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In Norway and Sweden if you hire a hooker and get caught police will jail only you and pat the hooker. And also the hooker has a right to accuse you of rape and inprison you for extra 10 years
Women want this law here too.
So retarded how are people supposed to even have sex?
prostitution should be legal. banning agreed actions between 2 free individual people is retarded and and only commie-brained retards would defend it
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And if you are brown or black then you also get a pat on the back and are set free but only if the hooker was White
That’s outdated. It’s now automatically considered rape even if the hooker don’t even wanna accuse you. We also have 130 men for every 100 women due to mass migration of only men. Our society has created millions of fake jobs in the bloated public sector primarily for women with degrees. The only academic field left that is slightly majority male (STEM) is facing both pressures and funding to make it atleast 50% female (law being 70% female is not a problem). Women are also given priority in the housing market.
Damn, Sweden really is the most cucked country
This is a good thing. Women are retarded and without agency. Therefore they need to be protected.
pimps exist
What if you're pure 100% african and the hooker is half white?
wtf, what cucks are you
We were betrayed by our boomers. They’re all communists who hate their own sons. There’s nothing to do really, atleast not democratically. Boomers, women and migrants will vote for the left to continue this procedure
is revolution comming?
yeah, it's feministisk and retarded. but at the same time it protects men from giving away their money to women
No people play vidya instead
Boomers really are the worst generation of Humanity.
Quintessential american post
Find it funny how there is NEVER any pressure for women to go into manual, male dominated jobs but its always stem.
And it never fucking works kek
revolt motherfucker
>but at the same time it protects men from giving away their money to women
no it does'nt because they end up spending much more money to whores than with prostitutes
Ironically this feminist law implies women are less responsible for their decisions than men.
If you go into STEM you're an incel in the first place. Or Indian
Why? It doesn't consider gender at all
you are so disingenous kek
No, stop being a slipperly little weasel and tell me
you are pretending that prostitutes are a 50-50 split between sexes, that 50% of people that buy sex are women and that the law wasn't written specifically to cater to women
Because it obviously statistically affects women more
only women and 8/10 chads will have sex
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Not one of those are true chudbert. And you won't defend even one of those statements after getting called out for being full of shit. Kill yourself
Well that is not a juridical problem, but a men problem. Are American laws unfair because they target black people disproportionally too?
>Women are also given priority in the housing market.
>Are American laws unfair because they target black people disproportionally too?
uhh, yes? are u living under a rock?
american law doesn't imply blacks are less responsible for their decisions than anyone else
I am comparing the sex buyers with black people. Bot the sex sellers.
Some drug laws in the 60s were introduced especially to crack down on black communities. Sure juristically its for everyone but its not like lawmakers never try to specifically target certain groups of people
At least Norway has good looking transes. Norway yess!!! And feminism!!!
>Swedecuck defending their gyrocracy
kek like clockwork
Woman and/or faggot
>be burger anon
>waiting for a norwegian to restart the norwegian general
page 8
Jeg ser det ikke
det er når vi lager ny, tråden lever her: >>199986228
A tusen takk
debunk them for me (genuine)
Just a swede
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as it should be
Sweden yes
Norway yes
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Kill yourself dogfucking fat fuck kike
how did your governments get so corrupt? I thought swedish men were the most chaddest of the chad aryan vikings, especially given the fact that your bravest men didn't die in the trenches of ww1 or mass meat grinders in ww2. How did you get this cucked?
It started when women were given the right to vote. Women + their simps outnumber the rational men.
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Swedish men are soft as fuck, you can hear it in their language and the way they speak. They all talk so gayly. Like
>Förstoora... Jag tycker om rumpa dildo jag har en fingra i min bussy jåå kan du fingra min anus, kalle?

They stretch the end of every word like they're waiting for someone to shut them up by facefucking them, it's sickening how homo swedes sound.
I don't speak a word of swedish by the way, I refused to learn it in school, I only passed because I fucked the lady who held the classes. I'd rather fuck an ugly chick than learn a word of that gay language.

I hope they get replaced by something non-white so some other country can take over the space they occupy. Deserved extinction.
thats only in the souf
Swedes were never vikings, for a start: that was the Norwegians and Danes. Second, they stayed out of WW1 & 2 precisely because they were a cowardly and effeminate people, so there were no men of good stock to preserve.
you guys unironically deserve to be replaced by mudslimes lol
As other skandis
You're wrong. We were vikings too.
I've always been fascinated by how openly misandrist Swedish society seems. What caused it?
>grrr, this peaceful, prosperous and homogeneous country is so boring
>we should let in foreign criminals
t. Boomer
>punishing the buyer and not the supplier
what a backwards country
American prostitutes have a no black guy policy.
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>Norway and Sweden
If you don't have problems, then create them yourself.
Your boomer brothers started it though. While you fucked each other and bootlicked women, women created problems that other generations should cope with
What a bunch of chuds, sex work is real work! What a sexist society!
Norgay and Sneeden
They acknowledge it, that's the reason they pat hookers. But imprison men
We love sluts in Norway.
How can you arrest someone for buying a service that isn't illegal or wrong?
Ask the inhabitant of these bizarre lands
My point is that they don't acknowledge it as real work
They acknowledged it, if they didn't they would imprison hoolers too
No? They are arresting people for hiring those services
Hookers are almost like the police. Very respectable
Stop asking questions chud, or it's jail time for you
Are you gonna chase the path of your sisters?
how do you not get demorilized and just start neeting.
i welcome you to move to glorious Russia
Its a femiist country. Not necessarly safe for men...

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