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LimeWire edition

Threads claimed by The Threadmeister today: 2
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It's over for Rorke

Pic related
did you check the catalog?
We don't stan datesluts here lad
Limewire, eh? Lots of stuff on that Limewire. Lots of stuff.
was nothing there on my machine
either way you shared yours at 309
it's ripe for deletion
system of a down - ocarina of time.mp3
was posted at 310, actually
Seeing an Irish lass atm and she's basically grown up on a pete bog without social media and not having seen loads of films and that. Properly clueless about most stuff, but in a good way mostly. Is it really like that over there?
>Puberty blocker curb has not led to suicide rise – review
tranny poster imploding into a black hole
those who can count realise it wasn't though mate
Another weekend wasted then?
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just seen a little monkey feller eating salad with a knife and fork oh my days hahaha
any bible bashers care to enlighten me?
i've got a chronic illness so i have no option but to waste it
No, mate, no. As mentioned, hovel cleaned, and tomorrow will be at mummy's for lunch.
Might even fit in a pre-lunch run, get the appetite up.
For me, it's the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins.
I mean it's clearly a atheistic parody of Christianity
probably some fat lonely game designer
let me guess, it's some sort of made up mental illness
keep getting sweat rash on my ankle from wearing thick socks all day at work, then panicking that it's scabies
i have brain damage and can't sleep nor feel calm
*pushes you up against the wall*
*looks at you intently*
*kisses you passionately*
tasty...i want more...
*blows my rape whistle*
your thread is shit and you should feel bad
send them all back i say
*chins you straight into a coma*
those trees look shit. is this a nintendo ds game?
jesus christ be praised, henry
Huh, ok
why is this medieval soldier speaking in modern english?
Are you black?
They look well better than that if you're not playing on a toaster.
oh my science
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what word?
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if i write it i get a three-dayer
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luv wimmen with curly hair
This is fucking hot
Had a Geography teacher in secondary school that looked like this...
I don't remember this episode of corrie
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let me guess
Actually going to kill myself when the Xbox 360 store closes down
Its like a part of my soul will close down with it.

I will never be the same person after this event.

I have 9 days to buy as many Xbox 360 games as possible and then i will kill myself.
grow up
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The Chase
The Rape
The Pillage
Don't tell me what to do
i'm gay arse rape
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why does british chinese food look so horrible

haven't had a chinese in 2024 thus far, me
janny janny you're so fine
you're so fine you blow my mind
hey janny
uh uh
hey janny
Imagine if Bradley Walsh went back in time to 19th Century Edinburgh and got stuck there and had to make a living as a graverobber and then was cutting out people's urinary tracts and whatnot to sell to nutty professors doing urology research and then he tries to go public as a firm called Bradders' Bladders but that just draws attention and the police realise he's the one who's disturbed hundreds of graves over the prior few years and he gets arrested and shipped off to the penal colonies and dies in obscurity in New South Wales? That'd be mad af that
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it's just carbs
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feel like SHIT
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>IDF fighter jets target oil refining facilities, energy infrastructure in Yemen's Hodeidah
Al-Masirah published footage alleging to show the aftermath of strikes on the refinery.
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dinner? sorted
Need this as an ITV drama.
honestly, correth spaiffings
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>correth spaiffings
Right Honourable Member for Aberdeen North?
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imagine eating this good
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indian food is leagues ahead of chinese food
i'm not allowed to run in a general election
the one on the right got blacked
the one in the middle kinda looks like kids doll
tastes like 50 shades of beige and sugar
my ancestor
been posting in the wrong thread like a reet cunt
Chinese food in this country is absolutely abysmal, simultaneously tasteless and unhealthy in the most American sense of the word (synthetic flavour-enhancers aplenty). Sad that my countrymen are so inured to being served shit quality food that they gobble it up like starved little piglings
Charles Veitch youtube video
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just ordered all of these
Just ordered a chinky
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well yea a black mans plaything after all
sneaky de lads.
herro I am your take array prease do not eat me even if I am dericious haha
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Have it on good authority that Diego is secretly working on a revival of snooker-based quiz show Big Break
nasty whore
He's a fool, John Virgo won't return!
lovely chebs
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Please get the GET for the King, tomorrow, 1 o'clock' in the afternoon.
(I have insider info, so please don't mention it anywhere else)
How can we defeat racism?
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imagine not liking a chinky
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I have never had a bean other than baked beans
When people mock us for having beans with breakfast I'm incredulous because I don't even know what other type of bean there is
its Friday deeeeeeeeennnnnnnn
its saturday sunday what?
Why should everything be healthy? Sounds boring.
she's deluded if she thinks she doesn't look british to begin with
I would fornicate with this blue female
yeah would tbqh
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you what
Went to the football but can't really remember what happened cause I was disassociating the entire time
send them all home
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you've BEAN done m8 haha
lad...there was no football today
drove my brother home last week and the BO is still in the fucking car
he's such a stinky cunt i stg
Who? The racists?
Ask your host for invitation before settling in his country. Don't just ask the jewish bankers making the laws, with the clear intent of killing the unity of the local working class.
Too skinny.
no, the brown invaders
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feeling extremely anxious recently
flee every auschwitz redo
frenchman exclaiming "au revoir"
fatty eating a ratatouille
face each adverse reality
frowning emoji after reply
fit e-girls are rapeable
figs eaten after ripening
there has in Scotland
don't worry lad, I often forge that scotch 'people' share our beloved /brit/ with us
Going for a chippy with my gay dad
There was
youre having bean for a laugh
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I know things. I'm currently at sub-quark level enlightenment.
i don't if i'm still just suffering from the effects of my constipation or if i'm genuinely ill but i do not feel right at all
really shaky and lightheaded
hope i don't die all full of poo
gwan lad get yer sosij battered by the big man waheeeyyy
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His career was ruined by the scandal and he hasn’t wrestled in a single match since.
What's all that green shit?
drinking rum
sir elton on a mad one
Wanked myself into erectile dysfuntion
Desperately need to stop
seagull poo
Sounds like a punk song
How many cans are we deep lads?
how does it even happen?
I don't even know
think I might have prostate cancer and a twisted bollock though as well though tbf
That's an option. But you have to have good relations with their country, like, not having invaded them recently. Else, they tell you to get fucked. (we have that problem with Algeria)

Also what we do with friendly countries, is we send back 3 immigrants who killed french children. But it's too expensive (plane costs, cameras, 50 journalists, massive communication campaigns, security for the Interior Minister who obviously has to be there each time, etc)
>After the British Army surrended at Kut (in modern day Iraq), in April 1916, the Ottomans forced the British POWs to embark upon a brutal "death march" to POW camps in Anatolia, during which the prisoners were forced to march under the scorching hot sun while being deprived of water, food and medical care while constantly being whipped by the Kurdish and Arab tribesmen the Ottoman state had hired to guard them; those who faltered on the "death march" were shot on the spot.[89][101]
>In the evening, the men on the death march were given biscuits to eat and water to drink. The only reason why the guards kept their charges alive was to rape them and during the course of the death march all of the POWs were repeatedly gang-raped

>According to the book 'Battle on the Tigris' by Ron Wilcox, Officers reported stories of 'young solders of the Hampshire and Norfolk [regiment] being repeatedly buggered by Turkish soldiers and sick men being buried by the road while still alive'.

>One Australian who after return from captivity in 1921 went on a mad spree in Launceston (Tasmania) which ended with his taking his own life with a pistol. When the inquest was held his former commanding officer came from melbourne to give evidence ad stated that he had been "due to his youth and appearance, a particuar subject of foul abuses by certain Turkish guards."
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My mate honestly thought it was all part of a storyline at first
That looks peng to be honest
>Twisted teen killer: How warped 16-year-old boy murdered baby in messy Derbyshire flat before smirking and swearing in chilling police interview despite shaking tot so hard he suffered whiplash

Watching White Gold
the inbetweeners guys just act like their inbetweeners characters and don’t know if I like/find funny the main deano character yet
Seems pretty formulaic for that period of british comedy
one bockle of ale and a whisky sour thus far lad
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this week's hitchens

>PETER HITCHENS: Sacking old peers will lead to President Blair getting a 21-gun salute

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might as well just plop your hand in a bucket of msg and lick it off your palm
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israel moving on to the next leg of their genocide i see
Get the lizards out as well
yea tell me bout it
After years of transcental meditation, I have finally reached entitlement. I see the fnords, and all that I deserved.
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I don't believe it
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yeah thanks for that one NoContextDickhead
would need a 12 inch mandingo meat missile at full erection to get past her cheeks
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>pooner experienced 30 seconds as a male
Kys clueless cunt
Hitchens, Blair hasn't been Prime Minister in 17 years. It's time to get over it.
*works Diego into a shoot*
Genuinely bothers me that Turks didn’t suffer more of a humiliation after WWI after centuries of attacking Europe
How do you buy booze in a shop without feeling like a disgusting alchie
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the white-browed tit-warbler
There's no such thing as the Turkish race. They mutted themselves out of existence
i buy a 4-pack of san miguel from the same girl every friday evening after work
reckon she looks forward to our brief interactions
probably the highlight of her week
Paul-Claude RACAMIER
Become a disgusting alchie, then instead of merely 'feeling' like one you'll actually be one.
petite women with flat chests and no pubes. Mmmm
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oh you're a woke
Chest day is the best day.
Deranged boomer
rotate through about 5 different shops through the week so each thinks i’m buying a normal amount of boozeberg and not going in each day to them
also get albanians on a bike to deliver me some from time to time
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at the top looks like adam and eve with archangel michael
bottom is Mary Magdalene washing the feet of Christ with her tears at the house of Simon
I’m unironically going to put a bullet in my brain if trump wins, I can’t take this shit anymore
israel dropped a tactical nuke in yemen

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>a tactical nuke
calm down
grim that they're all cheering on this absurd waste of human life
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grow up
feeling depressed
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Fuck yimmy gon do?
wish i was pounding ye men right now
same haha
That's not a nuke
would love to suck a cock right now
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meet you at tickle cock bridge for a bit of hows your father
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
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His mate is the new janny who bans everyone
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shieeeet nyigguh
reckon israel should bomb saudi arabia next
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why did you or whoever add the tranny part?
leftypol on the ropes
I edited a picture to make this picture >>199973957
Of course the narcissist was the bald white male. And the "golden child" was his white son.
Now it's the bitchy sister.
Mossad BTFO.
Thought we weren't supposed to look back in anger
6pm beers are upon us
*does a little dance*
*does a little dance*
I'm a black gay actor in the theatre. By day, I'm in Othello. by night, I'm in a fella
They edited it after this screenshot
FBI told them to remove that fact to put off copycats
how is it 6 o clock
where has the day gone i wonder
He was a republican.
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Wonder Woman's stunt double, some interesting tattoos she's got.
up your bum!!!!
The (happy) Merchant of Venice. Saw that in a posh theatre and I was not ready.

He only registered republican to vote for Nikki Haley at the primary. He's a leftist
Why though
hiiii baby
which one is the most interesting
Just witnessed political discussion outside of /pol/ and conspiracy posting outside of /x/
rorke cope
Absolutely BASED

President Sir Tony Blair of the United Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


strange people these yemenes

Because he hated Trump. Come on, join the dots up slowpoke
another round of bans incoming
*punches the /brit/ baby in the head*
yemene yamal
If the murder of 40,000 - 180,000 Palestinians is a genocide, then what term can possibly be used to describe the murder of over 1,000,000,000 beings every single day?

Infant lambs, taken from their crying mothers to be slaughtered for brief human pleasure.
Pigs - smarter than dogs - kept in cages where they can't stand or move their entire lives - branded with burning irons, then electrocuted to death for human enjoyment.

Cows, which should live 30 years, are kept raped and pregnant in the same manner as illegal puppy farms, they are hooked to milking machines, their children denied their milk, babies killed for veal.

The dairy cow lives only 3-4 years before dying from their injuries from being constantly raped, forced to birth, forced to give milk, or from refusing to eat due to mental trauma.

Chickens, even "free range" have their beaks cut off with a hot knife to stop them pecking themselves to death to escape the torture of being kept in cramped hellish conditions. Most "free range" chickens never see the sun.

Male chicks are macerated - thrown live into a blender as they're no use for laying eggs.
The RSPCA claims this is humane and instantly fatal, but hundreds of films by animal rights groups taken secretly shown such chicks surviving hours after being mangled and blended.

This is the standard practice of the meat industry. By eating meat, dairy or eggs you support the above acts.

Footage taken secretly from UK farms just last month shows piglets being beaten with hammers until they seizure, for the entertainment of the farm workers.
Male chicks thrown at walls or stomped on until dead.
Cattle punched and shocked with high strength electrocution rods for no reason other than farm workers joy at watching the animals pain and suffering.

This never makes the news. Ask why.
The RSPCA promises to take action when animal abuse is filmed - but this only means stripping RSPCA affiliation for a year with no actual enforced improvements.
another round of cans incoming
Picking my nose
How bent is that ffs
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Wish I was born a rich thirdie
another round of flans incoming
I think you know
sun drives people mental. my granddad served in Aden in the 50s and it only rained once in 9 months. not good for a Yorkshire man
Just got a pack of Brewdog Wingman because someone here said it was good. Doesn't taste like beer at all.
dont care still voting MEAT
ireland is just a cupboard that silicion valley stores their money in
another round of cans incoming
don't care still voting حزب العيش والحرية
another round of plans incoming
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And that's a good thing. I want a comfy IT job
Screaming, can't believe I made you buy that shite
>sessionable IPA
I genuinely hate anybody who describes beer as "sessionable"

I say this as someone who likes pale ales
I'm voting for والت ديزني !!
Donald J. Trump
Do you enjoy the sounds of animals dying? The sight of their throats being slit? The smell of their decaying carcases? Or is it just the eating of their corpse that gives you pleasure?

Why do you normalise finding pleasure from murder when it comes to taste, but not for your other senses? Hypocrite.
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another round of dans incoming
that obama creature
loathsome individual
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even the kid from jurassic park is a tranny now wtf
This is why you have no mates.
I'm applying to work at a pig farm. Will let you know if workers get to hit them with hammers.
you won't get one
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Chud face
Glad Jay Slater is not alive to see Israel bombing more brown people
british niggas be like 'oh yeh its flying ant day' like its completely normal
Can you unfunny dickheads stay out of /cric/
Don't need you lot talking about me there. Keep it here
Are you inventing people to get mad at again rorke?
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wanking myself to this post, give me another one for a climax
*goes into /cric/*
>set my height as 5'7" on hinge
>matches are few and far between
>set height to 6'0"
>suddenly get loads of matches
>Mellow tropical fruits, piney notes and sharp citrus aroma
sounds like fag booze, but then again i like that sort of thing soo000
feeling very greedy and contemplating breaking my diet with mcgoyslop
Trying to stay sober for a week but its boring
Fun ant fact: only female ants fly.
Inferior malecucks have to wait down in the dirt while their Queens leave them.
I wouldn't. Miserable shithole of a general, even worse than this.
Get (a clue)
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Could maybe do with cutting down on the pies
I'll drink to that
would love to crawl up her arse and see what's what up there
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chip butty
take the piss
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fuuuuuck lads
Too many carbs
_____ ___ ___
a classic. with a bit of tommy. yum.
corr we could go on incel walks together
Immediate red flag. Find somewhere else.
How is this possible, I get uncomfortably full and bloated after a bit of toast
why have you posted your to-do list?
Can see her winkle
most flats have service charges
sick of it
not surprised she turned frenchie straight
Why do so many men like obese women
all the nice flats near me are for over 55s only
where are people who actually work meant to live
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weird looking fleshlight
*smashes it into a pulp with a metal rod*
cat's done a wee on the bed
ffs i'm too ill to deal with this
just ordered a quarter pounder with 9 chicken selects and a chocolate milkshake
then I'm deleting uber eats
Janny, slice this cunt into one million pieces
hes nervous :(
janman, show mercy, I beg you
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just like jeremy vegan
>early thread
>nonce edition
>jannny slacking
The actual new:

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Poster below me is gay btw
I'm gay
Using this one ok!

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