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the average estonian poster edition
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i need more prime kaja
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What do you think of the ERK logo candidates?
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Total love on Estonian
They all look great
>ukranian colors
its over.
Check you're eyes m'dude
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close enough to uki
absolutely far enough from eesti
nekenčiu buržujų
myliu animė mergaites
>this is how estonians used to look like
sad how things have gotten worse
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>animė mergaitės
I said to myself - "I will go to the lake today".
But I lied.
>2 soviet boomers got older
holy shit man it's over
political parties using color coding to attract supporters? absolutely unheard of!
>old time are LE BAD and who cares
you don't even know what you've lost.
>make a political party
>colors should be about the nation and it's people
>instead cater to foreign interests
I wonder if you'd sing the same tune if every uki flag was replaced by a russian flag, and everybody went out of their way to include russian flag colors in political parties and so on.
Maybe then, you'd understand how fucked up it is.
>colors should be about the nation and it's people
and your nation and it's people don't hate ruskies? maybe you deserve to be genocided by mutts after all.
>and your nation and it's people don't hate ruskies?
do you not have an identity? Your own flag, your own nation, people, culture, traditions, goals and dreams to develop?
mods are asleep, post bulvės
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that's right, unlike you swedish rape babies we have such things, our hate is based on history and if you were a true balt you would know why hating slavniggers is the ontologically correct thing to do
i am not a nationalist or a racist
labas trani
I've had a horrible day
I didn't tell you to not hate them.
I told you to use your own nation flags and colors not some foreign power symbol shit.
If you walk into america and all you see is the israeli flag, far more than the american flag, you'd quickly ask, what the fuck is going on.
>yeah okay, but, can't you just use your american flag, rather than have israeli flag everywhere?
what happened, friendo?
Point to where I said that
can you, without sperging out about kikes or niggers, tell me what exactly is wrong for a political party to use two colours from a flag of a country which has become the symbol of Russian oppression in the modern era? The same oppression which terrorized eastern europe for several centuries, I will add.
No, using the Estonian flag would not send the same message to the populace.
why are you triggered
>No, using the Estonian flag would not send the same message to the populace.
Of course, using the estonian flag would send the message that estonia comes first, the estonian people come first, that it's not about slurping up to foreign powers but having their duties set to the estonian people.

I repeat anybody that uses foreign flags and colors is a traitor and does not serve the interests of the nation and it's people first and foremost.

but who cares right?
Wipe out estonian people and culture, genocide them over the course of 100 years, who cares, as long as you do it slowly while kneeling for BLM, and screaming slava ukraini

Also while we are at it, fix your fucking flag. Get that white knight on red background as your national flag over the current one, it would be a vast improvement.
>leftist and gay
Sorry to hear that
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reikia tombojės
you really want to get pegged by a tomboy
i like looking at cute people kissing
the estonian flag makes me horny, is this normal?
>Of course, using the estonian flag would send the message that estonia comes first, the estonian people come first
that's right, it would send a message of nationalism, something that can be interpreted in multiple ways. Is the party pro russia? anti russia? pro eu? anti eu? estonian flag would answer none of these questions, while ukie sends a clear message that the party supports TZD, which as I stated before, is the ontologically correct decision and does more to unite a nation.
>Wipe out estonian people and culture, genocide them over the course of 100 years
your shitstain irrelevant country is a small price to pay if russia ceases to exist. I'm a moderate btw.
>Also while we are at it, fix your fucking flag.
true, not just for lithuania(though our african flag definitely needs to go) but for every country in europe.
Yes, they're used to being raped by scandinavians and even learned to enjoy it.
>that's right, it would send a message of nationalism
>Is the party pro russia? anti russia? pro eu? anti eu?
>estonian flag would answer none of these questions
gee under what foreign occupation is estonia, the estonian flag doesn't answer that >:(
>, which as I stated before, is the ontologically correct decision and does more to unite a nation.
clearly it doesn't faggot.
>your shitstain irrelevant country
As I said, and thanks for proving my point.
Anybody that flies foreign flags in my nation is an enemy of my nation. The only place and time where it's appropriate to see some foreign flag, is at the respective embassy.
But go ahead keep telling me how you are utterly okay with estonia being genocided and it's irrelevant and a small price to pay. While also pretending to give as hit about estonia.
fucking leftists I swear, you try to pretend to be altruistic but it takes nothing at all for you to drop your mask and go full
>hurr durr I don't care just die for my ambitions!
>to the last estonian!
gee I wonder who benefits, who profits from all of this.
can i fly the lgbt flag in estonia?
it's not a flag of another country thoughever
>more bait
>once again, bait
lol try harder next time, kid.
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Make bulvės, not war

And Šaltibarščiai
its the flag of a foreign power invading us, fuck off.
foreign power like?
lgbt people are your own proletarians
>he "gets invaded" by a "foreign power"
that's a freudian slip, if I've ever seen one.
>foreign power like?
>lgbt people are your own proletarians
lgbt is a mentall illness perpetuated by foreign powers to destabilize nations
the only slip you are going to get, is one off the roof top of a building.
>lgbt is a mentall illness perpetuated by foreign powers to destabilize nations
gay people have existed for a long time, there are gay animals
come on nigga just suck some cock if you want it
>the only slip you are going to get, is one off the roof top of a building.
it's schizo larping time!
good job for coming out of the closet btw, though frankly, it doesn't surprise me one bit.
>hurr durrr I'm trooooooolllling
Good for you, good for you, got your dopamine? Feel alive yet?
reminder that normal men have sex with any woman, not one who has to fit your 99 arbitrary standards
if you are not horny for regular women you are gay, gay gay gay
stop harassing my estonian boyfriend
all suck. should be more concrete, simpler, angular.
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yep, now go back to fantasizing about niggercocks
There's number 5 that uses Estonian colors. Number 1 seems very corporate. I like 2 and 5 best by design alone.
get off social media now
for your own sake
you are in a very bad place
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>social media manifests faggots in my nation, it's all in your head, just ignore it and let us take over
get these faggots off my streets. remove gay bars, remove gay marriage.
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Kannuksenpyörä would also have been good I think
damn, what a self destructive post. Are you depressive, by chance?
all women are low test faggots
Isamaa uses this already though
Things have gotten much worse.
Went to the grocery store today. Heard that alcohol causes up to seven types of cancer. Drunk bros I'm sorry to announce that you took another L.
they have, and they will get even worse if nothing is done to correct course.
In the last decade estonia has been bastardized to an unbelievable degree. In 10, 20 years, we will look back to now and think how okay things were, relative to the nightmare we will experience then.
what are you talking about, everybody knows alcohol is bad, this is not news.
Same with smoking, vaping and so on. People don't care that it's bad.
Peoples soft heads have been conditioned and worked to get them into a state where they live from cope to cope, endlessly trying to avoid thinking about life, making a docile, brainless, sad, and easy to exploit and manage population.
For fuck sake they used alcohol to control peasants centuries ago. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book.
who makes the alcohol, you drooling retard? who markets it?
i think most women would be okay with that
You like to write an awful lot for a man incapable of properly understanding three simple sentences.
back in those days, finland police could have never......
yeah only low test faggots like women would be ok with that
luv em
ačiū dievui aš ne vienintelis kuris neapkenčia šito pasibjaurėtino karvašūdžio. Neįsivaizduoju kaip kiti gali tokį brudą valgyti, bet dar nė vieno nesutikau tikrovėj kuris pritartų mano neapykantai šiam """"patiekalui""""
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bulvės are life

what's wrong with Šaltibarščiai?

but you said yes to bulvės, so everything is forgiven

i am ok with it aswell
I hate my job
Chur SFH cuz
Your post did not espouse the opinions that anon was programmed to expect from this board, thus the templated reaction.
Probably gonna kill myself soon
no more schizo larping? Good.
I love life even though I'm horny all the time
i guarantee i would be happier if i were in Lithuania rn
please stay in turkmany pidor
NZ bros, will we ever get tired of winning? Also I finally got freedom from being banned <3
You can come here any time, you know.
It's not like we're on the other side of the world.
kys traitor
a year ago I went to DC and I saw the estonia embassy on the subway map but I never got to see it. I'm so sorry
pirmyn vergai nužemintieji
išalkusi minia pirmyn
sukilkit žmonės pavergtieji
visi kovon iš vien smarkyn
very rude

but where would i stay
>but where would I stay
Why, anywhere you want, so long as it's Klaipėda or Kaunas. I don't consider posters with this flag that aren't from those two municipalities to be human.
Vilnius is actually quite nice imo
Kaunas has the most SOVL
And Klaipeda is comfy + right by the sea

decisions, decisions
labai gražus eilėraštukas, Algiuk. Būtinai parodysiu mamytei per kitą tėvų susirinkimą
geriau ne
immediate large stale nationalisation PLEASE
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The fug are you trying to say? I don't think that will fix anything.
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>Tranis did the needful
>Dima probably overdosed
>Estvak vanished
What now?
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we follow in the footsteps of our Heroes and kill ourselves. make sure to write an incoherent suicide note mentioning /balt/
you don't think nationalisation of housing would fix a rent crisis?
why not?
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I really hate when politicians come up with solutions to problems that will be immediately reversed when someone else gets elected. Its so low IQ and crimge. I dont want someone to bankrupt the cunt just to get elected and then get kicked out only for everything they did to be reversed soon after. I wish we didn't have such crimge parties in my cunt T_T
yeah that's a good point
but that doesn't make an inherently good program a bad idea simply because of the political conventions
in my opinion
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Its a bad program though, very crimge.
Solution to housing crisis is a government owned company that builds affordable housing for working natives. The price is fixed to median income of the lower 90 % of the population so they are inflation proof. The houses cannot be rented out and can only be sold to or via government company. No sales tax is charged when selling it back. The company also pays no permits for constructing. The houses are sold with very tight margins.
You could maybe take full ownership if you live in the house for long enough. You'd still pay property tax as usual doebait.
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sounds reasonable to me
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man reikia tombojės labai labai!!!
Didn't we have that and they on built like 10000 houses instead of the 100000 they promised.
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It sounds like a waste of state resources, why not get rid of the obstacles to building instead of telling everyone where to live?

It never works because they have to go through complex legal processes to try build homes. People don't want state houses built in there area.
>It never works because they have to go through complex legal processes to try build homes. People don't want state houses built in there area.
Sounds gay they should let me do it
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I don't think you are qualified by that anon, you should let the adults handle it. I know best so you just need to voote for me.
God i just want to live in the port hills
True but i don't care
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No I am future mayor of Christcurch you goober you will never be ablu to defeat me.
hhahahaha you fucking idoit, you make me laugh Mr. Bharatibull, i will vote for you though.
Aren't you Maori?? What's up with your name
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I thought it was funny, I am literally braun.
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"Yoza, yoza, yoza!"
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Got my first big boy job today LFG
congrats anon, and good luck surviving the transition to waging consuming all your time
Hmm today I'm going to Hamster Dance
Thanks Aussieanon :D
isn't that auseklis?
I can't stop thinking about women!!!
You know it's a manufactured crisis right? Politicians and their wealthy donors, and boomers who are a large group of voters, want housing to be expensive because they own a lot of property.
It's not like nobody knows how to stop mass immigration (decrease demand) and build houses (increase supply) to lower prices. Instead we get mass immigration (never ending demand) and we're building just enough slapped together shitboxes for these fresh jeets to allow property developers to line their pockets without decreasing the prices. This is the situation.
i have a small dick
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My brought me beer to celebrate me getting a big boy job, I LOVE MY MUM!!!!!
Mine's smaller
doesn't matter we both have small dicks
if we're under 9 inches it's over
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whats the average pee pee size in the baltics
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Would you join the Finish airforce?

Why do you think about them?
12 inch
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lets find out
I love them
that's right i am only SEVEN INCHES
i have a small dick
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What is stopping you from acquiring one?
>decide to do thing
>no deadline, just for fun
>do it on and off for nearly a year now
>never seems good enough to be done
>mention it to someone
>they would also be interested in doing thing
>implied deadline
>sit down and complete it in two days
I need meds
You need more friends
my guess?
you have gained someone else's "approval" by that someone agreeing to work with you on it
so you were dedicated to do it for ((person))'s sake but you wouldn't do it for your own sake so you don't really bother
hello my blatic vassals we shall become one country soon again...
did you actually want to complete it or were you content having it in progress and getting to keep working on it?
as a penisas expert what are your thoughts about this >>200114645
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Polish (Wroclaw) man and Estonian (Põlva) woman
Suppose so. Part of it is creative writing. As long as I was just doing it for myself I'd work on it sporadically, get random ideas while taking a shit and incorporate them. Kept rewriting parts I didn't like, to the point where there's not a whole lot of first draft left. It's funny how I kept catching myself inadvertantly copying popular media. Write one bit, sit on it for a week, read it back - it's fucking lord of the rings. Do the same thing next week - it's Wizard of Oz now...
lmao, look at this slavshit thinking he actually matters
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can't find one :(
See you in the Russian Empire, fren.
i second what that other anon says, i think you spend too much time in your own headspace
if at all possible, you need to spend more time outside, ideally mingle with people, but also just being outside more by yourself and exposing yourself to other things and impressions will help with that

source: i have a very similar problem and it works for me

first of all, i'm flattered, but i'm hardly an expert
and it looks decent enough i think
are there no tomboys in your area?
not if you use adblock
this would actually make for a good campaign
for or against tomboys? market seems depleted, currently pipeline has been diverted into producing pooners instead
why are you so obsessed with trannies? why do you call them "tomboys"
huh? what did I miss? I literally haven't been to balt in like two weeks.
(you) have been posting about your faggy fetish every day for like a week by now
ok, retard
maybe thats how it was advertised
but i think neither labour nor national could fully commit to a large nationalisation program
neither are socialist parties
to not use or disable adblock i meant
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Labas rytas /balt/!
Laba diena, mergiuk
taigi žinai kad ši sąvoka netinka manęs apibūdinti. Kodėl tada tu ją naudoji?
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>taigi žinai kad ši sąvoka netinka manęs apibūdinti
ne nežinau
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tomboys are not trannies you retard#
stop contributing to the extinction of tomboys by calling them trannies
no tomboys
I'll be here when you come out of the closet
It's actually wild how much his mental health has deteriorated since he came here about a year ago. He's like a different man now, completely broken.
I guess that's what happens when you take 4chan seriously.
88, he's just no longer the same
Litvak did this.
me but without the polish flag
and the bitterness

not even on the damn innurnet?
I won’t go to Warsaw oblast
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sandnigger lover is planning to storm seimas
You are just salty he insulted your tribe.
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>You are just salty he insulted your tribe.
bot post
lyrics remind me of this
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>not even on the damn innurnet?
never found any
>liking a woman is gay
who likes woman? certainly not you.
>Vieningas Kaunas
pries ka butent?
Soo is there anyone beside germany and estvak with a big cock here?
Why are people so inconsiderate
post your penisas and it will be considered
inconsiderate of what?
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Don't do that, it's illegal!
you are my favorite mergiukų poster (who is also a mergiukas himself)
Called a Kosovan that today
I'm sorry I forgot your people also have big cocks
uh, thanks, even though you're incorrect about the mergiukas part
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Same here, every normal logo becomes "minimalist" shit
Desu a political party needs to be minimal
What is the final solution to the litvin problem?
The finn posted proposed emblems for a new party. It is good for parties to have simple emblems (e.g a red flag or a swastika)
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I clearly like women
wtf this is retarded
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I will never have a gf :(
I would do anything for a girlfriend
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no gf? Become one.
what do you mean
kek, everytime I see such comments it makes my day. It would be kinda sad if it wouldnt be so funny
how would that help?
i want a gf not a bf
>/balt/ + /ausnz/
Never seen a kiwi poster in here
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They don't have arms mate
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>how would that help?
sun tzu once said: "To know your enemy, you must become your enemy"
now go on! Buy Estrogen!
Hey, how's the pretty island life?
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not bad
im in the big city though
It would be funny if they didn't truly believe this and push propaganda everywhere
Wait, same poster?
no, I'm in gods city(Christchurch) and he might be from Auckland
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I'm drunk
How do guys with fat gs get physically aroused?
That's good though
You just need to free your mind now
Same principle as prison gay
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my pizza
It is early morning why you eating this. Also post feet.
gfs dumbo
On what?
Why didn't he add the f???
I only drink beer or wine
>australian woman gang raped by pack of niggers in paris
>australian olympics news crew attacked in attempted robbery in paris
>australian bmx competitor's car broken into & robbed in brussels

Let all Australians at the Olympics be killed by shitskins and we shall clap our hands
armed coercion into giving consent
good post
A brown person made it
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France is not safe and cozy country anymore.
Why would you say this
You're not real, you're just in my head
where did mikoto go
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We took this picture together me you and your wife and newly born child???
gf keeps sending me pics of our dogs balls every morning
she fucks the dog
I fucking knew it!
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Misteris Bystas
i bet this is what he calls his penisas
How did you get this gf?????
accidents happen man
>be in a depressive phase
>know things i can do to help
>too depressed to get myself to even do them

how do i get out of this
why would he wear that pubic hair from a ginger man on his face
Go on Grindr and GET TOPPED
you have to push yourself HARD i believe in ya mah niggah
but there are no samogitian BVLLs in my area :/

thank you brolis <3
i will try to do just that
i think i have to find something to (realistically) push towards first, however
maybe that's part of the problem
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Antropomorfizuotos valstybių animė mergaitės!
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average lithuanian poster
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average estonian poster
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average latvian poster(before they went extinct)
Been so long.
very very hot
excellent posts
tru !
I do look like this.
New trains in Estonia
>New trans in estonia
No need anon, just look at the mirror
Do you really need to get fucked in the ass hard so you can learn a lesson?
im not the slow one here
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do you love floofy kitsunes?
Total Estonia hatred
t in Estonia stands for total
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pure force of will

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