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what is the most American opinion you hold?
live by the burger, die by the burger
Iraq deserved 2003

double quads = incontrovertible truth tactical nuke


Roundabouts are stupid as fuck and I literally do not care about your quantitative, objective scientific study which shows that they are safer and move traffic better. We. Do. Not. Care. We call for the abolition of all roundabouts, and the abolition of all bike lanes. The sidewalk is the bike lane.
True but trying to turn it into a western democracy was a waste of time, we should've just went in and got out
There should be no gun control whatsoever.
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Yemen needs to be flattened into a parking lot. I've held this opinion since the USS Cole bombing.
The right of the people to keep and bear guns or however the tortilla chip crunches
2nd amendment
Euro laws are gay
Unironically this. If I want to buy a machinegun at my local Lidl I should be able to do so.
vietnam was justified and we won
America is a terrible regime.
>Roundabouts are stupid as fuck
Yanki cope, you just get flustered when you can't stop at a red light to shart in an empty McDonald's cup.

I don't even wanna think about what the seats in your Dodge Ram: Ram Ranch Edition smell like.
even Republicans don't say that anymore
The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.
Gun control is nasty, even Marx knew it, if you don't want to get fucked by tyrants you better allow people to arm themselves, but it should be done responsibly and americans are too irresponsible, and also suburban niggers are allowed to carry them so that is a problem. .
This is true and only foreigners with an inferiority complex will cope otherwise. American troops left under a peace treaty.
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Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1 and Red 40 should be allowed. Glow-in-the-dark neon soda is fun
Need money for college, need college for job, need job for money. Who the Hell designed this fucking system?
I am NOT against HOAs I actually prefer them and will never buy a home that’s NOT within one.
HOAs keep people accountable.
Your home is an investment and should be treated as such, even if it’s your forever home. This includes the desirabilty (aesthetic ) of the neighborhood. The value and ability to resell and get the biggest return should always be a factor.
A LOT of times homes that are not in an HOA, the neighborhood looks a mess. Trash everywhere, unkept yards, brown grass, run down homes, clutter out front, cars lining the streets. These neighborhoods also tend to be super noisy and have higher crime.
On the financial side:
Neighborhoods without an HOA sell for less, are less desirable by people with high income (over $300k) and they appreciate slower which means less equity and less return (almost 10% less).
Neighborhoods with an HOA are almost always beautiful. Green, well-maintained & professionally landscaped yards, no trash or litter, no cars lining the street.
Homes within an HOA almost always sell for more and appreciate higher which means more equity and a higher return.
Not to mention neighborhoods with an HOA tend to have better schools.
I’m definitely team HOA and will be joining mines
Floor numbers should start at 1
HOA is not the problem, it's the boomers that run them that are the problem
If you've ever played in unregulated Minecraft service or shared camps nearby to someone else in a game like fallout 76, you will eventually realize the need for HOA type organizations. People should not be allowed to just build whatever they want in a place other people live where you'll have to see the ugly monstrosities people will create. We live in a society.
Water in restaurants should be free and served with ice.
New Hampshire has some of the loosest gun laws in the USA but a lower homicide rate than Finland. Baltimore has some of the harshest gun laws but is more dangerous than most of Brazil. Guess what the main difference between these two places is.
It's weird how everyone, regardless of politics, accepts that two-tier policing exists in America.
Fahrenheit is better than Celcius
Larger ranges are just easier to understand
not our problem
It's just more well suited to what human beings experience, which is why I don't think Celsius will ever take off here among people who aren't scientists or doctors. 100F is almost exactly the standard temperature of the average human body.
Do you really notice a difference between, say, 80 and 82 degrees though? It's fucking hot either way.
Not necessarily, but it's better than Celsius, where 30C is really hot and 10C is chilly.
I think that the CIA is a necessary evil even though they were behind many coups in my continent. I also think that nuking the japs in WW2 was justified and that MacArthur should have done the same with communistic shitholes like china, korea and the USSR before they were able to make their own nukes. I also hate muslims and everything their religion stands for. I guess that should suffice.
That's hilarious.

>Only three countries – the U.S., Liberia and Myanmar – still officially or actually stick to the imperial system

Sticking to that system makes no sense desu. International Units are based on sound scientific reasons. Imperial Units are all ass pulls.
Unlimited and absolute freedom of speech.
That's a delusion if you read the USA's history though, or if you piss off the glowniggers
damn that looks so good
The feds down in the capital should have little to no say in how my county governs itself
The general populace should be armed, and should be entitled to ride the biggest vehicle they're physically able to enter
big cars are based
>what is the most American opinion
the peepoo are increadibly christian/jewish fundamentalists
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“Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.”
That private property rights are some kind of metaphysical force of nature that is a priori and supercedes all laws and regulations. If Mr Goldberg owns 38% of all gomes in America well that's just the natural state of things.
Death to USA
That the authority of the Declaration of Independence overrides even the U.S. Constitution.

> Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of
the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is
the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
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i learned that burger is a valid calculation method
Monarchies, even modern constitutional ones, are fucking stupid.
Fighting wars in the middle east prevents another 9/11.
Japan should have gotten a third nuke, we should have turned the imperial palace into a radioactive crater
The only thing you and every son of a bitch posting here under the US flag knows how to do, is kneel to blacks and worship transsexuals, fucking faggot. I can smell the cock on your breath from here. You believe that men can give birth. Anyone competent at your workplace has been replaced by a DEI hire. Go kneel to George Floyd and set yourself on fire for Palestine
fuck off mudslime immigrant to a great country.
Gun ownership is a natural right.
Hamburgers are good and trans women are valid
"Natural right" is such a burger thing to believe in in the first place. Like, Billy Bob literally thinks rights work like the Force in star wars
I'm a classical liberal, protestant and moderately pro-Israel, albeit my true heroes are Disraeli and Gladstone.
Guns are pretty based
Firearms and stand your ground laws are essential part of personal freedom.
Double fucking quads make me agree with anything written under them.
silence, communist
I don't understand why so many people complain about processed food. Farmer's market and mom&pop butchers/bakers still exist so it's not impossible to get unprocessed food in the US, and I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with processed food. And Europe had mad cow disease back in the 80s and 90s so their food isn't always perfect either.
...fucking british.
Do you guys have HOAs in Norway?
Do Russians start at 1 as well?
Maybe we aren't so different after all...
There should be a minimum size limit for vehicles.
American Football is a much better sport than povertyball and rugby.
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I feel like the US is as close as you can get desu
Glenn Greenwald walks free, Assange was just retarded and got personally involved in leaking.

Other than that, most historical bills were eventually stuck down.

Even the 2nd amendment wasn't as lax as it is now until the Heller decision like 15 years ago
Why? I like yours.
It's a fun cultural thing and they don't hold any power. At least not anymore than any other rich family.
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Natural rights don't exist. Rights are granted by Almighty GOD. We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. God is the midichlorians in your anology.
>The sidewalk is the bike lane.
you barely have sidewalks too tho
An armed society is a polite society, except for non-whites.
The Gulf War was absolutely justified & kino
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no and if someone tried they would have zero legal effect. a key element of our laws is that you cannot sign away your rights, so you can sign a hoa deal stripping you of full rights on your property and then just continue doing what you want because said contract is legally null&void.
many apartment buildings are done in a kinda hoa way, but there you buy the right to live in the apartment you dont buy the apartment itself, then they can enforce such rules. its generally seen as crap and/or for boomers who want to control others.
No, we didn't have niggers until recently so there was no need.
Always loved that quote. It sounds like something a fallout character in the Enclave would say.

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