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I'm on vacation and I looked for some escorts.. Croatia is full of Latinx, Russian/Ukrainian, and Balkan (Serb, Albanian..) escorts. However, what caught my eye is that some of them are really pretty.

Why would they do this? Drugs? Addiction?
Would they rather prostitute themselves then be with some average beta bux dude?

They sell their bodies for cca 100 euros/night. I make that much in one day. It's nothing.
why do u need an escort

use dating apps instead

Surely it’s 100 euros an hour and not 100 euros a night?
just easy sex
I dont have enough time trying to impress local roasties on dating apps here

yes, an hour, my bad
Even here is like 400ron per hour now. I stopped going because of that.
Look at Vivastreet for the UK. The majority of escorts aren’t even British. They’re Chinese (pretending to be Japanese) , South Asian, Eastern European or Latina (pretending to be Italian or Spanish).

British escorts actually charge more meanwhile foreign women are cheaper.
>Russian/Ukrainian, and Balkan
many of those are just romanians
Drug addiction, paying off bills, trafficking. The usual reasons why people do prostitution or forced.
Yes. Probably some drug addictions and results of growing up in poverty.
I'm sure many beta buxers would be super happy to have such hot wives tho
I got close to an escort that I used to visit frequently and she talked a lot about her life with me. She was married to a german dude (no I am not joking or trying to make fun of germans), she started whoring herself in Germany cause she liked sex and it was easy money, she moved back to Brazil for a while cause her mom was sick, her husband didn't care about her job and was basically leeching off of her, they had a kid together. What is fucked up is that I even met their kid cause one day she invited me to her actual house (she rented an apartment for work) and the kid got home earlier from school while I was still there (we had already finished having sex). Fuck, we even had unprotected sex, she was really fucking good a shame she moved back to Germany.
She was blonde, really short (like 1,50) very pale skin full of tattoos, she had piercings and a bifurcated tongue, best bj of my life I miss having sex with her a lot.
I really need to stop seeing hookers in my country it’s an expensive habit. I should just jerk off and invest the money instead.
Thanks for sharing. That was an interesting read.
It could be that many just do it for easy money.

Do you think she eventually enjoyed having sex with you? Or did it fell like a transaction?
>leeching off of her
the rare based german
Raw? Prostitute? risky shit
Oh man she definitely did, it was even her idea to have raw sex, we were making out in bed and she just slipped it in and started riding me.
Yeah, it was in the heat of the moment. She's the only I did that with though.
Thank you chatgpt.
Forgot to mention she gave me a lot of freebies. Dunno if it was just for the sex per se because we used to just hang out too, smoke weed and listen to music together.
Only escort I miss, she quit
That's cool. I wish I could bond with some escort like that.
She looks like these Eastern Euro girls I keep seeing. She's pretty. That's why I wonder why they do this? Do you know why she stopped?
She is Scottish or did a pretty good accent. Not sure why she quit but all of her socials were deleted one day and her pages gone. Thought I better not even attempt to ring the number if it was all taken down.
Most of them aren't open like that, they don't want you bonding with them lol. And it's also dangerous to do that, I could have easily fallen in love with her or something along those lines, thank God I didn't.
please shut the fuck up with your simping retard
whores are supposed to look good. that's their job, you know. stop trying to place some sort of value on these holes and know that prostitutes are arguably the most respectable profession for an unmarried woman, certainly with the most benefit for society as a whole.
As a guy who likes fat girls, I had a difficult time finding a girl who fit my tastes when I went to Europe. I contacted one girl but we couldn't find a good time.
Oh my fucking God, I went to one when I was like 25 and havbing a post-college loneliness crisis. She was this black methhead who smelled like cigarettes and she only blew me with a condom. I was so disgusted by the smell that I couldn't cum. Needless to say, it was traumatic.
Yeah I didn't see much/any fatties.

perhaps she found a beta buxer to settle with

I'm just wondering because if I were a roastie, I'd rather settle for a beta bux provider than be a prostitute. I'm just curious what made them do this.
>when I was like 25 and havbing a post-college loneliness crisis
literally me rn chief. it's over.
>just looked them up again
>fake jap
>asian with egregious filter
>asian with egregious filter
>"""18""" year old petite white girl
>fake jap
okay so it looks like i can't even get good pussy if i pay for it
>Why would they do this
Because it's easy money
You'll be fine, I got over it.
the 20 something year old petite white girl doesnt sound so bad
i was gonna say fuck you they are italian, but then i remembered italian women are ugly as shit so you might be right
Because there's no other way to make the money they make as unqualified workers
100 euros an hour is a lot of money
Id fuck an old lady for 100 an hour
Some do it because it pays more than what they would otherwise do (cleaning lady, cashier in supermarket), others don't have work visa, some are really trafficked.
>Some do it because it pays more than what they would otherwise do (cleaning lady, cashier in supermarket)
yeah that makes sense
Where do you find them?
I try to see one every 2-3 weeks, generally I pay between $30-$60 an hour, I try to keep my monthly spend on them at 10% of my wage.
I took the hookerpill once I realized that they are literally cheaper and more efficient than trying to fuck ordinary girls if you're are just a horny dude looking to experiment things.
euro girls escort
None of the prostitutes in my area are that attractive. They all look plastic, so they're probably not real anyway.
>They sell their bodies for cca 100 euros/night.
>I make that much in one day.
being a whore is literally the easiest job a woman could have, they can earn loads of money by whoring themselves everyday
the catch is, that's a deal with the devil because by doing this they lose all dignity and respect one woman could conserve, damaging her image forever
can you imagine an escort forming a family? having a literal son of a bitch and cuckold husband? that's the price they pay
>They sell their bodies for cca 100 euros/night. I make that much in one day. It's nothing.
Fuck man I cant wait to get back to Europe, all the 'legit' ones here cost at least 400 :/
>Would they rather prostitute themselves then be with some average beta bux dude?
yes and they make a lot of money
not true at all
all false, they just make a lot of easy money
poor doggy
That must be a man
Come on, even for a prostitute you could surely find something better than that
Would that excite you?
I visited one once, a brazilian. She was trashy, had a belly piercing, looked like she was in her late 30s. Didn't feel much of any attraction.
I let her ride me for like 5-10 minutes, got bored, barely cummed, said thats enough.
All around a complete waste of money..
Anon, of course, I love good feminine men with a small/large penis
easy money + 0% tax -> retire early
+ stay anonymous in contrast to instagram whores who post all their content on the internet forever

they're smart
Nah I typically just fuck hookers off sites/whatsapp/telegram as well as dumb drunk college students. Maybe I'll clap some Finnish cheeks this time around. The accent is cute.
>Why would they do this? Drugs? Addiction?
>Would they rather prostitute themselves then be with some average beta bux dude?
Oldest profession in the world dude. They dont give a fuck its just a job for them. Get paid 100 to grunt and pretend to enjoy some dorks dick, doesnt sound so bad as long as he wears a rubber and doesnt try shit. Beats a lot of jobs. And what else are Russian / Ukrainian girls from random villages supposed to do to make money?
believe it or not women love sex and get paid for having it
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Lol nah, the truth is most of the time we like not covering our tracks. Same reason a cat kicks up shit from its litter box.

But make no mistake, we are coming and making our videos! Think BLACKED but in poorer, more desperate European heartlands.
This, I'm quite happy with how the law is in france, same as the swedish one. That's not a decent life, we should offer better than this
wtf is escort lmao
i always call them just prostitutes
>Why would they do this?
There is a number of possibilities. Drug addiction as you said is one but this is normally for lower class working girls, the ones who work in the streets or in the slums.
A lot of them are forced to sell their bodies. They are promised work and a decent life away from their thirdie shithole only to be basically kidnapped and forced into prostitution. It's a very sad situation. If you must visit prostitutes, at least do so with the expensive ones. The more expensive ones tend to work on their own volition. They make a lot of money and retire in their home countries with all the money they make with a few years only of work
100/hour is a lot of money in Croatia. The average salary there is like 900 euro or something. They make in 9 hours what the average croat makes the entire month
Link to this escort's profile pls sir?
There is a different set of reasons. I used 5o frequently request their services to the point where one of them fell in love for me once, lol.

Depending on the type of girl there could be several reasons:

>Plain old need: Girls who are single moms and have no one to help, widows or those who never got much of a proper education, but have a pretty body

>Risk taking: There's ones who enjoy the thrill of adventure on top of the money, so they love meeting new people and getting to network through that

>Nymphomania: These enjoy sex for the sake of it, so they have it constantly, to seek their own pleasure, but also to live an easy life

Here, drug addiction is only common among the lower end ones, the expensive ones tend to be better off regarding their mental stability and lack of self destructive patterns
>I make that much in one day. It's nothing.

No, you dont, kek
100 a day is nothing i make 10k a week
switch mailbox labels so that you receive their mail
You make 100€/day and they make 100€/15 min. Which one is the more profitable occupation?
i'll never use a prostitute because of condoms, fuck that shit. i know you can get hookers that do raw but it's way more expensive and you have to do tests
He corrected and said he makes 100/hour
I'm so lucky I don't care about condoms.
Have been fucking women for 20 years now, got girlfriends I fucked raw for years but I can barely tell the difference.
I just need enough pressure on the cock so it feels good, the touch sensation itself doesn't matter.
Actually my current gf doesn't take the pill so I wear condoms and she keeps her libido and sanity. Good thing I can fuck prostitutes too.
no, he corrected and said it costs 100€ a night. he doesn't make 100€/hour lmao
You are one of the very few thais thats cringe and gay, go to the altar and pump some lil jeet bugs inside of her vagina before you grow old and realize that there is nobody to look after ur sorry old ass ferrari rambo superkek
Alright Grandad, never heard of Adultwork?
I looked up escorts here but feel like most of them are scam
saaaar 10k rupies is nothing
idk you won't see them unless you actively look for them because prostitution is illegal and I still don't find them more worth than just jacking off
and I have money I don't know what to do with
You should get your blood checked
Im scared that she will touch my peepee
>Why would they do this?
easy money

100 euro an hour are the bottom of the barrel ones and the 100 euro price is for vaginal only, no blowjob no nothing
now imagine you have two or three clients a day and some of them are into some weird kink shit
basically you are making 1% first world salary by doing nothing
we're both wrong lmao, I think he said prostitutes in Croatia charge 100/hour, which would mean his argument makes no sense because that's way less effort for the same amount of money
Escorts are quite expensive here. I was visiting a thai massage parlor and there was a hot one there. I became her regular and we eventually fucked raw. She was getting super wet, it was like im swimming in her pussy, shit stank like fish thoughever. Paid her 150 a hour
>Fucking a prostitute raw
Do you not have any friends or family that would be sad if you died from AIDs?
She gets tested regularly. So did i
>150 for stinky pussy
Tweak the prompt a bit and don't try to samefag with proxies.
>That's not a decent life,
So how does locking up their clients help them realistically?
yo hoemonger bros, i just came back from 2: one with rubber and another one without
for OP questions: to have a saving and a form of high income
some just dont like to play the pretending game and its mentally tiring to be with beta bux dude
>bifurcated tongue
Thats common is huezil. Did you tongue kiss her?
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You can always redeem train saaar
Very true
Our roasties aren't even allowed at Schengen
Good this keeps HIV relatively low in Europe, keep in mind to sanction Russia as much as possible or else you will be flooded by HIV crokodyl addicts.

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