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>American: Oh, the government isn't providing this service or amenity? I guess I'll just take it upon myself to provide it for myself even if I have to improvise.
>Yuropoor: The government hasn't dumped 100 billion Euros into fixing this problem? Guess I'll just have to suffer until they tell me what to do.

Why are they like this? They're like the citizens of Airstrip one, completely lost and feckless without the guiding hand of big daddy government. Yuropoors will literally cook to death in their own houses instead of just buying a $30 AC because the gubmint hasn't told them to.

When I used to live in Germany my neighbors would call the police on me because I had an AC in my window and I didn't have a medical reason for having one or have permission from the government to have one. When the summer came the wife had a heatstroke because they did absolutely nothing to prepare for the broiling heat because they thought the government would take care of it somehow. It's insanity.
This is why I unironically oppose things like universal basic healthcare and public transportation. It slowly weeds out the people who actually know how to survive on their own until you are left with a passive compliant populace completely meek to the government, willing to take any sort of abuse or neglect because they don't know how to break free.

Yuropoors are a good example of how a government can enslave its own people.
is your wife 150kg
No. She's a 49 kg Latina. I was not married to the German slag.
Stop with the larp, faggots
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>Stop with the larp, faggots
This thread is fucking retarded, and makes no sense
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>Europeans don't know how to install their own doors or locks
>They unironically have to call a professional to unscrew the doorlatch
Your government would rather give the money away than provide it to its people

So does ours but atleast I have paid leave, paid days off when I'm ill, I don't go bankrupt when I need a surgery or see a doctor.
>atleast I have paid leave, paid days off when I'm ill
So do I.
>I don't go bankrupt when I need a surgery or see a doctor.
Same. That's the benefit of having insurance nigga.
Free healthcare is superior, Canadians know it too
Okay, well I have my own house and I've even got an air pump in the garage, so I don't know what you're talking about.
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muttmericans are the bestest goodest goys we know
>be German
>get cancer
>"go to a specialist immediately, or you will be dead in two months"
>earliest possible appointment in 8 months
I grew up in a flat with a single mother, I don't know how to do anything and I have no initiative either.
She's gonna get fined and forced to take them down, lol.

Thats a regular mobile ac not some retrofit shes using it as intended.

Also they are garbage in terms of efficiency. You should get one mounted outside with an invertor compressor. Those have good efficiency, high COP and can slow down when close to the target temp.
>They're like the citizens of Airstrip one, completely lost and feckless without the guiding hand of big daddy government
Yeah, domesticated people. They only have an unearned arrogance because being a client state for our gay empire allows them to grandstand and act morally superior on the world stage.
>be austrian
>get cancer
>wait 8 months to se a specialist in Germany
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Nice tampon sandwich flag
>be austrian
>get cancer
>everybody pities the cancer for being attached to an Austrian
There's something weirdly hot about how she just did something, and now she's aggressively talking down to people who aren't as good as her. I felt aroused watching that video.
Its just your typical woman moment
Because the government take it upon themselves to tell us what we can and cant do at every point, so they can fucking fix every goddamn problem we have if thats how they want to run things and I'll bitch about it until they wipe my ass how I want it wiped.
And I'm not paying more taxes.
Huh. But yours are the meekest nationality that exists, short of Nork and China. Your nation bows to a much smaller one, pulled by the nose ring and led to fight their wars, all the while they poison your young people's minds with degeneracy. Here you even proudly spout their corporatist propaganda, one that is patently against your own interests and welfare.
Most of the modern day "innovations", "patents" and "scientific articles" are just bullshit for making money and good goy points.
>p-please stop making money i can't stand it when other people are successful and not miserable like me!
americans don't mind bloodthirsty child molesters ruling their country and actively seeking to make things worse for everyone globally, but go on a seething rampage when the temperature is one football field (about 5°C) off or someone needs insulin to survive
brazilian hands typed this post
I don't mean that, I mean that most of these isn't really useful, sometimes even fake. I saw some stats, showing how much of scientific articles uses fake stats and no one cares about it.
Then all of that goes into "innovation index" stats, showing how good USA are and how everywhere else is miserable shithole with no progress. Remember that one case with Lithuanian scientist?
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you got me there
let it be a lesson, buddy
Genuinely convinced the Government pushes the anti-air con sentiment because the power grid would fail if everybody had one
I noticed they recently started saying "fans actually don't help in heat so stop using them"
But new builds don't have air ventilation in mind and are just smaller houses made of cheap materials so I have no idea what the people in charge of infrastructure are thinking keeping us all stagnant in a period of rapid development
americans can install mobile acs... that's amazing... as an euroslave I must kneel to my amerigods for their amazing abilities and earned superiority complex....
If she's the Queen of America why doesn't she just go back to her mansion, and why does she look so trashy?
Houses here don't have that 'forced air' system Americans have so you would need an individual air conditioning unit. There's nothing stopping anyone getting one beyond cost. I'll probably get a cheap one at some point for my office.
Yeah I should REALLY spend minimum 35k dkr ($5000) on a big ugly A/C unit attached to my window (which would need to be replaced because they're not the same as burger window) so I can enjoy the 1200% higher electricity bill on the 4 days above 20°C we get per year.

Buddy, you're a non-arab Muslim. You have the least right on the planet to talk about being cucked by another culture.
bodied that freak
americans are the greatest people on earth, there's no debate
Housing association rules forbid this. Can't wait to report her
Because AC is so unnecessary and infrequently used. The fact that Americans are totally dependent on conditioned air and can't handle European air without an airtight artificial environment shows that Americans are weak and inhuman

The fact that you can't "suffer" through a bit of warm weather without having to completely change the infrastructure of your house to accommodate your weakness isn't strength
I can punch through your paper wall to open the door faggot.
Posting from my a/c'ed room by the way
what a chad lmaoooooo
>burgers btfo
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>suffering builds character
monumental cope post
Truthnuke. Screenshotted, copied & pasted and will be used to roast Americans in the future.
Helping the weak and those who are worse off is more valued in European cultures. For most people around here it'd be unthinkable to have people living in the streets or ghettos without access to healthcare and other basic necessities when the society collectively is easily wealthy enough to offer everyone these prerequisites for a life of dignity.
If your eyebrows are like that your opinion is irrelevant to me
Man up
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won't this do the job?
free healthcare is necessary when your country is filled with dangerous poc
It is only free if you are NEET, if you have a job it is like 700€ a month.
>just buying a $30 AC
where do they sell em
Seeing as I run my heater every single day of the year, I doubt I would have much use for an AC
hello do you live on the north pole or what
Actually it's not illegal to have an AC in yurop and you're just making shit up
>You should get one mounted outside with an invertor compressor. Those have good efficiency, high COP and can slow down when close to the target temp.

If you are a rentoid (most europoors are) you don't have a choice other than mobile AC
If you are among the poorest of Europoors (Germans and Austrians) you cannot even install one if you own an apartment, because the Eigentümerversammlung says no.
you’re acting like private is any faster
Speaking of.
What happened about those riots in France protesting raising the retirement age?
Did that end up going through or did the government revert it back to what it was before?
bait threads used to be good
Europe drove out innovators because of their anti-corpo laws and policies.
That's why all the biggest businesses in the world are in America and China.
America has the best quality healthcare in the world.
The argument is that many Americans can't afford it.
Why does no one talk about how in Germany most apartments for rent don't even have a kitchen or cabinets and you need to install everything yourself. We live like feudal peasants here too but at least the landlord attempts to give the basics
These are the same group of people who found it totally acceptable if not their moral duty to be subjects of monarchs for hundreds of years. They're not very individualistic.
>don't even have a kitchen
same here
>or cabinets
some do, some don't
What the literal fuck man, even in Paraguay apartments are more developed
You're nothing more than a Paki-loving faggot. You and every other Britroach in here lick their asses. Muslims are 6% of UK population, yet they hold enormous power. 6% and yet they are pandered to like they are 96%
Government and Police are terrified of them, and their demands for special treatment are usually granted.
The Muslim block vote is a king-maker this time. It has more electoral leverage over policy than Ukip ever did. They are parking their tanks on the lawn of British democracy. This is the arrival of sectarianism. It has massive implications, especially when both parties are pandering to it.
They are slowly moving into positions of power and, as their Koran says, the object is to take over the country
I thought you guys were the richest and most firstie south american nation
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Pretty much every house built after 2000 has AC here.
Most apartments made after 2015 have central air now as well.
And portable AC units are extremely common.
I have two portable ones in my apartment since it's pretty big and bakes in the sun all day.

Not all of us live in Germany you know.
it's just culture. I've been to other countries as a long term tourist and they even have fridges but america doesn't offer that i bet
Actually every fucking apartment with exception of efficiencies in Miami are guaranteed to provide you
>cabinets for the kitchen
>cabinets for the bathroom
>kitchen sink
>bathroom sink
>multiple toilets of your choice
that's normal here too except for maybe ac
germans are just stingy, they also include gas and water in the bill
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wtf are you talking about?
you live in a totalitarian police state.
try to resist against le gubernment and see where that gets you.
Unfortunately here it's not common at all for utilities to be included in the rent
Newly elected parties announced they will put a vote through to repeal it.
Any fears that the it wouldn't be sustainable?
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I will never take a country seriously as a place worth living in if you have to break your bones or get cancer first in order for that to happen
wait do you guys get closets as well?
She needs an ac in fucking Germany? What's a hot day over there like 20-25c?, i mean it's her money to do whatever she wants with it but trying to pass it as a Flex is retarded
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36°C. Back in the day a super rare occurrence
and now 10 years later it's over 30 for weeks on end.
only because you can't understand how can someone not worship the government
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This dumb ass boomer mindset that you should spend time and energy learning to do every tiny thing for yourself is equally retarded, though.
>making yourself suffer on purpose is "manning up"
What is wrong with Bongs? Suffering does help you grow but if you can alleviate it you should. Imagine burning yourself on purpose but refusing the fire extinguisher because "I need to grow mentally bro it's practice"
I looked up the average high temperature in Hamburg and it's only 23° for July and August.
Your people "improvise" on their medication and end up like this, pig.
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thx for laugh
ameritard logic LMAO
the points are correct, but they fuck it all up by trying to reel it in all on muh god and christianity.
Truth is all those points should be addressed regardless of faith into some super natural power. They even let it slip that churches are compromised as well.
That's because "good" does not come form "god", or churches, or whatever else, other than yourself.
It's the people, who choose to be something better, that are the source. It's the personal responsibility of each human being to be better, to be moral, to uphold some kind of social norm that benefits everybody in the long run.
Yet degenerates will tell you nothing matters do what you want.
And religious will tell you, just subscribe to their cult and everything will be better.
Neither wants to address the full weight of responsibility any one individual needs to carry for their actions and the world they create.
Naturally it's for this reason it's not going to be popular to preach.
>this Italian is too dumb to realize that he indirectly admitted that he trusts the politicians in his government more than his own judgement
Pretty much every European. Why is it that they think like this? Have thousands of years spent as peasants programmed them?

Did your friends on Discord like that one? Did they call it a gemerald?
>Did your friends on Discord like that one? Did they call it a gemerald?
bodied that freak
Pretty much, all the euros with independent thought either moved to the New World hundreds of years ago or purposely got culled in WWI.
>be murican with insurance
>broken ankle and told to go a specialist
>call 10 specialists in the area and none have availability for at least a month or two
>11th doctor only had availability cause someone canceled
I don't even live in rural part. The whole process ended up costing me about $1.5k for all the docs and physical therapy for about 2 months, on top of what I already pay for insurance.
here no one will rent an apartment with no ac
and why would a landlord not put one theyre fairly cheap and increase the value of the place
pissrael is in a desert so yeah ac is a must

You didn't need an AC in Finland before except for maybe like a week during peak of summer so people didn't bother.
But with globohomo warming you need an AC for like two months so it's a thing now.

Europoors are slow to adapt, Europooristan is an open-air museum.
So the cope is "you don't really need it", "it's bad for the evironment".
Maybe in 10-20 years an AC is standard.
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Looked her up and she has an onlyfans.
>instead of just buying a $30 AC because the gubmint hasn't told them to
holy shit you are a massive retard (which is to be expected from an amerishart)
please do the world a kindness and end your life
>be French
>get cancer
>get a swift appointment with an oncologist
>get stabbed by a nafri on the way
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>a $30 AC
You mean $1000 right?
>used to roast Americans in the future
I always hear about Euros roasting in heat waves every summer, literally since their roofs of their homes have metal shingles
>$30 AC

wtf, I paid 500 dollars for a ''cheap'' here in Brazil
I don't buy ac because electricity bills would rape me
VGH, the American Übermensch
Americans by and large aren't good at walking so knee sleeves help keep inflammation down during an arduous day of walking around a theme park. the ones that didn't heed this are the ones in actual braces
Walking do be too spicy fo ameripipo
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>using technology so humans survive cold winter good
>using technology so humans survive hot summer bad
Colonizing inhospitable environments is based. Americans are based. Eurotards are fighting the last war doing cuck shit like reducing their already pathetic level of energy in the name of saving the environment. What happens if sun explodes huh? Americans will win because they will naturally unlock space habitat technology and they don't cuck energy prices. I hope Americans develop their cardboard house tech until X-12 Musk can drop pod them on Mars and it works the same as on Earth.

Unironically seed oil goyslop causes joint inflammations.
It sure as fuck doesn't here. Band-aid solution
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First of all, I understand your sorrow of being humidcel tropiccel. Eurotards are still trying to ignore the incoming reality. Ventilators work by evaporating sweat, and what will happen when humidity WILL approach 100%. You need actual, REAL refrigeration technology. There is no escape. Tick tock eurotards... the wet bulb temperature is rising.
>when humidity WILL approach 100%.
humidity is meaningless without a temperature
and we're a long, long way from europe hitting 95F wet bulb. turkroaches on the other hand...
Gay rape in your army, war crimes you've done in Ukraine, kidnapping of Ukrainian children, ending up as China's bitch due to every civilized country cutting ties with you.... Innovation index isn't the thing that proves Russia sucks. Russia itself is the thing that proves how shit your country is. Please die or attack a NATO country already so we get to kill you orcs already. When will Putler cut you off from the internet to force you to use your intranet? He promised it years ago already, can't wait.
Most people don't even care. Americans don't understand that everyone don't live in a Louisiana swamp or Texas desert
Same. I'm 28 and hardly even know how to cook
I'm not getting the ac because I don't need it, not because I'm waiting for it to be given to me
Europe is colder, and we're less fat. ACs are not needed for 1 week of heat, you can just use a fan and use 90% less electricity, the rest of the year it's comfy.
My family invested in a heat pump and solar panels though, because we need to heat for 8-9 months of a year
That's how I picture the Americans tho
(And western europeans too to be fair)
Poles do everything by themselves, it's difficult to even find some services, because most people just call up their friends and families when there's work to be done and little by little, here and there, everyone mostly learns how to do everything.
The only problem is that you still pay taxes. When I pay taxes I at least can feel the benefits of doing so in my daily life. When you pay taxes you are literally like a peasant medieval England who pays taxes just for existing.
It would be really cucked to anything like this in an apartment that you don't even own
I'd thought cooking is one thing a mother can teach you? along with basic domestic shit like washing your clothes, bedsheets etc. I was raised in a single mother home and also know fuck all. I have a step father but he hasn't bothered to teach me anything either. I didn't even get the hang of power tools until technicians at college showed me. Our father figures are literally guys on YouTube. The future is grim.
lmao they really said that?
my flat is a 24°C sweat box I'd die without the fan I've got.

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