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Well if you insist edish
Unironically have a twitter account where I repost interracial porn and reply built for bbc under every image of a pawg.
I also have an account where I follow Right Wing accounts.
I'm not joking.
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Based non-can nonce.
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practising the lines 'lovely service wasnt it' a billion times ahead of funeraltoil on friday
i will not fuck this up
how do you stop yourself getting a stiffy at the gym around all the fitties?
Just found out my mum was sexually assaulted by a mentally ill black man in London in the 90s
Shut the fuck up.
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>mega genious
Will be posting a picture of my pint in about two hours
*Spills into the thread and finally begins breathing again, coughing and sputtering*

Maybe you should just delete twitter
anyone who DARES disrespect the great and noble commonwealth of Australia ITT will NOT grt away with it
least autistic brit poster
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Opened my laptop after making the thread and I had 9+ notifications on Teams and I shit myself

Turns out it was just someone mass changing a series of meetings. I hate how they appear as Teams notifications now. :/
Might start acting Eurocentric
this is deeply uninteresting to me
Spaino clicking show stub on every one of my posts only to seethe and stomp his feet each time
Nah, she got some thug lovin' and felt guilty about it so made up some story for your timmy dad.
Telepathically imprinting the alternate phrase "service; it wasn't lovely" into this anon's psyche
incredible how you manage to be both so boring and so mentally ill
lost a good save point on BG3 now im fuming out me arse
ƃuoɥƆ ƃuiɥƆ
Spaino clicking show stub on every one of my posts only to seethe and stomp his feet each time
I don’t filter Canadians lad
In what sense?
coMONGwealth of POOstralia
There's the current most boring post of the thread. Let's see if anyone wants to beat that
*rolls up sleeve revealing popeye arm with an anchor tattoo*
in the sense you’re a boring freak. put your vpn or name on so we can filter you please
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mental how this big poz island still thinks they're the top shot
It is genuinely funny that this leaf thinks he's the one making Spaino seethe and not the other way around.
They're just like tanks in their lack of self-awareness and completely inability to engage in bantz.
mad how my 20 year old forum name Thug Hunter is basically unusable now
I lack self-awareness and have a complete inability to engage in bantz
my crypto exchange just rugged me
Your mum can use it tho.
nice service wasn't it
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Not funny.
Maybe you should just delete yourself
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Ok I’m boarding be right back forum
wanking a cock with my arse
tummy hurts after all that liquorice
just got rugged out me arse
>when your hands smell of girl
and everything is right with the world

another meme

girl: exists
me:omg im so happy
genuinely crying from that post
Are you pretending to be me talking about myself to wind him up? lol
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new viral meme format lads
All right I'll post in here
But I'm telling you now, don't jerk me around, all right
I've been around the block.
I know a thing or two.
So don't try to bullshit me, all right
Good post.
Me when I'm not smiling:
Me when I'm smiling:
Citizen or Casio
plotting a gigawank
£15,000 coach trip to dundee and it wasnt even sunny
holidays are a con
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the trick is to enjoy yourself
browsing outer int
dundee for only £15,000? don’t believe it
yep had to travel in the luggage hold but it's doable that cheap
seeing some malicious communications in this thread
got my execution tomorrow
bricking it
just witnessed spamming
Dua Lipa must surely be trans
Absolutely unfemine body
Reminder that posts about British culture belong on /pol/
spainpedo meltdown
entering a state of psychosis
What do you lads think about shared ownership homes?

Thinking about buying a place with the Mrs in the next few years and some of the new builds with shared ownership are very peng
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Should I invest my monies at 5.22% for 6 months or 5.16% for 1 year?
they're a swizz mate
feeling spiritually blacked
you have to kill the other owners to fully enjoy it
In what sense? Better than being a rentpig innit
that's just great
what a waste of everyone's time
you've got some growing up to do kid
do you think in 6 months, for 6 months it will be under 5.10% if you do then 1 year if you dont then 6 months
You still have to pay rent on the part you don't own.
give to me ill have it tripled in 2 weeks
get the clapmeat posted
Who's that guy in those memes where he's touching his ear and saying "Who must go?"
Yeah but you’re still building equity and you can buy that share later.

At least in my case the mortgage payment + rent share would be cheaper than what I’m paying for my private rental rn
Yer da aha
the fuck are you on about you mong
utterly useless cretins here

for fuck's sake
that'll show me for /brit/posting during NEET hours
shall be returning in the evening.
lmao state of you you're fucking braindead
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Me and the gf have finally got engaged lads!
Seems like a colossal waste of time
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still had the porn up lol what am i like
(8) she a sad little sinner in the mirror the devil works hard like my liver (8)
Haha this mornings gimmique!!
not sure why you’d ask /brit/ for advice on finance at any time of the day, your iq must be in the negatives
ahaha great stuff
Putin I think
I think everyone at /brit/ agrees that it's time to end Strictly Come Dancing. Barely a day goes by without hearing of someone who had their life ruined by this show.
wanking a cock with my arse
shit ass
called strictly halal dancing now
Got 36 large sat in my Santander account

Already put 50k of my inheritance into my vanguard and a further 16k into a high interest current account
Should I buy premium bonds? It's diversifying better or should I stick it in my vanguard again
Already maxed out a help to buy so that's off the cards
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sure go for it mate
It did do some good like pictures of Maisie
any man in hype or do you not care
is there a point to working if you don't shag?
Love this gimmick lol
what the hell is this
mousechad the lovable scamp vs spaino the twisted paedophile
dunno lol
obviously it's the olympics
olympic events starts 2 days prior to the opening ceremony which is a bit cringe
Is decathalon full of shit tier items or are they actually pretty good/on par to Adidas/Nike for sportswear but just more reasonably priced?
You're a tranny? If you like being a transsexual that's fine, you can be a transsexual, but I don't know why you are mentioning this in /brit/.
I don't know lmao
omg i forgot about her i've never been more into thighs in my life
Dog sniffing webm
very decent

good shop to have a wander round, you'll definitely buy something
Bryan, Vinny & Craig review Nitro June 1996
this is a bad day for generic characters everywhere
Based man
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dreadful patter
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Maisie? Conquered by a thug.
janny isn't gonna like this one
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They're old news now
>they killed him
Probably since it's so soon after they're failed assassination to ensure war in the Ukraine
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People who say that the universe is a simulation are begging the question "Simulation of what?"
Simulation theory actually doesn't answer anything at all.
wanking a blokes arse with my arse
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its 2016mong what do you expect
imagine both your sisters and your parents getting killed in one day

christ almighty
feel so bad for this girl
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it's joeover
it’s someone with autism trying desperately to fit in in any case
do foreigners think of themselves as foreigners or do they think we're like foreigners to them?
if they had an iq above 50 they would never entertain it
"simulation" theory is for people too thick to believe in god
have shoved all manner of household objects up my arse and have had many very enjoyable wanks BUT have NEVER achieved the fabled prostate orgasm
>"Simulation of what?"
er, the universe. obviously. stupid little twerp
She'll cope with a long list of African thugs until somebody marries her
they don’t think at all except about food and sex
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you actually need to kill yourself man
then why do it?
when's the last time you hoovered your house?
hang yourself you fucking freak nonce
>enjoyable wanks
that’s what your mum is for
too late in the day to shave and shower now

no point is there
*throws a smoke grenade at you*
"hoovered"? never. isn't a word.
vacuumed? yesterday
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Yesterday after Tyrone smashed my sons urn while he was helping my wife
You’ll need me for that
Have a nice flight big man x
I don't view myself as foreign. However I am Irish so neither do brits.
Russel T Davies definitely wanked to the thought of this muscular Nubian gentleman bumming his arse
If you have a transsexualism fetish then okay but I don't know why you're mentioning it on /brit/. Maybe go back to >>>/lgbt/ where that topic is specifically relevant.
*yank politics alarm starts ringing*
prefer not to say
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alri haha
(8) she a sad little sinner in the mirror
the devil works hard my liver (8)
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>If you have a transsexualism fetish then okay but I don't know why you're mentioning it on /brit/. Maybe go back to >>>/lgbt/ where that topic is specifically relevant.
lrish lad is he?
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mental that Canada imports millions of Indians and Nigerians who can barely string a sentence together but they turn me, a white STEM graduate with no dependents, away

why are they like this
just a bizarre immigration policy
I view Irish as foreigners. Anyone who isn't from the British mainland is a foreigner.
white guilt or something
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>failed greentext
>just a bizarre immigration policy
it's not bizarre at all, they just want whitey gone
No he's a 6ft5 Jamaican gentleman who works as a personal trainer
he's so americanised and terminally online his only exposure to black people is via american media.
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I am Irish, where I walk is Ireland. You are foreign.
Rorke coming to terms with his transsexualism fetish
she looks rubbish
You can get in easily with a STEM degree mate what are you on about?
because you would demand a fair wage and treatment as a worker
So what's the local equivalent to Tyrone?
not gay but wanking a bloke's cock with my arse
glasses and nose
ask your mum
they were going to spend £10bn in tax payer cash on the rwandan scheme

fucking cunts man fuck the lot of them
Why wouldn’t you know?
>I am Irish
and yet you live in the UK and post in /brit/? curious
1st class honours MASTERS in MechEng from a Russell Group
you'd think I'd have graduated in English Lit from an ex-polytechnic

though mind you I see jeets protesting all the time for better treatment
so not really sure what the advantage of having them is in that regard
you're the retard from earlier who didn't even understand 6 months interest accounts
The British/Irish rivalry continuing into the 21st century is the most forced shit ever
just witnessed politics
Because I'm half black
what the fuck are those hairstyles
I already have the solution.
Just give the green counties to the Republic and keep the orange counties in the UK.
It's that easy.
That would give you even more reason to already know. Why are you so terrible at lying?
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The colors of the German flag are the colors of alchemical transformation in Hermetic magic.
thoughts on toe socks?
>Egypt vs Dominican Republic
how could I not be hyped
You're a transsexual? Okay but that's not relevant to /brit/ is it. There's no need to mention it.
It’s the most one-sided rivalry in the world as well, only the Irish force it.

But at least they do have a good reason to force it, they were fucked over by the Brits in the past that’s just a fact.

What’s REALLY cringe is when the Scots try to pretend like they are some subjugated colony who have been oppressed by us throughout history.
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> visited whitechapel
>wasnt white nor any chapels
jeets rarely protest
the exceptions are the recent pei hunger strike, where they were students demanding permanent residency for doing nothing
and indian landlords in brampton protesting against regulations that make it illegal for them to stuff dozens of indians into the same flat
the tranny autism that emanates from your posts is off the scale
>and keep the orange counties in the UK
The UK doesn't have religious influence in government now
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Got the Bradley Walsh trainers lads
was that some politics outside of /pol/ that I just witnessed?
not sure
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>Size 7
want to go out and practice my driving but the roads are too busy at this time

only safe to venture out after 8PM or so
have you tried not living in an urban hellhole?
just applied to move to canada. got a 3rd in gender studies from university of roehampton. expecting my visa to come through no problem.
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Why are you accusing me of what you do yourself? Do you assume that everybody else is a transsexual just because you are?
oh my DAYS
Live in London mate.
Don't bring it to other people's attention
Notice, Report, Forget!
I'd be even more afraid driving on country roads lad.
Spainnonce exposed
why don’t you post on reddit or somewhere else more suited to your autistic sensibilities
Labour are rounding up and killing tories?
But the orange counties will eventually become majority catholic too, there should be a clause allowing them to be given back too once that happens
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day 141 of newjobtoil complete
dont tell me what to do
Rorke blaming it on the vaccine
Why don't you stop crying because I said that Britain is a good country

Maybe if you actually had sex for once in your life you wouldn't be such a freak
>old people set to die in coming years

big if true
Kek done me there
Remember Covid?
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No I don't
Please fuck off
boring try hard troon patter
But there are Prods in the Majority Catholic counties
so we'll have to move them to the orange counties
Never happened. Any of it.
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Dark fruits weather this
anyone tried tommy robinson's new aftershave
Labour rounding up the immigrants
You've never had sex have you?
Rounding them up to move them to the countryside
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I think immigrants and people enjoying the British countryside is a good thing.
My train has been cancelled
What a terrible fucking day
corr would shag her lovely are and breasts
i have. it’s not an achievement. just something all normal functional adults do regularly. i suppose to you it seems like winning the london marathon or something
chin up mate you can always get the next one x
That's disgusting.
I doubt they will all move, considering how vehement NIrish are
But I was also under the impression that Protestants are losing the demographics game in NI
I'm terribly ill
I just want to be in bed
I might get a taxi
Shut the fuck up Threadmeister lmfao
*nasally faggot voice*
but I was also under the impression that protestants were losing the demographic game
Your hand doesn't count

I don't think it's possible to have sex when you're an incel thinking about your transsexualism fetish all day
plenty of countryside where they come from
remember how we were all racist for thinking biden wasn't fit to be president
seething autistic incel
remember when someone asked
it's just an american voice really let's be honest
crossfaded in the smelly childhood bedroom YET again
back to the minecraft videos
cant wait
is that god damned australian nigger still here from earlier i had to go to work but i have a few bones to pick with him
why would they post this
what is their game
I don’t get it
forgot to take minceberg out to do defrosttoil didn't i
11 year old voting?
Shove your mince up your arse and order a dominos
Gonna scran me salad lads, catch you all later :3 x
shops are still open
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peter hitchens rubber arse
phil foden after the euros
romania is an underrated country
ffs how is it only monday
should be wednesday by now at least
Yeah that looks like an enjoyable enriching movie experience
Nosferatu is an ancient Romanian word for vampire
uve been klling it today
well you are a bit racist
I don’t understand what you’re saying
imagine pulling your dick out of her arse and finding a half digested bit of bread and onion covered in shit stuck to it
there’s never been an italian president
shaking with anxiety over what? i don't even knwo
we're so evil
In Romanian folklore there was a school of wizards who rode dragons and control of the weather and had vampiric powers. They were called the Solomonari, named Solomon from the Bible who was said to be a powerful magician.
Send the lazy cunts home
mite circle a few properties for the landlord
sounds like harry potter
didn’t happen though did it
made up shite
Why are you rambling to no one about this
need to pop myself with a leng
>paying thousands of pounds to go to a foreign country to pick fruit

ah yes
I just want you to know who I ammmm
they never came with the intention of picking fruit
and in all of asia, do you really have to pick from islam central?
love watching old youtube videos and slapping my big round belly with laughter
to the anon who posted webms of elephants in the last thread, enjoyed them both very much
Good post, as evidenced by the number of replies!
Frick off
Happens to people that emigrate to Australia
The middle east is in Asia so surely THAT is Islam central?
find it difficult to believe that the farm is not involved in this borrow-to-work scheme
not my problem they'll have paid dodgy cunts in indonesia to get the work it's not tesco selling strawberry-picking licenses is it
pooing, wanking, farting, and shitting
just letting you know your posts were all really shit and boring this thread
erm.. ktim !!
circle of life innit
oh my god the WEATHER
there were some good threads earlier before you arrived
Hey I just got here
indonesia has the biggest muslim population in the world
quite consistent this week
any advice?
second biggest is your mum's bedroom
Best temperature
boner of a lonely fart
um actually it's only 80% muslim so technically Pakistan has more muslims now xxx
i dont think indonesians are that religious except in some regions
oh my science
>sleep with the window open and get sick
>sleep with window closed, it's too hot to sleep
>sleep with fan on and get sick

Fuck offff
much better than the boner of a broken shart

Fuck you
your consitution is pathetic go to a doctor get checked that is not normal ava
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How on earth is that making you sick? Are you talking about drainage or dry throat?
totally yawning out me arse

another day as an unemployed sluglike creature (i am in my pants)
got the House of the Dragon on
homer of a lonely bart
get the black targaryans wanked off
shite tho ennit
by the way denton, stay out of the ladies' restroom
Sick... runny nose, coughing, headache.

My runny nose drains into my stomach and now my stomach hurts too. Its fucking insane.
any ___ man in?
get it made
ye i'm a (wo)man
shouldn’t call it a restroom if you don’t want me to sleep in it should they
on the bbq shgapes
Not sick, body is just reacting to allergens from the open window and a dry throat/sinuses from the fan
Take some zyrtec and FUCK OFF
Went to Selfridges and couldn't find a single fridge for sale. Currys isn't a takeaway. Gonna write a letter to trading standards.
>yank post
It's not a gimmick I'm actually turning to Brit for financial advice
i said get it fucking made
Give it to me

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