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How are your language learning goals coming along so far?
I hit a plateau.
love French.
'ate French people.
simple as
Is your life fulfilling?
Learn how to fix ur country, retard
Chinks are gonna own you in 10 years
i wish my face were the blue circle and my penis were the yellow one
i don't get it
spanish and japanese are actually pretty similar phonetically. i'm able to sing in japanese if i just internalize the lyrics as spanish
You definitely shouldn't be learning any other languages if you aren't bilingual in any of the top 5 already.
Slavix barely have any accent when they speak Spanish
Weebs need the rope. Japan is boring and japs hate tourists.

Go to colombia and get a 41 or 61 year old gf and have pure enjoyment
Smells fishy
We want your daughter, not your mom Pablo.
How hard is Spanish really? Is it true you can master it from 0 to C2 in 2 years?
If you're retarded, yes.
2 years is too litle? What's realistic timespan?
I'm trying to forget English rn.
you are mentally ill, whatever number someone gives you will be wrong because it all depends on (You) and how much effort you put into it
So what type of command would one use to make something like chat gpt separate words within sentences in languages that don't have word spacing like Chinese or Thai?
My Italian class was cancelled because the provider went bust so I need to find a new one but they (rightly) all require tests to start at my level so I need to study. It's going slowly because the new classes would start in August anyway.

I'm thinking about learning Mandarin for a... reason. But I have a feeling it would be a bad idea to try to learn two languages at once on top of my job and other hobbies.
Those are all models with salaries already likely hitched to some high rollers. The average Latina rapefugee is probably some average-looking Central-American or worse some Bolivarian Jezebel seeking some unsuspecting idiot to eventually take to the cleaners or blackmail.
why are you learning italian? it's completely useless outside of italy
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>russian flag say this
eбaть ты дeбик
built for BWC
Stupid default answer, there are average numbers and I was asking about other language learners experiecnes
its a sexy language
they all have korean boyfriends
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imagine planting your nose inbetween those cheeks and taking a fat whiff
it's easy for english speakers. you should be able to master it in under a year if you practice 10-20 hours a week.
don't you have your language learner experience?
I thought most latin Americans speak at least basic English ?
Japanese are pretty shit at it
Slavic people seem to have it easier since they have similar sounds.
>I thought most latin Americans speak at least basic English ?

Not in Mexico at least, according to a survey only 11% of Mexicans speak English
we're probably worse than japan because our education system is way worse
When i said latin Americans, I meant the young population like the senoritas in OP aka the people you are going to actually talk to, not some old grandpa or grandma.
Even the young ones ? You are understandably far from the anglosphere
I like the more passionate Italian soul and renaissance history. You probably don't even think about it but there's an Italian approach(es) to life that warm an English heart for something we've lost here.

Also from the outside Italian politics and national identity is fascinating. And food. And Italians aren't cunts if you're just trying your best to speak in Italian unlike a certain OTHER European country.
Ever seen 30+ latina women, bro? Compare them to Japanese women.

t. Texas

I'm actually Mexican, and I can tell you that the government hasn't improved on the subject

>I meant the young population like the senoritas in OP aka the people you are going to actually talk to, not some old grandpa or grandma.

Yeah, I was talking about the young population. If sex is all you're looking for and you think communication is very important then you should look for countries that were colonized by either the British or Americans, because English will still be in those countries. Mexico didn't have that
i regret learning spanish so much
>You probably don't even think about it but there's an Italian approach(es) to life that warm an English heart for something we've lost here.
I want the opposite of this, what do I learn?
8 years in learning Chinese.
Don't understand shit still
ah bloo bloo
i can agree on the first paragraph however i don't know what kind of drugs you took to like italian politics. it's literally clown general since the 90s and corruption since 1946. i guess a foreigner can't understand it. and italian identity? i think the only thing that is national identity here is food besides the cringe army and police ads and mindless politicians comments. uniting italy as a republic was a mistake that ditched every kind of local identity in favour of "work". everyone still feels attached to their town or region at best

basing on your first paragraph i think you probably think of italy as reinassance italy still with its variety of duchys and republics and kingdoms. i can guarantee that is not a thing anymore sadly.
german philosophy.
Kant was the world's first autist and Nietzsche writes like a 2010s tumblr teenage girl. No thanks.
>i think the only thing that is national identity here is food

I've hear the north and south makes fun of each other for economic, cultural, and sometimes ethnic reasons, I don't know how true that is, but the world seemed to have mixed both extremes and made the stereotypes the first thing they think when they hear "Italy"
>medievals doing commentaries on commentaries on commentaries on aristotle weren't autistic
calling nietzsche a german philosopher is a big insult, i took the advice directly from him a.k.a. the biggest despiser of everything german and life denying.

it's true. the world only took what america saw in the war occupation and made it a rule. but it's not a case of "haha stereotypes are not true country is actually like this" because italy has nothing besides its local traditions and cultures which are NOT italian as in "repubblica italiana" even though that's what this nation wants it to be. this is why politics here is almost schizophrenic. it's either far right keeping a made up nationality copying other countries far rights or socialists wanting to delete everything and create a communist state.
i mean the fact that the republic was made by socialists, fascists and everything in between that had to agree on things and the first article states this is a nation "based on work" already tells you what kind of national identity we ended up have, a stark contrast from the creative gaia reinassance miracle.
>calling nietzsche a german philosopher is a big insult
To German philosophy. Shit is unreadable. Not because it's hard, because it reads like a 14 year old's first try at poetry. No wonder his biggest fans were Bataille and Foucault.
that's either because you read a shit translation, you actually did not read any books and are just larping, or you are an uneducated monkey, no question on that. nietzsche made the clearest books in contrast to Kant or schopenhauer.
unless you read his most famous book first, which was almost an experiment. in that case you should read his other books first.
>it's literally clown general since the 90s and corruption since 1946

I said from the outside. I have my own circus at home.

>and italian identity? i think the only thing that is national identity here is food besides the cringe army and police ads and mindless politicians comments.

No that's what I find fascinating. How the italian constitution is utterly broken and the North looks at the South as people below Africans and more akin to an evolutionary offshoot of the gibbon. How it's only the radio that allow you to understand one another.
I said the style is cringe, not that it's hard, nigger. It's tons of flowery bullshit for very simple points. He should've written more like the other Germans.
Hebrew - Pretty good. I like to think I've gotten better since October 7th. I'm trying to use auxiliary verbs more often in my daily speech.

Korean - Terrible, I've basically given up. I have zero drive to learn this language.
>any other romance language
lmao tier
>english-speaking gringx
easy tier, the hardest part is shaking off their atrocious accent
I have no clue but when I studied at the conservatory all the Russian and Ukrainian teachers spoke perfect Spanish, and back in high school I had a Bulgarian classmate who also spoke with no accent despite coming here when she was like 12. Can't be that hard.
well, that's a unique fascination i'll give you that. at least you understand it's a broken country unlike majority of the world.
to me it sounds like you're a complete retard. anyways, looks like i was not that wrong with my recommendation after all eh?
Leave it to the Palermo monkey to shill for melodramatic baby's first philosopher. But yes.

Do you think Italy will divide itself like it was before? Also, how did the Roman Empire manage to be "unified" in terms of identity but Italy somehow doesn't despite not being among other nationalities like when the Romans were among the Israelites?

Do you feel "Italian"?
you'd be like 40 cm tall
literally every language except English is useless unless youre living in the country. Its a hobby/interest for most people
too bad latinas hit the wall and fast.
maybe as a last resort i could learn spanish and go there to fuck some girls with big bumpas and fake boobas
>How are your language learning goals coming along so far?
Already give up to french and chinese this wasnt my year though...
not a southerner, next time don't contradict just because. have fun reading poison.
italy will never divide because a side effect of not having a national identity is that people almost never engage in politics. politicians either do the will of lobbys or (i'm sorry to say) americans / NATO. my honest hopinion is that italy is needed as both a diplomatic entrypoint (the least restrictive of europe) for other not-so friendly countries, and it's also currently being re-armed in personell and industry while more and more people are ending up working in factories. so it's the perfect outer colony.
romans were 2000 years ago. many kingdoms and towns were born and died in between. romans of 2000 years ago had one defined culture. italians came frome various fractured mini states and feudal kingdoms.
>Italy somehow doesn't despite not being among other nationalities like when the Romans were among the Israelites?
i'm sorry, i don't understand this question. do you mean in the roman empire? again, 2000 years ago, romans were not italians, and outside of the penisula people were not treated as romans.
>Do you feel "Italian"?
It's easy to fall into the nationality because it's needed for these times and people will cling to anything. But no, personally i don't, i feel more part of my local town / region than italian because i see italy for what it really is.
not true, german and nordic languages can potentially give you a better job and a better life living there for many people from worse countries. chinese can help some niche careers and russian too. japanese if you are a weeb. italy has nothing to offer besides old literature which is not strictly italian but local dialects.
'Romanitas' was a civic nationalism with ties to culture and your role in society more than to blood and soil, and it had clear, defined requirements for entry and rights, privileges, and obligations attached to it. It also collapsed when the requirements for it were relaxed and the privileges that came with it were no longer reliably honored. It's way closer to what American citizenship is nowadays than to the modern idea of European nationality.
Months and years are not a good metric.
If you do 15 minutes of Duolingo a day you will progress slower than 8 hours of watching movies every day.
You can make decent progress in 6 months with just an hour of studying a day.
Ich habe jetzt Lust, spanisch zu lernen
I did like to learn Spanish, now.
i keep switching languages like ryan
Learning Spanish seems pointless to me
What are the tv shows, films and books I'm supposed to be using Spanish for?
Spanish input just seems to be youtubers
>What are the tv shows, films and books I'm supposed to be using Spanish for?

So bad it's good movies, shows, and TV programs

I understood 90% of the words written in that image, maybe I should solidify my level in spanish
You like anime?
Basado, I practice my Spanish with my coworkers and two old bags are particularly flirty and playful, WOULD
>similar phonetically
yes, and that's the only similarity
you only need one phrase in spanish
>mi pene fue mordido por una serpiente por favor chupa el veneno
reggaeton papi
Good. Learning Spanish 1 hour a day with Pimsleur. I don't know very many words, but I have a solid foundation and understand the tenses well.

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