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This is thread focused on learning polish language and culture.
Fajna nitka
Zapostuję ją w /lang/
So where do I start? Is there a guide or something?
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I don't understand anything...
I only posted the idea for a DPT thread before I (or anyone) had prepared anything for it, and someone else made it.
For now we can plan anything we want as an OP guide. Do you have any ideas?
Vocab, grammar, input...? How would you learn PL if you could start over?
Basic and Intermediate workbooks on there + Polish Tutor by Teach Yourself
Memrise official course has good vocabulary
Anki shared decks
Read books and mine words (I look up words' frequency to determine whether they are worth it or not)
That's a whole can of worms. There's so much I would have to spend some time compiling it all
why are these not aligned
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Reading this
What the point of reading Swedish books in polish? READ THEM IN SWEDISH.
To jest fińska książka. W każdym razie ludzie w tzw ,,społeczeństwie uczniów języków" zawsze polecą tłumaczenia książek np Harry Potter. A co?
Była napisana przez fino Szweda.
czy ktoś przeczytał albo obejrzał ,,jeszcze dzień życia"?
po fińsku dlatego jest to fińska literatura
>fino Szweda
zresztą tove jansson była kobietą
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any vaguely slavic native speaker could start by trying to comprehend basic texts, like I did with физмиг: физикa гepoюв мeшa и мaги (or whatever it was called) for learning optimal homm3 stratrgy and tactics. If you can't do it with light dictionary usage you should start by making sure you understand what noun declinations are, and how they are used in polish

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