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Is anyone here???
Greetings, frens.
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Henlo my Brazilbro, I think that most of the gang went to that ''V4 + NEETS'' thread ):.
Or maybe they just haven't arrived yet.
This happened to me last time I went to Prague.
lucky you
You were assaulted by a 185cm Tall amazon and made to worship her feet??? Noooo way....
This is nothing to joke about. Czechia is a very dangerous country for lone young man. She made me put her feet inside my mouth.
>Polish poster vs me
At least she didn't make you suck her tits...
She twisted my nipples...
And how did it feel?
I don't want to talk about it...
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my honest reaction to this thread:
I understand. I wish the best for you.
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so apparently there's a Czech 4chan mod that has a personal problem with me. I had comments deleted in the past by this admin, a ban for the board, but this is next level.
Yesterday I admitted to have created the daily /icy/. Late into the night the picture was flagged as sexualization of minors (yes, the same as in this post) and I received a permaban for my IP.
I tried to appeal the ban with admins over IRC today but they don't see the offending pics flagged as child sexualization and there's no way for them to udnerstand a blatant setup by another admin. The whole process is absurdly prone to abuse by a butthurt admin
someone created /icy/ just after 10 pm central yurop time. I pointed out to the admin on IRC that the same image that I got banned for is now on the board again, because it's a normal image posted every day, and the admin just lost his marbles, deleted the fresh /icy/ bread and banned me on IRC as well.
worst general in whole /int/
That's a weird way to spell "best"
Hello guys, see: >>199982543
Jannies deleted /icy/
I am fucking angry, using this pic since day 1.
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a spider pattern print tower who gives me food items if i feed it an humansie
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Yeah, >>199985185 already told us.
/icy/ is under attack, but we will never surrender!
a radio tower full of spiders with sparking reed light if it pattern prints an human to garlic or strawberries :)
>someone created /icy/ just after 10 pm central yurop time
I did it while I was driving the car. Followed by a BAN and deleted all my posts in another thread.
but because im a human my self their has to be some savety features
Aaaaand they banned me (I'm baiano, using my neighbour's wi-fi).
See you in 3 days, frens.
Fuck jannies, and long live /icy/.
I just now drank a litre of orange juice it is time to not sleep tonight, how you all doing
bought a couple of sweet stouts

excellent stuff
I sense in the air the butthurt janny is with us. I got banned again.

yeah see >>199985185
some butthurt admin who has a beef with me decided to sacrifice /icy/ just to permaban me
I tried to explain this to some admin over IRC today. It was like a mute man trying to explain colors to the blind. Absolute mongrel subhumans, the whole lot of them admins
yeah that's consistent with my expectations. Your pic had a different hash from the one that I have saved locally. I expect them both to be on a blacklist by now and can't be posted
RIP Baiano. I could drop the name and use my VPN but flying below bitchass janny's radar would be a small win for them so that's not an option
My bro has a new house and 2 new cats...
It's fucking wild in combination with my doggos.

And very weak LTE, dropping to 2G.
Bad location for my daily shitposting.
Enjoy anon.
>decided to sacrifice /icy/ just to permaban me
That's not gonna happen. I'm willing to involve all my employees who have PCs.
>how you all doing
We're trying to keep /icy/ alive, kek.
>Aaaaand they banned me
What the fuck... Reason?
tak hele ty adminovskej suline, nevim, o co ti jde a co mas se mnou za problem, ale vim, ze na svete je IP adres i proxyn dost, takze tuhle hru na kocku a mys muzem hrat fakt dlouho.

>involve all my employees
posles je na trestnou vypravu?

antijanny pic. Same as me itt.
The problem is that I arrived after everyone was asleep, so I don't know the password to the WiFi. So I can't upload photo of the cats.
cringe thread
smaženka ban evaduje :o
so far the bans in this thread were for iamges only. The janny is too lazy to read comments. Or can't read at all
thank you
>posles je na trestnou vypravu?
Budou povinně péct. Klidně i 100x denně. Mám v piči, nenechám si zničit můj neškodný relaxační koníček.
Dropni tady OP pic, a dostaneš permaban za dětské porno.
nedostanu :)
uvidime, jak dlouho to tu kundu bude bavit a podle potreby to zautomatizujem. Hashe obrazku jdou na blacklist, takze je treba zmenit a postovat

smazenka te ma hlavne tezce v pici
to je ten zmrd, co stoji za temi bany a smazanymi thready
tvoje "thready" jsou absolutní waste, běž se radši předávkovat než někdo omylem pošle posty z tvojí ip na nukib
Tak to běž do piči, šuline. Jestli to jsi ty, tak jsi fakt zmrd. Rozjebáváš to tady všem, kundo.
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>I can't upload photo of the cats.
that's sad. shame. but don't be bothered
tak je necti. Stejne ani pak nebudes nikdy woman, tak si to bez uz hodit a nech ostatni v klidu zit, kdyz to sam nedovedes.
I just got banned too for 3 days
It says spamming
So jannies decided to shut down /icy/ over some personal dispute. Fucking nice.
They're also threatening to doxxx anon.
according to the admin who I talked to today, jannies can't ban people so this person is at admin level

the beef started recently over some of my comments mentioning drugs. So this admin is probably a m2f unstable tranny who lost a family member to drugs. I'll be damned if this profile is not bang on the money

>threatening to doxxx
I've never posted anything remotely criminal even under our laws without free speech, I don't care. But it adds to the personality profile nicely. Abuses established mechanisms (flagging as child sexuality), weaponizes and hides behind institutions with power (nukib, gubbermint with guns and goons etc)
Nehledě na to, že nukib stejně nic nemůže, neb má úplně jiné pole působnosti. Ale docela mě sere, že ten pičus háže klacky pod nohy všem. Pravidla neporušené, a vyjebava schválně se všema. A ještě tady leze, protože je to tady prostě fajn.
tyhle kurvy rady zneuzivaji system nadhodnocovanim hlaseni, viz /icy/ pic flagnuty jako detske pecko, aby se toho zadny admin pri appealu nahodou nedotk. Takze na nukib by sel treba bonz, ze jsem stal za crowdstrike updatem, aby se daly veci do pohybu. U podobnych svini by mne nic neprekvapilo
ale může, když tu chlapci postujete prokazatelně dětskáč
asi bych se jal toho se snažit dohledat jak funguje /b/ a jejich spolupráce se státními orgány v US, někdo to už někde postnul tak třeba si to najdete - stejná spolupráce funguje s mnohem větším listem zemí než jen amerika
to nemluvím o tom že pro tebe bude hodně otravný furt měnit tu supertajnou openvpn nebo co ten tvůj vydrbanej mozeček vyhrabal
>prokazatelně dětskáč
tobe uz ten estrogen uplne dojebal mozek
>spolupráce se státními orgány
bu bu bu bojim
>měnit tu supertajnou openvpn
par kliku, neboj, mam to zmakly

hele co te zere? Ufetoval se ti bracha, protoze se vedle tebe nedalo zit, jaka ses nesnesitelna mrdka?
Ty jsi fakt piča.
tak zase zitra, sracko. Teda jestli se do te doby nezhoupnes, coz je vzhledem k tomu, co tu vyvadis, docela dost mozny.

GN anons
Docela si preju, aby "spolupráce" zafungovala. Docela bych chtěl vidět ty ksichty, když jim dojde, že z nich nějaký frustrovaný retard udělal kokoty.
Dubs and I admit I'm weak and smoke weed
Please don't do it. Thank you
I am making kompot.
I just want to forget all the shit thoughts that goes through my head.
Not going to smoke but maybe I'll take clonezapam
I miss drugs, you know? It's hard being sober. So boring
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I don't smoke weed because I don't like to meet the criminals that sell the stuff.
I have been buying illegal steroids online for years, and I don't have to meet anyone. The reality is that the police just don't care.
weed has that "paranoid" thing for the first 20 minutes.
I dunno, maybe I'm too old. I'm going fine smoking my class A tobacco
My brother is a weed addict and I believe weed (and other drugs) has literally made him schizophrenic.
Marijuana is a power plant. Many people don't want to understand this and it's worse for them.
bought 2 new stickers for my wardrobe
the "chicago bulls" and "surfer guy"ones down there
Would love to have a 19 year old girlfriend that is 1.73cm tall, with an athletic built, pale skin and with long blonde hair and green eyes

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