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Zaxby's edition
I'm a CIA asset.
Good boy
I'm proud of you for admitting that.
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you might be a CIA asset and not even know
Whip around that sword like you're the best is such a bore
Zaxby's sucks
never understood the point of spending a lot of money on anime figurines.
Who among us does not consider themselves an asset to the CIA??
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Now that all of these states are UK-tier nanny states that (will) require you to have a porn loicense, is there any place that doesn't suck completely? There are a couple states, like Maine, that have sane laws and low crime, but they're all empty. There's fuckall to do in Maine. The largest settlement is more of a large town than a city. Living in a tiny and boring place like Portland, ME could work if you already have a serious partner, but if you don't you're pretty much doomed to be alone for the rest of your life.

Are there any cities with sane laws that don't suffer from intolerable crime rates and population collapse? I think Phoenix might qualify, but it's hell on earth for other reasons. Is there nowhere else? I don't like the idea of having to compromise on essential freedoms just to be able to live somewhere that isn't a fucking ghost town like Casper, WY or whatever.
Straight up loneliness in most cases
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because my wife is cute
you take that back
this music video is pure kino
You can do whatever you want with some spit and some elbow grease... and the right know-how.
just buy a vpn
>among us
i would love to be a glowie gangstalking and assassinating people. i live a clean mormon lifestyle and i have killer instinct if there's any CIA recruiters monitoring the thread
/cum/ is an anime general.

>noooooo I can't jerk off 24/7 to the most popular porn site and live in the epic hustle&bustle theres nothing to do theres not even a barcade
I like having them as in owning them is the main appeal for me
another decisive janny victory
/cum/ is a CIAnime general.
4chan is unironically plagued with FBI and CIA agents, and their servants, misogynistic women
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>jason LITERALLY cant post his pictures anymore
People talk about joining the military to make a man of themselves but I dont think there’s a job that babies you more
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maybe i should solve my social anxiety by taking a lot of mushrooms and listening to confidence building audio for the entire day
Agents, somebody get us some intel from /rus/.
jason is a nobody without his avatarfagging
Pls don't do it, pls pls pls
that sounds like avoiding your problem more than solving it
Better go see a doctor and take pills for it
recreational drugs have never in the history of human kind ever helped someone with mental health issues, if you're not an uber normie you should stay away from them
he's doing this shtick for attention, they didn't rangeban ohio
What do you know about drugs?
I'm barely making progress and might work down my anxiety by the late 20s early 30s. i don't have time for that. i could just put myself into a suggestible state and rewrite my brain instead, boom i could be done with feeling anxious after maybe a few months of this

can't think of a medication that would be more effective than a heroic dose tbqh
does this site even rangeban anymore? I feel like all the existing rangebans were put in place almost a decade ago. Gookmoot doesn't put any effort in
I can still post images, just only on my house internet and not mobile, but I don't want to get that banned so I'll probably just stop posting on /int/ because it's an anarcho-tyranny board. Every post is off-topic, but you get banned for off-topic if a tranny doesn't like your post.

I'll just use kc for int shitposting from now on I guess
Can someone post that picture of the long haired neckband guy passed out in his gamerchair with a bunch of steel reserve cans on his desk
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Just purchased this
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i've done copious amounts of weed and shrooms and some experimental lsd alternatives and molly and i've tried coke and crack
Fuck my pathetic little gay nigger autocorrect
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or you could just put yourself in social situations and learn to navigate them you beta weirdo
Lets be honest
How can you tell between the drugs you've done and the ones you've tried?
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holy based
also, today is national ice cream day. get some ice cream now
someone explain to me how moving to a bigger city with more job opportunities isnt a good enough reason to quit my job

Unemployment is fucking retarded
Lettuce pray

Anyway, I am CLOSING my 4chan int tab now, it's not fun anymore. You win, jews.
I'll have some gelato, thanks.
i've only did a lil bit of coke once and also a toke of crack accidently whereas weed and shrooms i've smoked like multiple joints a day for a year or two and at some point i was doing shrooms every week
>biden resigned on national ice cream day

Will our gentle Brandon's humiliation never end?
I hope you're at peace with what you've done here.
It is a good reason, I’m moving to Chicago soon with my wife because wages there are WAY fucking higher for both of us than here in shithole Florida
im back
When I get a wife I will make her cum with my mouth every night
>he thinks married people have sex
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Just heard there are /cum/ + /brit/ crossposters, sickened, shaken, and appalled.
why did you delete it?
The ride never ends
that's a lie. /cum/mers aren't married
I have really tried, with a few people i'm mostly silent, at parties or anything bigger than a few people I'm completely dead silent. It's some kind of selective mutism and I don't even know what the bar is for growing out of it anymore because it comes up in basic interactions
nice bunda
And most of them are Canadian, I hate to say it, but it's true.
/brit/ is boring
>varicose veins
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Yeah I just walk around with a wedding band on as a LARP
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>he hasnt married his waifu
shut your goofy ass up
Little flaws like that make it even hotter
Juiciest chicken I ever had
clip your fingernails you filthy animal
>I just walk around with a wedding band on as a LARP
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and i bet it works too
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul
There are more Americans in /brit/ than /cum/, very shameful and unpatriotic.
is this real I haven't noticed this at all but then again you can just go on 4chan and see all the porn you want no big deal haha swedish faggots are so lame and dumb
Another day of avoiding studying
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I was born with anxiety and nothing works as good as these two meds
Pls don't do psychedelics, I've been there before and your anxiety will make you go through a bad trip
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that's it, time for a great purge. we must make /cum/ great again
Anzu ruins her face with shitty make up, just like other e-girls
who the fuck is anzu
>gelbooru isn't blocked
dont care
i had a bad experience so dont do it i had a bad experience so ill tell everyone not to and ruin it for them because my experience was bad
are you a lone wolf or do you have a wolf pack
I'd rather stay in Florida than live in shitcago.
Turks in Canada?
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That being said I do miss being single

The best was this cute mailroom girl back when I was a security guard and we fucked on the roof of our work building after hours

Would never cheat on my wife and I feel bad about reminiscing about past women but it is what it is
Most of the laws go into effect after the new year. You probably won't be able to go on 4chan after that.
a popular e-thot from many years ago
Is that a newborn or does it stay white?
Then you’re delusional, I’d make almost double what I make here without the cost of living being doubled and Chicago is cleaner and just about as dangerous as the city I live in. North of the loop the sidewalks are cleaner than any city I’ve ever been to, it was neat
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>You probably won't be able to go on 4chan after that.
LOOOOL you're so dumb
lurk moar newfag
no one asked or gives a fuck normalfag wagie bitch. kill yourself
it just molted and the new skin hasn't hardened
Mad jelly
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Really cool
nah just a skill issue on your part.
This incel rage is why you will NEVER encounter a vagina
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hi im back from the gas station i also got a vanilla iced coffee
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you look like a faggot by the way, your tattoos are retarded and your knee looks retarded like it's fucking melting from how fat you are. stupid fuck
was the cashier cute
I have, thoughbeit?
me on the left
Leave your home town literally one time you meaningless redneck fuck
Did you get candy for me?
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I'll look into these, but just to explain why I can't just go talk to people:

I have some kind of anxiety trigger to starting conversation. I can respond and I'm perfectly fine like nothing happens and I'm not even anxious but if I have to start talking to someone for some reason my voice gets really wavery and I start to jitter and shake and it's incredibly obvious. People notice it and I basically look like I didn't get an insulin shot or something and I'm starting to go into shock. Only happens with strangers and I just couldn't tell you why but how does one even fix something like that? It's difficult to put into words the sudden rush of horrible feelings and avoidance I get when even thinking about it. I can't work on it without genuinely scaring people. I feel awful scaring people with random nuclear anxiety attacks
Sometimes I give attention and care to men just because they attached a cute anime girl to their post, I'm just that much of a fool
im kind of a lone wolf but i do like company but not a group just one i bond to specific people hard
no it was the regular old guy there, hes really nice to me and pleasant
a bit of hostility in /cum/ this evening
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4chan would be liable to be sued by any private person if their kids were able to access porn, so 4chan will just block the states that have laws like that. Or do you have some kind of alternate theory of what's going to happen?
What’s got you so angry

Get some pussy nerd it’ll mellow you out
look I'm sorry you're a poor, unskilled hick but if you can't make money in Florida you're literally a retard.
Envy and rage are 2 of the seven deadly sins.
i didn't sorry i forgot my phone so i didnt see you wanted some and i had to listen to cds on the way there instead of bluetooth
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>my state
No I actually do very well and my job is highly skilled (as is my wife’s) Florida just has some of the lowest wages in the country, you’d know this if you had a real job
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>jason is gone from /cum/
Fuck you
If your state bans porn, just stop being a coomer. Don't even have an excuse anymore
dont care go back to fucking nasty whores at your pathetic wagecuck job pathetic fat fuck
i said i was sorry thats all i can do, it was an accident
goodbye 4chan
goodbye reddit
goodbye onlyfans
goodbye x
>highly skilled (as is my wife’s
what do you both do?
You get ZERO (0) pussy
I don't live in South Carolina so one I don't care, and two VPN's still exist and three it doesn't even matter you can still get on reddit, dumblr, X or any other major website that has porn
...don't you know you have to be 18+ to access this site?
I want night vision goggles
jerking off to lingerie ads is more soulful anyways
too good to be true unfortunately
Alright, I was like this in the worst period of my life, what I'm about to say is gonna sound really cringe but I really need to ask these four questions

Are you physically active?

How is your diet?

How is your sleep schedule/cycle?

From 1 to 10, how do you feel about your self esteem?
I’m an aerospace electrician and she’s a mechanical engineer
we suck hobo dick behind the dennys. the hobos in chicago are loaded
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dude chill dang
that's what niggas did before freely accessible hardcore porn was available with the internet
I use to jerk off to bikini commercials and music videos
I'm glad to be mexican just because my isp doesn't send me a letter after torrenting something without using a vpn/proxy
yah, they also walked to work everyday, does that mean you should stop taking a car or bus?
>Are you physically active?
i work out every 2 to 3 days and walk daily
>How is your diet?
good food, but i'm underweight and should really eat more
>How is your sleep schedule/cycle?
genuinely great thankfully
>From 1 to 10, how do you feel about your self esteem?
mmmm it comes and goes and esteem is very localized to what i'm good at, very lacking from what i'm not
Yes (Episcopalian)
I think every country is like this except America
nah he's got a point
that is nice to hear. good luck and god bless
Why is America so kino?
I'm not entirely comfortable powering this machine.
Main character of the globe
>I'm glad I live in a third world violent shithole because I can download things for free o algo
I wish I knew you irl because I can't pint point why you react that way when you talk to strangers, you might need a really good therapist because I feel like you got some deep trauma going on, im sorry that you have to struggle so much
Love when the leader of the most powerful country in the world repeatedly says that he won’t do a thing, then he disappears for days until his social media accounts (but only some of them) issue statements that he’ll do the thing he said he wouldn’t do all while he’s still MIA.
what's that song that goes i'm sorry something something, it's some zesty black dudes singing it, i keep thinking of that eminem song but it's not that
what do you mean
hes just being a jerk i just hate seeing you guys fight
The American ideal is freedom.
It has been under attack, but spiritually our essence as Americans is freedom..
lack of morals/brains
Would you trade your American citizenship in exchange for another a country?
ms. jackson
>third world violent shithole
That's your country tho
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>the T word

in /cum/?
it's over.

yea that's it
Has that ever prevented a minor from accessing it? With these laws sites are required to verify your identity. A little box asking if you're an adult doesn't cut it.

It's not just SC; It's most of the country. You won't be able to get on those sites unless you give them your private information so that they can verify your identity. That's if they don't just ban your state instead. I don't think the VPN argument dismisses my concerns. The law will have a substantial chilling effect.
>I don't think the VPN argument dismisses my concerns.
t. retard
It's been obvious he is senile and not really running things himself, democrats just ignored this until the debate made it impossible to ignore
Only Liechtenstein or Switzerland desu
i am ashamed to say i am normal by cums extremely low standards of being 'normal'
Thank you
Please, be our thread psychoanalyst.
Been posting here for like 7 years so I’m not normal at all am I
That's you projecting
thats me sorry
>less Americans on /int/
Why do you have a problem with it?
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im shleepy
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take a lil schleep then eepy prince
Me three
Burned my tongue
what did you burn your tongue on
A hotdog I was sucking on
Need a good therapist? Find a therapist who is also an evangelist
Weird, I know, but they tend to be the deepest thinkers
Ouchie Burn My Tongue On Weiner!
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See Caroline all the guys would say she's mighty fine
But mighty fine only got you somewhere half the time
And the other half either got you cursed out, or coming up short
Yeah, now dig this, now even though
You'd need a golden calculator to divide
The time it took to look inside and realize that
Real guys go for real down to Mars girls, ha ha yeah!
How do i make sure my daughter never fucks a black man and my son never becomes gay
It was cheese-filled one too fuckk
dont have children
i'll keep on trucking i guess, thanks for the chat
avoid having kids
why were you sucking on a hotdog that was too hot
Fuck you jew i will save the white race
im not jewish
To cool it down
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/cum/ is going to lose a lot of posters soon...
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>A hotdog I was sucking on
If your don't surpass your racism and homophobia that's exactly what's gonna happen
You're welcome, and pls don't do psychedelics, it's gonna be a nightmare
nigga doesn't eat hot dogs because he thinks its gay
well just have something cool like some ice or a popsicle or something to make it feel better. if it’s really bothering you bad rinsing your mouth with saltwater can help too
Because I need to get out of this hellhole. Speech restrictions among other things have ruined Sweden and the EU. The US is the only alternative. The first amendment is quite robust, but now there's all this other shit happening which severely limits my options.
i eat hot dogs i dont suck on them
Stupid gringos need us because we make tacos or something
I'm going to slap your stinky little penis
nigga overthinking how to eat a hot dog
i like mexicans they are hard working and love their families and make good food and care about their neighbors
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mmmmm tacos
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>nigga overthinking how to eat a hot dog
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ITT: low quality posts
I had happily erased this video from my memory and now you have to remind me it exists
There could be kids here you fucking monkey
That's right homes we are great people just the stupid Cia is keeping us down o algo
ITT: high quality posts
I hope you look like that anime girl irl if not, retreat your words
I don't know how to tell you this, but... it's over.
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i always make good quality posts. i wouldnt mind someone talking to me like that also
2D > 3DPD
How can we make /cum/ better?
Connections today was bullshit, yesterday I got a perfect score and I only got two groups today.
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more baseball posting
discord gooning sessions
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if you please consult the graphs you can clearly see it's over
I'm so hungry I can eat an entire cum poster
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i saw a little exercise online that in order to talk easier to a shrink about life's problems, i have to make a list in 4 categories

1. What you don't like about your life right now and would like to change
2. Things you hate doing and would rather not do anymore in the future, ever
3. Things you are capable of doing daily that you can tolerate with minimum to mild stress
4. Things you want to do that has the potential to enrich yourself personally

what do you think?
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someone else here does connections? thats fantastic here's mine for today
they have been hard lately
Who the fuck even watches baseball?
skill issue
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>brainlets in my /cum/
careful antitherapyschizo will show up
What does it mean to stump a candidate?

Whatever, I'm going back to Sudoku.
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white people with fathers
beer drinkers
comfy kings

you know, those with an IQ in the triple digits
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more buns
enjoying sports is literally directly correlated with lower iq
I got a perfect score yesterday, fuck you.
>watching sports

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/cum/ has been pro-baseball since its inception, newfag
My favorite sport is ostrich racing
>A political stump speech is a standard speech used by a politician running for office. Typically a candidate who schedules many appearances prepares a short standardized stump speech that is repeated verbatim to each audience, before opening to questions.
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My bunny died yesterday
I've been here longer than you, albeit
I don't really like mushrooms. Feels a lot like work just to enjoy the high. They aren't bad but I like LSD much more.
Donald Dump! haha
/cum/ keeps my brain well-greased.
cope, midwit
I killed it
make sure to lubricate and stretch your anus daily
im so sorry anon i didn't mean to remind you while you're still grieving im sorry
what was their name
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I also like to draw rabbits
Rabbits and guinea pigs are food animals to me, like pigs and cows. A pig can have personality but I still only think of it as food.
>guinea pigs

He was 11
i love him he looks very hare like
this is a very impressive drawing anon good work
/cum/ niggas be like
"I cant eat this cow, its a Sagittarius"
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>wake up
>browse /cum/
>go to sleep
i'd have no problem with eating people
i'm so sorry you lost him, i'm sure he was an angel
i hope you're doing okay
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What does 'spick' mean?
And it wouldn't be considered cannibalism for a monkeyzilian
lamar is a bitch ass
>normalfags in /cum/ playing wordle
What if I just have Down's Syndrome?
I understand this reference
Um why is no one responding to my posts
sorry im looking for a new op picture
RIP Toulouse
let me guess, flowers/cute animals
What party tricks can you guys do? I can juggle a bit
What's your zip code
I can play wonderwall and Country roads
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May I suggest this one
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i can juggle two balls WAIT I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THATTT
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Thank you I’ve been mostly holding it together because my wife is taking it way worse (she got him before she met me and was her bunny) he was with me for 6 years and made me very happy every day

This is one of the last photos I took of him and he was laying next to me in bed, I think it was Thursday
>normalfags on /cum/
How many people here are retarded?
dis nigga juggling mens scrotums
just be there for her whenever you can right now, he looks absolutely precious. i'm so sorry anon, giving you a virtual hug
I am a soda drinker but I'm the most patrician kind of soda drinker, large gas station cup filled to the brim with crushed ice and then filled with soda.
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Definitely some form of mental disability
Pop vs Soda is a classic /cum/ debate tbqh
all you do is complain. you never shut the fuck up
Stop bringing up your fucking wife it makes everyone here feel like shit
You don't need to flex on incels
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soda master race
that would be the [soda] Zero drinkers, absolute scum of the earth every one of them
Not anymore cause the Pop Chads won
I like hearing about his hot sexy wife
if britain got nuked tomorrow i would not want to even hear about it so i wouldn't have to see that word
he's not 'flexing on incels' it's his wifes bunny and hes just telling his story
Talent right here

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