preggo
Imagine walking into a store and buying anything you like without looking at the price tag… Sigh…
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lmao these logos they were running with
how would I have known? I was 6 years old
I hate women so much but I also hate the weak, spineless, slugs of men who validate the shittiness of women just so they can have a .001% chance of getting laid
>doesn't know his own country's history
I know more american history than you, by a landslide. I dont waste my time memorizing every single person who ran for office in the last 35 years
Biden dropped out because he plagiarized a speech from some British guy
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>I know more american history than you, by a landslide
Found an old friend of mine’s reddit account. He’s a mod for some pornstar’s subbreddit, and he was calling people incels for not appreciating her content. Grim fate.
I love takis so much it's unreal
poor guy, pornsick
All you know how to do is eat hot chip, twerk and lie
Best soft drink to mix bacardi with?
Tell me the history of Spanish colonialism in Southern California
Coke with a bunch of lime
having a cappucino double espresso
the best part abotu coffee is that it's good for you
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they had a caste system I cant remember the name of that basicall enticed the mexicANOs there or the spanish to try to marry white men/women, and built missions all over the state to indoctrinate the native americans into christianity all because some nun had a vision that they had to bring religion to the natives of [foreign country]. Many(all?) of these missions are still standing and we have to visit them and do projects about them in 4th grade, theyre actually kind of neat. Before being a gomorrah shithole full of nepotism and corruption, LA was just dirt hills and orange groves, hence how places like Orange county got their namesake

Once """"mexico""""" freed itself from Spanish rule, they still held most of the state of what would be California before the spanish/american war, but they saw little use for the inland areas (possibly due to lack of mining equipment? I dont remember) and mainly stayed near the coast, which is why you see so many AZTLAN old blood mainly living along the coast rather than inland
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just gonna head to the in and out store and grab a starbucks one today
I've noticed that anytime people lash out at someone, there is a very good chance that they are projecting insecurities
Like it's uncanny how often this happens and how often I catch myself doing it
british people talk funny. i think even they know this
Thanks anon!
I need to visit one of these mission sites
Irish people talk even funnier
I fucking hate this and noticed a lot more places don't display the price anymore. Independent convenience stores do this a lot where I live and I really wish 7/11 or someone else would put them out of business.
your mom talks funnier
they cant pronounce the 'ck' in schedule, its quite cute
Going to the dispensary makes me feel embarrassed to smoke weed. Why can't weed smokers just be normal
Not legal in my state
We speak well good innit
You know we went to war with Spain in 1898, which isn't that long ago
50,000 Spaniards dead to American arms
Apparently the British pronunciation is "sheh-jool" rather than "skeh-jool"

But to be honest I think a lot of young Brits would say "skeh-jool" because we watch/listen to American movies, TV, YouTube, music, etc.
shed-ule vs sked-jew-rool
Also ginger beer and lime.
Feel bad for the 19 Americans killed during our invasion of Grenada in the 1980s
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Lyonnaise potatoes
didnt ask
I feel bad for the nuns and guatemallans who were slaughtered by the contras that reagan kept funding
I haven't heard any scandals involving the CIA in a while, are they still doing evil shit on the scale they were before and we just don't know about it yet?
phwoar! looks good
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who do you think orchestrated the east palestine trainwreck?
hello. please give me (You)s.
they stopped after they collapsed the Soviet union
chinga tu madre wey
>pre soviet union collapse
stuffed turkey burgers on pretzel buns and kugel for lunch
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Women want me
why would they kill their own citizens
just sneezed bigly
what channels did you watch back in the days of cable?
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*hits blunt*
cartoon network, comedy central, scifi, and sometimes the history channel
cartoon network, nickelodeon, discovery (back when it was good)
I was born in 2004
Yeah, to go away!
food network, cartoon network, National Geographic
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>I was born in 04
we should remove mexico they dont even post here, they have their own general
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Who /2006/ here?
sexo con cum
Your thoughts on Dauphinoise potatoes?
What would the name be
I was already in middle school, you fucking zoomer
/cum/ - Canada, United states and Maghreb
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rate my hospital food
Why do redditors always say "let people enjoy things" when you slightly criticize something? Why does anyone not enjoying something mean anyone else can't enjoy it? I don't even mind if I enjoy something for the exact same reasons that someone else hates it.
I dont care what redditors say because I dont use reddit
it'll do
redditors are busybodies
looks good
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the supreme court ruling has oakland already destroying homeless camps along the freeway
What do you mean by that?
What ruling
supreme court says its illegal to be homeless now, or to even sleep in your car you can get arrested or fine
Sitting in the park by myself like a loser
I think you might be stretching the truth of this decision, as there are still many homeless people where I live
cant mind their own business and have to enforce imaginary rules in order to boost their own egoa and feel like they're in control and have the authority to tell others what to do and how to behave
tell them its illegal
whatcha doing there?
Have you ever had them? They taste very good
>Gratin dauphinois is made with thinly sliced raw potatoes and cream, cooked in a buttered dish rubbed with garlic; cheese is sometimes added.
yeah honestly i'm not really sure what the decision said. i'm just going off what people said
I deserve to die
dont wanna be that one faggot that one ups other people's suffering but you could be sitting in the hospital alone like a loser plus chilling at the park by yourself is by no means a loser thing to do
Lucky I asked you to elaborate instead of being retarded like you, eh
Just watching people and cars go by, this is the only day of the week I go outside
i guess. i'm probably still right though
no you dont
>chilling at the park by yourself is by no means a loser thing to do
How so
your probably wrong
i doubt it
I jerked off really hard yesterday and I still feel exhausted and lightheaded
you replied to the wrong post because im not what you called me
Are you a woman
see >>199976172
you are not a redditor so you are not a loser
Turkey would destroy your country in a one-on-one fight. Why are you even here?
dumbass you know nothing about identifying women
I'm a trans woman
I think the max I've jacked off in a single day is 3 times and I only did it once. I can't imagine how people do more than that
Duncan trussel is a soyboy, idk how anyone finds him funny or entertaining
I have reddit account however
Imo anything past 5 in a day is just for show
I've been jerking off so much lately that the chemicals in my head make me feel drunk
It isn't even pleasant anymore
3 times a day is regular for me
or severe addiction
id destroy you in a 1v1 pussyfaggot
do better anon
Sensible post

Moronic post
Help me be better
I would put you in a headlock and then dunk you into a vat of acid.
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looks like a different guy
i need a cast iron skillet
dont use reddit
play sports
watch baseball and anime
i would grab you by the neck with one hand and slam dunk you into a pool of lava
have you considered purchasing one
nah my roommate has one
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part 2
I'm gonna hire a caravan of gypsies to steal your cast iron items
I hate working so much bros
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my left pinky hurts. you guyse told me that ups was gonna be shit and it kind of is.
ill kill them all on my own with my bare hands and then send an Australian hitman to cross you out
go on.....
(what is that?)
Are you a package handler
You're union right
chickie tendie but round
I'm gonna corrode the stability of the geopolitical status quo and then your whole region will be plunged into chaos
yea im the package handler
Make that bread nigga
i will not continue executing my master plan against (((them))) any further and leave the US to it's course to destruction
what did they have you doing? loading the trailers?
get fucked
You know you shouldn't eat food wrapped in newspaper because the ink is bad for you?
loading trucks yea
I'm a malicious stupid useless eater, and I deserve to be punished
does it matter at this point considering where im at...
i worked at fedex before and all of my coworkers were rude crackheads
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Taking care of your health matters even more, considering where you're at
anon you dont understand
its over for me
Then you better stop giving people advice in this thread
there was a smell of weed coming from one of the gates here. delivery drivers must have it better
Sometimes there's this fedex driver on my route who speeds every time has shows up and blasts music so loud you can hear it from the basement with the windows closed.
on the contrary i should be giving as much as i can before i cant
yes delivery drivers are almost human compared to package handlers
What would you do to me if I was the person you hated most and I was tied down in a room and completely at your mercy?
What's wrong with you, then? Physically speaking
harry potter movies marathon and rape
how about you stop being a smartass?
You would rape the person you hated most? I guess Slavs just think of rape as for the other person's harm, instead for their own pleasure
dont wanna talk about it bud
"autism can be reversed" says scientist/s whos doing that for some reason or whatever
i did some things today but will post about them later
what if the person i hate most is a hot woman
Post about them on /brit/
Why are there no Mexicans in here? I'm a newGOD
idk. i guess i'd make you fill out surveys online for money
but i mean yeah rape for my own pleasure thats weird i wouldnt enjoy raping someone
I never even considered that possibility
some chicanos are known to post here. mex flags pop in every other day
any crack fiends here looking for that rock
make you ride a bike to generate electricity
I would probably enjoy both of these things more than my current life. Fuck you
Why are 2D women more attractive than 3D women
so is it that you become my most hated person or each of us adjust their answer based on who their personal most hated is
what would you do anyways?
brazilbro get on sm64
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bizarre post
i just woke up, i can get on but i wont be playing yet
last time i made myself a meal was about a month ago
I would be split in two, since the person I hate most is myself.
The version of me tied up would have all my bad qualities, and the version that is free would have all my good qualities. I'm not sure what would happen after that
i had to google that and its funny how you dont know im the designated thread hater of faggots
you would kill your bad self and continue living life as a perfect human being
if you're american what's your excuse for not being a wholesome big chungus aryan beast like nate from the outdoor boys youtube channel?
I'm going to inject you with antifreeze
But murder is evil. You see the problem here? My good self would have my bad self at it's mercy, but since it would only be able to do good things, it wouldn't be able to commit murder
My parents didn't raise me right
i don't really want to be fat. i have patience, the current state of 400lb 5 foot bald men being sex gods will eventually end.
How evil is it to seek out and watch gore?
like 40 minutes
more pathetic than evil imo
can i play?
You feel pathos for someone who watches people die horrible deaths?
Not that evil but not good.
you said good qualities and a potential good quality is manning up and destroying evil (i dont mean kys)
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everyone betrayed me (again)
yeah anybody can join
/CUM/BROS join - Super Mario 64 coop
password: intcum

anyone wants to join download opengl version extract and run then drag and drop the sm64 rom file
I wish the people in charge of making trailers were more involved in making the actual movies. Many times I see a really cool trailer and the movie itself is not cool.
You don't get it. Watch Star Trek:TOS S01E05, "The Enemy Within" or alternatively, this short recap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12tMVK42yQg
In a transporter accident, Kirk is split into two versions of himself
Who invited Mexico to this general
sorry what's the second link for?
alright i'll try joining
Same someone ITT reported my "I'm trans btw" post, wtf?
the link to the rom, you need it to play
ill start hosting
that's the rom downloads site, just look up super mario 64 and download the USA version
Lot of Mexico slander ITT
Next thread should have a cool Mexican image in the OP
cant im in a predicament
almost 64 defence so i have that prayer in a minute and then the prayer after that at 70 defence
then just drop it into the opengl folder?
i'm stuck on the joining screen
when I die I want my ashes smuggled into the US to spite them one last time
things i never lose:
>my cigarettes (rolled)
>the will to have a wank
>the fear of not wanking
>kicking ass fights
>dick penis
how the fug does multiplayer mario 64 work
let's try later when brazil bro is on
open the exe and drop it into the window
close it and reopen
no, just open the exe and drop it in the window, it will tell you, you need to get the rom out of the zip
James Tiberius Kirk is my hero. Picard is gay
I want a job working for the glowies but I'd have to either move to the east coast (puke) or be a veteran
Someday there will be no /cum/
extreme paintball veteran
private lobby pass doesn't work
is the server opened? getting no lobbies found
gimme a second
says failed to import
try now
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did you extracted it out of the zip? rom file should look like this
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I see the 4 man lobby but
i'm getting failed to connect too, what did you do last time that fixed it?
yeah idk why
ok i managed to connect after runnning the exe as adminstrator
close and reopen, I already had someone able to join
Just wait when it says connecting

yea i'm in

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