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Why are Americans like this?
Honestly only whites do this.
it's actually very confusing. especially here in the south, people claim to be trad, but the concept of supporting adult offsprings or god forbid extended family living is never heard of. i wonder if it's infected my family as well, i wouldn't mind my parents living with me when i have kids but i dont know if they'd agree
Probably "tough love" though it never really works
culture degenerated by market ideology
Extended family is a cool 'idea' but they're an absolute fucking cancer in reality. I've had 3 2nd-degree cousins contact me asking for money because they found out I studied medicine (no, the medical field is not a money printer) and they're all different brands of retarded bums. One got kicked out of the army for being a drug addict, the other has been fired from 5+ jobs because he doesn't know what a schedule or punctuality is, and the other is just a spoiled 19 year old playboy who spends all his pocket money on expensive restaurants and drinks and now he's panicking because his dad finally decided to teach him some discipline and stopped footing the bill for his lifestyle.
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>i wouldn't mind my parents living with me when i have kids
Free babysitters.
Protestant culture and Anglo culture.
I wash my ass I wish we had bidets
The alternative is worse.
i spent the first 5 years of my life practically living at my grandma's house while my parents were completing medical school, it's the only reason why i can speak spanish and honestly i hope i can do the same with my mom so my kids learn spanish. or i can marry a non-burgerfied latina i guess
Influence of capital and insistence upon the individual over the collective

This is the future we chose, family ties mean absolutely nothing to generations raised to worship money and place money into a position of supremity over everything, including blood and country
I'm Indian and my family probably worships money more than yours. We are just smart enough to realize that forcing your kids to give landlordberg $2500 per month for a place to live is not a way to build long term wealth. My Indian friends are already shopping for their first home at age 27.
"capitalism is when you destroy division of labor in the most basic social unit, refuse to take advantage of comparative advantage presented by your family, and waste your money on renting instead of saving"
Why would extended family ask for money? The whole point is that they don't pay rent and live with you.
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do americans really not have bidets? or is it just a meme
lol bullshit, I’m Wasp and we don’t do this.
I could’ve lived with my parents forever rent free and same for every other Wasp I know.
Why would you ever want to live with so many people?
>The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash payment”. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation.
>The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers.
>The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation.
its the result of the protestant work mindset, which is why its mostly an anglo thing.
I'm sold. I love capitalism now.
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Our plumbing is similar here and I've never heard of someone having it unless they explicitly pay to have one installed, which is rare. But when COVID happened I bought one of those travel bidets and haven't gone back. It really is superior to using toilet paper alone.
because they help out around the house? division of labor = more downtime
us meds have perfected this in order to spend as much time as possible being lazy
You try living with 20+ people in a small house, nigga. There's a reason why only the poor do it, out of necessity not desire.
Then why does it not happen in Germany?
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If you're an adult, working a job, and live with your parents, what is the logical reason why you shouldn't be paying them rent? You are using their space/utilities (and probably food too).
That's cool but WASPs are like 5% of Americans nowadays
germans are not human, they operate on different principles.
WASPS. They view children as products.
This is only true the first few days. I lived with my extended family in a small house for a few years and it quickly becomes a disaster. Constant noise, zero privacy, struggle to even find time to shower because everyone is moving around so much, refusing to eat is a sin apparently so you're being stuffed all day making you wonder how they can afford all this, having your stuff stolen and broken every other morning, having to sleep wherever because if the kids take your bed it's over, etc. I'd never go back
>He thinks the 40+ year old alcoholic uncle or the retarded failson cousin actually "help out"
lmao bro you have no idea how it really is
>The socialists proposed a world in which there would be no social impediments to unlimited personal pleasure, with the family and monogamy being the first impediments to go. Would this plan work? No chance, said Mises: the socialist program for free love is as impossible as its economic one. They are both contrary to the restraints inherent in the real world.
>The family, like the structure of the market economy, is a product not of policy but of voluntary association, made necessary by biological and social realities. Capitalism reinforced marriage and family because it insisted on consent in all social relations.
>The family and capitalism thus share a common institutional and ethical foundation. By attempting to abolish them, the socialists would replace a society based on contract with one based on violence. The result would be total societal collapse.
>Capitalism reinforced marriage and family because it insisted on consent in all social relations.
We can literally see this is fake
Yeah, that’s why is such a fucking shithole now.
where could a Canadian possibly see that?
Divorce statistics. Wherever bourgeois democracy or even dictatorship has gained the upper hand the family has atomized and imploded.
i hate you
i hope you get shot by a nigger
>Why are Americans like this?
Bidets haven't arrived in ameriland yet
You should move out of your parent's place as quickly as possible. Men aren't meant to stay with their parents into their 20s or god forbid 30s. From an evolutionary perspective you are supposed to move out in your teens which is why adults living with mommy and daddy causes so many problems on both sides.

The issue is housing is unaffordable, when it should be free.
i never said it was perfect, but those things can still happen in a nuclear family if you have shitty parents or siblings. and ive known families that kicked out bad family members for this type of behavior

This is also common in north western Europe, including Germany.

I think it's partly because poor people live in smallish places so once you have adult children it becomes quite cramped and they are also too poor to keep them living at home.
The reason for moving out is to get married. The issue is that people are moving out and not even getting married, so they just find a concubine or, failing that, live by themselves and lose a lot of wealth to rent payments. Either way they are not set up well for the future.
That Brazil anon complains but without family that alcaholic uncke degenerates into a homeless drug addicted zombie pissing themselves on public streets and stealing to survive.
>the medical field is not a money printer
I've never seen a poor doctor though.
The issue with truly tight knit extended family is that the family love let's these shit heads get away with their bad behavior because grandma will go "OOOOO MY SON NNNOOO HE [53 year old man] IS JUST A BABY MY LITTLE TREASURE HE'S YOUR BROTHA JOÃO DON'T ABANDON HIM YOU HAVE TO HELP LITTLE MARCELO!" and now your dad is guilt tripped into bankrolling this active drag to societal happinness
Not all families are like that, in fact I know many happy and functional ones, but the problem is that it's a gamble and literally all it takes is one shithead relative to disrupt the fine balance and now you're trapped with a colossal faggot tugging at your emotions to keep mooching off your kindness.
I agree you should pay something but it shouldn't be
>pay 500 a month or get kicked out
it should be paying because you want to and if you are struggling and can't pay one month you shouldn't be kicked out. either pay some for "rent" or buy groceries or whatever.
democracy is an enemy of capitalism. Dictatorships inevitably stifle trade.

the rise in divorces correlates with the rise of the technological society, which is what Marx was writing about in the manifesto. While I have no problem admitting that these advancements were caused by capitalism, the reason that intact families stay together is also capitalism.
Marriage isn't a good deal for men and it takes longer to financially establish yourself for marriage than previous generations. Boomers would get married straight out of high school.

I unironically believe housing should be free. Not a mansion, but basic housing.
it's one thing to kick your kids out if they're losers or junkies but just kicking them out for the crime of becoming an adult is sociopathic
iktf but trust me those sorts of people leech off the family even when they are living alone
I mean at least the money is going to your parents, and on top of that, it primes you for paying rent in the real world.
>the reason that intact families stay together is also capitalism.
Lol no. You are trying to have your cake a d eat it too. Capitalism is the rot, like I said even in capitalist dictatorshipa the family crumbles.
My parents said if I ever started causing trouble, they would kick me out, but as long as I remain quiet and don't do anything bad, they'll tolerate me being a NEET indefinitely. I'll probably be that 53 year old man one day.
Americans don’t have bidets?
Do Americans really not wash their arses? Wtf? Maybe they should cut that off too along with their foreskins if it's too much hassle to keep clean.
The problem isn't that marriage isn't a good deal for men, because men who are married are better off financially since married couples get tax reductions and other legal benefits.
The problem is that men stand to lose a lot from divorce. But men tend to prime themselves for divorce by dating and marrying whores since free easy pussy is more attractive than having to marry someone.
Marriage is not a financial decision though, in fact you have it ass-backwards. In the past, when people were much poorer, they would get married earlier in life. The higher your income and quality of life, the less likely you are to get married soon in life.
lol ya we're gonna just cut off our asscheeks completely to make it easier to clean
projection. You're the one trying to have your dialectical materialism while ignoring how the technological advancement has completely reshaped material incentives and how the state took advantage of this fact.
Once a state - any state, democratic or dictatorial - introduces laws that make divorces easy (or even profitable!), of course people with low impulse control are going to divorce each other left and right. Once the state introduces welfare for single parents, remaining married becomes downright stupid. But there is nothing capitalist about taking money from productive citizens through tax and giving it to the mass of lumpenroles.
Sky high divorce rates are the norm in capitalist countries with anemic welfare state too kek. You painted yourself into a corner.
>the rise in divorces correlates with the rise of the technological society, which is what Marx was writing about in the manifesto.
>You're the one trying to have your dialectical materialism while ignoring how the technological advancement has completely reshaped material incentives
I'm not going to type this out a third time.
Because paying rent means having less money saved up to eventually get a place of your own. Charging your children just ensures they'll be living with you for longer.
Every time I've heard an American explain this, the answer is basically "to teach them to be good goyim"
because people are naiive and naturally assume people have good intentions. simple fact is that Americans hate their kids and the kids often hate their families, that's why there's so many homeless drug addicts in this country. because of shitty and horrible family situations.
better than brownoid retarded uneducated parents controlling your life
>The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil
communists will say this, then rat out their parents to the secret police
Anglo rats don’t have families
a system defined by the domination of capital with a deregulated marker inevitaebly leads to the owners of the greatest capital funding arts and publications encouraging smaller owners to waste theirs
put another way, all of American culture is an advertising campaign
It's so crazy that they put their own children at a disadvantage against others just because "muh liberal individualist ideology says so". It goes against their biology.
anon, marx didn't think that capitalism replacing feudalism was a bad thing
thread reeks of leftypol troony axe wound
My brother in law has one. They aren't very common.
True. And I don't think many people appreciate how cringe that is.
>new thing good because it replaces old thing
Here's your actual American answer.
I'm not reading that. What is your point. Don't ask a question or give walk of text.
>because it replaces old thing
who are you quoting?
He didn't but he was nonetheless a victorian chuddy
>tired peasant: commie-watermelon
>i want mommy to pay my checks
lmaooooooooooo so much for the proletarians living out their parents
>tired peasant: commie-watermelon
watermelon is a symbol of p*lestine
The account he is quoting. Is a commie porklestinian supporter and is justyfing living with from parents past any age
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>people claim to be trad, but the concept of supporting adult offsprings or god forbid extended family living is never heard of
The more experiences and observations of the right in American I've had has made me come to disregard them almost entirely. Their """traditional""" values are paper thin, all of it is in subservience to capitalism and their complete ineptitude at understanding why those values they claim to champion have decayed is so telling of their incapability to understand basic history or materialism. The nuclear family and the "kick em out when they turn 18 bootstraps hurr durr" is the greatest example of this. Their traditional ideal is to be debt enslaved to Mr. Shekelstein to "own" a house in an isolated suburb with no community, history, with children who at the immediate legal opportunity you throw to wolves so they will be more effective at making money and to save more of your own. Completely psyopped into a worship of money and a twisted version of meritocracy that ultimately destroys any sense of family and wider community in order to generate profit for 95 year old pedophiles.
>make kids pay rent
>put it all in a savings account until they move out
>give them all the money from the savings account
Canadians and EUSSR trash just demand bigger government to save them from everything. Except when it's the government victimizing them, then they say nothing because it's often illegal.
You're not fooling anyone with two working brain cells, you retarded communist faggot.
it's not an effective way to build wealth, kicking your kids out just make their lives harder in every way. people itt already pointed out that you will save more money living with your parents than by paying rent
>it's often illegal
name 17 cases
That's why I am so glad my gf is filipina. We live with her parents and it's comfy af (besides her boomer dad being an asshole), I get to save most of my money and never feel lonely.
i moved when i was 26 and my mom miss having me home
Because germany is catholic.
Nope, their ideological cancer has spread beyond their realm.
We do not. That's why I always shower after taking a shit instead of wiping. I have never told anyone irl this because they would think it's weird and gross.
Dude same
Coincidentally every successful culture in America is doing the opposite. The amount of times I've received financial help, mentorship, and emotional support from the Jewish community has been innumerable.

Meanwhile a redneck willingly refuses a free scholarship to a wood working shop because it's a "handout". Fucking stupid retards.
Just step up your game and get a bidet. It hooks up right to the same water supply your toilet gets. It takes 10 minutes to install, 20 if you're a woman.
>besides her boomer dad being an asshole
You might be full on retarded.
Aren't they notorious for sucking a foreigner dry and distributing his money to their own family members?
>>put it all in a savings account until they move out
You should put the money into a global market cap weighted stock market index fund instead, like VT.
Profiteering through divorce seems pretty capitalistic.
My aunt married a soicuck and divorced raped him. She gave out his family's silver trimmed China set to us, it's like worth 1k. We returned it because we felt bad kek.
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the irony in all of it is that cultures with strong family ties (jews for example) are more often financially well off because they focus on generational wealth, meanwhile boomers started the trend of fucking over future generations so they can squander money for a few more years
He was born the 11th son of a dirt poor farmer's family in the phillippines and through sheer grit, determination and intelligence managed to claw his way into being a heavy diesel mechanic which eventually saw him able to migrate to the first world. He got his kids and wife and hinself Australian citizenship. For a poor Filipino that's 100x more valuable than being a millionaire. Because he pulled that off he has a huge chip on his shoulder, treats his wife like a servant and throws fits of rage ever few months when something doesn't go his way.
Yup but she moved here when she was young and she cut off contact to her family in the phillippines completely because they always hit her up for money. She is richer than me so no worries there.
It's honestly pretty based. Lil timmy gets turned into a paypig so an entire family can retire early.
Oh shit, you're a filipino?

>My aunt married a soicuck and divorced raped him.
Tbh probably deserved it, but that doesn't leave the best image for your people.

>We returned it because we felt bad kek.
That's awfully nice of you.
Lmaoooooo what a cuck haha. It's always the absolute soycuck Timmies too lol.
>It's honestly pretty based. Lil timmy gets turned into a paypig so an entire family can retire early.
I don't know man, I would hate feeling like a little leech. It's a nigger mentality that can't lead to anywhere good. You just degrade yourself through the entire process.
Are you white?
I moved out of my parents place because Im a tranny but idk why youd move out otherwise
It is an absolute bottom feeder mentality and these people are the fucking worst to be around. I'm so glad that my gf categorically cuts these people out of her life. She's a dentist so whenever a 4th cousin in some bumfuck shantie town in the phillippines hears they have a cousin who's a dentist in Australia they would immediately message her on fb and literally ask for 500$ in the first three messages. Disgusting.
Back to work timmy.
I'm German dude, I moved here not too long ago.
We don’t all do this thought. This uniquely a wasp thing and also probably mostly southern at this point. I feel like it’s heavily exaggerated. Boomers are a psychotic generation of people.
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Don't you have some female family members to whore out to Canadian beta soycucks? It's funny but imagine being proud of that shit man fuck don't you have any dignity man
I'm lucky my parents have said to me and my siblings that we will always have a home with them. Even if we're broke and on death's door and we all have to live on rice and water they will never kick us out. My dad always says you never stop being a parent.
I am not a flip. I jist think its funny. I have worked with timmies absolutely getting drained by their flip wives.
I see I thought you're the China Set anon. Yeah dude every wedding on my gf's side of the family I go to looks like someone forced a couple 4channers out of their basements to hang out with 100 filipinos.
>She's a dentist so whenever a 4th cousin in some bumfuck shantie town in the phillippines hears they have a cousin who's a dentist in Australia they would immediately message her on fb and literally ask for 500$ in the first three messages.

The lack of grace or finesse is disgusting indeed. It's the thirdie mentality, they don't know how to ask nicely. I have a habit of just saying "Everyone in my immediate family (and some uncles/aunts + cousins) gets one gift." Not a loan, but a gift with no strings attached. If they say they'll pay me back, great then they can pay me back and I can "give" again some other time. If they take and fuck off, then I just paid them to get out of my life. But definitely not for a fourth cousin, they can fuck off without a cent.

It's either that or I have to "lend" them money and then manage the relationship. I don't want to be hounding at some dude to get his life together, so this is easier.
Multigenerational homes are great
Some schizo many times removed from you that doesn't even live with you asking you for money doesn't change that
But it all depends if you and your parents like each other
No idea who that is but its just funny seeing chuddy timmies who thought they were going to enslave some sea woman into a domestic sex slave get completely fucked over instead. You know who those dumb smug chuds are.
don't worry she lives close and visits often
>who thought they were going to enslave some sea woman into a domestic sex slave get completely fucked over instead.
You have to be entirely abusive, take her phone away, and basically keep her on the brink of exhaustion and fear to do that. That's basically a sex slave.
Boomers implemented this shit
Im not debating that in the battle of wills timmy lost
You sure it was Timmy and not Boomer Bob?
Full on timmy, 32 and 27. I know theres boomer paypigs too.
Yeah I swear to god, they will say they need money for a funeral for their dad, and a year later ask you for money to pay their dad's medical bill.

I hung out with a filo dude for two days like years ago when I was there for a surf trip. He randomly messaged me saying his grandma needs medication etc. I didn't send anything andba couple days later he messaged me "Just so you know my grandmother died". Still unsure how to feel about that.
Why wouldn't you?
bizarre, I was hoping the trend ended with boomers. Sounds like men are just too desperate for pussy. We need to legalize and normalize prostitution for these types of people so that they don't get wrung out.

>Yeah I swear to god, they will say they need money for a funeral for their dad, and a year later ask you for money to pay their dad's medical bill.

My mom was like this too. She would always have some "emergency" and she has no qualms over lying about where the money went. It's why I don't speak to her today. Everyone in the family just stopped giving her money eventually.

Coincidentally enough, I've been the one giving in my family now. Gave my half brother $600 one time to help make a car payment. He said he would make something in his metal shop for me (some medallion) but he never did and I never heard from him again. I don't rag on him too much though, he's a single dad and is probably emotionally tied up in his own life.

Gave my half sister $1000 a year back, but I've managed to get something out of this. She lives in LA and I told her she should visit me before we get old and die. I think that lit a fire in the back of her head and now she's flying up in August.

It feels good to know I have extra money to spare, but I think my wallet is going to get tighter when I have my first kid.
Currently my uncle back home in Germany is in a tight spot. I think I'll send him some money, I'm okay with immediate family especially because he would never ask. That's important to me. People who dont ask, that's who you help.
>People who dont ask, that's who you help.
Ha that was my half sister. I could tell she was struggling and threw her the money. The hardest part about charity is deciding who it goes to, but when you make that choice you feel less bitter about the outcome.
To be fair, maybe there are some conditions to get the scholarship and people aren't interested in it.
In Brazil you can get some jobs if you ask a politician, but you're forced to do illegal shit if he ask it.
If they can, parents should financially help their kid until they finish their education (within a reasonable time) and get a permanent full time job or training position.

I'm being completely serious: even if the kid wants to do 4 years of undergrad, 2 years of a masters, and then 4 years of med school, the parent should help out for those 10 years. Like, I know so many people who simply refused to continue with their education because they needed to get a full time job to have a roof over their head.
Agreed 100%. If you fail to set up your children for success you automatically set them up for failure. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
>I pay my parents rent
I initially interpreted this as the speaker paying rent for the place where his parents live, so that they don't have to.
I've never heard of paying rent to your parents. That's insane.
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Our country was founded on Liberalism which atomizes families into free individuals
We do.

This is an American meme. I've never heard of anyone being kicked out of their family home.
Imagine her having car problems and going to a mechanic store. But the store is ran by big black men and she has no money. So she has to pay for the car fix by having a gangbang. Otherwise her car which is a 2017 Honda red accord will not work. They putting overtime in her ass if you know what I mean hahahaha
No business would do this, they would still charge her full price.
Man makes some valid points
This, it had spread outside of them, but it's still mainly whites.
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protestant ethic + hyper capitalism atomizing society to individuals instead of a community with interconnections
They should. Lotta body work
It breaks my heart to see a child in such struggles
Is that even sanitary in public toilets? I usually just time my shits in a way that I can shower immediately after. Wish bidets were more common here
bitch had it coming
You think thats bad my "father" used to own a shack that sells groceries, he used to beg me to stay in that shit and I did day and night selling shit in the blistering heat. Now he owns companies and businesses and he offers me a job he pays niggardly and treats worse than he pays. Remember kids shit down your parents throats don't do anything for them
That's literally the point, retard
yeah he said Americans not foreigners
this, I just shit as soon as I wake up and shower immediately after
>don't wash your asses
ugh... this the biggest culture shock I've experienced.
Do you westoids not clean you ass with water? you just wipe your leftover shiit that's dirtying your butthole, side-ass and asshair with dry tissue? that's FUCKING DISGUSTING
use water and soap, or at least wet tissue for fucks sake.
And I don't believe most of them even wash their hands after shitting.
It's fucking disgusting.
I had to bring bottled water everwherer I go out when I lived in westoid country in case I had to go to shit cuz your toilet is FILTHY with no way of cleaning my ass with water otherwise.
BBC hours are deductible thoughbeit
Oh you have one of those narcissist dads. You can still get stuff out of him, but you always have to play to his ego and minimize your own suffering.

It's that or you just wait till he gets old and you engage in elder abuse. Then you can get your sweet revenge.
What do you guys need your assholes so clean for all the time?
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I pay my parents rent.
Because I just took a shit, so it needs to be cleaned? do you not wash your hands when it's dirty?
>im indian
>canada flag
go back
>canadian flag
My mom is richer than me and the house I live technically belongs to her. She was also the one who bought my cars and furniture and when I had tuberculosis in college, she paid for all the medical expenses. I love my mom.
Based Indian. Indian generations love each other. White generations see each other as competition.
Skin colour?
>Stay together is capitalism
No, under capitalism families would prioritize not having "useless members", such as the elderly. They move those to nursing homes to die. Divorce also lends itself to capitalistic countries as well, it's profitable to divorce for women, and lawyers also see it as lucrative. To hell with goy families they think, let's milk them.
>canada flag
>"I'm indian"

MWAHAHAHHAHHAHA it never fails!

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