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good one
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>edition in the subject
remember to eat your yogurt lads
where's man going with this
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i've got no legs or arms
getting my batty hole split by the lads
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mind explaining this bombshell, rorke?
blud found the fbi crime stats
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It was revealed to me in a dream
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aff tae bed
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he's joining his brother sam harris in taking the racial iq pill
haha imagine if a bomb went off in that room haha
poor paki fella has accepted the doomed co-op order now
he's gonna drive all the way there only to realise they're closed. a fools errand if you will
seriously can't stand that stupid brazilian who has ruined my evening by taking too long

we're getting ready for that war, I think. We've already got AUKUS going. obviously it'll be Anglo countries doing the majority of the fighting. I don't think we can't count on Germany and France helping out China because they're too focused on Europe, they don't really care about perpetuating American/Anglo hegemony.
You're not even a person if you're not a nig. And if you are a nig, even being the most selfish bulbous lazy fat cunt inhaler of a nig puts you up on the precipice of holy utmost humanity.
Racial differences in IQ and behavior. Genetic distance of Sub-Saharan africans from rest of humanity would be considered sub-species if it was any other organism.
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Enjoying browsing /brit/ on this Saturday night with a glorious glass of red!
Maybe he's just implying that he thinks science deniers (e.g. climate change deniers, vaccine conspiracy theorists) are not morally justified
i prefer actimel yogurts
ugly bloke and also a nonce
you raped me in that dream
I was 10 years old and you raped me in a dream
This is the kind of tonedeaf commentary us incels have to tolerate
>australian accents
actually Bruce I think YOU have some explaining to do
signatures aren't allowed
Chimps and bonobos are considered a different species even though there's less difference between them vs us and blacks and abos.
who the fuck thinks metamorphosis is scifi? there's nothing scientific.

it's psychological horror exploring the angst and stress of loneliness, an uncaring society, and a family (esp his sister) who betrays him to make their own lives easier
more incelcore!
you may jest but he is an admitted nonce and so are you i suspect
i have a big zit on my face
havent had one since my teen years
>Frank Green
I'm so ashamed
I'll take the piss out of yanks all day long but fuck me, I'm glad that we're culturally similar and by extension, best mates.

Can you imagine being on the wrong side of the yanks? They're mad cunts. They don't have free healthcare because they're just like "Yeah we could have an NHS or we could develop some fighter jet that has the radar signature of a bumble bee and can smash a missile directly into your arsehole from 1000km away"

And then they're just like "yeah you Brits are alright, you can have that technology"

Mental. Say what you want about them but when the shit hits the fan and everyone commits to world war 3, I'd rather be on their side than some fucking chink or Russian potato head.

It's an Anglo world, everyone else is just living in it rent free.
credit where credit is due, that post did give me an audible chuckle.
Culturally we are much, MUCH, more similar to Australians than yanks.
gen z boss hittin the woah in 2024 oh my days
Two testes and a willy
Two testes and a willy
Brits, Aussies, and Yanks are the holy trio of nations. I suppose Canada and NZ are ok as well.
Cheese and onion pastie and two cheese and onion rolls heated in the air dryer for tea
Yeah but I don't consider Australia a separate country to the UK like the US.

They're just Brits on holiday. It's a given that they'll be on our side.
>That post doesn't exist anymore
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shes attractive
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imagine not having THE BOYS
people dismiss ethnic loyalty, but it's real. If Australia or Canada or the US or NZ were attacked, I'd take it personally and I know they'd feel the same about Britain being attacked.
Our settler colonies are really paying dividends
what was it?
>blacks are considered a different subspecies compared to other races
what now rorke
Fair points. But we should be wary of China. Their technology is advancing all the time. Maybe at some point in the near future they will have fighter jets that are just as good as American ones. I dunno.
an disgusting tranny nonce
>fighter jet that has the radar signature of a bumble bee and can smash a missile directly into your arsehole from 1000km away"
But they can't.
lol the UK is a paki colony now it's not anglo
we're never going to side with them against the yanks though, fuck that
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>Singer Jessie J reveals OCD and ADHD diagnosis
>ethnic loyalty
going to be hanging out the arse tomorrow

it is what it is
grindr bio could use some work
5 eyes keeping an eye on the filthy non-Anglos

Watching each others backs, the way it should be
fr*nch "Canadian" detected
tranny nonces don't like when you call them tranny nonces
too bad
listening to music and crying

need paki bicycle man to hurry up

>yes I have ADHD I need to be on amphetamines all the time it’s a medical condition it’s an illness a sickness really so it’s ok for me to be on speed er I mean the medicine all the time yes it’s all perfectly legal and healthy you understand
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Did he really deserve to be treated the way he was?
Nice to put the feet up after a day of toil
Of course. But the post said
>It's an Anglo world, everyone else is just living in it rent free.
That's sort of true at the moment, but I'm just saying that the West shouldn't be complacent.
thanks for not calling me jeet or zhang
I am of the Balkanoid persuasion
the Chinese HATE IT, which means we're doing good. I can't find them now, but the Chinese government made some anti-US and anti-5Eyes propaganda videos that just made us look cool as fuck
it's a woman's world and you're lucky to be living in it ~
Nothing as sweet as married pussy
‘avin a few jars?
You're not supposed to do that Daryl
You know you're not supposed to do that
daryl did nothing wrong. early victim of the woke mob
Well, shit, at least you're not French.
How much of a porn addled freak do you have to be to defend 5 eyes spooks lol
reckon he'd be a good friend to have
Nah, toil on the morrow. Might have a few on Tuesday evening depending on how I feel.
not wnaked in a week and my bollocks are aching
is this healthy?
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Those big wide hairy size 13 feet
I would stand with my English hosts against the French
You're right, but I'm very confident. God is on our side and not to be "racist" but we are objectively superior by every metric.
trip on sacked tranny
Holy take your meds
I have dainty size 8 feet actually
Come home lad
You ulster?
this cannot be. we are the good guys. we've always been the good guys.
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been on the computer for 15 hours today
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what does fat pussy smell like?
get in, the lads!
haha that cat is on a computer haha
sweat mostly
oh so you've cut down your usage
ktim ed (everyday)
mousey meltdown in /cum/
you've turned into a cat too
>being in the information age
>not being on the computer the majority of the day
I don't know if you're familiar with the "letters of last resort" but they're sealed instructions given to the commanders of nuclear submarines.

In the event the UK military is wiped out in a surprise nuclear attack, one of the options is to report to either the US or Australian military for orders so they can use our nuclear arsenal to fuck up whoever hit us.

Anglos together forever. We will always find a way to punish those who stand against us.
do yanks even set him off or is it self-inflicted?
i read physical books me. paper ones.
usually he goes off when a leaf tells him to shut up
doesn’t take much
odd that Iran and Yemen's Houthis are different types of Shia but Iran funds them anyway

Wonder how muslims choose which muslims to hate and which muslims to like.
fryer oil
the bottle with some ethyl acetate, water in it, quenched with water and table salt (it was waste anyway), and (probably) angel delight, was separated into three layers, but its not anymore. and the color of the remaining liquid hasnt changed, so it might be as soluble in water as it was in solvent. i have pure solvent with barely any water in the bottom which is yellow, to mix that with some water to test that. the water on the bottom is the same color as the wikipedia entry for what mixing bleach and chlorine makes just as for what color it is
You probably a shia innit
Purple on the first one you know it
please keep me updated on the activities of a poster i have filtered in a thread i don't visit
You ain't no muslim bruv
7 more implings to catch
ill probably stick my finger in the acid jar and lick it only because i did that before (when it was still red) with the water evaporating
and while i might still be on the two receptors im on right now, to learn them not all at once (it might confuse me), it doesnt mean the other receptors are gone, or that the work is done. i can still probably write down the rest of the receptors
if it was all paper books it wouldn't be the information age. think about that.
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before i get banned by the way the jar of red liquid (probably alkaloids in acid form) with fishy ammonia smell, anhydrous, boiled, left to sit (it blew the tin foil lid off in sitting, doesnt smell like fish, boiling piss, anymore, more like grandpas forbidden port (which ive never smelled)
and the yellow alkaloid with ammonia in it, with sodium hydroxide added, which has free chloride, with the salt formed on top dissolved the salt into the liquid and made it all clear - maybe as the ammonia evaporated - and i spilled most of it all over my floor
the information wage
that's very cool.
we're building subs with Australia. I have a feeling that we're gonna "loan" nukes to Australia because we're going to be operating the same submarines, Australian subs will therefore be compatible with British and American submarine-launched nukes.
Also, the nukes we use, the Trident 2, is American. They sold us the missiles for our nukes lol, that's pretty crazy. I don't think they'd do that for any non-Anglo country.
I'm terrible at this my brain just can't do it
leftypol is such a larping faggot lmao
got the funk fusion on

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Plants don't have over FIFTEEN nutrients
really bothers me that the left is on the right and the right is on the left
Should be
>I don't really like mass immigration
>I demand that men in dresses have access to children's changing rooms
gaming on a desktop pc
he's alleged to have arranged acid and arson attacks on his ex wife
gonna cry?
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>Severe autism can be reversed and symptoms reduced to an indistinguishable level, scientists have discovered
In 5 years we won't have frogposters any more
this guy is such a retard it's unreal
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you should watch this film which was scored by herbie hancock
For me, its puckering the arsehole and letting out a series of short, loud, high pitched farts
Its actually quite funny, really
already know mate
they leave out the best song which is the one I linked
is frogposting really a thing anymore
barely see it anymore
cool thanks x
Just saw one of those freebirth videos, fuckin hell. Intense stuff.
Love how he's obviously had a transplant and he claims it's regrowth due to his bizarre schizo diet.
anyone do boxing
might start boxing
Outside of /brit/ it's as prevalent as ever
sweeter still. pussy of a woman who got beaten by her former partner and is throwing herself at you praying you'll be kind to her
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love frogposting me
it got really spammy and annoying so people stopped
Around Christmas and birthdays yeah but otherwise only when I’m moving
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Thoughts on my dessert boots?
I do taekwondo
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Looks like she's in Copenhagen now.

Will she top last year's holiday high score? And how long before she's back to performative poverty and complaining about how poor she JANUINELY is while having 20 holidays over the summer?
There's about 15 frogthreads in the /int/ catalog(ue) right now.
The new 'eitch

boots of a man with a nice hard smooth cock
open /deutsch/ if you want to see just how bad a thread can be
who asked nigga
always about you isn't it
bore off you attention seeking narcissist
great bait mate
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>dessert boots
you're a bottom aren't you
I love my little cat
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>Now in the primitive state of the kingdom after the Conquest those who were left of the Anglo-Saxon subjects secretly laid ambushes for the suspected and hated race of the Normans, and, here and there, when opportunity offered, killed them secretly in the woods and in remote places: as vengeance for whom when the kings and their ministers had for some years, with exquisite kinds of tortures, raged against the Anglo-Saxons; and they, nevertheless, had not, in consequence of these measures, altogether desisted,

translation: Englishmen killing foreign invaders via medeival guerrilla warfare despite the severe punishments handed out by the foreign invaders

God, we used to be so fucking BASED.
What the fuck happened to us?
Americans are all retards atleast brits are normal functioning people
>compare to americans
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on the train lads
why's she dressing like a grandmother though?
hmmmm YES
I love my cats too. Love cuddling them.
just like real life
no you aren't. it's dark now you mong
*waves at you from my bedroom window*
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Her life's just one extended vacation
don't reply to me you fucking worm
love are keely
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
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F off
don't you fucking start
mad how women and kids love wonka even though he's a savile tier villain
not in the developed world
have you got the one where apu is being confronted by nonce hunters and he has piss in his pants? been looking for that one for ages.
hymens getting ripped up as we speak mmhmm
fake tits are so grim
Boxing is for pikeys
Taekwondo is for autistic freaks
Karate is for weebs

Learn Jiu Jitsu, it is OBJECTIVELY the best fighting style ever conceived.

Look at every successful MMA fighter, they all have extensive training in Jiu Jitsu. It has the most practical moves that you would actually use in a self defence situation and you can really fuck somebody's day up by applying it correctly
well you're posting here which means you've already got brain damage. A little more can't hurt
would love to have sexual intercourse with her vagina if you can comprehened me
i'm part of the roobarmy but that outfit is fucking terrible. she looks horrendous there fuck me
literally a cock bulge
Incel Boy needs the frogimage to add to his folder
Right next to the folder of 'special' images
more like poo shitsu LOL
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but none for you eh timmy
Niggers - I need your card info. Can you please supply your card number, expiry date and CVC code? Thanks in advance.
I'm not gay sorry x
Yes, I listen to JRE
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LOVE melons, me. I currently possess six melons - four piel de sapo (my favourite), one honeydew and a Limelon which has a hint of citrus in it. I will eat one tonight and so I will have five melons. How many melons do you have?
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no but i've got this one where he's at that tiktok food truck
why are women like that though
a mind ruined by porn
Love rolling around on the floor with men now do you?
odds i stay up another hour, applying hand cream and having another cig before i brush my teeth and go to bed
evens i brush my teeth and go to bed now
get a distinct sense of spite from roald dahl's stories
*gives you the touch of death*
Don't worry lads, took care of the boring cunt
Got a watermelon and that’s it
Not huge on melon or fruit in general desu
next to the folder named "lg"
I wonder what that stands for?
>hand cream
you already are a huge fruit mate
Yeah he was quite a mean person
His short stories were far superior to his usual ones though, like The Hitchhiker (unrelated to the galaxy guide)
he kinda cute tho
Why are zesty niggas wearing their grandmas pearls all of a sudden?
Jiu Jitsu is completely useless in a non competitive environment. It's probably the worst martial art for overall efficacy.
You daft bugger it's primarily to watch us. We spy on the yank population for them and the NSA spys on us.
wow irish claimed a whole sport. what a win.
hmm well that explains the self loathing then
i love my little cat
i will kill anyone that comes between me and him
Gay boys with a pearl necklace is it?
dermatitis. ive had a flare up recently and it gets bad on my fingers. ive put on cream twice in the last few days so they are looking better but could probably use another couple of days worth of application and ive not bothered today.
Jesus christ. Learn when to keep your mouth shut. We know you. We know you don't now anything about fighting.
Eeny-weeny, teeny-weeny
Shriveled little short dick man
Shut up you fucking tranny, I'd deck you with my elbow and snap your neck in under 5 seconds

I'd be erect the whole time
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based webbposter
Take your own advice and ignore him
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>I'd be erect the whole time
Odd energy ITT
when I first watched peep show I saw them as proper old adults
now I'm almost the same age as them (almost 27). It's grim getting old.
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goodnight lads
weird that literally every terrorist attack has an islamic motive

and leftypol digs his head in the sand and says all religions are equal
utterly mad
You're right. Something feels evil. Im freaked out now. What the fuck. I'm terrified of demons.
Just post the Webbs and leave the blogs out of it
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Been talking to the teenage girl at my local filling station for a while. She now sells me weed and I reckon she'll let me fuck her in the stock room before long.
Any song with river in it is kino and sovl
literally all MI5
that’s because antiterrorism legislation targets muslims disproportionately
Goodnight, anon
I've decided to be one a national celebrity.
>filling station
you fucking people...
tfw ive turned into jez
Jiu Jitsu is just Judo if you said "What if after I throw them to the ground I smashed their face in or choked them to death?"
just found some rotten chicken skewers I accidentally put in a drawer while drunk about 2 weeks ago
the worst part is they don't even smell which means they absolutely reek and I've just been used to it the entire time
what about that one about doing cunnilingus on your mum on a plane during covid because its the season of the sticks
based sleazemaxxed nonce
It’s choronzon
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this nigga never seen a fight in his life unless you count being mercilessly bullied as fighting
show her your cool frog pictures I’m sure that’ll get her pussy wet
Lauren Southern got a divorce citing domestic abuse and “being the modern equivalent of a Western slave” after being the largest proponent of the tradlife for years.
he does that weird sighing thing that proper incels do
ffs only 3 months til Halloween. Well I won't be sleeping tonight. Too scared
>Wonder how muslims choose which muslims to hate and which muslims to like.
It's all just political concerns - each group is just trying to further its interests. That's why religions were invented in the first place: to further the interests of those who created religions.
Boxing is very effective. You're right about taekwondo. Karate has a variety of styles and some are more practical than others. Wado and Kyukushin styles work in a real fight.

Jiu jitsu (and it's spin off: Judo) are completely OP. MMA is obviously the peak system as it just takes the best of all the disciplines. Boxing and Muay Thai for striking, Jiu jitsu or judo for grappling.
Genuinely impressed with the continued bravery to keep posting his very gay voice. The voice of a gay man.
As I'm listening, I don't think this person is a troll, genuinely sounds mentally ill.
what are you even supposed to do with a voice that incellish
girls would be repulsed immediately
We had them in S.A when I was at school, converted to 7.62. Roodie-poo insurance.
mate, fuck off. don't even joke about that.
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>I've been having lessons for 2 years now
black niggas: ight immafuhwitcha
white niggas: boy howdy i guess i'll see you later alligator!
detroit before all the wypipo ran off
pretend to be a woman and start taekwondo so you can beat women up for fun
drinking in the culture.

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>Never had steak as my mum won't let me buy meat with bones in case I choke.
Martial arts ranking

Highly effective

>Baji Quan

Reddit shit
>Muay Thai
>Brazilian Ju Jitsu
Eat all black people in darius 3 coca cola 3020
cannot believe I've had rotten chicken in my room for weeks and I've been nose blind to it
absolute state
I'm listening to EW's vocaroo as I'm posting and I'm not going to bully him anymore. Feel guilty hearing how pathetic he sounds.
love a spot of bach me
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Fuck off and die you boring cunt
Live next to a primary school, me.
what do you say? We say filling station/petrol station. You're not a "gas station" nonce are you?


what the fuck is this hahahahaha what a fucking mong
lucky cunt
>I have a lazy eye
didn't ask aha
too many digits there ramanujan
she's 18 or 19. Bit chavvy but ok.
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>Can't have chicken legs or thighs etc or anything with bones in. Mumberg will go mad. She doesn't like me getting raw chicken either in case I don't cook it properly. We usually get already cooked chicken.

My voice is fine
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just finished watching barry lyndon for the first time, got a few tears out of me x
might summon a paki bicyclist to my home or trudge off to a shop paki
or I might stay home and stew in my alcoholism
Jamar over there breaking emma’s back with that longpipe like she owe him money LOL
Meanwhile pookie and dem tag teaming katy while chiefing tooka
What’s lil timmy up to?
very lucky.
any particularly cute girls?
anyone got the vocaroo of nappy being racist and/or the one of the “other” anon being called a paedo by his mother and sister?
brookie's cooked
you implicitly raised it as a topic for discussion x
The Moscow attack was the SBU and CIA, rube
terrified shoppers hear this lispy pervert voice when shopping for food
You sound like a poof.
oh god its real. you need to go back to /r9k/
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a graph of genetic distances I found
Oh, a couple. Blonde Year 6 girls with terrific legs
still not asking x
>one of the “other” anon being called a paedo by his mother and sister?
someone post this NOW
Has the man uploaded a vocaroo of his imitation of a woman? Daren't not click out of cringe
Seen some posts that I am really unhappy with
niggerising around
What is Employed Woman's accent? I can't quite place it.
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Already heard your voice you ceaseless attention whore

Youre fat
Youre a manlet
You have a black stepfather that triggers your cuckposting meltdowns
You have the gayest nasally faggot leftypol voice and it suits you and your weasely pseudo kike behaviour
I was doing an omelette while pissed and as I was pouring the egg mixture from the bowl to the pan I somehow fumbled the bowl. I think it might've been slippery from the egg mix.

Anyway my kitchen is carpeted because my landlord is a boomer, and now there's a patch of egg splattered on it. And I mopped most of it up at the time but I haven't properly cleaned it because I've been hungover the last few days and can't be arsed. It's been there since Thursday I think. I can't smell it though.
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They’re all shouting at him
Last time I heard it I was very drunk but it sounded just like nappy
Did the NEET bloke try to prove it was a joke with a job?

I don't care anymore :)
You have no wife
You aren't in Spain
You are a poor imitation of a mildly successful human being
Feel so close to you right now
Fuck off and die you boring cunt
What are some interesting Vanguard funds?
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Depends how big you are.

If you're a big cunt then boxing is what you need to do. If you're like two weight classes above somebody in a fight and you are good at boxing you will basically kill them by simply punching them to death.

For the average person, Jiu Jitsu is better. Somebody can be bigger than you but you can get them down to the ground and do damage (or run away if you don't want to fight)
the demon that possesses spainfreak is speaking
think I just physically died of cringe
Has he given up on that yet?
I filtered him but am phonepsoting and drinking so now I’m interested in how far his mentally ill charade has gone
Probably will end up like the S&P 500 which is on 650~% growth over 20 years.
Actually sad.
very nice. but desu I prefer them a little bit younger.
Nice to see a fellow cunnyseur in /brit/ though.
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cant listen right now because im with my in-laws and one is a tranny what’s he saying
There's about to be a new thread but some of you can stay in this thread and review your posts here and think of how to improve your content in future, okay? See you in one hour
If you are in the USA currently, the guy flying the 1970s British Army Scout helicopter at airshows and that is a former /brit/ contributer
So where's it suggesting pikeys actually come from then
Are they actual gyppos
Lovely cinematography and music but I found it completely uninvolving.
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Why is Bri'Int harsh so on trannies while being so soft on muzzies? I keep seeing videos of muzzies in the UK calling for an end to UK democracy, demanding Shariah, and waving giant Islamic conquest flags in various UK cities. These people are openly saying that they want to outbreed native Brits, and gradually take over the UK government (by 2050).

Are you all more worried about some random dickgirl giving you a boner... than you are about Islam taking over parts of the UK? Lol.

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