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The refined ones, strongly patriotic but very principled, measured, self-restrained, optimistic about the world, not the thirdie clown show were witnessing since 2016.
died in the civil war
>cuckoldry.jpg that i originally posted on KC or faglauta
Whites should go back to Europe

Fuck pigskins
White Americans aren’t as chronically online as poc are, they exist though. Outside of the cities and outside of X.
There's nothing to be patriotic towards, or principled about. Everyone is demoralized. All of the White Americans who were once extremely patriotic are now demoralized accelerationists. Anyone who is still patriotic is a retard normie who isn't paying attention that this country is the engine of the globohomo machine that has destroyed everything that ever made this country great and is being used to destroy these principles anywhere else in the world that they may exist.

t. disgruntled White American zoomer from multigenerational patriotic military family
>demoralized accelerationists
I hate it when niggers who haven't read a word of Land pretend "accelerationism" means "it's good when things are bad."
>here's nothing to be patriotic towards, or principled about. Everyone is demoralized.
basically this. no one has any hope or optimism about the future at all. my zoomer brother is in college and he says he has no expectation of ever getting a good job and a house when it's all said and done
no one wants to live here anymore
I don't mean that at all. What I believe is that our system is too corrupt and compromised on literally every level and that it cannot be reformed. However, we cannot rebuild a new better civilization until this one collapses, because as long as it remains in place it will not allow for solutions. It exists only to perpetuate the current declining state of things.
I'm a zoomer going back to college, because covid disrupted that for me. My life has been absolute chaos since the lockdowns and set in motion all sorts of domino effects that I'm still trying to recover from. We all know were fucked.
When the Clintons accelerated outsourced manufacturing. Manufacturing used to be the route that guys took instead of going college and getting an office job. Rising cost of tuition means that even a college education isn't worth it anymore. Can't get a manufacturing union job and get a college education for that sweet office job. Did you know you used to be able buy a house on minimum wage? People are very demoralized nowadays. Rage politics are en vogue so the moderate voices are drowned out by the mentally disabled on both side. Nobody wants to come together for the greater good.
duality of /int/
This is what I mean. "Let it all come down so we can make something else" has been around for centuries, Russians killed a tsar for this idea a long time before Marxism took off over there. Accelerationism is the idea that humans are not in control of capital anymore but the other way around, and that we should take the brakes off of it.
>multigenerational patriotic military family
Yeah same
I spent my entire teenage years prepping to go to college, do Army ROTC and earn my commission like my dad and my grandpa and his grandpa but not a fat chance in hell anymore. They couldn't pay me all the money in the world to join up now. None of my siblings did either. Dad isn't even mad about it.
I'm one of those guys that military life always catered to. The young, fit, danger prone guys that are a danger to society and the military gives them discipline, purpose, community and a way to channel it. I see it as a sham now though, and don't believe I'd be risking my life for anything worthy anymore so now life just sort of feels meaningless. I can't even describe in the words the depth of the depression that I feel encumbered by on a day to day basis at this point.
I guess accelerationism in those terms is not what I was referring to. I see the system as unsustainable, and think we'd better hurry and get on with it burning itself out when followed to it's logical end conclusion. I think America would go a very different route if they tried to stage an overt communist revolution here. Gulag Archipelago plays out much different if the average Russian was as armed as the average American is, which is why we have a more privatized form of communism. There's technically no ban on owning a house, they'll just jack the prices up so high you can't afford it.
they were played by jews. like the shabbos goyim in your pic
I vote for Z
They died away, but not before giving birth to the Baby Boomers, who proceeded to undo and fuck up the world. Only now are the Boomers finally starting to go senile and die.
I miss the old Americans, straight from the 'Go Americans
Chop up the soul Americans, set on his goals Americans
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Look at the rise of the term 'conspiracy theory' out of relative obscurity as a more or less technical legal expression. This graph neatly corresponds to the emergence of The Pozz in the West. Before it was used to characterize all expressed suspicion as fit for dismissal ab initio it was an established part of legal discourse.
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they became neocons
He was retiring anyway, why didn’t he want to name drop the congress when pointing out the military industrial complex?
couldn’t breed
I don't even think of myself as much of a chud but the idea of the modern version of the US is just repulsive. I try to just find happiness in focusing on my friends and family and my own life because trying to care about the "big picture" and nationhood is just too depressing
>pretend "accelerationism" means "it's good when things are bad."
what does it meant then?
My neighbor is a retired CIA nigger that did Muslim terrorist infiltration. He said one of the reasons he retired from the CIA was actually because of DEI leftoids lol. To me it seems like all the reason to stay in just so you can be a counter balance but I get when you get millennials with college degrees that believe in communism running the show there's not much you can do. He seems like someone who's stayed true to everything and even has a cool schizo book on American civics and religion that he wants all kids to learn.
I would say where I live (Utah) we check all the boxes for what you describe, except in some respects the optimism is a bit blinde and even then everyone else knows the world is going to hell in a hand basket sociopolitically, whether you're a neocon or populist. It's also one of those things where on the one hand you could say that Mitt Romney is one of "The refined ones, strongly patriotic but very principled, measured, self-restrained, optimistic about the world," but everyone including his constituency see him as a weird cuck entirely lacking in any real principles except hating trump and entirely lacking optimism which is why he is not even running for reelection because he knows everyone hates him. Then when you look at the kind of people that stand shoulder to shoulder with Mitt Romney, so-called men like Evan McMullin or Spencer "I suck" Cox, who don't even possess the handsomeness or masculinity that Mitt Romney has, and are just megalomanical closeted homosexuals.
>What happened to old school white Americans?
Why don't you become one? Instead of complaining abut others not following your standards, why not put your money where your mouth is and become a "strong, principled, patriotic" white American yourself?
1968 happened
Nah they're too busy in their epic 100% white poor stagnating yuro countries
>The refined ones, strongly patriotic but very principled, measured, self-restrained, optimistic about the world, not the thirdie clown show
The those kinds of Americans never existed
>Why don't you become one? Instead of complaining abut others not following your standards, why not put your money where your mouth is and become a "strong, principled, patriotic" white American yourself?
I am, I did not posit the question, in fact I defend our countrymen.
Thinking about the time when I was summoned to the basement of the state capitol shortly after winning the election, to meet with 23 intelligence officers. CIA, to be specific. Govvernors come and go, but they keep working in legitimate jobs with dual identities. Valerie Plame scandal should ring a bell for most.
Most people in the military are Redneck retards too dumb to work freight at Wally. Like other loser jobs, the Mexicans are taking over the Bullet Sponge role from the Cletus types.
>He said one of the reasons he retired from the CIA was actually because of DEI leftoids lol
And you believed him? You're as bad as him, fuck off you mormon faggot
The baby boomers and gen X were the last generations to actually enjoy the benefits of settler colonial society, in the form of keynesian welfare capitalism. Thats where the whole patriotism stems from.
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True Whites rarely join the military; the term you should have used in White Trash or Redneck/Rube. Yankees and Southerners still hate each other, and people in places like California view themselves as Californians first - Americans second. I can tell you no well off SOCAL beach kid is going to wind up in the military.
he back. SAAAAR poster is back
I was reciting lyrics
you watched too much american television. there is no such thing as american anything that you saw on the television. real america is ghouls walking down the streets binge eating drugs and trannies governing usa. welcome to the real world.
high costs of living, technology oversaturation and fearmongering made them miserable af
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The world needs America back.
What happened to the american military though? Wasn't it always this way, throwing the lives of young men for profit, first in vietnam and then in the middle east? Anyway, the way things are goining, there'll likely be a draft, in the coming decade.
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that nigga FRUITY as hell
They never existed in the first place.

America was founded by literal fucking pencil pushing dorks. George Washington became president because he was the closest to a genuine chad among them
>Literally a walking nepotism case that is only beloved because he got shot.
I miss REAL TRADITIONAL American men with conservative values that you could just queen out with sometimes
>actually because of DEI leftoids
nah more like he was just bad at his job or an arrogant prick hated by his colleagues
Do you mean the ones who firebombed and nuked Japan, or the ones who created Agent Orange?

We exist, its just you are really stupid boring trolls. You aren't even worth popping in threads for
You really need to stop posting the same memes over and over again about transexuals

Its really fucking weird.
Seriously, it's weird. These sorts all disappeared so fast.

I guess that's just the nature of the socialisation of a given class. When the causes that went in to make them like that disappear, they literally just all die off. There used to be a cliche of a British 'colonel Blimp'. An avowed middle-class imperialist. These literally were all gone by the 60's, or certainly suddenly ceased to have and social cache.

It's just a pity, for America in particular: this species of White genuinely built their country, yet not they're all gone. A great pity! Though one shared across the Atlantic, as well: our analogous class, though less successful, equally vanished up in air.
I'm a normal white dude. You are being really weird and boring. You are obsessed with transexuals.
It's the belief that nature is inherently purposive, and knows where it wants to go, yet that this is different from where human beings want to go, who subsequently throw up wall/constitutions/impedimenta which prevent nature from properly getting both hands on the wheel.

The trick is that nature acts through humans; human action is then 'biased' towards our conscious desires, rather than the natural unconscious. (This is a cultural Marxist view, btw.)
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What's there to fight for? Would you die for a black transgender obese woman that will call you a devil and demand billions as reparations while still keeping the victim complex even if you pay it?
Lol the current system ruling the west is anti white and anti western, being proud of that is at the same level as a jew supporting nazis in 1930s
Why do retards assume that if you're not a hunky roidsimian with protruding jaw and forehead veins you're a faggot?
Yeah. Its like a brick wall off sexual confusion with you.
I say hey man that's weird
And you say some weird sexual shit
Pre-feminist, pre-Jewish America was ran by WASPS, white hierarchical males. Everything about the culture reflected their ideals and it produced figures like this. Realistic and yet also optimistic, principled, unyielding men. For a brief time the US was truly its own nation and people believed in it, they were Americans first and they pushed an American ideal of confident masculinity.
That's a damn lie.
Do not engage with homosexual posters.
They exist but are few and far between and can’t get into successful careers due to institutional rot. The white trashification of white Americans hasn’t helped.
You have to become this type of person by successful leadership in business, military affairs, etc. but all of these are totally rotten fake and gay now. Only tech swindlers make any money and the military brass are all progressive kids asses. We have a real crisis of leadership in this country because the worst sort of people are the only ones able to find success.
>since 2016
A bit longer than that. The refined ones were the old Anglo gentry like Lovecraft and Faulkner, then in the 50s or so the American image shifted from that into the roughneck cowboy lone gunman when it wasn't a particularly violent culture prior despite everyone having guns. They started to die down after the industrialists like Henry Ford took over. Also since around 2001 the US has been going through a cultural death spiral. A lot of the media you see is deliberately demoralizing because the US was hard shifting all of its money into military spending, the DoD was getting involved with media, corporate monopolies were forming. The vast majority of the circus your watching was to get people off pressing the issue of bank bailouts (in 2008) and the US starting trade wars, tech monopolies, hostile takeovers, arms dealing, and provoking conflicts.
Very common story around the DMV now
It’s because we in western culture let institutions raise our young men, especially the institutions of the military and the academy, and those have both been made pozzed from the top down so now all the men that go through them are fake and gay or else a video game playing drop out.
The only thing you and every son of a bitch posting here under the US flag knows how to do, is kneel to blacks and worship transsexuals, fucking faggot. I can smell the cock on your breath from here. You believe that men can give birth. Anyone competent at your workplace has been replaced by a DEI hire. Go kneel to George Floyd and set yourself on fire for Palestine
Everyone in the post digital age don't reproduce. China is already in a population recession and soon other thirdies are following around the Asian continent. White Americans should leave cities and form enclaves to survive the inevitable population bust.
You're just the country who put economic growth above all. If something stifles growth, you toss it.
>spend money on cleaning up inner cities?
>free healthcare for all?
>not importing 3 million people a year in order to protect demographic unity?
Etc etc. Your incomes compared to nearly everyone else is what you have to show for it. Is it worth it? The older i get, the more i'm leaning towards that it is
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I believe the decline in patriotism and military enlistment comes from young boys not being exposed to stories of heroism. Growing up I would watch cartoons with heroes fighting villains and saving the day. It made me want to do the same. Young boys today watch nonsense tiktok.
The current American dream, is to transition into the opposite sex. Most of those posting here under the US and Canadian flags, are transsexuals.

You may ask, why is there such a high rate of transitioning in North America? It is because being a transsexual in these countries confers a special status, superior to men and women. Indeed, the high rates of sex confirmation operations in recent years, can be attributed to American men realizing that there is no advantage to being male in their society.

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