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Ummah bros...
Muslim girl I was almost dating in college told me I had to convert to Islam so we could get married
>hoejabi making a joke about penis size
I wouldn't approve of her even if she wore the hijab properly
Damn, do women have ANY insults besides peepee size?
cope pakijeet you wish you married her
Have sex incel.
My e-gf (lol) is from a Scandi country, I'm going to meet her soon once I move to Europe in a month for grad school
There is zero appeal to hoejabis like the one in the OP. Hoejabi is an ugly and unmarriageable state of mind that can't be fixed no matter how modestly she dresses. This is why I care less about performative stuff like wearing the hijab and more about attitude. Hot women are a dime a dozen when you're in your early 20s.
Penis size differentiation undermines the entire premise of feminism (your genitals should not effect your choices in life)
She deserves that hijab
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top tier woman comedy
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>My e-gf
Pakistan has fallen...
Do they say that before or after they call your peepee small? How is the incel gonna have sex with the microdick every man who disagrees with them clearly has?
>My e-gf(male)
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>paki dispaora makes tiktok making fun of brown women and saying he likes white girls
>entire comment section is filled with brown women saying no one likes brown guys

Brown famm... our unity is falling apart
why are we told hijab is a choice when i see kindergarteners walking around with hijab, iraqi coworker told me women are allowed to choose either or, but are also shamed for not wearing it? makes no sense.
Most paki men are incels until they get arranged marriages to their first cousins when they're like 28. I wouldn't say that's any better than me meeting a girl from abroad, then making plans to meet her in person.
Yeah, I mean, I expect to be made fun of for this but it's fine, I think I have something good
according to the hadiths, hijabs exist because muslim men are not allowed to sexually harass muslim women. Women with hijabs tell them that they are muslim. Yes, this applies to pre-pubescent girls too.
personally I want to wear the hijab but my parents refuse because they say it will attract unnecessary attention, but if I marry one day that it makes sence to weat it
Muslim men aren't allowed to sexually harass anyone, horny Paki immigrants are not catcalling and molesting western women because Islam sanctions the rape of non Muslim women, they are doing it because they are horny and being pious Muslims is not on their agenda. However, Islam does lay out the rules about taking kafir war captives as slaves, which includes female sex slavery, so if you want to outrage westoids about us you can mention that since it's actually true
>women arent funn-
>Most paki men are incels
Yeah I know. Met one guy who was getting a bride for his 19th birthday kek
The more secular pakis seem happier and more approachable than religious ones.
why do you want to wear it?
>Parents dressing up their young children
>Parents dressing up their young children, Muslim
Also, women get shamed for what they wear or do not everywhere, you act like social pressure is especially bad because le heckin muslims did it in Iraq based off what's considered acceptable clothing for women there. If you want to levy legitimate criticism you can look at Saudi Arabia pre MBS or Iran where policemen actively beat up women for not wearing it instead of this nothingburger.
They're right but just being a brown person outside a majority brown place is going to attract the same kind of attention anyway.
That guy wouldn't be an incel, then lol. My cousin got married about 2 years ago to a second cousin of ours. He was 20 and she was 18. There's plenty of atheist retards with the same sexual frustrations that apostating won't fix. I believe marriage is too difficult for young Muslims. Too many financial considerations that cause it to be delayed
I've read quite several scholars opinions and now I'm convinced that it's a necessity for a Muslim women to wear it,
my parents are not really into religion, they're more of the cultural Muslim type

my ethnicity is pretty ambiguous so i pass easily as white
Made for indian man
why would scandi aryan goddeses associate with poopoo paki manlets
You're right, the scholarly consensus is pretty clear based off what is in the Hadith and Quran. The female hijab includes but is not limited to covering all the scalp hair and the neck. What Muslim women choose to do with that information is their own prerogative.

A Russian American girl showed me the headscarf she wears to Orthodox church services every Sunday, I was rather surprised at how similar it was to Muslim hijab, only slightly more lax. So even white women can wear it with no trouble apparently.
By not being an autistic weirdo. Also she's short and brunette with hazel eyes, so not Aryan really
It's probably some flavour of arab
Lmao islam really is a made up fantasy to help caravan raider muhammed to score some pussy back in the day
I don't see what's wrong with taking war captives as slaves in the year 600, that's simply the way things were. Islam is neither pro slavery or anti slavery. The Prophet had no issue securing wives for himself even before he received the revelations from Allah. Arabian society was already polygynous
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Saaaaaaaaaaaar this whitisher gf, is she in the room right now?
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In the currycels fantasy, when do you think he introduces Ann-Marie to the wonders of camel urine consumption
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No. They are called sex objects for a reason.
Oh no, I'm going to be one of the Finnish Pajeet hunter schizo's screenshots now :'(
>My e-gf
Nigga you are about to get raped by a fat, scandinavian man
I dated a pakistani girl in the UK and got really put off when she admitted her parents were related. I didn't dare ask the degree of relation. These were educated people too, doctors.
nah he's just gonna get trafficked into picking peaches in southern Italy by a Nigerian mob
>Yeah, I mean, I expect to be made fun of for this but it's fine, I think I have something good
It's really not worth it man. It's not a real relationship. It's just someone to send messages to every now and then. I'm not shitting on you, I've been in two different e-relationships. Both women were from Europe and were 5-6 hours ahead of my time zone. I met up with both as often as I could but it's not the same. Try to find an actual girl you can be close with.
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>see hijabi
>imagine her getting blacked
This website has completely ruined my mind. I need to go outside...
typical anime poster behaviour, innit
And everyone clapped

Why would a Swedish man waste his time and money just to rape a paki?
Arab women are built for Big Yemeni Jew cock
>they get arranged marriages to their first cousins when they're like 28
wtf i wish i was pakistani
That's a saar btw
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Lmao, bro you guys are literally next door to Africa. Arab girls have been cucking Arabs since time immemorial
I'm African myself that's why. I really liked a hijabi girl I spoke to but she got a boyfriend and I never got over it so I've been browsing sites looking for hijabis being blacked to self insert and it feels unbelievably disgusting but I can't stop
Are you able to travel to France? Probably the next best place to find what you're after
No but I can have the same effect in the UAE. It's a hotbed of hoejabis
>now I'm convinced that it's a necessity for a Muslim women to wear it,
Don’t wear it because you feel like you have to for the sake of your religion. Hijab is never a necessity. You are no better or different than a girl who wears one. It’s your actions that will make up your worth rather than a scarf.

Ive met too many women who do it out of some guilt or compulsion and so they never truly learned to appreciate the hijab
need hijaber gf
>Sister, it’s not right for you to wear a hijab like that, Allah will punish you or smth
>You might have a small penis, ha-ha
What's wrong with women
its over

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