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I was about to insult you for making new as a foreigner but in actuality you have saved us from the Nojkogypsy thread
I endorse this thread
Old >>199985065
this, only good french post in balk history
I have never enjoyed living in the world
>Tell murder is illegal to murder victim!!!!!
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Look at this pale angel
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>no sights on the rifle
What does that mean ?
lmao i didn't see the bottom
Based frenchie denied the nojkoturd menace and saved balk
too young, needs to be 40 and have 2 pregnancies past
Front and rear sights are missing, given how it is American the rifle might not be fake like it would be in the rest of the world for shows
Is nojko an orphan?
Its sexy when asian women see themselves as akward and can laugh about this steretype.
>here comes a 4h spam sessions with the following/some of the following
>bbis trannies
>dog porn
>Muslim larps
look at this fucking redditor
Redit hates guns you dumb albo
And if guns didn't exist, today your compatriots would be speaking Serbian
I don't get it, all guys look ugly as fuck to me.
Rooftopper is probably the most retarded thing a healthy individual can do
I don't understand, must be some western propaganda.
Kill yourself
I was thinking about it just earlier but now I won't do it just to spite you.
Yeah I'm kidding, don't do it, from this thread only Mangal and Nojkovic should off themselves
This is mangal
>he doesn't wish them long lives so they can suffer
I doubt I will ever do it.

I am not a faggot.
Might be
He should actually, tired of his faggy and simping posts, Ros should do it too.
Churkosmurd gets the rope too
I'm fairly certain Ros is the one making and spamming about the /ro/ threads, lel
Sunt fată transgender UwU
CIA victim
CIA victim
CIA victim
CIA victim
CIA victim
CIA victim
>keeps digging his hole deeper
I was known as Mizera. But that's a story for another time.
CIA victim
Your cryptic bullshit ain't helping your case, bro
man 2006 used to be shit for incels too
it is over
You are annoying and not funny
Yeah well fuck that fat sack of gypsy shit and hix obnoxious reddit passive aggressiveness,
The mangal is just genuinely mentally ill, even more so than Sashko
It's not even Monday and you fellas are already prepaying the Monday adjustment
Add polubrainian to the mix.
You are annoying and not funny
>people I disagree with? dumb and unfunny
>people I agree with? smart and funny
supa hot fire advantage type shit
This Monday is the last mandatory Monday in office. Pray for my Monday.
it ain't about that, it's just his homolust coming out
quick gestalt on the HRoastie and the email?
I'm starting to realise he's cringe as fuck ever since he attacked me when I told him Greeks also eat broad beans (like the ruskies do)
When I turn 30 I will fuck as many middle aged women as I possibly can, I just know it.
This is my advantage over you guys and other incels, I am attracted to their bodies.
How different would balk be if nojko never spammed about nigger dicks or antagonize bulgarians?
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Every day is monday
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>Balding, short, brown. Call me balding short brown man. BiBiSi. I watch that. Polubrainian. I hate that. Serbian semen. I drink that.
she ummm actually there's no problem with your notice and it's perfectly fine from our end, come by the office the end of the month to get your full salary since boss said we'll pay you this month in full

that's like asking how long would I survive if slaanesh was real
Why is he darker than quavo
>"I'm not a gypsy"
Modern dating is gay culture, it originates from homosexual circles. It is unnatural, and weird.
This. My grandpas just kidnapped the women they wanted, and made their lives miserable.
Speaking on that i sometimes used to hear bombings and shit when the Z army used to bomb hohol targets right on the border and sometimes some of their ships on the danube too, havent happened in several months , would be pretty funny if they bombed some maternity in the shithole of Galati by mistake.
bald skinhead babies deserve it
>evil quads
So true, little fucking nazis in the making.
>tell AI to describe rape
>indecisively tries to go around it and say on noes it's bad don't you want to stop
>tell AI to start writing a murder rampage
>writes paragraphs and paragraphs of bones breaking and organs getting pulled out and blood seeping into the carpet and then asks me if it should kill more
uhhhh, halfway based? good enough I suppose
TiViPi. I stroke that.
Gotta whack'em while they're still young and harmless
Nazism creeps in quick
I have never done an evil thing inmy life, i just suffer living here as a grik.
>super abonati
>samo terikatii
>lușkavi magnatii
>oh lee oh lee oh lee
>halelele ipak
Based Notis appreciator
My favourite song
>caracter nambar uan
>barosan barosan barosan
>partenerele vor bani
>lire sterline, euro, dolari
I like his songs., shame he is pontic like Angelos
I live through the title of this song every day, pray for my soul.
Suleiman Kanuni is also pontic like Angelos
Maga sisters..... we won
pontic conspiracy
Speed is listening to chalga and manele whilst you are ashamed of it
Sadly i am not a 70 IQ nigger manlet and no matter how much money he has and how many white whores he fucks that will never change.
He's cretan, not pontian
I am a Chadlite but I don't even want pussy, I am a romantic waiting for marriage.
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Post the polish angel webm
We Poles are racemixers since day one, it is just who we are.
>Texas blacks referred to Polish immigrants as dem white niggahs or dem white niggas whom they hold in undisguised contempt but were apparently stunned by their high literacy rates.
>Blacks frequently picked up a few words of Polish, and Poles picked up some of the black English dialect in these areas during the late 19th century. R. L. Daniels in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine wrote a piece on "Polanders" in Texas in 1888
>He cited instances where Polish farmers called their landlords massa,[11] denoting a subordinate position on level with slavery, and, when asking a woman why she left Poland, she replied "Mudder haf much childs and 'Nough not to eat all".
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Ἕκαστος Σκοπιανὸς ὅπως θανατωθῇ ἐν ὄψει
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workout complete

I'm almost back to modelling weight for my height, jesus , but hey I can reach the rim of the basket again
>same time, the milkman and his cow
holy shit , stab. If that's not a sign of God I dont know what is.
workoutbros show up at the same time
you've dipped your toes into the normie hivemind
it's over
you're part of the groupthink now
Did Sashko really develop f20.0 schizophrenia after Dijana Slutwhorevska rejected him in 2016?
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that's my theory, anyone that has been in a strong passionate love that at some point loses point of interest from one end or don't even begin it's enough to shake one man down.

look at elliot rodger, he was a 2/10 but because of his upbringing thought he should be fucking 7s and 8s. they didn't even know he existed

same with stab, he wanted Lady D, someone that's way above his looks and height, probably not breasts. So he went insane once he told her "I want you" and she was like "who are you?"

given the factor of the already confused identity issue with skopjans it's enough to drive an already slav insane.

at least that's my thesis.

from what I understand Lady D had minimal interaction with him, only met him like 3 times and it was like in between friends, probably wouldnt even remember him existing if he didnt threaten to gut her and her mother like a fish
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damn, AI chatbots are powerful

Get in faggots /int/ plays vs /aco/

I think Elliot was mad because he was 8's fucking 1/10 niggers and indians.
He developed it in 2012 through election-related stress theory
Read up
The more I think about it the more I believe I'd make a terrible father.
No need for another gypsy to breed anyways.
Thanks bro, how many years has it been 12?
I bought some food for the kots this time
Shut up, nigger, they should have kept your kin in zoos.
meanwhile subhumans with 0 thoughts in their skulls besides muh car muh kickball muh dick make kids and give 0 shits
You didn't answer me yesterday, what is your workour routine and diet
But enough about your dad.
I'd make a great father, the best father
>n-n-no u
The type that never violates the NAP by bringing life into the world against its will?
You'd probably fuck your son before he reaches puberty.
At least he has one unlike you țiganbey =)))

So this is what happens to sub-5 women who can't get Chad to commit
NAP stands for not my problem, the a is silent
You will always be a subhuman ROMANIan gypsy, a nation of cheap slaves and whores that has never contributed anything to humanity only known for being thieves and whores and enslaved nby anyone that ever tried.
Done sniffing glue outside of LIDL and came back to shitpost on /balk/?
Enough about your mom
last type of person you'd expect to be seething is a gypsy
they're too busy blasting cialgea / meanelea and getting drunk to care
>n-n-no u
>stealing my replies
Lmao garoi with very dark features
Nope youre so wrong on so many things

And youre spreading false information again

I also presented evidence of being tested and not having schizophrenia
The harrassee started in 2012, yes?
>Brownoid calls others subhumans while he's being a parasite
Like pottery
Îi prost de pute.
You invented sniffing glue outside of LIDL? Lmao dirty gypsy
this thread needs a krasnoburyatsk mocking post to humble the smol balkan countryballs

As i said i was given a false diagnosis because i knew the crime of few kids whos parents were very powerful and bribed psychiatrists so if there was a case against their sons ib court i wouldnt be used as a witness

The harrassement started in 2015 after the huge wiretape scandal

So after being tested i gave here report of having mild bipolar and anxiety

Yet the greek and few others continue to spread false information
It's hard being the only pale blue eyed person living in this gypsy shithole, everytime i go out it feels like i'm walking through the slums of new delhi
>pale blue eyed person
Only in your head.
I invented it and sold it to galațian gypsies like you ahahahahahahaha i get rich from selling you crap meanwhile you beg money from your mother hahahahahaha
>B-but i go to therapy because i h-h-have depression
AHAHAHAHAHA! Kys reditor țigan
You 70 IQ is showing, can't even shitpost proper;y
I eat proteins and carbs

When i wake up i drink 1l of smoothie and i drink cafe than i workout using by body at home and 4kg weight

So i am doing excersizes using my own body weight and 4kg weigght for excersize

While for dinner and lunch i eat meat with carbs
Because its not shit post its real you do begg money from your mother because you are a loser neet without driving license meanwhile i drive right now my BMW 3.0 diesel and a girl is sucking my dick and with one hand I type this post. Maybe o will also pimp your mother back to her origins in Corfu AHAHAHAHAHA
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didnt read you stupid redditor
Typical gyppo bragging, you are literally just like Iki and you are too stupid to even realise.
I sure wish i would be just like you and unclog shitpipes for minimum wage while bitching about how lonely i am and how i have "given up"
You think your whole nigger pimp act works after making all those posts?
Look how that greek is obsessed and decdicated in spreading false information about me
Angrybey humiliated by based ros
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ROMAnian curses awokened me on 3 AM? Yes, still B*lgarians are worse.
why are b*lgayrians so evil?
Today I drove to Gabrovo and there in a cafe 2 gypsies. Maximum 10 years old vaping. Nobody bats an eye. Why is this sold to them in the first place? We need dictatorship.
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They harrassee you even when you avoid them by voluntarily entering their thread and be obsessed with them for 10 years. Evil creatures.
how horrible, someone should do something about this
And what the fuck is a 1200 draw vape? Some boomer was hearsaying the local cashier about it and wasted 20 minutes keeping 10 people in line waiting for his stupid cancer dick. Before him another shkembe bitchtits manlet bought 10 packs of cigarettes. Truly shrub peninsula.
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I in my genius think staying here and antagonizing B*lgars for another 10 years might just do the trick. Also my rack fell apart and hit me on the big toe. Another W for B*lgaria.
>Weaa weaaa i need my benzos weaaa weaaa i have depression weaaa weaaa i go to therapy weaaa
Cry me a river poor faggot i like when you try to reach me you and find who i am=))))))
they should start at 1 so they can die painfully
Fuck you doin in gabrovo fuck nigga
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luk et dis dark devil
I've completely given up
i wonder if he hanged himself up there, how long would it take for someone to notice and what would be the process to get him down, helicopter?
Biden finally quit. This was close to elderly abuse recently.
she has the evil eyebrows hate that phenotype
Tatar do not harrassee with politics
Driving a bmw means you are the opposite of rich
I live in Dryanovo bro.
>compete against this demented geriatric
>compete against this mutt woman
humiliation rituals
>reach me you and find who i am
Whatthe fuck is this supposed mean you illiterate gypsy? Got you so flustered can't even write a coherent reply.
Kennedy will be the candidate, not the mutt.
Rip northern bg is a pisshole
Yeah that was my point to the gyppo, it's amazing how he thinks larping about a BMW is impressive
I thought he was an independent shizo spoiler
Dryanovo and Gabrovo are nice.
>Driving a bmw means you are the opposite of rich
Thats what rich people made you believe because they dont want to drive same brands as poorfag like you that buys 20 years old bmw because they cant afford new models
If I make a mistake in english please dont correct me because i have no respect for this language. Globalist language is good only for gypsies like you that went to UK to begg money :))))))
>P-please mister give some penny
I saw you and your țigani brothers last year in London =))
Wait angrybey is not the one working these pipes?
Can you imagine a tradie going to therapy?
bro, your balk lore?
served a 60ish year old bosnian faggot and his 20ish year old twink boyfriend today
So who is the romanians with the photos then? Is it not angrybey?
I wonder if he was told about this, lmaoooo
ziggyersistyers, zis finally means ze amyerikins vill be on our side, surely!
the balk lore is terribly sad
only xpozed can save balk
Except for that rich guy(me), im getting dunked on right now so you can laugh at me for once
thanks for proving my point
thats plumber romanian, he sometimes does beer reviews and is a heterosexual, he bought an apartment recently. there is another romanian but hes bi(probably hungarian too) and then there is ros whos a married fat fuck that drives a bicycle and then there is also angrybey, he is angry at life and heterosexual, he hates romanians
i need to see it
MIGA won how do we celebrate kikebros?
I am not the plumber and the plumber is the one who wants to get fucked by trannies
al-kuhul makes you wanna take it up the ass, so it is written
>plumber wants cocks in his sewage pipe
just lost all respect for plumbers
Nah bro i am the light of balk awesome lore

Just dont deny my reality by calling me a schizo
If you are not the plumber than what you do for living?
So anyway how are you folks

I hope you feel better and stop argueing about your countries and geopolitics

Share with me some good things that have happend to you these past few days
fucks the plumber in the ass
Thats the hungarian Popi according to my knowledge
Anyway i am drinking turkish coffee and enjoying the evening
I did 40 pushups gonna do 60 more after i am done with the coffee
fuck off fyrombey
its 12 am schizo wtf is your problem
11 PM in ancient macedoniq
Anyway guys who do you think its the pro serbian blacked spamming person who for what 8years commented on my height because i am 169cm i am worth nothing in his viewpoint
silence cia agent
so the plumber isnt gay or is the plumber popi?
you need to push your cock into some pussy
Why its sunday i have no work tomorow and i am prepairing myself for work/party at ohrid calling event
Where's the fucking rain you pieces of shit
Indeed i do
The hungarian makes threads about that russian tranny almost everyday, but dunno if he ever posted on balk
ah finally it is nice weather at night and not +25
time to punch bulgarians in stomach
He is 10 cm shorter than you
>no work on monday
balk neethumans are an affront to wagies
good morning buryatsk baby
I worked yesterday with turks on a movie

I may he part of the credits for the movie that they are making it was logustical and other type of help for scenography even tho i dont have college for that
Guys view azhda agush story

She may got blacked lol
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>sa6iz0 is in a movie meanwhile balkhumans will die in irrelevance
Not part of the acting team tho

I wish i am part of an acting sector of movies
You will get there, King
So let's recap
Now need to prepair myself for ohrid calling rave party event festival
balkan culture? azdas angus getting BBC.
I dont have bitch tits 80% muscle is my chest muscles soon gonna aim for more
sex with pyo
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<- balkan culture
smurdochurka is the equivalent of nojturdk
You have no soul
Not my issue i already expalined how i a girl named aja helped me

Now i just laugh all the time working etc having jokes with friends drama funny moments

Prev saturday i madeout with a lesbian girl its the 3rd lesbian i have been with
this nigga being 30% bodyfat at 49 kg is cracking me up
Well there are myths of achilies and other people who were fit

So /balk/ is more of a blogposting place that i have and created
And of course with your guys support well at least some support

I wish you guys were more supportive of me someone i can lean on at hard times if they come again
what use is an electric air pump to a 6iz0
I can beat the fuck out of everyone here and nobody will be able to do shit to me thats a factual statement
Plap plap plap etc

Nah its where i dont flex

I am 20bmi
you need to makeout with a black man next
only this can save bulgaria

So he flexed his muscles and caused this earthquake? Oof
Guys we need to stop insulting each other

We need to support each other emotionally and other ways possible supporting each
sticking ur pp in it
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Insults and racism destroy lives
he uses it to cause inflation
Guys im listening to cafe de anatolia

It has balkan music in the playlist

Drinking a beer and enjoying balkanic deep house music
Nah i aint gay
>beer after a coffee
With xanax prozac and anti d7 dopamine receprots medication

But just one beer of 330ml
Yesterday i got 2 glasses of wine of 21year old kavadarci wine which is one of the best place for wine in northern macedonia

It probably had like 30% alcohol
It was funny i was at 6am cooking pasta i made spaghetti with tomato sause and zdenka in the sause

It tasted so good
f20 mixing his prescription pills with kadavrici 30% volume wine, what could go wrong
Sasho getting zoinked out of his mind on drugs and alcohol while krasnochurka gooning on tranny bbc porn
I only drank 2 glasses

Or 3 not much

But again whats with the f20 mentions i dont understand you guys

Please understqnd you get trolled by the blacked poster fyromian and i sacraficed myself showing nude of me that i have a big penis

So i am your defender please call me king instead of f20 etc
Dont you see i try to defend you even you the russian from ops done that can result in black people being hated

Black people are also alright but the traumas you have got from the fyromian i try to help you all here
There's so many inherited words that are simply either borderline forgotten or in the process of it because some faggots in the 19th century wanted to create French 2.
True and even now with english language

I know so many young people speaking more english than macedonian and its happening all over the balkan
>Yesterday i got 2 glasses of wine
>It probably had like 30% alcohol
20% is considered high for wine, 30% is already rakija territory
somebody probably put uranium 235 ore in your glass again if it felt like it had 30% alcohol
Nice joke you got there bro

But still the aroma of the wine was ordinary because its older wine i havent tried older wines before

I can assure you that you should try an old wine at first its a wierd taste but first you need to for a month once a day drink a glass of a new wine
And dont get drunk but drink like one or two glasses max a day
i unironically despise all alcohol bro, wine in particular is extremely disgusting to me for its rotten grape taste. white wine is slightly better than red wine but still disgusting
alcohol just tastes bad
It's borderline impossible to talk to younger people and especially college students because they speak English better than Romanian and have such a small Romanian vocabulary that you might as well speak to them in English.
True and i am learning italian and i see so many similiarities with northern macedonian language

No wonder roman empire lasted for 1500 years in balkans its an easy language for me to learn and macedonian language is influenced by latin
I also dislike alcohol but i havent been a lot of times

I drink in small dosage so are my medications in small dosages not going full extreme in any part of my life
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alkuhul is nice but everyone who drinks it is a subhuman which is why I've been sober all year
I think macedonian language shouldnt be categorised as slavic same as english as germanic

But got damn slavic girls are soo good looking
>Biden dropped out

It's so over dementia patient bros...
Please no politics
This is dementia news, not schizo news so stop harrassing me
Guys speaking from cultural point of view of panslavinism

Bulgarian language isnt also slavic because it doesnt habe cases in its grammar
I make spelling mistakes from cambridge english grammar dictionary so i am not a bot
please no politics
anyway azhsha angmar was blacked watch her stories on insta hahahaahha
Sashko, is this true??? >>200028880
Yes i view her instagram story shes an influrncer now with 4.8k followers

Many people lurk she probably reads my posts
But the way i am not black nor white im sort of small grayish person like a q continuum from star trek

And i have a fit body and big penis

And black people are known for big penises while shes only 155cm tall

She wont get pleasure from him

Becauae i am a gray god

And her account is public
Botez gyppos we're back
Post it, she blocked Sashko
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this is you btw
sasho siffredi tore her a new asshole with his bbc and shit on her face in a drug fueled orgy and now she's mad
Sayce? Also why would she be mad atthat, thought she would like it.
>go to wikipedia
>click on random article
>try to get to adolf hitler in as few clicks as possible (it usually takes around 4)
It's a pretty fun game if you're bored.
Cuz he dont pay like the sheikcucks duh
If you're a retard
>click on random country in the article
> click country rankings
>click germany
There i won your stupid gypsy game without even playing
Hey dont talk to him like that assface we are nice and reapectful to each other here
Then play with restrictions if it's that easy. You're so aggressive when typing your posts you remind me of gypsies (you most likely are one or some other type of brown).
Only aggressive to gypsies, i'm friendly otherwise.
im the opposite
if im drinking im drinking only to get drunk, i literally cant enjoy it in small dosages. maybe i have muslimaymoon ancestry or something
nah bro alchohol sucks massive bibisis but you are right about alcoholhumans being massive shrubs, most people become fucking obnoxious when even a little drunk
>sober all year
an adimrable thing, you should teach bulgarian flags itt how to do this
>go to wikipedia
>click on random article
>try to get to BBC in as few clicks as possible
Punta Baretti -> French language -> Sub-Saharan Africa -> Africa -> Racial segregation -> Racism -> Stereotype -> Stereotypes of African Americans -> Sexualization -> Pornography -> Gang bang -> Sexual slang -> BBC (sexual slang)
I just drink or one two drinks on saturday and friday

But since the doctors on group therapy are on vacation and also i drank yesterday and today

While before that i only drank 1 glass of wine on saturday and non on this weekend only 3 times per day 1 or 2 glasses so 3 days in a row

I drink 1l of smoothie tho so not alot of alcohol
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>le bbc
While on friday i drank gin and tonic and gin comes from belgium by catholic monks first made it

So 3 days in a row with small ammount of alcohol

They say part of mediteranian culture is to drink 1glass of wine for to get good health
While from 2017 till 2022 i didnt get drunk or wasted
if bulgarians stay drunk and retarded I win
Give me a random article and i will try it
Drinking one or two drinks for weekends isnt alcoholic isnt it

I think its not
An old 70 year old guy i know drinks from 300ml to 1l of rakija everyday
So your own people call you a nazi
Solomia majaievska
Ruscism->vladimir putin->2023 Russia–Africa Summit->South Africa->Racial Segregation
There, we can assume it's the same as yours from here, do i win a BBC now or what?
>ROMANIans rioting in bongland
Why are they like this?
Tits too big and saggy, i want to chop them with a meat cleaver.
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I'm gonna fuck your whore sister up her asshole then jizz down her throat, youcan watch if you want.
No no no

I want big tits girls
>do i win a BBC now or what?
you do :)

their gypsies aren't actual gypsies but lowlife anglos who are even more lowlife than regular anglos
Well yeah but the ones chimping out now in Leeds are actual romanian gypsies.
Dude youre so to boomers wierd

They thought biggest wierd fetish was latex type attire

Because mostly people wore from plant base and not plastic type of chemical reaction created by humans attire

While they wore plants based and animals skinned type of attire
Im on my second beer
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Happened in bucharest, whore films jeet jerking off at her.
Whore clearly liked the attention, i want to murder her.
based gypsies, hope they loot something cool
What happend to with a turkish girl while i was walking towards kino karposh

Some 16year old girl at silbo said can i have your instagram

And im like sure its chopelshema

Anglos are stealing gyppo kids or something. and gyps chimped out
Outgypping the gyp, mental, those anglos.
How is this related to what i posted and whats kino karposh?
All bulgars are asleep it seems.
Kino karposh is this

Well cleaely that turkish girl wanted attention
Should have raped and beaten her.
With cia/ubk psyops on me about pedofilia from 2015

I am a way different while politically i am still the same

And im not a pedo
While its legal for 16 year old girl to have sex with me
And whats funny karposh revolted against the turks
take your meds
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brown gypsie fool
your ancestors sit outside my ikea repeating simple phrase, Taack taaaack
taack taaack while waving a cup around
rape is truly the only option for your kind
He will once his CIA gangstalkers wake up early in the morning, mainly the bulgarian , greek and fyromian.
My ancestors created western civilization and culture while yours sat around in mudhuts throwing around stone axes.
Sit down and show some respect snowmonkey nigegr subhuman
Out of Albaboonia back in the muttland. One saphuman state to another
How many blacked albo whores did you see in Tirana?
hope they harrasse him to death for not sharing his alternate universe billions with us
Reporting for harrassee duty
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When you AREN'T a CIA harrasseer: when you identify yourself as one
When you ARE a CIA harraseer: when you deny you are one
Woke up extra early just to harrassee Sashko when he only wants to talk about culture and drink his beer

Bro, Sashkois a trillionaire
ask chief big beard to pray again to his sky daddy
those are indians

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