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Are there waterparks in your country?
lightskinned drake type nigga apprehending hardick shitjeet
>Criminal is saar
>Police are mulattos
Are there any white people at all in Canada anymore?
BBC keeps patel in check here
Canada is the first post national state bruh
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A true chad does not care about consent
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We have waterparks yeah.
I'm sure he will be the chaddest chad in prison after other inmates find out why he's in there.
>watch French or Canadian movie
>no one is white
two of the biggest shitholes in the planet, but hey at least they aren't speaking German, just hindi and arab LMAOOOO
>Can I get two orders of enchiladas please? Spicy. Hurt me, papi.
Saars, he's obviously Paki
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>Canadian movie
Like what?
Do you think I can achieve this body type natty?

Arabs are like 2% of Canada;s population. You are as likely to find a spic beanner like yourself than an arab here
I refuse to believe this wasn't some mafia sabotage shit
Texas is our least whitest state, yet still whiter than the whole of Canada!
the brownest province in all of Canada is Ontario and its like 10% south asian. Meanwhile the two largest states in yoiur country ( California and Texas) quite literally have more Mexicans than white people
He typed, swarthily.
It was even worse.
Low pay workers from "that" country.
You didn't have to reply twice to cope, saar
Is this sweden? Whats the context?
>You didn't have to reply twice to cope, saar
>at least they aren't speaking German
why do /int/sects keep using this retarded dichotomy
they could defeat germs and not get the continent flooded with browns
yeah but it's normie shit plus they're overprice tourist traps
men with this kind of build should all kill themselves
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Ah yes the white majoirty and first world nation of chile
New water park called Oceana was being built in Gothenburg.
Many hundreds of millions of Euros.
They used underpaid, unregistered workers and a gas leak from the welding equipment caught fire.
Big explosion, slide went boom, most of the building burned. One man (unregistered worker) died and was found several days later.
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How do you know he is Indian? Do you just see any bad brown person and assume he is Indian?
he could be Arab or Latino or nafri or one of the rare very swarthy South Europeans
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Your seethe is showing, Jamaal.
That haircut, with that beard, and that build?
If he's not Indian, he's Pakistani or Bangladeshi.
because he looks like 90% of indians I see irl and it's Canada. The indian population of the country is 2-3 millio, the arab population is around 700k and the latam population is around 600k. So it is probability, at the very least he is south asian most likely
But even the authoritiiiiies
Are minoritiiiiiies
response saar?
>New Brunswick RCMP officers arrested the man, who they said was originally from India, after someone allegedly groped at least 12 people at Magic Mountain SplashZone in Moncton, N.B. on Sunday. Police say some of the alleged victims were under the age of 16.
Hello saar
he's clearly indian or more broadly south asian with those facial features..etc
>muh latino or nafri
jeets always manage to hit new lows with their cope even the saar he's pakistani or afghani saar cope would've been more closer to reality
>the swarthy southern europeans
This is even more hilarious what goes on in a jeets head?
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>How do you know he is Indian? Do you just see any bad brown person and assume he is Indian? he could be Arab or Latino or nafri or one of the rare very swarthy South Europeans
Huge bald spot on the vertex with perfect hairline? This guy defies the Norwood scale
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he probably thought it was Holi Festival
You see a jeet. I see a nafri, a latino, a Brazilian
why are canadians like that?
Same reason you guys speak Portuguese.
>unregistered workers
Here, you have to have an ID with photo visible on your work uniform if you work at any construction site.
one of my countrymen ate too much surströmming for breakfast and then farted his way down the slide
At some point, people will start to think that pajeets are worse than niggers.
Black people aren’t that bad
Just retarded hood niggas
well turn out whatever he saw was right
>jeets are in places like egypt
what the fuck, how are you people even in shitholes now???
>At some point, people will start to think that pajeets are worse than niggers.

They already do.

I've never seen this type of vitriol from normies.
jeets are like chinese, they're in every single country
>even in shitholes
I'm just gonna let the taste of that question sit on your tongue for a moment,
>I've never seen this type of vitriol from normies.

Led by white women. White women are tired of jeets pooping on the beach, touching them, giving them rapey stares, sexually harassing them online (bobs and vagenes)
I meant shitholes other than their own, you moosenigger
Changs and wetbacks do the same shit but only pajeets get the blame.

Way more blks. Texas is infested with EBT blacks. That 13% is really like 35% imo. I see more blacks than Hispanics.
Like our own, and your own? Anywhere there's a taxi or a corner store, there's a Singh, Kaur, and Patel.
They are basically slave labor for construction companies. The jeets who are too dumb to even get qualified for scam html coding degrees in Canada go to Middle East and build shit for them. India is such a shithole that they rather be slaves in the middle of a desert than live in India.
I cannot believe these parasites are in fucking Moncton of all places now.
Switch your fucking proxy already visajeet
it's ovah cobber
Indian century, just not in India
we have them yes
This is CGI I proved it yeah ago or something
Skull shape is basic biology saaaar
He looks just like you saar
India is such a shithole jeets flee to Africa for a better life
A fire! in a waterpark!
How come my thread got deleted when I made the exact same post
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janny was on xer period
Why are indian men always horny and desperately thirsty?
wtf is in there that can explode
>jeet finds out that jeets look clearly distinct and identifiable
Your race is the ugliest in the world.
1 out of 7 people IN THE WORLD are Indian.

It's beyond fucking over.
come on. from the belly you know it is a jeet
come on saar, your betiful bharat
looks are impossible to not recognise
This is nightmarish
>Sex specialists may scream themselves
Very peculiar. No wonder you're Lesbianese.
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>park full of water
>catches fire
Make Tejas Great Again
>Injuns at 1.1%
... Either they've intentionally surrounded my parents, or the indios who can speak three words in Spanish are "Latino"
>Do you just see any bad brown person and assume he is Indian?
At this point yes.
superior brahmeme culcha SAAR
the future of humanity right there : lightskin nigga vs saarman
aside from his natural appearance, he is wearing that thing cowpoo-cowpee nationalist brahmemes wear, SAAR
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another day of poopjeets
even afro-americans doesn't receive this casual hate
Most leafs like chocolate niggas because of their presence in sports and music (nigga rap). The hatred towards pajeets is quite unique
they love their bbc over there
impressive. very nice.
when u poo in da water loo
Indians are so funny
As it should, Texas and Cali are both rightful Mexican clay
Not an argument. It's still less white
we love our BBC bros here and hate jeets
simple as
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Let's see if this saaaaaaaaaaarhole makes a 10 minute video about him.
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why cant people keep their hands to themselves
>you can see him at Dundas Square for free



woo hoo
and the rest of his family. They're having a six hour chat in front of the main TTC entrance.
based Swede
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