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Refugees are welcomed in Poland!
As long as they like Christianity, pork and getting beaten up by angry white men with hammers and bats?
Meanwhile reality outside of football hools' brains:

Can I come to Poland too?
why is Poland suddenly so pro-migration?
gruzja i wietnam to baza a turki dobre kebsy zwijają
reszta do wyjebania
part and parcel of EU membership


>Z 4695 przestępstw popełnionych przez cudzoziemców w tym roku (do maja) Gruzini dokonali 901 – co piątego (połowę Ukraińcy – przy 1,5 mln osób ze zgodą na pobyt, a 277 – Białorusini, których jest 88 tys.). Ważne zezwolenia na pobyt ma 23 tys. Gruzinów.
extremely low birth rate, we severely lack workforce
of course but what for if Malaysia is richer than Poland
no mówię że baza
As sad as it sounds Hungary under Orbán is the last based EU country
I want to make polish friends and bring my culture to Poland!
lol, it was PiS that started giving out visas to all thirdies like candies and got involved in corruption scandals where visas were simply sold for money without proper background check

Tusk actually curbed immigration, our visa policy has been tightened since he seized power, even though it's not loudly announced not to face criticism from far left forces Tusk wants to cooperate with.
But even judging by yt videos it looks like Poland is not a visa paradise anymore, thirdies say getting the Polish visa became much harder lately

and in terms of immigration policy i believe yt videos from thirdies more than whatever any government says because they reflect how they're really treated.
>I want to make polish friends
just do it on the internet
> bring my culture
orang cina or bumiputra?
Not falling for your gypsy tricks again
those aren't refugees you stupid fucking retard faggot nigger
the difference between a refugee and an immigrant is solely a legal label
>extremely low birth rate, we severely lack workforce
yeah but that was the case for a while now and Poles were proud that they had no migrants like 5 years ago.
>and Poles were proud that they had no migrants like 5 years ago.
because we had to cover up the fact that they weren't coming here because we were too poor so we pretended it's because we didn't want them
Pale european girls are the biggest coalburners
Pretty sure some of them browse 4chan.
If you are reading this. Fuck you.
For some reason Poland wants me to work for them since i get this add on fb
Is it true that while polish men are protecting the border, polish women wish that the refugees cross them?
why are you making shit up now? are you a visajeet?
Go back to Zoomalia
This is not a suprise. You had it coming when you poles wanted to get closer and closer to the american and western european sphere of culture. Your country is very EU-friendly.

And you elected Donald Tusk, who is one of the biggest globohomo politicians in the world.

I can't understand how poles can look at USA and countries in the West and say "yeah, we want to become like that"
do you look like any of the guys in that lower pic?
a few days ago a bunch of lefties attacked our soldiers
it's true
Tusk actually tightened our visa policy.
The woman's smile is probably genuine tho
no its not
yes it is, Poles actually like when they see a lot of foreigners because they think it is a sign of respect for their achievements
I have never seen a Pole that likes migrants. even Polish diaspora are chuds. many AfD members have Polish ancestry, some literal neo-nazis are Polish.
>even Polish diaspora are chuds.
that's why they live outside Poland

Poles in Poland love when someone praises Poland
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>Right guy holding a hammer
>Left guy holding a baseball bat
>Women serves a plate with a pig head
Seems more like a "come here and see what happens" message. But maybe I'm just autistic.
No, but im still brown
thats just Polish culture
Yes anon, that was the point. It's sarcastic. I don't think nationalist football hooligans really want migrants in their country.
who wants to live in poland lol
pajeets will finish their PHDs only to work as uber eats delivery men in Poland
apparently 200k+ Asians alone per year >>200044642
A lot of people
CIA propaganda

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