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Dirty Sanchez edition

Threads claimed by The Threadmeister today: 4
poo smells hehe :)
Still remember pube pizza
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Looks like the American Republicans are going with the Tory strategy for 2024.
fucking state of it
*hobbles into thread and bites you
Cant sleep might go for an incel walk
what a moran
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sick to bastard cunting death of it all
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Oh, sorry, you wanted an actually right-wing party to vote for? Sorry, you got tech-libertarians funded by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk instead.
Got to appeal to the useful idiots
Then they'll implement Project 2025
janny gonna FREAK
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I hope you are right.
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West has FalunGong
FalunGong devotees have telepathic powers
guess you should support a state that subverts western democracies and is aligned with terrorist creating Saudi Arabia then then, that will get rid of the muslims in europe somehow
People with actual family trauma aren’t making family trauma horror movies they’re making Jackass 2
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>going through the entire Xbox 360 avatar store at 2 am
>family trauma horror movies
jewish reddit crap
Real horror chads watch Jap kino
Massive reach there mate
>Anon says he dislikes both Muslims and Jews
>You throw a shitfit and call him a Jew anyway because he insulted le heckin Islam
Exposed yourself there Mohammed.
if we support israel blowing up churches and hospitals, pakis will disappear into thin air. since israel was created the once sizeable muslim population of europe has diminished to almost nothing
Who are you quoting?
Hereditary was a very Jewish movie desu.
In the same way that people think of Friends or Seinfeld as Jewish comedy, Hereditary is the horror equivalent.
Hulk Hogan is based desu.
every single retarded rightoid that supports israel because they hate pakis
you're doing it wrong
japanese ingenuity
Watched it in the cinema don’t remember what happened in it or what made it Jewish
Highly doubt she’ll win so who cares
Yeah. Chuck has long been known to be a turbo-lefty. Bet he was chuffed when he got to make Starmer PM too.
would have been funnier if he started cleaning with it
who are they?
why is it so bloody hot
The funniest character (Kramer) is a gentile though
State of those pubes. Have a shave!
woke warming
Heard you the first time, Shimon.
Me and my brother used to watch this and do our own stunts and I still have scars from it. Fell through the roof of my dad's shad and cut myself on a splinter from a table and was lying on the floor winded.
Only time my Dad ever hit me was when he found out. Cracked me one right on the jaw (I was 14).
Get the trannies posted
once upon a time in america is maybe the most jewish film I’ve seen. i mean it’s about the jewish mafia so that’s to be expected, but i feel it was made explicitly for jews to enjoy. it has a very different feel to those italian gangster movies. just dark and cold and weird
she's a woman and she's brown
she'll win based on that
lmao you're delusional
Sausage Party is the most jewish film l've seen without a doubt
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spaceballs is the most jewish film by a country mile
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We don't vote for w*men. Yanks and Rus chads are the final based whites.
thread smells of drugs and jizz
Would be perfectly content if Jews and Muslims exterminated one another.
>click thread
>leave thread
Fuck off you boring cunts
Genuienly what is your issue? Seriously? I can honestly only understand a Muslim objecting to it.
Schindlers List is the most Jewish film
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probably best you go to sleep anyway fella
>Genuienly what is your issue? Seriously? I can honestly only understand a Muslim objecting to it.
but... polls...
Personally I'm a believer in voting for the best candidate regardless of gender, bizarre concept.
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Currently watching: The Lost Kingdoms of Africa (BBC)
just another jew meme to maintain the zionist war mongering anti-white status quo. call me a paki all you want
I don't support Israel, but I see Muslims everyday and they're all awful brown cunts. Have never actually met a Jew to my knowledge.
I said Israel won't exist in 10 years times and Israel is led by genuine evil
Name one (1) good female candidate.
evens do it odds dont
xbox record that
God bless Great Britain, America and Israel
Joanna Lumley for PM
Kind of weird that fitness games died out as a genre.
You're mum is a good candidate for anal sex
Something seriously wrong with people who spend all day every day 24/7 thinking about Israel
Yeah, go and chant at the palestine rallies with all the invaders you stupid cunt.
Crepe check! Crepe check!
the gayest and most anti-white countries on earth (except canada)
Don’t hear much from the Gurkhas these days
ok mohammad mohamad ahmed ali
the switch had one, with the plastic ring
the next nintendo will probably have one too
wasnt that just a nintendo wii gimmick?
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Basically the USA, Russia, and China are the only real countries at this point. Everybody else is a vassal state of one of those three.
Isn’t beat saber still a thing
Why do gay people cause chuds to sperg the fuck out

Like damn nigga get some pussy and calm down lmao
Something seriously wrong with people who think they're chosen by god and can bomb innocent people 24/7
>Israel is bad because they encourage mass immigration
>But if you hate the people who are here because of mass immigration you're jewish.
Make it make sense londonpaki
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>if you hate both you're upholding the anti white status quo
Your mother is the vassal state of my knob
>people who think they're chosen by god and can bomb innocent people 24/7
Muslims? Yeah they're mental.
*bent poof nonce voice*

>Like damn nigga get some pussy and calm down lmao
Jimmy Farter
Carter won because he was an honest and admirable man, he was too honest to be president
muslims and jews, same people really
Ah yes they’ll all vote for the mixed race female neoliberal cop that won’t possibly ruffle feathers on both core sides of the electorate
Scanning this post with my niggas who get pussy detector and it’s completely silent
its 2am you freaks
Thinking about giving up my job and just working part time in tesco and claiming benefits
Just do like 16 hours, 2 days a week and then spend the rest of my life taking it easy chilling
Melatonin pill kicking in
people in gaza aren’t here. they’re in gaza. most of the muslims have no connection to palestine anyway.
only 2016mong the rabid zionist says this so i was correct, you do support israel
4am in Israel
Jew boy here must be up on the morning shift in the Hasbara toil mines
105 posts in the thread
Only 45 of them unfiltered
Deary deary me
Londonpaki detector going absolutely mental rn
nobody cares that they're from gaza or not
they are muslim therefore bad
dumb cunt
could use that time to work on a personal project
>most of the muslims have no connection to palestine anyway.
Doesn't stop them spending every weekend for the past year shitting up the streets of London over it.
Curious how those same Muslims don't care about Uyghurs being mistreated by China innit.
I support Britain ceasing all money and support to Israel. I'm for Britain and white people, alright mate? I hate Israel insofar as it interferes with Britain and white people, other than that I do not give a shit. Get that through your fucking empty third-worldist head.
you’re the dumb one and this mongy rhetoric only works on other retards
ahaha great stuff
there was some bitching about but most of them don't know shit about it
>about Uyghurs being mistreated by China innit.
Even more mental when you consider that this is an actual proper genocide. Like the Chinese government have rounded tens of thousands of adult males into concentration camps and have stated that their explicit goal is the Han-ificaiton of the Xinjiang region. Chinese money is obviously too valuable.
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A former president running for reelection has only been successful once
Grant, Roosevelt, Hoover, all failed at it
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fat pig
>Doesn't stop them spending every weekend for the past year shitting up the streets of London over it.
pakis should go back to pakiland. but i’m not going to hate people living in their homeland and defending it from ZOG because pakis support them. makes no sense to me
>Curious how those same Muslims don't care about Uyghurs being mistreated by China innit.
because they don’t really believe it as they are skeptical of mainstream western media
finally a proper on-topic /brit/ post
that's cheating, she clearly bulked up beforehand
>but i’m not going to hate people living in their homeland and defending it from ZOG because pakis support them
Fine, but I'm not Jewish because I don't give a fuck about them. I'm a literal actual racist mate, I do not give a fuck about people if they aren't white. Sorry.
Honestly, the way I see this Gaza shindig, you chat shit, you get bombed. Simple as.
And if it's a choice between muzzies and Jews, I'm picking Jews anyway day of the week.
You don’t need to keep spamming this drivel, heeb cunt
no one cares shlomo
The weak should fear the strong. If Israel are stronger they should exterminate the Palestinians and replace them.
>because they don’t really believe it as they are skeptical of mainstream western media
That's the point isn't it. It's just an excuse to be anti-west and anti-white. China is allowed to oppress Muslims because they are non-white and not aligned with Europe or the US. Same reason why so many Muslims in this country have sympathy for Russia over Ukraine.
Even my boomer Republican dad is sick of Jews now.
Kikes overplayed their hand
Totally arbitrary scepticism. You believe Palestinians when they say they are being genocided but not the Uyghurs because...err..
>Uyghurs being mistreated by China
This is not an actual thing, you're being fed western propaganda
Only Muslims in camps in China are terrorists and state disruptors.
Why wouldn't they put terrorists in prison?
thought I was in /brit/ not /bore/
He's a third-worldist, probably a fan of Fuentes or Keith Woods. They're completely braindead.
Seeing lots of politics posts
they have good reason to distrust western media, it’s mostly propaganda and complete bollocks. not gonna get into an argument about the uyghur stuff because i actually don’t know. but there is good reason to not believe most of the shite that mainstream outlets spew here
Might well be true desu. I think China is right to consider Islam as a threat and make efforts to stamp it out.

I'm simply pointing out Muslim hypocrisy. If they were being consistent, there'd be mass protests against China for their anti-Islam policies.
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ws nat
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The slowest, least successful genocide in history.
Tribal warfare innit. Always been a thing since the dawn of man, always will be
Boo hoo.
anyone doing any wanking? any pooing perhaps?
doing a wank, a wee, a sneeze, a sick and a poo all simultaneously
having a poo wank rn
So basically you just lap up whatever trendy shite is currently being spouted on TikTok because you are 14 years old. Got it.
That wasn't well said actually, you're child becoming trans is worse than them dying. Can only imagine the trauma of seeing your once beautiful child become a disfigured freak.
if you dont talk about something interesting l'm gonna go out and do something stupid
we did better in algeria
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the cat = my cock
the israel palestine thing has been going on a long time and there is a huge amount of information about it. i haven’t actually looked into the uyghur stuff much, my opinion is i don’t know

you can stop samefagging so much >>200072745 btw. you just seem like another shill
Musk's politics:
>let infinity pajeets immigrate to your country
>replace everybody with AI
>put literal actual computer chips inside people's brains
>oh but also no trannies!
And there are millions of retards on the internet who still think this cunt is "le based & redpilled!"
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Watch this video. It's funny.
We had one woman appointed as prime minister and she lasted like ten days before suffering the greatest electoral defeat in the history of democracy
And how much of this "research" was done on TikTok?
never watched tiktok and you can take your pathetic conjecture back to the daily express comment section you old circumcised cunt
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only link I'd watch from you is your livestreamed suicide
makes you think
When has France ever had a female president
>you just seem like another shill
No, I'm not a shill. I've probably been critical of Israel and Jewish influence FAR longer than you have. What I hate are braindead zoomers like you filtering people becoming aware of Jewish influence into supporting and whinging about fucking mudshits. There is NO allowance with them you stupid fucking retarded leftist piece of shit. I despise you brown worshipping cunts.
head of government
we had a female first minister for less than a year in the 90's
You are extremely transparent.
classic concern trolling. one of the oldest tricks in the hasbrarat book. kys
Obama, you're disqualified.
Is rather have a billion Indians than 1 trannie
Reminder that Natalie is protecting a prominent UK breadtuber who sexually assaulted her because they're also trans
shouldn't have had those lagers they weren't enough and now I wish I was steaming
reminder that you made this up
so jannois just gonna allow all of this yank politics posting then?
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Also the cube's voice reminds me of Anthony of Westgate, who is a very intelligent guy and he knows a lot about philosophy and conspiracies.
Have you ever been to Troon?
Don't even bother with beer these days. Just end up feeling sober and bloated.
my poor throat hurts so much
it's keeping me awake
you mean the thing that leftypol said never happens happened again did it?
Then you don't understand how bad 1 billion Indians would be.
Think trannies are nonces? India is literally the #1 rapist country in the world.
aye just piss water
Yes I get all my views from sky news and 4chan too
Russia bad
China bad
Israel good
Philosophy Tube or whatever his name is. I think she basically admitted it was him a few months ago. There was a tweet where she talked about how he copied her entire Youtube persona.
you telling me a shrimp fried this rice
Catyank what is Jay Dyer's opinion on Jordan Peterson
just seen a catfaggot samefag
Imagine not filtering yanks
they make half the threads because they don't get any engagement otherwise
would love to stick them in there
must suck being that level of alchie
Being left wing is a sign of being a loser, women can sense this. It's an indication you can't compete in the world and need the government to solve all the problems you can't solve yourself
this might be controversial but i don’t particularly care about jay dyer if i’m honest
feel like SHIT
he says that Jordan is very bad at philosophy but probably a great psychologist
I'm filtering half the thread at this point.
*solves poverty by myself*
Psychology is utter hokum
bet the girls love old men posting banal shite at 2:30 on a week day
>girls like real men like me not justin beiber
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reminder that oz is roo country
Don't like how Peterson constantly goes on about how "le important" Christianity and the Bible are but isn't even a Christian himself. "Cultural Christianity" is the biggest pile of shit I've ever heard of.
is tasmania grim?
Has anyone else thought about how they would kill themselves?
I've stockpiled several months of medication. Think I would drink myself silly and take it all. Put a bag over my head and that would be that
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Also he says that it's possible that Jordan may be controlled opposition who works for the globalists but he doesn't claim to know that for sure and he tries to just evaluate Jordan by what he says.
nah i'm not a little gay sissy faggot
it’s very beautiful but apparently the people are retarded
No. I'm terrified of dying. I don't think it matters how horrible my life situation ever got, I'd never kill myself
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i like cock too much to die
that’s a shame
most people everywhere are retarded, doesnt say much
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Yeah Jay says that Jordan's "philosophy" is bollocks
Potassium cyanide or car exhaust in the garage
wank myself to death
yeah but it’s their designated inbred retard region. don’t know if it’s true just what i heard
but they’ve got good boots and nice weather
is it true you start levitating if you exclusively wank to gay porn for a year?
diego would’ve flown to the moon by now so no
lying in bed trying to sleep but can FEEL there's poo stuck up my arse and i can't relax
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There was this one Orthodox monk who was praying in his room and the other monks found him levitating above the floor and he was shining with light.
I forgot which monk it was. Maybe Saint Ephraim of Arizona I think but I don't know.
Didn’t happen
>There was this one Orthodox monk who was praying in his room and the other monks found him levitating above the floor and he was shining with light.
None of this really happened.
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>Saint Ephraim of Arizona
Just looked him up and he isn't even a saint. You're so full of shit.
please read this, I promise you need it

This is Saint Ephraim. He was from Greece but he moved to Arizona and he started a monastery there. He told the people exactly where an underground spring of water would be and they started digging and he was right.
Also he said that evolution is a lie and he said that Zionism is of tje devil.
fucking catyank retard thinking evolution isnt real
these retards want to learn the concept of queuing
Whoa he invented wells?!?
This is simply not true. I am a bisexual man. I can jerk off to young or mature women, but as a man with standards I actually have a rule about relative horizontal breast size to overall vertical height ratio that I use to determine what actors are "child-coded" and actively avoid any that I classify as such. I also do the same thing with excessively old women, excessively fat women, or generally anyone whom I dislike. the problem is not that biologically adherent to a paradigm of beauty, but sadly taste is subjective and people are multifaceted and we have a mental health crisis.
didnt know blm was still a thing
listening to americans talking on ham radio thanks to websdr
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Sorry sir sorry sir *looks at ground* sorry sir I will keep my little white clitty locked up from now on sir :333
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He said that Zionists use black magic and Satanism and their goal is a New World Order.
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And the very latest from seasideMARK?
He went woke
didn’t ask
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>BBC Breaking News: Seasidemark dies from obesity
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mousegod onamadone
it should be illegal to be fat
A dog walked into a tavern and said, “I can’t see a thing. I’ll open this one.”
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That's an ancient Sumerian joke. Also I don't get it.
might go on /cum
hello :)
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It might be like a reference to something in ancient Sumerian culture that has been lost.
It would be like your great great great grandpa trying to understand post ironic Internet memes but without an understanding of the wider cultural context from which such memes rise, it might not make any sense.
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This troll was way too subtle for most of /brit/
or maybe no one cares about your manufactured tranny eceleb drama
No one does.

One theory is that the dog couldn’t see anything because he had his eyes closed, so he decided to open them.

Another theory is that, since taverns often doubled as brothels in ancient Sumer, the blinded dog tried to open “a bottle” (with his teeth,) only for the bottle to end up being a man’s penis.

A third is that the joke’s some play on words. The point is that we’re unlikely to ever know why it was funny (assuming it wasn’t deliberate anti-humor designed to fuck with the people of the future.)
I bet no one thought it was funny back then
Like hyper advanced civilization only finding Jerry Seinfeld’s standup routine

just consensually shagged a legal aged lass up the arse

while all you virgins wank into your hands

I don't know anything about the drama, I just picked up on the fact that they called contrapoints 'she' and philosophytube 'he'.
You people are mentally ill, the world is not perfect so you can't define every single little thing with words and categorize them. The law exists as a guide line and if the law was perfect we wouldn't need judges. The fact of the matter is humans have been evolving to increase in numbers so we are naturally attracted to those feminine features even if it's wrong and we cant really do anything about it. Since now we know it's wrong we have set a law so we shouldn't date minors and if you do you are a pedophile otherwise you are not ! This doesn't condone loli or shota posting because you know they are minors and you still choose to post. We are so Biologically geared to have sex with young women that after a women is older than 25 the chances of having a child with autism or birth defects exponentially increases with more time.
I’ll open this one
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corr good kittingtonshire diss one

actually hav diss exact kittingham in my archives
wow very subtle much nuance
ANOTHER tranny has been caught sexting minors
If you were this snarky in my presence I'd knock your head clean off.
lol when was this?
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good evening niggas.
>gf deeply in love with me
>not in love with her at all but can't bear with the guilt of leaving her alone
what the fuck do I do
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/tv/ jannies on a mad one
sure whatever you say big boy
Shouldn't have been making off topic posts should you?
why did you get with her in the first place?
why do so few of you post on /brit/ now?
lucky you didn't get a permaban
they've been dishing them out a lot for politics posting over there
nz has a poppy tea epidemic much like the us has a fentanyl one
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George Lucas was inspired by the Akira Kurosawa film The Hidden Fortress when he made Star Wars.
To lose my virginity and try having a gf, which was deeply exciting and unreal as I had just become a wizard at the time. By the time the dazzle had worn off and I realized we have absolutely nothing in common, it was too late and I'd already made stupid promises. Just the kind of shit I should have done and learned from as a teenager.
Top tier fantasy. Roleplaying inviting my school buddy over and he conveniently has a vagina while still being a guy I can relate to? Chef's kiss.
so all the kiwi posters died?
i can't help you on this one desu
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Reckon Ian McShane is the finest actor Britain has ever produced
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>have a serious problem
>anon can't help me on that one desu
what the fuck do I do
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George Lucas wrote the first draft of Star Wars in 1973 but at the time he called it The Star Wars.
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Originally, Luke Skywalker was going to be called Annikin Starkiller.
Han Solo was going to be a green alien with gills.
And Obi-Wan was going to be more like a suave James Bond spy archetype instead of a wise old man archetype.
I wrote the first draft of Star Wars in 1940, which George Lucas later stole from me. He considered it naming it The Star Wars to make it seem different, but realized I wasn't going to do anything anyway, so he changed it back to Star Wars. He tried to make peace and ask for my help for the prequels, but I refused.
No one cares
if your gf was interested in cardi b and spent all day on tiktok and watching such shows as love island... would you stay with her?
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In the first draft for Return of the Jedi, Luke's confrontation with Vader and the Emperor was going to take place on the galactic capital of Coruscant, except at that time it was called Had Abbadon instead of Coruscant.
Might move to /china/
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The Sith title was in the original draft for Star Wars in 1973 but the word would not actually be used in a movie until The Phantom Menace in 1999.
74462 posts since the big get
she'd start craving bbc so YES!
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chinese gf 2024
its happening
one hundred and ninety
I was never interested in star wars. I had the ps1 game of the phantom menace and a lunchbox of darth maul in primary school, and I had star wars battlefront 2 on ps2. one day as an adult I tried watching the first one, aptly named episode 4, expecting greatness and was shocked at how boring and unengaging it was from beginning to end.
love star wars
love it all

wonder if they like star wars in china
mad how the SWTOR cinematics on Youtube are more kino than the sequels
Might move to the new thread
corr propa cute kittington diss one

finkin imma gairn harfta give diss a DL

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