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Diet edition

Lost : >>200038798
Good morning /med/.
Another day or cagey.
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>put only violent dissonent songs as my alarm clock
>on loop every 10 mins
>wakes my parents up but not me
Loooool not my problem.
This is my alarm sound.
A morning made better when lovely ladies enter your eyesight.
Good morning Sir!

Kek'd at your steamed hams recs.
field of view*
Hate slow internet fr.


Learn their routines.
My presence is creepy enough as it is.
Just read on another socialist hero of France, the madlad wrote stern letter to nazis (knowing it would be in the archives), but gave them everything in phonecalls, in the name of peace.
No one cares about the Olympiad edition…
Most of PT channels are not even interested in airing anything besides the usual athletics, gymnastics and swimming events, and of course the meme breakdancing or whatever.
No weightlifting, no archery no nothing, fuck this.
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Someone should make the supercut of all cuties competing.
The ancients would seethe of course if they saw women competing.
best way to watch here is probably the public channel website where you can pick the sport
instead of having constant back and forth to shit you don't care
Our public tv website is not that good but I might as well use it since everyone pays 36 euros per year anyway.
Did they start?
Good day sisters.
I love this bad girl so fucking much you wouldn't believe.

Just enter gnome mode and women will flock to you.
Who needs a diet when you can get a bad case of the flu
Haven't ate in like 40 hours and I don't feel hungry, throwing up nonstop and feel like death
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And btw the Costa Rican coffee is making my tastebuds orgasm.
Flu in the summer, this is what I call bad luck.
Last time I was ill I was only eating citrus fruit, it was impossible to keep down anything else.
Get well soon.
In three day’s time.

Why does this machine look like a bug squatting?
Nevermind, I got my answer.
No thanks.
Get well soon.
Thanks. I think the local national sports channel is going to air something, but I don't know what.
Are you sure about that statement of yours?

>Why does this machine look like a bug squatting?
Meu you have schizophrenia n shiet.
dude seems to have a chad face when i played it on low quality
girl doesn't have the gnome gene on her ass fr
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My dad said he had an extremely bad flu when he was younger, and ever since then, he's had trouble gaining weight. He told me that for three weeks, he didn't even leave his bed other than to crawl to the toilet and crawl back again, and they had to change his sheets every two nights because they were drenched with sweat.
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covid absolutely mogged
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COVID is making a comeback btw. Prepare yourself, we may need to shut down the economy again (think of the boomers).
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unironically heard coworkers say this fr fr
and that it wasn't a comeback, it was always there (doing nothing though)
Yeah I feel that, I was freezing last night and it was like 27c outside
Think of all the pensions that will go unclaimed…
Can we create Covid camps where boomers can take refuge (without food, water and with electrified fences and armed guards)?
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Hunger is making a comeback.
>COVID is making a comeback btw.
Not my problem, still not taking the vaxx.
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I worked harder during COVID, this is new slacking levels. Bossman might not find out before my holidays lmao
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Weather is one of those days where it's fine if you're sitting down doing nothing, but if you move for like 5 minutes, you end up feeling sick and dizzy. Had to return a package and perform some light housework, and by the end of it, I was sweating like an invisible man in the changing rooms of a Miss Portugal contest.
Boomers rightfully deserve contempt and disdain, but we should think about slowly shifting the needle the other way now that we're all getting a little older. We don't want people calling for boomercide when we're drawing our pensions.
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good morning francisco

good morning abdul-tonio

good morning Jean

good morning Georgios

good morning József

good morning shlomo

good morning Abilio

good morning jack

good morning Augustus
good morning to me hannibal and to /med/
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It's not morning.
>when we're drawing our pensions.
lmao even
so the time in london right now is 1:27pm
while in uae its 4:27pm

i thought its 12 at london
My nagger I'm just 22, I'll never ever receive a pension from the Shitalian state
>what do you mean the state is out of money?
>you have only enough cash for the 3 next pensioners?
I have a splitting headache.
I didn't have lunch yet so it's still morning.
>I didn't have lunch yet so it's still morning.
what are some spanish dishes you know how to cook
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good morning everyone
fuck wagecucking

chat noir lusting over med women again
There's this dish called "chicken slop" that I cook regularly.
Never heard of it, what's the English translation?
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salut mec, how is the summer going so far?
Kind of boring >>200085590 but at least I'm not overworked.
Might have some freedom at the end of the year...
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I wish I could slack a little
also someone reached me regarding a position I didn't even apply to, will have a call with the recruiter today afternoon
from the position requirements and company history pay must be considerably better than the current one, but some travel and will be necessary and most likely it is an on-site position
not sure if I'm interested but let's see, maybe I can use as a bargain chip in my current cagie
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There are a lot of things in this world that I love. Trees, sunshine, kebabs, candy, that click-clack noise Portuguese girls make when they walk in heels. But I think my favourite thing is when I change my bedsheets and my cat immediately pukes up a giant hairball on them, that's such an amazing thing to happen, I sure do love it when that happens.
Would that time worked that way, mi amigo. I'd immediately eat a midnight snack and bring cooler temperatures down upon all of us.
Things always work out somehow, no need to fret about it. Something will happen to save us all.
Sounds good no cap.

Time for more booster shots.
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tiktaalik foolish old one
could you not foresee the suffering your hybris would bring to your kin
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he did nothing wrong though
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First time I ever contact lenses after 3 years of not doing so. This shit uncomfy as fuck. I wonder how long it's going to take to get used to it again, I hope it's only hours.
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had he done his job known his place and stayed in his mud I wouldn't be working 11hours 6 days of the week even while having a fever
the rotting dead rat that I had to pick out from under the trash cans this morning would also not have been there either
gay sex
>oh n-

Well this lil' nigga couldn't predict such thing happening, all he wanted was to secure the existence of the tiktaalik people and a future for tiktaalik children.
>1 in 10 Gozitans hold a firearms licence.
Based Gozitans.
frasnian Kazakhstan... take me back...
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But why? What do they shoot at?
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well i did not see many melaninated invidiuals in Gozo
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But you get to experience consciousness and the universe.
Evolution is not real by the way and we were made by aliens to become their servants because they are afraid of ai
Good day med am back
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If evolution is not real, explain to me how cats are getting cuter over time.
Grim, I just assumed they got eaten by cave lurkers or Il-Babaw.
>They just imitating the danish girlys
>BGTFO you aint even Med
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>portugese immigrants living on the island of gozo be like
Eu gozo

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>leite de pica
Birds, targets, aliens, etc.
Did you go to Xlendi?
lose the weight
new lore dropped : i'm dyslexic
I did (it's Brune btw)
I know, but I forgot if you went there. How about Marsalforn?
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Today's training.
Pin squat (from sticking point) 190 1x1, 165 3x5.
Long length partial smith machine squat 3x8 with 90, 95 and 100 kg.
Seated leg curl 3x8 with 75 kg.

The knee sleeves are sweaty.
i took the bus to that town to walk to xlendi
i remember seeing some niggas there indeed
it was not high season though so probably why it was limited
I've been to Italy and now Greece, and fully acknowledge med supremacy. Which med cunt should I go to next?
I think they're mostly concentrated in those two locations. Marsalforn for sure, but I think in Xlendi as well.
btw by there i meant marsalforn
xlendi i did not see i think (or very limited)
but it was in may
Yeah right, maybe southern Lebanon also?
Spain it is!
Are you a Nordic? If so, you ought to try Lybia, specifically the parts where they're still fighting
I'm having doubts on Xlendi. I was there over 4 years ago. Maybe there were a couple. Marsalforn though, I entered a supermarket and everyone was African there. My friends and I were probably the only Maltese ones.
Who is gonna watch the Olympics opening ceremony ?
The tradwife grifters are coming to Spain.
Good morning /med/
What does that mean?
I might.
Whores that claim to be trad to rip off incels and chuds
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>missed another full thread
Getting behind on the lore. I'm working much too seriously.
After a whole day at the beach nearest to my town, I can say with confidence:
The amount of fake breasts per capita is increasing.
The amount of very good natural looking fake breasts per capita is increasing.
Why the lack of slack?
had a short meeting with the recruiter. It is for a senior position, didn't inform the salary though (hate that this is the norm)
but the position is remote (some travel will be needed from time to time), they have some interesting benefits and a yearly bonus that can go up to 7x the monthly salary (on average being 5~6 times)

next step is to talk with the management/supervisors to discuss more details about the position and se if my profile fits their needs

did you notice hue woman amongst them?
because surgeons here are kinda good in these procedures and hoes love to put silicone so this is basically the norm
The ones I noticed were all speaking European Portuguese.
She’s demolishing his dick with her eyes goddamn.
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Would you like to have violent, non-consensual sex with her in your country?
No, I'm not a rapist.
What about violent, consensual sex?
Not my preferred thing but I would be open to it with an attractive woman.
To be fair I have absolutely no clue on how I would like to have sex, maybe I'd want something very soft instead; at any rate I have an impression I would prefer rougher stuff
Only with balls deep creampie
It shifts depending on your mood of the day.
>t. knower
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>chicken slop
this one?
Is £400 a lot in today’s Bongistan?
No, chicken slop is just a stir fry with chicken, onions and garlic that I cook for myself.
Whenever /med/ders ask what we are having for lunch, I always answer the same (chicken slop) and they berate me for my lack of originality.
I constantly eat chicken breats, as they are lower in fat
in fact, sometimes I have the same dish for lunch like 5x a week
No, I refuse to have sex with people who appropriate my culture.

My identity is not your costume.
I normally go months eating the same food each day.
That’s what I thought, but they were really well made. Bouncy, the slightest droop like the real deal. I only reached the conclusion because they were of impossible sizes in the frames (very slim girls with big, perky booba).
Me with sky every morning, except I’ve been at it for years. Rarely I eat muesli or some bread with ham and cheese instead.
like I said, surgeons are becoming very good in this
Not common, but a natural combo like that is possible.
They need to be put out of business.
Fuck this gay nation.
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After all why not. Why should i not cum inside?
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90 mins in the gym
8 kilometres woolk
11 kilometres roon
Desu things are not bussin.

Do you just eat skyr yoghurt by itself? Or do you eat something along with it?
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>90 mins in the gym
>8 kilometres woolk
>11 kilometres roon
>Desu things are not bussin.
Commendable effort, you sure must be in nice shape. After 4h of padel tournament sunday i was trashed.
Why would things not bussin tho?
Possible, but very rare.
I wonder how many of the girl currently doing fashion shows and photography simply have very good implants.

UK soon with Hindi and Arabic.

Simple unadulterated skyr, no sugar, no nothing. Just picking the bucket, a spoon and eating mouthfuls.
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Especially our favourite girl, soon to be your bride, that you keep posting. I hope not.
I have never enjoyed living in the world
Try having sex, it works as a palliative
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Sorry Romanianon.
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syria is safe now under assad control especially with russian presence
i suggest damascus for its ancient history - lattakia for its beaches

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Yeah, yeah.
Good night sisters.

>Just picking the bucket, a spoon and eating mouthfuls.

>Why would things not bussin tho?
Feeling tired af desu senpai. Also I crave sweets but I'm resisting the urge. What's helping me resist said urge is that I saw a frozen 'za in a store for 4 euros that weighs 680 gramms and contains 80 gramms of protein. I already know what I'm going to eat tomorrow.

Come to Hvngary to swim a bit in Balaton and sniff the lavenders in Tihany.
>Feeling tired af desu senpai.
You are training a lot and summer heat surely doesn't help, but you are doing well. Listen to your body, if it becomes too much.
Goodnight nigga Budapest girls won't match with me for whatever reason, i only seem popular with brownies (which is still fine anyway)
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would they pass in south evropa?
I got sad when I saw him in that Malcolm in the middle episode the other day.
I trust nobody. It is a good thing I'm forced to be away from women because I know I would get a surprising shock in some way or another because I'm that lucky. And it is not like this damn earth isn't filled to the brim with shit.
You and me both. I don't know why the fuck am I still here.
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What’s impressive about it?
Look like gypsies.
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*cries in I can't breed*
Got almost no signal these days at work so the only thing left to do... is work.
Besides the fake booba, I also saw at the beach
>huge giraffe girl, very thin and loooooooong
>some Nurgle monstrosities with bellies the size of planets and difficulty walking
>a lot of young girls, all tattooed (they would be so sexier without the tattoos…)
>mothers who have given up on their bodies
>mother that had the bodies of extremely hot 20 something women, SEXO
>the token 60+ slim grandma with absolutely no fat or anything while having a nice butt, also known as the unicorn (there’s always one and only one at each beach)
>the huezillians (hot young women, amerliard levels of fat on the mothers)
>the confused German couple trying to fit in
>the old guys with the token young man fishing at the edge of the beach and loudly talking about boobas and butts
>the powershitter couple (she had a manly figure but clearly put a lot of effort to achieve it, he had huge quads are arms and a huge belly)
>the roided monkeys with huge arms and chest and chicken legs
>the 16 year old girls that were hot and had indecently tiny thongs and triangles covering their assets (may jebus save me)
>portuwife <3
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, she’s perfect.

Very grim, fren. Do you have water again?
I should throw myself into the valley tomorrow.
I forgot
>the German guy with the hugest grin and the hugest shovel digging a massive hole “for his children” (yeah right)
He had to be told to stop doing that or someone would fall and break his legs, I think it was already 1m deep or something.
Throw into the valley?
I didn’t understand.
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>sister asks her friend how tall some dude is
>she says "idk, around 5'10""
>sister says "yeah, i thought he was pretty short"
It's officially over.
Jump into the valley.
Just a mouse - or whatever it was - paying me a visit while I'm on the toilet. No big deal.
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>5’10” = 178 cm

Just make the valley your next point of interest and woooolk there.
Very interested to see how much you can shed until the next month, you’re doing god’s work.
I really want to visit Syria one day, but it might be a pain in the ass regarding getting visas in the future
shame about what those ISIS niggas did to Palmyra
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>a lot of young girls, all tattooed
this retardation reached Portugal as well?
>the huezillians (hot young women, amerliard levels of fat on the mothers)
kek, it really is like that
it didn't even begin for me
I walk by it during the walk.
Yes, and there's two types.
>doodle's girl, disconnected and disjointed little tatoos al over the place
>trying hard girl, has huge floral or whatever tatoos on her thigh or under the boobs, the design is often achieved with points instead of lines
I wasn't really aware it was starting to be a thing here, but going to the beach has opened my eyes to the issue.

>it really is like that
It's incredible, you have the 22 or 25 hot girl and then you can have the 31 year old sister who is a tub of lard, they really let themselves go.

Keep the intrusive thoughts at bay.
I'm 1.80m and I feel very average in my age group
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I don't know who instilled the tan bullshit on women, but pale is pure sexo.

Eh, imagine being the second shortest in the group, then the shortest one shooting up to 175cm at 18 years old and leaving you as the 170cm manlet, all alone.
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>but pale is pure sexo.
based and true
im 1.775m and almost all girls around me say im tall in fact its the healthiest and most balanced height since anything higher than that and you would look like a golem

the idea you must be above 6'2 is mutt meme
Is your smol gf pale, piedini?
Who cares, you won in the end
The more i age the more i start looking like a daghestanis
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I will never sex her, therefore she's imperfect
>Is your smol gf pale
unfortunately no
she's very /med/ looking
I prefer tan.
Maaan she makes Alberto thirsty.
Looking sharp, if you ask me
gn abdul-tonio
That may be true.

She's a perfect glass girl (because she's behind the screen's glass). That one you posted is also top notch.

>/med/ looking
Dare I say it, SEXO?
Because if she's pale, let her stay pale. If she's naturally brown, let her stay brown. I was just arguing against taning.
>doodle's girl, disconnected and disjointed little tatoos al over the place
in general I don't appreciate tattos but these in particular are beyond retard
people marking themselves like cattle with stuff I used to draw when I was in kindergarden lmao
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this video about a white nationalists shaming a white slut getting fucked by a nigger was based

but the poor slut's poor child was innocent and she did not deserve to see this
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Yeah, i can concede to that
So does with me
Idk whats so sharp about him
Chi cazzo è Alberto
It's the sword.

Obviously, his cazzo.
nice crowd overall. Plenty of cute girls here too. Kinda triggers me now, makes me wanna scream everytime I see some qt.
Still no water, kinda sucks... Plumber comes by friday
Non ci sarei arrivato onestamente, mai sentito "Alberto" usato come appellativo per la tega
It isn't, he was cracking a joke because all portuguese people are Alberto Barbosa in 4chan kek

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