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William Warham edition
i dont mind when you make the threads
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steaming as a rocket

the guard, good movie. Good movie.
tempted to get out the p-shop for a bit more boozeahol
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I knew you loved me
Please be a benevolent master
If I was a mod I'd just ban belgium on the spot every time I see his posts.
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got 4 cans of carlings alcobooze which i shall be imbibng shortly
High grade clapmeat for nubians
still not voting for a convicted felon
mad how alcohol is illegal in muslim countries but paki shops are all absolutely jam packed with the stuff
She's bbc only btw, never filmed with a white boi
Get me clive warren
Face made to be slapped around by a 13 inch mamba
No cans in
No bokkles in

Whisky it is
browsing adultwork not sure what kind of prossie to get
Get a tranny
Even if she did dat lil whiteboy aint never getting past dem swc blockers LOL
orientals are easy. but dont get a prossie on a Saturday night
going out shagging tonight or just staying inside and pretending to be black online?
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the gay porn shop for a bit of gay porn booze is it me laddo?
Rorke and the sweltering summer of 2024.
anyone ever used one of them CV writing services
>going out shagging
there's a first time for everything
Big British Cock (white)*
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just write your own
porn and wanking completely destroys my sex drive, I don't get how normoids shag whilst still wanking
Bit of an oxymoron there
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are keely will bring home that gold
l dont want HIV
what do you mean by 'easy'? l'd prefer a white one and nah not thinking tonight maybe this week
What are the must see things in London frens?
Why haven't you found a trad wife and had 8 kids with her?
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you probably have a hormonal imbalance due to poor health
go to the gym
go for runs
eat better
stop drinking beer
need a bf
to love, cherish, kiss and hug
been wanking and watching porn for probably almost 20 years
dont know how to stop
What type of non-white 4chan incel are you?
Browncel, Jeetcel, Blackcel, etc?
spainfreak could never
want to buy some whiskey but I'm terrified of being seen in the shop with it. been kept in this deadlock all day and I feel like crying
i have but it's shite
not good at those things
the burnt out police cars that the brown rioters set alight
absolutely hammered

taking vocaroo requests
Become a big, bulging muscle freak.
Lift every single fucking day.
Protein to pack on the pounds of muscle.
Bulging, virile, muscle bull.
maybe its for the best x
sex is pretty boring if you've spent your teenage years and most of your 20s wanking to porn
unless you want to delve into weird fetishes
but the people who are into that crap are all weird overly enthusiastic jack black types who just seem suspiciously positive about things too much
gives me the ick
spaino is such a little timmy
yeah vocaroo you hanging yourself, ta
Should have aborted the 3 timmies and bred more future white meat
scream the n-word over and over again
he wants an asian gf from northern california
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*girls choosing a 9 stone twink over you*

tee hee, sorry anon xx
You’re such a vile creature I sometimes wonder if you are possessed by some sort of low level lust demon
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arent we all
she was great today
really hope she gets it
I'm just sick of doing it, I've never tried to get a girl before because wanking numbed me to it but now that I've gone a week without I'm dying to have a female
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work full time earning above average salary for the area and still can't afford to rent a 1 bed flat here
this country's fucked
>northern california
wow it's fucking nothing
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Playing Super Mario Wonder with the Mrs x
for me it's femke bol in the hurdles
she cute
easy. not much chit chat. they will give you a massage, suck your knob, put a condom on you, then spread their legs for the old in and out. they will speak in and understand basic instructions. for example commands like "doggy" will be understood. all orientals operate the same way and its easy.
There are Sasquatch there lad
>so many national forests
we have nothing here
Filter it and move on. Let him talk to himself
*imports one million more pakis and privatises air*
haha yeah
I try to warn late bloomers about this
but once you get a taste for real women, you can't really go back to just wanking to porn
Think I could soundly beat up anyone from /brit/. Doubt any of you are bigger, faster, or stronger than me. I get the sense you're mentally weak as well. Don't think you could take the pressure of being hit.
so are all american actors just demonic freaks then?
purchasing some gay pornography
loads of blacks and pakis here now cos councils up norf ship their scum here
parliament + westminster abbey
st pauls cathedral
the national gallery
the british museum
the whole west end area around soho/regent st/piccadilly circus/covent garden
i love the city of london itself (the square mile) as there is so much history crammed into a tiny area, roman ruins, 17th century churches with new skyscrapers
Depends what you are into but obviously things like British Museum, National Gallery, etc.
nobody will notice you or give a shit
ive been doing labour work since i was 11 mate
Why don't kids watch or play cricket these days? It seems to have gone from a universal game beloved by all to a game followed and played by posh private school kids and south asian people
>paying to have your life essence taken from you
Ktim would immediately crumble if anyone laid a finger on me, spend pretty much the whole day sat on the couch playing video games you see
>Population growth ‘masked’ Canada’s ‘recession-like economic backdrop’: RBC
mind = blown
>played by posh private school kids and south asian people
Always was.
do you have anxiety or decision paralysis?
l see. Dont find orientals attractive unfortunately. Are white prossies more...difficult?
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already knocked rorke out doubt you want any of this pal
>a universal game
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The last eleven American presidents have been born in different states.
was Shaun from Shaun of the Dead middle class?
No, it wasn't. In the 70s and 80s it was as popular as football. You had the cricket season and you had the football season

I recently went to visit our own parliament, was pretty cool to see all those people you only know from tv.
vocaroo requests remain open while I am drunk
it always was the latter for the most part but going behind the sky paywall after the 2005 ashes win was a braindead decision
that should have been the start of something huge
It's a working class game in the norf
and then she speaks and the boner has to fight to stay hard
maybe in the 1870s
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>Descending through the clouds of boiling sulphuric rain is actually the easy bit—the hard bit is not being cremated by the surface temperature of 470°C (878°F) or crushed by the atmospheric pressure, which is about 90 times that of Earth, the same as swimming 900 metres under water.
Say I’m gay and have an extremely small willy
me after doing some push ups
any deeply repressed man in
Dead white guy sport played by stinky Indians
heading out to amish country for a big bushel of peaches from based Eli
don't see kenya on there
>all the comments are yanks insisting bigfoot is a real thing


never happened
earth is covered by a firmament dome and its impossible to leave
>be 29
>31 year old woman is interested in me
>my brain still thinks I'm 22 so I think she's a bit too old for me
>remember that I'm 29
when did I get so old
walking around the surface of Venus would feel like walking through air that's as thick as a pool of water.

The pressure would feel equivalent to being 3,000 feet (914 meters) underwater. A "breeze" of a few miles per hour might feel like a gentle wave pushing you around at shore — though it'd be hot enough to melt lead.
I would like a place I could call my own
Have a conversation on the telephone
Wake up every day that would be a start
I would not complain of my wounded heart
This post is antisemitic
northern state prez when
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mad how huw edwards still gets paid 400k a year of MY taxpayer money
Bored out of my fucking MIND here lads
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They can be. A lot more subtleties and nuances to white women. I'm not really into orientals but whenever I get back into punting I see an oriental because its easy. The most difficult thing is picking one from the ads thats not a bait and switch.
she's too old for you
>be 29
>31 year old woman is interested in me
lol just kidding
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Got half way through a wank then lost the will and gave up
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The gf
American Pie
MPs defecting to the magpies party
magpies will form a government forUK
why does Biden list worthless solid-blue Delaware as his home state instead of big and purple Pennsylvania?
Home states traditionally give you an advantage, as shown by Mondale in 1984.

Just a weird decision desu.
do you think hes sentient?
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Australia, but I wouldn't be surprised by similar figures for England
lnteresting, thanks. l'll probably just browse and end up deciding its not worth it.
Going to miss /int/ post 200000000 because I'll be sleeping.
he did better than me in school so maybe
Born in Canada
You should always aim for a women 5 years younger and 5 stone lighter than yourself.
David Floyd George
The University of /brit/ faculty.

Theology: Diego
Political Science: Commiemong
Economics: Mikey
Computer Science: Mihai
History: 2016mong
Music: Vocaroolad
Gender Studies: EmployedWoman
Law: Mousenonce
East Asian Studies: Suposter
Tourism: Spainlad
Islamic Studies: Poleaboo
Queer Studies: Oxford Bender
Drama: Bradleyposter
Oenology: Canslad
Chemistry: Mousey
David Floyd George
ummm ok. You win the internet for today kind gentlesir!
Queers Park Rangers
nah younger women are all autistic virgins
too much effort
all me
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Who cares he fucks yt girls likes this
omg studying theology under deegz
It's worth it. I've had some great times punting.
got the runescape on
nwo 4 life
his gf is black
not allowed to say lest the janitor cast me asunder
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This post is one of major reasons why I like and appreciate Reddit as a discussion forum much more than 4chan..
zoomer women don't approach men
Keyboard could do with a wipe down
i'll be saying the n word soon
are you playing dmm?
>5 stone lighter than yourself
So a 5stone2 woman...
Holy based
heaven forbid an autistic virgin might get in a relationship with an autistic virgin
reckon his only active thoughts are sex ball sex ball sex ball sex ball kick sex kick ball sex kick ooooooga booha
if you have any questions about christianity i will try to answer them to the best of my ability
Saka doesnt really fit the 'pacy ngubu' meme but rorke doesnt watch football
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most powerful woman in Britain and I bet 90% of the public don't even know her name

is 5 stone heavy or light for a woman
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He's thick as mince lol. My girlfriend was at school with him. She was in an advanced classes and was tasked with helping the retarded kids with their studies. She went to his house every day after school for months and did all of his coursework for him. The teachers basically gave him a heads up on the exam questions. He was coached into getting A*s and As
Give it a go.

Can't relate though, I'm 33 and my gf is 26
5 stone is skeletal for an adult woman.
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>My girlfriend was at school with him. She was in an advanced classes and was tasked with helping the retarded kids with their studies. She went to his house every day after school for months and did all of his coursework for him. The teachers basically gave him a heads up on the exam questions. He was coached into getting A*s and As
Mad he's fingered her
runts should be with runts.
bizarre fantasy
My gf approached me
if by woman you mean 6 year old then I'd say that's about average
the din dins
>breaks his hand fighting
Clueless softy
me on the right
Good bait, but shan't be falling for it
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>She went to his house every day after school for months
tell me more about bukayo saka's gcse years my real girlfriend
played yesterday just to swap while the rates were good but thats all
that scran looks good
Women should at least be 8 stone 5
this is what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
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sex gang
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Hello, fellow white people
bukake spaker
I've fancied her for years
so happy my dream woman has made it
Common story with athletes, especially working class sports like football
lasagne bred AND chips fucking rank
One post closer to >>200000000
Look like a premier inn 'sagna

t. been to a lot of premier inns
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reckon i might win the gold medal for cooming
had a week a way and thought I'd check in. same old images, same tired gimmicks, same boring incels isn't it. I've outgrown you lads, there's a whole world out there
awful. what accent do you have? sounded scottish
can't wait to see who gets the 2 billionth post
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Women should be about 600lbs, aka 272kg or 42 stone. Anything less than that is not a real woman.
and yet you choose to check in on a Saturday night... curious
I don't believe in anything
The Nokia 3210 has been re-released.
We must return
whispering so mumberg doesn't hear you
When will it happen?
Black people in America? That's not gonna work for me brother!
Alri victor meldrew
Women should weigh about 8-12 stone.

If she's less it's a child or a midget, if she's more you are pierce brosnan
>Severance Season 2 finally has a release date
It only took them 3 fucking years

why do TV shows take such absurd breaks now?
Back of my ears reek of stilton
For some unknown reason Northern scum think garlic bread goes with lasagna and they eat chips with everything.
>50 day battery life
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Irish diaspora giving you a handy
NWO Wolfpac was one of the best face stables ever.
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most principled atheist
that lasagne is triggering my italian autism
rorke coming different
damn right
i liked 98-99 face DX
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>thinking Italians don’t eat bread and pasta in the same dish

Bro thinks he’s cosmopolitan but he’s never travelled lol
As a globohomo phone
It missed the point
severance was shit anyway
I'm hacking into the mainframe
trying to do my Employed Woman impression

still taking vocaroo requests, still steaming
rorke went woke
Three nice pints (alone) in the beer garden
yeah rorke definitely wouldnt enjoy Those About to Die. 3 black characters and several gay scenes.
Never understood the cult of personality around John Lennon. He was a hippie cunt who refused to acknowledge his son
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>12 stone.
Im not even 12 stone what the fuck what the fuck how could a woman be 12 stone if she's not 6 and half foot tall
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>wouldnt enjoy
>several gay scenes
oh he will
he will
>drinking alone
>in a pub of all places
>on a saturday night of all nights

holy grimoli
That show was hit badly by the writers strike iirc
How much do you weigh and how tall are you?
lol this is me
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The CK2 save lads
I'm Jorvik
Globohomo, how?
Rorke fuming and demanding a recount
He only cared about his Asian son
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>Woman is the BLANK of the world
9 stone
i play ck3
Drinking in a pub of all places? No wayy
I'm 6ft and 11'4
anglo saxons got put in a spliff
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kiss him on the head for 56 million?
It doesn't have the original simplicity
anti white comment this
Not everyone has your lanklet genes.
There are plenty of women who have slightly heavier frames but are in good shape. I like tall girls (5'10+)

Some men like chubby girls. It was a rough estimate.
Close to me. I'm 6ft1in and 11st8lbs.
fuck no
And better than ever
today's scran so far
>cheddar and jalapeno loaf (with butter)
>2 packs of ramen
>mixed kebab and chips
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would volley this wee rat into the stratosphere
me 2x fish and chips
1x large margherita pizza
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I'm 6ft and 15st 7lbs
haven't smoked a joint in 3 months but brotherberg has left his weed here, shall i have a little zooter
poo_dildo_6.png on the 'rit/
I want to kiss him, but can't afford to pay that much :,(
Neighbours are singing Cher in the garden
alri eric bischoff
taking vocaroo requests de lids
Yeah if youre black
phwor love smoking weed
Was with a mate last night but if you can't take yourself out for a drink you're a sensitive soul
you fat bastard
you fat bastard
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gen z boss and a mini
gen z boss and a mini
gonna fuck the plaque out of your reduced cross sectional area pipe
That's right
no i will not buy a 4 pack from a shop for £5-6, i will instead go to the pub and pay £7+ for a single drink
gwan lad
thought the burgers i left out wouldnt defrost in time so made myself an emergency pie and chips. but now the burgers are defrosted so i had to cook and eat them
LA Knight vs Logan Paul at Summerslam lads

Who's going over?
you fat bastard
you fat bastard
6'3 and 22 stone.

im working on it.
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Truth nuke
What's going on in here?
I'm a Brit/pol/ regular which gives me authority over you.
there are children starving in africa
its giving incel
fuck off josh
embarrassing post

terrible body and tits LOL
the best black timmy can get i suppose :/
kek thats my cock n balls
wait why was liz truss in office for only 44 days? she was no good?
>Josh self promoting
Show us pics of the girls you've fucked

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