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Can you get arrested for spreading nazi propaganda in your cunt?

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>average /pol/ poster
For fucks sake people iron your flags don't just hang them up fresh out of the packet
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Heil Hitler
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Does that mean they'll arrest all the other graffiti vandals?
>Literally known as the town's autistic racist
Just don’t spray paint wtf. Imaging living in America. One of the few countries where freedom of speech is guaranteed, and you get busted because you resorted to vandalism.
probably, but you'd have to be a fucking idiot to post your work online when you're on bail for the same thing
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lol that's so lame, why are /pol/tards like this
/pol/tards aren't known for being the sharpest lightbulbs
why do /pol/chuds always look the same?
Reminder this guy stalked black kids and said he'd rape and murder them. He'd also throw handfuls of rice at black and brown people, and put cards under his neighbour's doors telling them to leave the country or he'd kill them.

He also has a black neighbour who's worried about him since he's getting in trouble with the law all the time even though he threatens to kill her every day.
Is it an oil-based or water-based spread?
>noooo don't defund the police
boys will be boys
Gives a glimpse as to what black people might subject others to regularly.
This country is ethically retarded simple as.
Why did his grandma put up with his bullshit instead of kicking him out
Because despite what people think and post here (AMERICANS KICK THEIR KIDS OUT OF THEIR HOUSE WHEN THEY TURN 18!!!) most families DO love their family?

The grandma knew this kid keeps getting arrested, but still gives him a place to live. She knows what he does at night, but doesn't do anything about it. She pretended that she didn't see the Nazi flags and stuff hanging in his bedroom when the cops pointed it out to her.
I wish beatin' up reactionaries and fascists into a pulp was a civic duty

Unfortunaly, its not due to liberal centrist bleeding hearts
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He clearly didun nuffin, he was just expressing his freedom of speech.
A better question is what circumstances have led to someone being under the care of their grandparents rather than their actual parents to being with.
Fucking snarky femoid cop humoring herself about letting the groid cop knock on the door.
What the fuck are you on about. Go fix your own cartel ridden shithole first, firstie issues don't concern you.
Go move to a black majority region.
What was the last graffito that was blurred? Blodren.com?
>What the fuck are you on about. Go fix your own cartel ridden shithole first, firstie issues don't concern you.

There are millons of mochos here though
>He'd also throw handfuls of rice at black and brown people, and put cards under his neighbour's doors telling them to leave the country or he'd kill them.
Not correct. He was putting out Goyim Defense League flyers. They encourage putting rice or beans or corn into ziploc baggies to weigh down their flyers so they don't fly away, because they think taping flyers or putting them in mailboxes are the only reason it would be illegal. That's what the rice was for.
86dresden.com apparently
>Allegedly brutalized and possibly sexually assaulted in a halfway house
>You don't have a right to suffer trauma and deal with it in a non-violent manner
Article 21 of shitalian constitution states that a citizen is free to have any political idea, HOWEVER constitutional court states that fascism is le bad, therefore it is illegal to make references to the period of 1922-1945 in good spirit, including spreading fascist propaganda with modern systems like the internet.

Yet, every year there are fascist marches in Italy, where those shitheads chant their stupid slogans

Like i said here >>199983719, fascist and reactionary scum benefit the most from a bleeding heart spineless liberal centrist society

In a worker's country, their kind would be beaten up to fascist mashed potatoes
Why not
We need more peace in this world
Free bro

Correct, and in order to have world peace you need to put these fuckers (fascists/right wingers) in concentration camps
I would get arrested for denying the Holocaust, not that I necessarily do.
>Hurt people should be allowed to intimidate and menace others
Don't think so Timmy.
I didn't know people even still ate hot pockets
well it is still legal to make revivals of the fascist-nazist period in scheduled dates like october 28th, in the same way like it is expected to dress up like a minstrel for the yearly medieval fair. However if you go around the city hanging up fliers with fascist symbols, spray graffiti with swastikas or publicly make the roman salute in the house of parliament you are going to be charged.
Guess it may be better according to you for hurt people to simply proceed to hurt others then.
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This guy used to post to /brit/ under the alias "racismlad". RIP.
>fights fascists
>fascists fight back
>gets shot
>comrades proceed to posthumously whine about fascist violence
every single communist martyr figure
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It's a herrenrasse thing. Need calories to bulk for the Day of the Rope. Untermenschen wouldn't get it.
In order to have world peace you need to put niggers (mexicans/other niggers) in concentration camps*
I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the vandalism and less about the message.
Also why do these people always live with their grandmas? Just like the idiot who told people to shoot some sheriff "in minecraft".
most of those "fascist marches" are memorials held for students with a right-wing affiliation murdered in cold blood by communist terrorists
No one has the money to move out in australia
Wouldn't have been a fight if no one was trying to impose fascism.
i have left's body but right's facial structure. it's so fucking over.
>nazi flag
>incel glasses
>grandma's house
someone 'jak this nigga please
>>fights fascists
>>fascists fight back
>>gets shot
>>comrades proceed to posthumously whine about fascist violence

Most of fascists nowadays look like the guy in op's picture. Theyre weird anime watching freaks.

While we marxist would be supported by the industrial working class.

I repeat: Who benefits the most from bleeding heart centrist liberal status quo?
Watch out, typing out that sheriff's name on /int/ usually makes janny nuke the entire thread.
We don't deny we are not immune to ZOG demoralization or that we are in some part a product of dysgenic selection. We WISH to change the World that the image on the left is possible. You don't understand because you are too complacent and self-centered to even acknowledge this.
nigger most hardcore communists I know are senile 85+ bastards with dozens of health problems
Centrists need to purge deranged radicals of any side of the spectrum if social civility is to be maintained.
fascism rises when communists try to undermine the authority of the liberal state to impose communism. italian fascism for instance was a reaction to years of violence and chaos deliberately created by communists to destroy the liberal regime (they succeeded). however what communists don't realise is that the liberal state is what prevents worse forces, forces that apply the same logic of violence, from emerging. it really operates in their interests more than they realize
you're all violent bloodthirsty freaks who belong in prison
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>While we marxist would be supported by the industrial working class.
>While we marxist would be supported by the industrial working class.
lol, lmao even
No they absolutely would not. The working class are the people who are paying those marxists unemployment check every month.
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Are those fucking rice bags on the chair?
Good, fuck this bait thread. People are probably best off carrying on how they feel like with no regard to the legality or ethics of it since a coherent system of such appears to be inexistent.
His first arrest was just for dropping flyers with /pol/ schizoposts, charge was "menacing" and "ethnic intimidation"
Well that's stupid. Hurting someone's feefees isn't a crime.
Why are chuds always so fuckibg ugly?
America has fallen
sounds mentally challenged.
I agree desu. People still distribute Chick Tracts that say gays and catholics will go to hell, but shit about jews and white birthrates becomes "intimidation", it's a pretty arbitrary line
Chuds do this and then wonder why everybody beats them when they come out of their ratholes.
A little Nazism never hurt anyone who didn't want to destroy the white race.
what a fucking waste of carbohydrates and water for producing them, I'm so mad right now

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