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Reminder that this whole thing was unironically a Russian psyop.
It's literally the case in Finland too...
Same thread number 981.
It's not.
>Putler didn't call me for dinner
Kyllä muuten varmasti on

This poster is non-Finnish with VPN
pretty sure the trope predates the war
Ootko hurri vai mistä osaa suomesta oot kotoisin?
I remember when it became viral, you could see countless weird, obviously fake accounts on Twitter amplifying it and lamenting how evil Swedes are.
Oulusta mutta sinä olet ryssä, painu vittuun takas mistä tulitkin
It was a meme on Swedish forums for years but the viral internet campaign was a Russian op, see >>200088715
Siis oot hurri?
Swedexisters think their lack of hospitality is a Russian psyop?
I see,
that's common, they will boost and spread stuff that's convenient without being picky about where it originates or who they boost.
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Onko ryssällä ymmärrysongelmia?
sweden does not exist, take your medicine
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It just seems weird and unnatural that I'd just be expected to give food to some dude who came to my home. I just buy and cook the amount of food I'm going to eat, I don't have extra stuff laying around just in case someone wants to eat for free. A cup of coffee and maybe some snacks, sure, but nobody would expect to be served a meal
Onks joku oikeesti kieltänyt sua syömästä kun oot ollu vierailemassa?
Onks se normaalia pohjois-pohjanmaalla?
Checked, Scandianvian + finnish autism once again
You buy food only enough for the day?
>scandis consider friends "some dudes"
no wonder you guys are depressed
also chekkked
It was accounts like
>Oboto Ngubu
>Nigera, medical doctor
>Human capital, research innovation, entrepreneur
>"The Swedish people are very cold and uncaring. I travelled there but never again. I hope NATO countries think careful who they let into their alliance"
En ole ikinä kuullut että junnuna kavereiden vanhemmat ketään kutsuu ruokapöytään jos on vierailemassa, ja tämä on ihan tutkittu asia että pohjois-Euroopassa tälläinen käytäntö on ihan yleistä
my mom always cooked exact portions for everyone in the family, if we had guests over they had to give notice in advance if they wanted to eat at our house. I don't think OP scenario ever happened in my childhood but that's because I had no friends
Ei oo ikinä käynyt mulle näin.
Aika vammainen käytäntö teillä on.
If you have someone over and you reach meal hours, either you tell them to leave, or you invite them to the meal. Having them stay in the house while others eat is just weird.
Swedes are greedy
not true
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No, but what I get is meant to last me z amount of time

Honestly other places seem to be weird with food. Like in Georgia people go to a restaurant and buy a ton of shit just to flex like check out how much food I can afford. Then in some places if you actually finish the food, they'll just keep bringing you more because they think you're still hungry and they're being a bad host. Is that really better than that someone comes to my place to chug some beers, and I assume that they're already eaten?
Every single time I dig into so many random memes or viral news stories, there's always a trace of Russia in it. Not China, Iran, etc, it's ALWAYS Russia.

How is that possible? how the fuck do they have so much time over there that they can get involved with seemingly every single fucking thing that is happening outside of Russia?
Sama, aina mennyt niin että perheen kokkailut on sen perheen, ja ruoka-aikaan enemmänkin tarkoitus että se kämppään tupsahtanut taapero lähtee kotiinsa syömään oman perheen ruokaa
Mitä teidän perheitä vaiva?
I probably waited in a friend's room like this about 40 times growing up
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I can only think of if I've gone to like barbeque at someone's place. But then you'd buy some stuff to bring there anyway, then people cook and eat of the various stuff. Instead of just going there and expecting the guy who lives there to buy a ton of stuff for everyone. Just like I wouldn't expect him to buy me beer if I go drinking there
I wish we were like this, why I should give my MEAT and sweets for guest and act like cuck doing all ass liking. Always reserve ton of food if some relative with common 5-th grandpa comes and gorges all meat on table. Hospitality is just cuckoldry today you will be giving out food to strangers tomorrow you will invite BBC to fuck your wife.
Salkku on kuten kuvailtu
Suomalaiset ja ruotsalaiset kulttuurinsa orjat ei palvele vieraita toisin kuin sivistysmaassa
Terveisiä Suomesta
I ate over at my friends and had them eat with our family all the time
A lot of time we had lunch/dinner at the same time so they would go to their own homes to eat, but my mom would often tell me to ask my friends if they wanted to join to eat as well
It became clear why we have a lower suicide rate than yours even though our economy is bad.
Yeah this is how it ends up going in my head, it's one thing if you just want to be friendly, but if it becomes the expectation that of course I'm going to eat his stuff and if he doesn't give me food he's a dick, that's when it just becomes retarded
Oon pääkaupunki seudulta ja en oo ikinä kokenut tai kuullut tämmösestä.
Teidän perheissä on kyl jotain vikaa.
They put huge resources into this shit during the USSR and now it’s still their best chance of hurting the west
I excommunicate you from Turkishness.
Töihin Abdi
Same, I usually played ps2 games when my friend was eating
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I can think of some other reasons, such as the Mediterranean climate, and that most people follow Islam
Oon saanut ruokaa jossain yökylässä, mutta jos muuten vaan mennyt jonkun kämpille koulun jälkeen niin ei silloin ole kyllä hirveämmin kestitty. Tai toisaalta muutenkin piti lapsena illalliseksi mennä kotiin syömään, en tiedä miten nykynuoriso hengailee. Teininä tyypit sitten kuitenkin mättänyt jotain mäkkäriä ja sipsiä, niin ei ne edes haluaisi sitä jauhelihakastiketta
unfortunately it is
A cup of tea and desserts for a stranger or a worker fixing something
Meal for a friend

this is the default in MENA
If you're in my home you're going to eat whether you're hungry or not
I asked my mother about this, trying to remember how it went in our childhood. The conclusion was that it would depend, if you had made like a big batch of casserole or soup then the rando might get some food too, but of course if you've bought like four steaks for four people, then there's no extra stuff to hand out. And yeah from what I remember as kids we'd be expected to go to our own homes for dinner, since our parents would have made food anyway. This was before cellphones of course, i.e. when people didn't know where everyone is at all times
Yleensä kaverit aina lähti kotiin kun oli aika syödä. Melkeinpä ainoana poikkeuksena oli kun ala-asteella oli mummo vahtimassa ja paistoi lättyjä myös kavereille.

Yksi kaveri (läski) söi kyllä lauantaimakkarat meidän jääkaapista, mistä tuli vitsi

t. tre
Are you Fennoswedes?
Nope >>200088810
Russia has a strong culture so they're loud people.
I orchestrated it btw
nope, but am from west coast thoughbeit
>No, but what I get is meant to last me z amount of time
So make some for your friend and then buy more later, jeez, ez pz.
Do non-northoids let your ''buddies'' empty your fridge from your carefully planned meals?
i don’t see how this is bad
a family meal is important and maybe parents don’t want their kids eating random diet
i wouldn’t let my child eat aldi chicken
Ei ole meil ikinä ollu, ehkä vaan oot ällö eikä kukaan halua syyä siun seurassa
sinun henkilökohtaiset kokemukset on merkityksettömiä kun tämä on tutkittu asia että pohjois-Eurooppalaiset tarjoaa harvemmin ruokaa vieraille
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I met some cousins last month, they had all sorts of snacks like cookies, pastries and some coffee or tea, but yeah no warm meal. I'd say that's how it works in my experience, I don't think there really even is any culture of just randomly going to people's places anyway. If you're going to go somewhere, you'll probably have eaten beforehand, since we don't cook dinner at like 10pm
sie oot merkityksetön >:(
It was literally about kids going over to a friends place after school, small kids, we have a structured family life where Mom (or i guess sometimes Dad) makes dinner every day, if you were over at someones place and they had dinner at like 16:45 and your dinner was at 18:00 he just went to wolf down food for 10 minutes and returned shortly to continue playing, and you ran/biked home to 18:00 and ate dinner and then went back to your friend or he followed you home to continue playing. A Mom needs to know what their kids eat on a day to day basis, it’s their fucking job to feed their kids like they see fit.
sanon minä kun joka aamu katson peiliin
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And then about those snacks, people barely ate any of it anyway. It's there if you want it, but then you have like one cookie with the coffee since you're not hungry anyway

I just don't get this honestly, do people feel ashamed if they don't give the guy food? Does the guy expect to get food? I've never been so hungry that at I'm at someone's place and start thinking like oh man I need to eat right now, I hope this guy cooks me a meal
älä ny sillai tee:(
When it's european countries in the neighbourhood of russia? Oh no, could such a thing really happen!?!
For the same reason you don't hear about malaysians, south africans and paraguayans talk about russian psyops. Because they're not near or in the russian government's interest, while say germany, sweden or the US would very much be in their interest
Same, maybe the difference is that we actually eat during daytime? So it's not like the kid has been walking around hungry all day until like the late evening. His parents will have cooked food for the kids, and are expecting the kids to come eat it so it doesn't go to waste. Maybe the meds are thinking that the kid is still there at like 9pm when they eat
Noce digits, most of these brown people think this is about adult people inviting friends over and then just wolfing down a meal while their adult friends just sit there like chumps. Aka they are brown and retarded
Not him but, younglings were so hooked in console gaming that it wouldn't even matter if your friend went to eat lunch. You just sat there eating whatever snacks or soft drink and continued gaming.
And the family's kid would just be like oh man, okay I guess I'll eat real quick and go back to play Tony Hawk. Meals aren't really some grand social gathering, you just eat and go back to doing what you were doing
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this is the bare minimum for guest meal in my poorfag household
cost like 50¢ too
"Bare minimum" sounds bad, like you're doing something wrong and bad if you don't go through that ritual
I remember my friend having a slight anxiety attack when his dad opened the door and said food was done and he had to run away to the kitchen and eat while i cleared a map in The Lion King for megadrive we had struggled on and clowned on his ass when he got back
>taking an active role in giving a shit about your childrens welfare is grim
This is why we’re tall strong and beautiful, and why you are small brown and stunted
The norm in Sweden is that you eat with your family. Only a tard would not understand that you're supposed to go home and not stay in the room like an autist.
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They fucking paid for it, why the fuck should they leave the leftovers at the party? God - is everyone except for us Nords retarded!?
scandis are fukked in they head
Yet we are the smartest ones in this world, besides Jews
wasn't talking about you
You talk about one of us, you talk about all of us
sâäääääääääääääääääääääär it was zainichi rossiyans
wish you showed your friends this level of consideration
this is why meds are vastly superior to disgusting n*rdoids. Can't imagine living in a disgusting scandi sovlless shithole.
>t. amerifat on vacation, who has been invited to 2 bbqs at strangers houses while I'm here
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>sharing food inevitably becomes sharing wives
lol it's the meme of the week from a year ago epic
Finns are honorary whites, you shall not speak ill of them.
Stingy scandis
as opposed to stinky pajeets?
i heard that swedish people think everything in economic sense
so the friend of his son who did not pay for the meal did not deserve to have dinner
i guess they don't even invite their close friends home
japs are similar with swedes in a sense
they never invite even the oldest and best friends to their homes
and when they eat together, they always go dutch
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Even if i was a Brazilian or Iranian flag, not much would have changed, scandis are stingy, starting with the dutch
Me too. It's normal. You're supposed to come home when it's dinner time.
No, it's about respecting other people. You don't feed other people's children without their parents' permission.
That’s the only way to be friends with most non-rich people or they’ll just leech forever
>entire family is a bad harvest from starving as winter
>thirdoids are somehow surprises sharing food is not culturally ingrained in those societies
smoothest of brains
all winter*
and btw I hate those raiding fucks so I'm as unbiased as one can be in this take
Yes, because "starving" is an scandinavian concept, nobody else in the entire world knows what that is
ummm... I thought there are no poor people in Sven den? muh gini and swedish welfare steak??
yeah I'm sure it's just as hard to starve in spain as in frozen hellhole #56
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>i remember going to my swedish friends house
>and while we were playing in his room
>his mom yelled that dinner was ready.
>and check this
>he told me to wait in his room while they ate
wtf i thought this was a meme
>You WILL get dinnercucked, even though I invited you here.
But is it true? Because it is.
>is everyone except for us Nords retarded!?
grift-minded gibs-takers, the lot of them.
still won't recreate Kalmar though.
no one was invited over in either scenario
Then you say to the friend
‘hey anon‘s friend, we’re about to eat. Would you like to join us?’
And he’ll say
‘no thank you, I’ll eat when I get home at 6pm’
‘yes, please’ and when he gets home he’ll tell his mum ‘i ate at my friends house’, and his mum will say ‘ok, no worries, I’ll pack your left overs for school tomorrow’
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So do you just expect the family to prepare food for more people than who normally eats ?
If there is someone who eats at your place once a week that would create 6 days worth of food waste.
We’re not poor but also not rich.
It’s just that the first option is the usual one so people assume it’s that way. Then some foreigners don’t understand it and think that Swedes are stingy.
And the problem is? Beer is expensive, Im taking it back home of course
how do you have beer after the party ?
Starting to think anglos are gregarious and welcoming due to the celtic admixture and all pure germanics are weird freaks. Same reasoning can be applied to Bavaria vis a vis the rest of Germany.
True, russians are evil. I hope they all die in a nuclear war
That’s too mean
>people dont bring their own food when they go somewhere
holy shit
even jews don't do this
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When my buddy visits we usually cook food together and he brings some snacks
>Leftovers for school
We eat in the school cafeteria, nobody brings food
I ate 46 meatballs once when I was 9
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>I’ll pack your left overs for school tomorrow’
Do anglos really do this? Kids are served hot lunches for gratis here.
If beer was left over it wasn't a real party and the host doesn't get a tip
Only 6 meatballs were allowed per person in my school food hall
Every time this gets posted there are conflicting reports, is this like a regional thing? Or it is due to misunderstandings in what a "meal" means? (full hot meal vs offering the guests some tea and cookies, for example)

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