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Love Joose edition

Prev: >>200054129
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Always though that guy was a creep after I heard he transitioned. It's just so weird to get married, have a kid, and then come out as a transgender
Unlimited Turkey Subs
off brand white wine in a plastic container
deodorant (incontrovertible proof I am not a jeet)
Dirty Chai frappe and cinnamon rolls. Awesome
OSRS subscriptions
i bought NY strip steaks, coffee creamer, lettuce and baking soda.

not bad not bad
What if he transitioned to avoid the minor allegations he knew would come out eventually?
The true winner
not even remotely
Food from Tesco (it's our equivalent of Walmart)
Hot take /cum/rade
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eggs, yogurt and altoids
Stay mad, lactoselet
If you asked me 'What makes a good song, basically?', I'd post this
If you'd take milk over Steaks and Turkey Subs not only are you financially illiterate, but you're also a tastelet.
Southwest flight tickets. I am happy
what the fuck lmao, the 70's were wild


and from john lennon no less
more than you know
now i know the meaning of true love
i see your drug addict
If it's anything I spent money on: medical expenses

If it has to be physical items: Pale ale and CBD sparkling water
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'nigger' unironically wasn't considered a bad word or slur in the UK and the rest of the commonwealth until American influence came.
and raise you a junkie!
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I read a copy of Thunderball printed in the 60s and a few times James Bond or the narration casually describes someone as a nigger. No malice, no invective, just "well that's what they are" straightforwardness. I wonder if it was edited out of later editions, I haven't checked.
t-rex was a cool band
It wasn't considered a bad word here till the late 50s
The worst thing you can call a black is "Boy". they will kill you if you say this
t-rex sucks and their only good songs are Mambo son and get it on
Do groceries count?
Who else posting from /work/?
Whatever the last thing you bought is
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i dont work
Me. These are my normal posting hours since I don't have shit to do at work usually
my internet has been buggy as shit all day and its really pissing me off
but you did have blacks saying it was inappropriate and it was more professional to say negroes or coloured person as far back as the early 1900s.
>No malice, no invective, just "well that's what they are" straightforwardness
yeah it was literally just a casual noun for a black person
Honestly getting a lifetime supply of groceries is going to save you a shit ton of money AND time if they're delivered directly to your house
it's not real
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Yellowfever bros... our response?
I worked as an orderly in a psychiatric ward some years ago, so I had to manhandle crazies.
One time a homeless black guy was freaking out, so me and my coworker had to tie him down to be medicated.
Anyway, the entire time we wrangled him, my coworker insisted on calling him "boy."
>"nice and easy, boy"
>"don't fight too hard, boy"
Sounded like Foghorn Leghorn.
Last thing I spent money on was gas so I guess infinite gas
>Sounded like Foghorn Leghorn
holy kek, was he a trve Southerner?
what the fuck, it isn't?
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Hot outside today
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Unicorn and Electric Warrior I consider great records. The Slider and Tanx not so much, though they have their highlights.
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That's incredible lol
>Now I say I say now don'tcha be kicking us now boy! You gotta lay still! Calm down! Look at me, I'm cool as a cucumber! I'm perfectly calm! WHY I'M THE VERY IMAGE OF RELAXED! SO STOP SHOUTIN AN FUSSIN AN BE LIKE ME!

>Nice boy but he's more cracked than the liberty bell, eh he he he.
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this nigga eatin too many beans
Anyone wanna impregnate my sister/mom/cousin? I'm sterile, so I can't have kids with my trans wife, so I'm looking for someone to give me as close to biological children as possible. You will have to spend $0 raising your offspring, but you will have to sign a waiver mandating you never contact them so I can tell the kid that my wife cucked me.

Non-whites only; the darker, the better. No Asians either. Serious inquiries only please.
I have met with a girl who claims she is an escort. We met on telegram in a dating app. I have never hired escorts in Canada before, only in other countries a few times.

Can anyone share any experience or advice? Why is she advertising herself openly with a phone number? Is she a fat indian man trolling me or an undercover cop? Anons, please help me out, I am stressed about it.

She really looks fine and I am fine with it, but all of it sounds extremely sus.
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need a gf to HAWK TWAH my pp
aaaaaaaaaaaa I want to eeeeeeaaaaaaaaatttttt

fucking fasting order
The next time I meet a person who hates me in the street I'm gonna say 'I'm not a crook!' in a husky voice and make the V sign.
Yes no maybe idk can you repeat the question
Lookit, I'm older than 90% of the people here and trust me when I tell you no zoomer would get the reference.
nigga even futurama made nixon jokes
Does Canada or the US have a higher per capita of /cum/ users?
Hey, does Mexico tv show American shows dubbed in Spanish?
everyone who's watched Futurama knows about Nixon cause he's the best character in the series, along with Zoidberg
Futurama is almost 30 years old
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I wfh
They learn about it in school gramps
>paying attention to history classes
I'm 29 years old :|
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As I said, I might have blown it, but on the other hand I really felt discomfortable without knowing it. Sus...
>lifetime supply of rogaine
not bad
This, what are you a fuckin nerd>>200061485
Bro thinks nobody knows who nixos is except for him and his grandpah
Why you even doing here? Go to a casino or a hospital to have super boomer mature conversations with terminal patiens nobody cares how old are you or how much you remember
I'm 37
the only time I ever listen to music anymore is when I'm drunk
though that is a lot of the time
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and not a hair out of place
Maybe suggest that you have a dinner date before anything else, to get to know each other. Make sure she understands that you'll pay for the whole meal, but you aren't going to pay for anything else. So if she's a scam or a cop, then you never actually agreed to pay for sex with her.

Alternately, look up the sex work laws where you are. Escorting might already be legal or decriminalized, I assumed Canada was all liberal about that. Alternately you guys might also have those retarded Scandinavian-style laws where johns can be arrested for buying sex but hookers can't be arrested for selling it.
You're being scammed. They will tale your money and, in the worst case scenario, your organs
I've been here since before you were born, fag. Shan't be leaving
>that 37 year old drug addict who still browses /cum/
>Escorting might already be legal or decriminalized, I assumed Canada was all liberal about that.
Nope. Prostitution was actually legal in Canada until 2014, now it's illegal.
hey, I wear it with pride. I've got hair down past my shoulders!
I can’t be racist
I had sex with a black woman once
Me in 4 years
A drug addict with a good personality can go far.
>She really looks fine
red flag
>being told to buy some "apple card"
red flag

Machecazz, that doesn't even make sense
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>ten years later
the 30+ posters are a sad bunch
I don't speak Spanish but I was watching Narcos and it's funny how they translate "marica" as "fag" in the first season, but by the last season they translate it as "pussy" or even "dude" but never again as fag
the joke is that there is no hair to be out of place, because he's balding

OH, capisc
ma che cazzo porco dio?
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I am not saying you are wrong, but here is the reasoning why. Can you elaborate on how exactly she is doing a scam? If payment is done at the end? She agreed to go to my place or to hers. I am just playing with hypotheticals here, I dont think I am going to actually do it now. Sus.
Piece of cale
My favorite type of voter is the unembarassed debt patron. They have no goals or desires beyond to die without paying back a loan. They're like puppies. It's hard not to love something that helpless
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i love women so much
fuck it bro why not
>Episode where Nixon gets elected President of Earth premiered on December 12, 1999
>Nixon resigned August 9, 1974
>25 years and 4 months

>Episode where Nixon gets elected President of Earth premiered on December 12, 1999
>Present day
>24 years and 7 months

There is nearly as much time separating the real life resignation of Nixon from the Nixon reelection episode of Futurama as there is between the premier of that Futurama episode and now.
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im indifferent to women so much
I'm debtmaxxing but I don't vote. I guess I owe over $100,000.00 in hospital bills from various emergencies rooms in Southern California from my travels there.
Are you 65 years old dude how are you falling for this
Idk gift cards are just what pajeet scammers insist on
Maybe hookers do the same thing now for some weird reason
I say go for it and report back
I was told there would be no math.
if you want to be safe get a hotel room for one night and not your place
You will become one of them
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If you're not going to have any kids, is there any reason to not debtmaxx in the last few decades of your life?
Geev me a un tousand dollars
No, go all out. They can get money from a dead man
FEED men, THEN ask of them virtue.
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Show me how ya suck cawk
Mexico is the most powerful country in the world
Here is my autistic plan.

Ask for a photoproof with today's date, if I am going to meet with her. No proof - no meeting.

If there is a proof with current date, I am going to meet her at the cafe first.
What is the worst that might happen? If she is a scammer, she will not come and I wasted 100$ for an hour. Still, I am going to have a giftcard for myself.

If she is an undercover cop, will she shout FREEZE YOU ARE UNDER ARREST when we meet and take me to jail for wanting to fuck? Should I not bring my IDs with me then? How will cops prove that I actually was going to pay for sex if I only have a giftcard on me?
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You'll suck our cawks?
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
banana phone
This is a LARP you aren't this retarded
are you fucking retarded? it's a jeet
All sounds good, good luck
grim days to be on the /cum/
do they even arrest people for prostitution or even more honeytrap people like this? seems fucking stupid, prostitution laws are made in the first place to prevent human trafficking and pimps taking advantage of girls, if it's like the girl doing it herself there's literally no problem
Doom and gloom on the horizon, O my brother
Lifetime supply of hot chips hell yeah
In the US police will sometimes work with prostitutes to honeytrap men. Dunno how common that is in Canada though
imagine having a pregnant woman as president
Please explain why.

I will ask for a proof and just see the reaction.
Are you bisexual and a liar, by any chance?
oh shit it’s that zip furio
Honestly you sound really, REALLY smart, like you can handle yourself. Do what you think is best. The outcome you get is the outcome you deserve.
There's a new poll out where she is down 9 points compared to [Redacted]
The [redacted]crats are fucked
how the fuck would it be a jeet if it's asking for the money after the fact?
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My Metokur hat came in a box with a Metokur logo on it, now my mail man knows I'm a chud.
are you ever going to wear that shit irl
hol up

theres a new garfield movie and NONE of you fuckers informed me?
i love whygena ^o^
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I have applied to around 100 jobs over the last two months, and so far I've gotten absolutely zero responses.
i'm not sure what the goal is but the whole thing reeks of some poorly executed jeet scam. they even type like a jeet. I've never heard of a prostitute asking for a gift card as payment
Just saw an ad for [Redacted] presidential campaign on youtube, I guess the [redacted]crats have already picked who will replace [Redacted]
literally me until 2 weeks ago. Low unemployment my ass
You and me both, pal
No, I just knew that if I didn't get one before he dies I would regret it. He was the one that introduced me to this side of the internet.
it makes some sense if it's like some sort of legal loophole and paying in apple cards dont count as prostitution
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I'm bad with math and numbers
dont care still voting [redacted]
I lost all respect for gym metokur when he became a full blown weeb faggot and started promoting vtubers and pedophiles
hapy computer day to all my friends with a computer
oh, that's sweet

I was introduced to this side of the internet because I googled "hai2u" just to be silly back in the 00's and the first result was an Encyclopedia Dramatica page of a chick puking of Max Hardcore's dick (apparently it was the name of an old shock image)
Didn't ask
Same. My memory is so bad I can't remember mathmatic formulas
/cum/ is a Yang Gang general
I dont know if you are joking or not.
he probably was but I agree unironically
>canadian intelligence
Have you ever listened to [redacted] speak? She's at her ceiling lol
I'm sure she will get an enthusiasm bump for a few weeks to a month but it'll taper off
how hot is she for you to not have given up at this point
How old were you?
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You're skirtin the margins, boy.
Yang is the only D I would vote for
How? There's no interpretation involved. It's formulaic and straightforward. There are no multiple answers, there is just one answer. Math is the easiest thing in the world to do. One plus one will always equal 2
I agree. How can you prove anything if you or her has just 2 giftcards on you? Like really? And no IDs on you. How can you prove anything? By text? That you have agreed to meet her via text? And that you said in text form that you want to fuck her? And you have an apple giftcard in your pocket and no passport and no money. If I was her, I would do it the same way for being untraceable probably.
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Yeah it's kinda sad, I'm too jaded and cynical to 100% look up to people now. I thought Jersh would be a good replacement, and while I do look up to him in some ways, he come out with a new shit take every week.
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>with lean
whitey really do be stealing everything form the black man
Metokur was always a lolcow himself
>I'm too jaded and cynical to 100% look up to people now
This is normal, you're not supposed to 100% look up to people
For example you can respect Josh for having some principles and going through hell and back just to keep a website up, but still be able to recognize he is fat autistic and extremely retarded at times (possibly most times)
Ever fucked something up you really cannot afford fucking up?
Me yes:) plenty of times :))))))
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I did reverse image search. Nothing.
Josh has a fucked up past but at least his show is entertaining and you shouldn't look up to any youtuber what are you 12 years old?
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Hahahahahahhahahahahahaha timmy's buying APPLE GIFT CARDS on a WHATSAPP CONVERSATION as if that's not the most obvious scam of all time. scams really do prey on the dumbest and horniest of common denominators
I liked Mark Webb because he was the last Blue Dog democrat alive. He was a candidate in 2016 and when they asked the candidates at a debate what enemy they were the proudest of making. It was supposed to be a layup to say something like "the big drug companies" or "the KKK" and he said something like "the viet cong soldiers I killed". It scared the democrat hoes too much and he had to drop out but it was just such a great way to subvert that question. I think he was genuinely answering too, not being a smartass. Which is even better.
Im a worthless piece of shit
And he's lost his edge I think now that he is facing death he's become soft
why does she type like an esl
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idk sometimes the numbers get bigger then you have to remember formulas and then there are numbers and other words i never learned just leave me alone
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haven't been able to secure a good wax pen for my camping trip this weekend :/
>going through hell and back just to keep a website up

That's what I respect him for, the extreme autistic stubbornness to do what you want even when everyone hates you for it. It's the cheese talk, and male feminist things that annoy me. Also him thinking that a 50 BMG is a good weapon for home defense.

I don't care about his past all that much.
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can they PLEASE fire whoever is programming youtube's algorithm already
>Tried masturbating this morning around 10
>Edged myself for about an hour and a half, almost finish
>Stopped because I remembered I haven't finished since my wet dream three weeks ago
>Blue-balled myself
My stomach's just now finished hurting, but I'm still horny as shit.
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Just to remind you, she wants you to get an apple gift card because:
>it's anonymous for them to take money from the card
>it's irreversible to get the money back from the card
>they money has no delays on being laundered through crypto
>gift cards are by nature meant to be used by other people, so they have significantly less protections as a cash-holding card

Sirs the algorithming of video is state of art Mumbai coding performance
Good one. I kneel.
>don't care about his past all that much.
Do you even know it?
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it might just be her account, shes a hot piece of ass
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Damn sosbob1948 is based
Dude reverse image searches are notoriously unreliable. Most of the time I get no results from an image even if I got it online somewhere myself. Think of all the places that a search like that leaves out
>onlyfans galleries
>telegram channels
>deleted twitter and reddit accounts

I guarantee you I could find a sexy picture of a girl in the next 4 minutes that would not return any results on reverse image search. You're being played. Just go to a wishy washy, at least there the worst that will happen is you overpay for a bad massage.
>Hatsune Miku keychain
dios mio...
I would break her other leg
He acted a fool on the block land forums. I know a lot of people had issues with him in regards to 8 chin, but I don't know much about that.
He talked about murdering his mom and he has a diaper/fart fetish
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I usually don't like Jennifer Anniston but she's really hot in Office Space
I'd probably want to murder my mom if she was a hoe too. I've never heard of the diaper stuff though.
apple cards should only be allowed to buy apples
if you can get a picture from her with timestamp and it is the same girl from the twitter account then it's definitely legit
>Florida, USA
It's not her bro
The fantasy of sex or women never matches reality... I'll be extremely horny and then see a girl and think "this is what I'm getting excited about?"
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Normally I find Asian women ugly and buglike, but there's just something about Reiko Hiraoka that gets me. She has such a natural motherly look, she's the only Asian broad I jack it to
Oedipal moment
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cummies, im drinking covfefe
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Plus she has an amazing body for a broad her age
Paper towels and dark chocolate. Not bad.
My mother's been dead since I was 8
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bro there's a bunch of pictures of her and she replying with one offs to a bunch of random boomers, like who the fuck would do this instead of some prostitution scheme unless they're pulling the pictures from somewhere else and the entire account is fake which seems unlikely
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>he subconsciously tries to get his long-lost mothers love back by cranking it to milfs
Not helping your case
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horrible nausea this morning i feel like death
I admit I'm a Mommyfag, I was just providing justification
stop smoking, drink more water, exercise
The chances of her being authentic increase, do you think? I asked for a timestamp.
jesus fucking hates me. and you know what.
i hate him back
I want to drink
because coffee tastes gross
I've had like five shits today, maybe it was six, I can't remember

I think it's because I keep drinking coffee
say you'll pay more for a timestamp pic
This Morgin Madison guy really is a lukewarm DJ. I'm watching him on A State of Trance right now. I mean, bless him s heart, he's trying and it's not totally horrible, but it's not exactly blowin my skirt up, neither
>The chances of her being authentic increase

are you really this dumb
dollar tree toilet scrub. before that i bought a gfuel can that tasted like warm piss
What are you like 10 years old or something
she's not doign it personally
The most educated christians know that God has favorites and people who will be saved were chosen before the universe was even a thing.
Make fun of wagie cagies
>"We love him because he first loved us"
>“If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first."
you cant be this desperate man
So what's the point of going through all this rigamarole if it's a foregone conclusion? Seems like Desired Action, but with a whole shitload more steps
Oh, I live in Canada, not in Mexico bro. Of course I can be this desperate.
Canadian women are pretty however
>being so blinded by horniness you get scammed by jeets
Sad way to go
ye i know. some nasty fuckers out there seem to receive all the blessings the universe can give them and all they have to give is cruelty and greed
lol, no.
Eternity is boring when not torturing ants to pass time
Bit rude innit
>Ill just chase my prey into this riv--ACK!
I know we been down this road before but I dont find any other teachings from my existence.
Also a bitch demolished me emotionally and I can't seem to move on.
Anyway it's 10pm here let's go outside for some whiskey
Average jeet rental listing here in Leafland, bob + vagene required
what the fuck
lol awesome
It's 1:30 pm here I'm still at work, but I have a while bottle of whiskey at home that ill be drinking when I'm off
why do you lie to me?
Nevermind the bollocks, straight to the point. Based.
ok i admit i am not strong and i desperately need someone to take care of me right now im dying
Post your zip code
business idea: transition and scam the jeet
Sorry, Agent Harris. Non posso.
I don't. They're just less ugly than american women. They're mostly bri'ish-scot-irish with some ukie mixes. Revolting.
its a jeet bro, this is some regular e whore, her name is catlyncrespo and the jeets are using her pics
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Saar, ve are needing your zip code as your internet prowider has said you are illegally downloading movies and games
We will do negotiate , butiful wimon
indian men are making me racist
i was already racist before knowing about indians
they need to stop
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Did this stunad actually say this
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You cannot hate this nigga!
me and who
non-whites really love those led lights.
Did you find the exact same pics? I mean, I have the feeling that you are right.
This image is quintessentially American
>risking it all for that
i'm 100% correct
I used to live around the corner from there
sexo con cum or cum con sex?
sexo not the second one
preferably neither
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coworker keeps heart reacting my messages
Women do be doing that for no reason
someone make the new a good one please im dying sorry
because it’s not that deep it’s just a react
it is equivalent to a thumbs up
the leaf is right don't read into it. heart means something else to women
Wish granted
When they heart react my posts it means nothing, if I heart react their posts they would dial HR. Society.
310, go to the new
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