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Why Nordic women are like this?
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It's Faustian.
Appropriate flag
I used to drink on glasses like that when I was a child.
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I'm more impressed by the spazz in the background, the girl isn't even drinking the beer.
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What the fuck. I never saw the webm version.
I can't believe it's not AI.

What is she even doing? Women are so retarded
High T
>Why are Nordic women based as fuck
I don't know but I love it
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Very based, help poor people
such good girls
What's happening here?
people of norway worshiping american black guy
black man getting lynched
That's rather slow
Grotesque. Ypipo ain't human.
Is it some celebrity?
it's a guy named Speed
I'm guessing he's a popular fella
yes, american culture worships nogs
So is he like a musician or streamer or youtuber or what
She is a woman after all
No, women arent humans
Just nigger babble on camera
It was like a free giveaway or something and loads of shitskins showed up did what they do best and behaved like apes to get it
They crave BBC cum
That's kind of sexy
Flag check
For me it's the confidence to do stupid shit. Love to see it
brits or americans no doubt
Because they're partying
>For me it's the confidence to do stupid shit
Alcohol they call it
This shit gets funnier with each rewatch
You should learn to have fun
through self-destruction? Or self destruction is part of your having fun culture?
>drinking a beer in a silly way is literally self-destruction
Uh huh
Getting drunk as shit and fucking about is fun yes.
Yes, alcoholism and degeneracy are self destructive. Or maybe some female researchers funded by alvohol companies will say that alcohol is based and good? Tell me
Heh it sure helps
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>noo drinking beer is bad
>noo it's alcoholism to drink beer
Lmao look at this fucking nerd
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If you can have fun only under alcohol I'm not surprised why are you depressed
Alpha woman.
Guaranteed strong sons.
Oh loosen up, mohammed
More like FAS sons, this bitch would drink during pregnancy
how can bongs tolerate jeets if they don't scoar any fukkin goals
*Guaranteed no sons because they are becoming infertile from alcohol
I'm not Muslim I just have common sense. Why you think common sense makes me mudslim?
It's not common sense, saying that someone drinking a beer during a party is alcoholism is utterly ridiculous, I assumed you were a muslim because it's usually muslims who condemn any alcohol consumption at all (except for those in the west lol)
Women who skol beer are based but the roastie in the webm isn't even drinking, she just wrapped her massive cock glove of a mouth around the glass and let the beer inside sit still before she pulled it out. Probably a bunch of backwash in there as well. Gross
I feel deep in my soul an intrinsic civic duty to punch the next obnoxious nord I see
>she is...LE HAVING FUN!!
she's being a fucking spastic. There is a difference
He’s actually more popular in Europe, he doesn’t get those huge crowds here. He likes soccer and says Free Palestine from time to time. Muslims love that
Drinking alcohol in general is not healthy. Of course you can spam my face by alcohol company lobbied studies that say that alcohol makes you a superhuman, increases birthrates, makes you a better human being and basically cure from all diseases. But do you really believe in that garbage, if really I have bad news for you
they score runs instead
Why are you so obsessed with this idea that I think alcohol is healthy? Literally nobody thinks this, we all know it's bad for you. But so is eating a pizza or sitting for too long. It's not dangerous to have a couple beers every now. Do you mean to say you are always healthy 100% of the time? This shit is so stupid
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Nobody said that doe
how autistic are you?
beer and alcohol makes you feel good and it tastes good, there is nothing more to it, dont try to analyze it.
the fact that you try to analyze it and break it down suggests that you are in desperate need for a beer to loosen up your mind a bit.
im drinking right now, why arent you?
>Drinking alcohol in general is not healthy
Who cares, nerd. I'm gonna give you wedgie and push you into s locker
More like mulatto or half-arab sons
Fuck, I watched it. That's just cringe. I'm so turned off by this entire webm that I can honestly say that I would not have sex with her even if she offered with no strings attached.
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You could lie on the internet to win the argument, but it will not change the reality
Sitting from time to time is necessary for functioning and pizza is actually a pretty healthy food. But drinking alcohol is NOT necessary and should be avoided as other drugs
you and me are so different. i got a boner watching it, i crave filthy whores like that with a passion.
its only cringe because she had to chug the beer, a girl i used to know had zero gag-reflex and could just open up and pour the beers straight down.
I find it a turn-off when women party, drink and smoke in general. It's mannish.
Please share the part where anyone said you can have fun only under alcohol. Also, Nordic countries were the 1-4 and 7th happiest countries on earth, while Boratistan was 49, while depression numbers were the same (lower for Iceland, higher for Finland) and your suicide was higher (17th) than any of the Nordic countries (Finland closest at 38, other much lower). I'm sure you'll enjoy the data while I give you a swirlie and push your books on the floor, nerdling
You should not be drunk to have fun. That's the reality
Me gulping down eggs in the morning
It really is a sight to see when someone can do that. I remember a dude I knew could do it and a faggot friend of ours just told him that his talents were wasted on women kek
You can spam meme indexes as long as you want and say that something is good because you drink
Pizza is not a actually a healthy food and is not necessary for functioning. Caffeine is also a drug, but being scared of coffee because too much caffeine is toxic doesn't make much sense. Yes, alcohol is unhealthy but it's not heroin like you seem to think of it as.
>Suicide is a meme in Kazakstan
Explains your ranking. Maybe you should have a beer every now and then
If only the mob had finished that fuckwit off
The Kazakh is right though. The only way 99% of people in the nordics can have fun is to get absolutely shitfaced. That's the only way people here socialize, meet their partner or have fun generally. Fuck I hate our drinking culture.
We actually drink a lot
Grim times in Sweden, it seems
high trust society finds it hard to cope with overwhelming disdain for increasingly dysgenic mating pool
Literally no-one in that clip is Norwegian.
And parts of Kazakhstan that drink the most have highest suicide rates
Maybe that's where your assumption that drinking alcohol = alcoholism comes from. There's drinking beer at a party and enjoying yourself and there's downing bottle after bottle of vodka to cope with depression. Shouldn't be confused with each other. Nothing better than drinking a few beers on your summer cabin.
be honest, you arent having much fun right now and its been days since last time you did.
norwegians lynching negro, colorized, 2024

it was a sad moment in our country's history
Least drinking countries have the least suicide rates
>its mannish
i know this sound ghay but thats what turns me on. i want a feminine looking but male behaving woman, years of dating and relationships have made me this way. i absolutely cannot stand the stereotypical feminine behaviour any longer, give me a drinking, working and fishing buddy with tits and pussy that as horny as a 20 year old dude and im happy.
Then you should come here and date a Swedish woman, they are mannish as fuck. I mean they aren't going to go fishing and work and such, but they will smoke/snus, drink, have lots of sex with strangers, and pursue a career, just like men want to do. Of course they'll also spend hours browsing facebook/chinese clothing sites, have pms, nag you, cheat, and be disgusting. It's the worst of both worlds really.
And as our alcohol consumption falls we are becoming less suicidal
Also wildly different cultures, geography, customs. There are many things that seperate us, many maps that would show us and you in different colours. Attributing it singularly to alcohol is ridiculous and you're doing it to support this narrative you have.
More like low intelligence = low alcohol consumption = low suicide rates
In 2023, there were 693 suicides in Norway registered, 70 more than in 2022.
>>200004135 #
Explain south African monkeys chud
>>200004066 #
Ok, explain why our regions that consume least alcohol are not so suicidal
>spend hours browsing facebook/chinese clothing sites, have pms, nag you, cheat, and be disgusting
thats the feminine sides i dont want...
i know many rural girls who fit my description, i just havent landed one myself yet and its extremely unlikely i ever will.
Tenk å spise raspeball og prumpe med et kjempeknall
South Africa's burden, being the continents only economic superpower
Because it's a symptom, not causation. It's why the eternally depressed greenlander drinks himself into a stupor, or russians. Many on the continent drink way more than the average nordic, your own supports that this doesn't cause suicide. The type of person to be clinically depressed is the one who will abuse hard liquor and drink himself out.
It's not just south Africa country, it's whole sub saharan African region. You are idiot if you really think it's because of intelligence
Still, least drinking counties kill themselves the least, and continental Europeans are more suicidal than non drinking nations
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So sub saharan africans are all Einsteins?
Again, wildly different circumstances between someone from jordan and czechia. There sure is a difference in yearly beer consumption between the two but I doubt a czech would have much in common with some random jordanian in other ways. Entirely different cultures, history, religion who all affect your daily life in signifacant ways. There could be a million reasons why they are less likely to kill themselves. Doesn't islam specifically ban suicide? That alone would seem more likely than any alcohol consumption to explain the phenomena but there might also be a million seperate reasons too. The act of drinking a beer simply doesn't garner this type of mood, it's that simple. Nobody decides to just become an alcoholic one day and drinking in the weekends wont turn you into one
Christinity bans suicide too, lol
>explain why our regions that consume least alcohol are not so suicidal
>Christinity bans suicide too, lol
So what? Most europeans nowadays don't even go to church, nevermind read the bible. A lot of europeans are largely secular, there is no looming fear of eternal damnation in people who want to kill themself here like what would happen in a typical muslim country.
>>explain why our regions that consume least alcohol are not so suicidal
I have done so multiple times, are you so stubborn that you'll ignore everything I've tried to explain to you so that you can keep at this own narrative you have where the simple act of drinking literally *any* amount of alcohol causes people to want to kill themselves? Despite the fact that you have zero evidence for this connection and it's only your pattern analysing brain recognizing higher numbers on both alcohol consumption/suicide statistics? We also statistically drink more coffee than many parts of the world, that could be the reason for our suicide rates too for all you know
A lot of Europe seems to be doing just fine while drinking a lot. Drinking cultures differ. Alcohol in itself isn't some scary thing and a downfall of a society, though it's sometimes a remedy for things being shit.
Yes, coffe is also a drug. And claiming that alcohol doesn't cause mental health problems and then suicide is foollish. I showed you the data that represents the pattern that you can see. You are assuming that alcohol isn't a drug that makes you addict very fast and says the same bullshit about "what if we drink moderatly", it's a fucking drug that caused enormous harm to humanity. there are no countries with high alcohol consumption that have lowest suicide rates. It's not only muslim countries because latams also have low suicide and alcohol consumption. You could its culture bluh bluh, I could nigate any existing argument by just saying it's too complicated to assume blu bluh bluh
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With remedy I meant to say that some use it to cope with stuff. But drinking a beer at a party has nothing to do with coping, alcoholism and any of that stuff.
It's one of the scary things but not the only one. Of course you could be successful person with drug addiction and live long and say suck moralist and etc. but does it make drug addiction normal? In short no
Friend, alcoholism means addiction to alcohol. Drinking alcohol isn't the same as alcoholism, even though the sound similar
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Normalisation of alcohol use is hardly correlated with alcoholism in general that are also correlated with suicide rates. Result: if people want to drink less alcohol they are less likely to kill themselves
if she was brown everyone praising her would be seething
>Normalisation of alcohol use is hardly correlated with alcoholism in general
Right. Drinking alcohol isn't bad, alcoholism is. In some countries they drink a lot without facing much issues. In others, they might drink less but have more alcoholism. Probably cultural and especially about drinking culture. But like said, nothing to do with drinking a beer at a party.
Why would a brown lady drinking a beer in a weird way and kissing a gal would upset people?
> And claiming that alcohol doesn't cause mental health problems and then suicide is foollish
It's not, what's foolish is seeing no difference between an alcoholic and some bitch chugging beer
> I showed you the data that represents the pattern that you can see
Pattern doesn't prove anything, it's what I've been trying to say the whole time.
>You are assuming that alcohol isn't a drug that makes you addict very fast and says the same bullshit about "what if we drink moderatly"
It is most definetly a drug, I have not denied that at all but the dose makes the poison.
>that makes you addict very fast
This simply doesn't happen, fucking everyone I've ever know has drunk alcohol at some point and I dont know a single alcoholic
>it's a fucking drug that caused enormous harm to humanity. there are no countries with high alcohol consumption that have lowest suicide rates.
Back and forth with the same bullshit
>It's not only muslim countries because latams also have low suicide and alcohol consumption.
They also have extremly social cultures and close familial ties, sunny weather and many are strongly reliugious. The circumstances are entirely different and if anything, resembles that of muslim countries except alcohol is perfectly legal and fair game to drink. But they have no reason to abuse it like some depressed, friendless Ivan would in his commieblock appartment at winter. But since alcohol is so addiciting like it were meth, shouldnt latin americans be just like us then? If anything, bringing up latin americans only proves my point.
>You could its culture bluh bluh, I could nigate any existing argument by just saying it's too complicated to assume blu bluh bluh
And you dismiss any other possibilities because they dont fit your arguement so it's all "bluh bluh" to you.
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Imagine being an extraconservative Muslim rapefugee and seeing this behavior
Because you nigate any arguments by saying "hey, it's not because of alcohol, it's because something else". I understood that your main point is that alcohol will not make you alcoholic after one drop, as for example heroin and opium will not most likely make you drug addict, but there is a reason why those drugs scare so many people and no same person will consume them for fun. Same thing with alcohol, the only difference this drug is so normalised that most countries can't wean off their population from it. And the argument about everything is poison and medicine is completely bullshit because consuming medicine should be under the doctor's recipie, not because you want to have dlsome fun
>there are no countries with high alcohol consumption that have lowest suicide rates
*New Norwegians
Danes drink more than us, and any other Scandinavians, yet they have low suicide rates
because browns are degenerates or somthin'
They live in a warmer climate also this
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>Not Another "Per capita data graphics"
Cute. Very science.
All this shit over some broad drinking beer at a party. lol
Ah I see
You are out of arguments to defend your overlords
>Because you nigate any arguments by saying "hey, it's not because of alcohol, it's because something else"
Because I don't believe your repeated arguement to be true since it's practically based on nothing more than your own intuition.
>but there is a reason why those drugs scare so many people and no same person will consume them for fun
Because those drugs are actually like how you describe alcohol, with severe and apparent health detriments that hurt the body more severely and quickly than alcohol will do.
>Same thing with alcohol, the only difference this drug is so normalised that most countries can't wean off their population from it.
Yes, it's deeply entrenched in culture.
>And the argument about everything is poison and medicine is completely bullshit because consuming medicine should be under the doctor's recipie
If you're refering to "dose makes the poison", I specifically meant that amounts matter. It doesn't take a genius to know that chugging 60% on an empty stomach is a bad idea but the average beer in my country is 4,5%. You have to drink atleast two to even start feeling a hint of anything, it's not something people need a medical professional to monitor, this isn't a medicine for some specific ailment
>Because I don't believe your repeated arguement to be true since it's practically based on nothing more than your own intuition.
It's not just intuition it's evidence that could be backed up by meta-analysis if only alcolobby didn't control academia
>Because those drugs are actually like how you describe alcohol, with severe and apparent health detriments that hurt the body more severely and quickly than alcohol will do.
Heroin was given to soldiers during ww and most of soldiers didn't weaker strength or became addict. Opium was used in my region as medicine from coughing, and we never had opium addicts until modernity and normalisation of its use to "have fun"
>You have to drink atleast two to even start feeling a hint of anything, it's not something people need a medical professional to monitor, this isn't a medicine for some specific ailment
Even slight amounts of alcohol could have significant impact
i can only barely tolerate parties drunk
in my rural hellhole i was in a really shitty and hard blue collar and farming group of people, i can count 10+ suicides among them over the years. none of them where alcoholic, i know that 2 of them where from hash/weed-induced schizofrenia and the rest is just being like you.
>why are they drinking dont they know its unhealthy?
>why dont i fit in?
dude, just relax, learn to not give a shit and join us instead of overthinking everything.
Empirical data vs hey in my local village
True but Euros are following suit
I've read your earlier posts, it's obvious you're really retarded so I don't see a point in arguing with you
>transtating to human language
I'm have no evidence to back up my claim but I will act like I'm superior by calling you a retard
So. Much. SCIENECE!!!! I am a SCIENTIST!!! I gather infographics without disclosing which factors they were collected by, I am SCIENCE!!!
Data could lie, but not in this case because the data is interconnected and casual relations to each other. Now go defend your overlords in other places, if you will not kill yourself during the walk
>Per capita
>Let's just disrefgard everything else so it seems like I have a scientific argument on the internet for strangers
>They live in the geolocations, I'm just gonna ignore all that....
>Heh... Very smart, too Intellect!
*Starts spewing schizo bullshit about Overlords*
Yup, a nutcase
No green arrow so you say that and look like that
You really defend that guy who seriously says that not drinking people are more likely to kill themselves because his colleagues did that?
Cry about arrows
You're trying to fit a square into a circle.
You are trying to fit a square into a circle because you try to convince me that anecdotal evidence is true
I didn't post anecdotes as evidence, what are you on about.
I was making fun of your per capita stats as "evidence" because they're more ludicrous than anecdotes
>Cry about arrows
I just did
The fact that danes consume more antidepressants is not an evidence? Oh, ok, I'll be more exact buy more antidepressants per inhabitant than any sis countries except frozen Iceland
Even looking at those maps, you have places like Denmark that drinks more than Sweden, yet has less alcoholism and fewer suicides.
1: The fact we are far from 100'000 Inuit living in Kalaallit Nunaat overexaggerates the suicide rates by up to three times more than it actually is.
2: You only go for convenience when cherrypicking graph, sometimes we are a cunt for our own, sometimes we're a part of the danish consensus.
3: You're deflecting, keep bringing up subject I never mentioned once.
Let's assume you are right about overexaggerating by Greenlanders, but there are also some other factors such as more moderate climate and wealth in comprasion to all others countries. And the general trends says that these factors are related significantly
>didn't post anecdotes as evidence
>They live in the geolocations, I'm just gonna ignore all that....
The only problem with suicide stats is, we never really know what the reason is. That's like trying to ask someone (scientifically) why they chose to be born. What kind of factors are you gonna relate into such stupid question?
Exactly, you do not have the slightest knowledge beyond false stats and refuse to realize what we're telling you.
Hence >>200008406
>false stats
Stats aren't false you idiot, they represent what they claim to represent. It's just data that could be or could not be false. In this case it's not
>What kind of factors are you gonna relate into such stupid question?
Cum inside the womb of your and any other mothers in the world during the impregnation time
kys Moroccan
I'm not sure... I think you need more cultural learnings of Earth for make benefit glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
If that's all evidence you can show me then, you can go suck your own cock and say everyone you destroyed me without valid evidences
Keep pushing the square into the circle, I'm sure it'll fit.
You are doing that, not me
>that is someones daughter
probably not knowing how northern Euros are
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We Northern Euros just sprout from the ground
It's nornal if every woman is a whore. I think that's what he means
Yes, ofc
Because they can
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If everyone is whore no one is whore
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Okey dokey
i was saying that she's fatherless as northern Euros are known for having bastard children
Haha, real
It just doesn't matter to us all that much if you're married or not when having kids. Tbqh I've never understood why some think it important
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Maybe Varg is right, we really are neanderthals
Neanderthal superiority

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