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Do you get hospitalized for overdosing on heroin in your country?
cute soft hands :3
It's nothing
nice to see you're still alive
In hindsight that's the triway not the cannula.
I retract my post.
I have stopped going to the doctors, they don’t want to help and even if you pester them long enough to where they relent they can’t do shit about your problem anyway.

Fuck them and their racket
drugs are for faggots who can't live while being sober, die unhuman beings.
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yeah but on top of that I lose 42k euros like a true bartard :")
I doubt I will have this kind of money in 10 years from now if I will be alive until then
Didn't you already get hospitalised this year?
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idk what the fuck I was sold by the gypsies, probably black tar heroin, I underestimated it and took around 500-600mg in around 6-8 hours and I most likely had benzos in my system so I slept for around 18 hours and then I couldn't move, talk, do anything so I was hospitalized, given naloxone just in case and stayed for around 5 days
this is most likely zenes.Good luck bro,get well.
btw I've had blood tests and upper and lower abdomen ultrasound 2 weeks later and everything seems normal
I don't think zenes have reached us yet, it's mostly a thing in the UK from what I know
This was my first time trying heroin (I've tried oxycodone xr before but just 200mg in total), tramadol and codeine, idk what the fuck I was sold by the gypsies for 9 euros per g as I said but it looks like low quality black tar heroin? Now I take Wellbutrin which still needs its time to start working and tapering off benzos to be sober in order to proceed with my autism and/or schizoid diagnosis

I already have taken a WAIS-IV IQ test which showed a score of 107 so I have this in hand because the psychiatrist that will probably diagnose me said it would help with the diagnosis
What are all the domains of the WAIS-IV?
I did but that was for a benzos and alcohol overdose, which wasn't as serious and didn't nearly kill me
imagine injecting into your veins something that probably was smuggled in in someone's asshole
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On August 1st I will hopefully be completely benzo free but I will then have to deal with the idea of being sober (except the Wellbutrin which doesn't get you high of course), everything is closed here on August in general because they go for vacations so I will have to be patient and wait until late August or early September to hopefully start the process of the diagnosis

I could take 75mg pregabalin on my own twice a week on August, it wouldn't hurt, it would be like drinking a beer or something like that, it's a small dose in general

but this hurts like a lot
Are you better now?
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what do you mean by domains? I've seen abroad they give people a list of scores or whatever but what I was given is like 5 pages of how I performed and it states that I had to take the 10 tests out of the total 15 because the rest 5 weren't needed

I didn't inject it, I smoked some of it and snorted the rest, and I doubt they smuggle it in people's assholes, they bring it by loads from the Middle East but what I got for 9 euros looks like shit most likely, usually heroin is grey or light grey or white (#4), or black if it's black tar heroin which seems to be the case here especially for this price range
Thankfully yes, I was having memory issues and couldn't remember my own name for a few days but now I'm starting to feel more normal. I haven't used H since
no, heroin is a thirdie problem
we are on nitazenes and karfentanil
Don't forget to go to a specialist to check for any brain damage just in case as you told me
why is/was fentanyl a problem in Estonia? I've read that it was a problem in the 2000s, who smuggled it and was it cut into heroin or sold uncut?
I mean it was probably because of the post USSR era economy I guess
it was a problem because we couldn't get heroin or poppies anymore, someone had this great business idea to get fentanyl from china and soon it was discovered that it was even better business (stronger means easier to smuggle, doesn't have to be smuggled from afganistan etc).
now our police managed to get fentanyl to pretty low at some point few years ago so businessmen moved to even stronger stuff that's even easier to smuggle and possibly to produce, I don't know nuthing about chemistry.
anyway once a stronger substance takes hold of the market you don't really get back to the lighter stuff.
looking forward to the next substances that like can kill you from amount you can't even see being in the next room to you or something haha.
Thank God
that's what is happening in the North America and currently in the UK, in the UK it's nitazenes and in NA it's a mix of fent and nitazene analogues mixed with xylazine (horse tranquillizer )and research chemical benzos (mostly bromazolam)

they just put random strong stuff inside and make new recipes
Damn...such a waste of the hospital's time and resources...I fucking hate junkies so much
yeah we are at the forefront in the world when it comes to opioid crisis metamorphosis for some reason.
but I haven't heard of tranq being a thing here, this seems to be an american exclusive currently.
It's claimed that the Taliban have banned most of the production of poppies in Afghanistan but I have my doubts about that and even if that's that true, Iran exists and has probably already stepped in and increased its heroin production along with Turkey
expected the greek flag
I was hospitalized around the same time with the Paraguanon lmao but he definitely overdosed, I don't know about my case but I might overdosed as well
>choose to buy chemicals that are know to cause death
>choose to inject said chemicals into your body
>almost die from said chemicals that are known fto cause death
>dont die
>"yeah man that shit is nasty, never again"
Druggies disgust me. They should be exempt from any kind of healthcare.
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>>choose to buy chemicals that are know to cause death
>>choose to inject said chemicals into your body
>>almost die from said chemicals that are known fto cause death
>>dont die
>>"yeah man that shit is nasty, never again"
>Druggies disgust me. They should be exempt from any kind of healthcare.
Wellbutrin makes people more insufferable.
You shouldnt hate trannies druggie. They are also addicted to meds and have similar death rates.
The way it works in the modern political industrial climate is if there isn't enough of a demand then it gets less government attention and funding. Junkies in other words may help attract more government funding to healthcare.
wish you died
I kinda wish I did too. It felt very peaceful and I didn't feel any pain at all
please stay safe greek and paraguay anon!
+1 for pregabalin
Wtf..doing hard drugs is le good now!
>couldn't move, talk, do anything
how did you get to the hospital? You managed to call an ambulance? Not doubting I'm just wondering
how so? the psychiatrist wanted to prescribe me an SSRI but I told them about the many side effects I've read they have and if you're not lucky enough to find one that works well for you the first time, you have to try at least 2-3 of them to find one and each one needs at least 5-6 weeks to start working while Wellbutrin needs half this time I think and also gives you some energy boost, but it's still early

I love pregabalin, I used to abuse it a lot but I don't anymore, I feel like I've built some perma tolerance to it due to the big/huge doses I used to take but I can easily feel 75mg/150mg and it's better than alcohol and you can feel it until the next day
my family called an ambulance pf
I am not sure if I overdosed or what, I just remember that I slept the whole day basically and then the ambulance and then the hospital an
and then the hospital and I was told I was given naloxone (just in case I guess, I don't remember if I told the doctors that I took heroin, only bromazolam and flubromazepam but this was many many hours before I took the heroin but I am dumb because flubromazepam lasts forever)
Oh I see, didn't expect you to live with family
Well I'm glad they did
how's being a jeet doctor like
do you still have sterilization quota or was it just a meme?
Man you keep buying that black tar gypsy heroin this is the 10th time I've seen you post it, or your brain is really fried.
i know, i'm the anon with a 200mg lyrica script
last night i got ridiculously fucked up, lyrica and weed and took 320mg of DXM after 2 years not taking it. i called a girl and i couldnt form a single coherent complete sentence hahaha
I am getting sober now both because I am tired of my situation and because I need to get sober in order to start the process of diagnosis of autism and/or schizoid personality disorder, I hope Wellbutrin is going to work somehow well the next weeks
Nigga are you taking all the schizo rants posted here seriously? Lol.
best of luck homer, i'm like 95% sober but it's the random weekends like today where i decide to get fucking obliterated that end up fucking up my rhythm in life
how is DXM? I see we have it here but it needs a prescription, funnily enough pregabalin/gabapentin/baclofen don't need one and pregabalin out of them is by far the best but is somehow addictive

There are documentaries about lyrica addiction if you've not seen them



The psychiatrist that wanted to prescribe me an SSRI but prescribed me the Wellbutrin literally told me that "lyrica isn't addictive" which is total bullshit and that's why I have some doubts about this psychiatrist, I don't plan seeing them forever though, I will see them a second time at least in a few days and maybe a third time max and then I have another psychiatrist that specializes in developmental disorders which is what has been concerning me for over a year now
dude I literally won and lost 42k euros ($45.000) while in heavy doses of bromazolam and flubromazepam, I don't know how I am still sane, it might seem like a small amount but it could somehow turn my life around and I could invest half of it and study something or whatever with the other half

that stupid casino had a weekly max withdrawal limit of 2k euros per week which means it would take me 106 days to withdraw all of it while all the other casinos I've seen easily let you withdraw like 5k euros per day, fucking cunts and fucking benzos, I didn't even stop when I dropped to 20k euros and be like "well I lost half of it, it's fine, I will be able to withdraw all of it in 10 weeks", I literally lost it all.
Good luck anon, I'm cheering for you
haha wow you guys managed to:
>keep cartel in business so they can behead more people and create more misery
>give money to gypsies
>waste time and resources at hospital
that's craazy haha hope you guys keep yourself safe very soon
I am a very pessimistic person and if it's one of them or both of them idk what I am going to do, my self confidence will drop below zero but I need to know what's wrong with me
dxm is basically the drug equivalent of booting up a game like cruelty squad or one of those other trippy fps in real life. crazy headspace, visual dissociation, moving like a marionette, incredible internal hallucinations. you can see with your eyes closed. 8/10 crazy time but i used to be addicted and it gets shitty really fast so dont touch it
holy shit
don't know if i should be impressed or mad
are you just a poker shark?
I just got super lucky with 50 euros and 250 free spins without wagering in a shitty shady casino out of the thousands that there are outside there

If it happened to a casino that would let me withdraw 5k euros everyday I don't think I would lose any of it, I would withdraw minimum 30k but whatever, I can't change things now and I also need to stop gambling/slots/blackjack.
>pulled on a hookah 3 times at a friend's birthday party
>got drunk like 4 times in my life
>diet coke whenever I drink at a restaurant
>some propophol when I had a stomach inspection.

rate my drug history
I just wasn't thinking clearly to be honest because of fucking benzos, I hate them now
I got diagnosed with adhd not that long ago and the doctor also recommended autism tests, I attempted sewer slide with meds and I think I got something bigger triggered from those as well that I haven't gotten diagnosed yet (that all is to say I feel you)

But personally I didn't ever think it's something super shameful because you don't choose to have any of those things it's mostly genetics + bad luck, and at least you can get help

At the end of the day, even if you have a major thing going on, you're still you, and you can still have a decent life and be a good person and I think that's mostly all that matters

I think it's a sign of diligence and strength to get things tested and treated if there is something going on, too

Especially since you'll have to get clean from drugs before that as well, which is in itself an impressive feat

There's probably people here that will come call me some kind of soycuck libtard for these opinions but don't bother with people like that
>gambling addiction with heroin/benzo addiction
jesus christ bro
should do some real coke instead, fffuuaark god i miss cocaine thats a fuckin proper drug right there
will ruin your life though
here the word "autistic" is usually used as an insult, we're very backwards in general compared to the western world and especially in whatever has to do with mental health
Anon, he browses 4chan and does drugs, he already is brain damaged
it was my first time trying what was supposed to be heroin (probably was)
I wouldn't call it benzo addiction, more like addictive personality which I somehow have to find a solution for

But I really have no things to do in general, I just watch random documentaries about stuff I find interesting on youtube especially from the previous decades but also about the drug epidemic in NA but in other places as well like West Africa, I generally watch documentaries as I said and don't even attempt to watch any movie or series because I know I will get bored instantly

But I feel like I've gotten a bit bored of documentaries as well because I've watched too many of them, I need to find new stuff to watch

I also like geography

Very specific interests which concern me about the upcoming possible ASD diagnosis
you should make a youtube channel
I browse 4chan (unfortunately, I need to cut it off as well) and I've been doing drugs for 4 years and I scored 107 IQ on WAIS-IV which is above average in my country (90.77 according to most sources), 107 IQ isn't anything to boast about really but just saying, could I have this IQ and also have brain damage? I have no idea
I don't like taking photos/videos of myself let alone reveal myself into the digital world lmao, no thanks

I feel like I would like to be a documentary producer or part of a team that produces documentaries that show the harsh reality of the world but that's just a dream
you should go to audiobookbay and pirate audiobooks,they have so many fantastic audiobooks its perfect for neets. like im talking the entire bibliography of nietzsche is up there to listen to
You're going to get HIV.
you will love it brah, I really like it
And fuckers blame "BruHzIlLiAn WaR CriMeS" for the fact that their country is shit

but yes, we do have a drug problem too, tho it's more crack and cocaine than heroin
it's useless to have such a high IQ if you can't make coherent thoughts most of the time
he said it in detail doe so it seems plausible
>buying drugs from a gypsy
It's over
I've tried 3 different batches of ketamine (both S and R) and 2-FDCK and I really didn't like the feeling much

I don't think I ever k holed which might be why, I would like to try PCP because of its reputation but I am going sober now and PCP is pretty rare except in some cities in the US for some reason, I know there are RC analogues of PCP though
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>bromazolam and flubromazepam
How the hell do junkies always manage to remember, pronounce and spell these weird ass names? These sound like some Harry Potter ass spells, but then some barely conscious dopehead will still namedrop what hes taken like it's nothing
it was either from gypsies or going in the city center (Omonoia) and look for a dealer and I chose the first one which might have been the wrong choice lol
I hate trannies as much as the next guy but I think them injecting hormones is entirely different from a drug addiction
Dunno about ketamine, never tried it, but from what I know the effect is more mellow than the full dissociation of ketamine. I find it fun.
>so dont touch it
greekanon has already done tar heroin, getting into dxm would be a great stepup
107 IQ isn't really considered that high, it's just above average and the average IQ of Japan which has the highest average IQ in the world

I messed up a few times through the test but overall I did fine I guess and I wasn't taking benzos that time (I've only taken 75mg of pregabalin) before the test for the anxiolytic effects and because I used to take it every other day the period I took that IQ test

they are benzodiazepines that were discovered in the 1960s but never marketed for who knows what reasons, clonazolam and flubromazolam for example weren't marketed because of their potency and because they are very amnesic, I don't know how and why they marketed drugs like halcion and flunitrazepam (rohypnol), especially the latter because it's a classic date rape drug and highly abusable
I also wonder if my drug use/abuse the last 4 years have affected my intelligence and to what extent

I definitely feel dumber and dumber as time passes
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my country's average IQ is 90.77 so Greeks are quite dumb (duh)
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Yeah but I just mean how do people remember what the hell these are called, those names are total nonsense. Like this was some Finnish dude who went traveling and streamed a lot of it, dude is barely awake and still lists that shit in his hand like he works at a pharmacy https://a.cockfile.com/RAPKoM.mp4
it's just autism I guess, very specific interests which unfortunately in my case turned out to be about drugs (and documentaries and geography and a bit of history) and I don't know how to forget what I know about them, I am not an expert on drugs but I would definitely like to forget whatever I know about them and be a normie if possible but I know this just can't happen

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