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Declaration of Independence edition
America... come home...
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Come home, British man
>hmm, a near perfectly created Anglo-Protestant Republic?
>a little civic nationalism won't hurt-ACKKKK
>canadians already seething
I can’t read it
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One day away from vacation.
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Our TRVE flag!
>the people complaining about america aren't even american
really activates those almonds
I dont need to seethe after seeing that handlet lol
americans are too delusional to have complaints. Redneck jimbob thinks this is the best place ever even though he lives in poverty in bumfuck nowhere
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>I was wrong about you being brown but you're a... handlet!
Y'all having your mensies at the same time?
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sovl...we used to be a REAL empire.....
Non-foundational Americans aren't really Americans either thoughbeit. They are the same as Turks in Germany or Jeets here. They just showed up to a country that was already created and got some papers.
what the heck are you guys even arguing about
You can't be posting the chud with that tiny hand brah, probably look more physically like him than me, a spiritual chud.
some canuck chud hates that america isn't 100% white and separated from the british
Real Americans (arrived before the revolution) vs. the Ellis Islanders (or even later)
what would it take for you two to make amends
He needs to respect the spirit of the Founding Fathers, specifically Ben Franklin. No Tawny or Swarthy foreign eccentricities.
i should start dating again
I'm gonna post my family photo. Wanna see ?
Canadians have some pretty shitty ideas so I'm not sure I want them influencing America
no thank you
post female relatives feet instead please
why are you like this
Heard the dating apps are incredibly grim now, haven't used them since the 'Vid thoughbeit
like what?
nor wanting to see his family, or wanting to see girlfeet?
Idk I think modern ice hockey was a pretty good idea. I apologise for the basketball leaf guy though
it'll be okay
the feet thing obviously
It's a good picture, THOUGH
I have a friend worked at McDonalds and he said all of his coworkers talked about having foot fetishes
Post it
open toed shoes are going to go extinct at this rate
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i don't know why i'm like this honestly
i really only like photos of feet, i got a footjob before and tried to suck toes but it really didn't do anything for me. still don't mind rubbing a girls feet while we're just chilling tho
i don't make t he rules, i just enforce them
at least you're being honest
footrubs are nice though i was just saying earlier how i needed someone to work on my shoulders badly, i have some really tight stress knots that i can't deal with
The declaration of gay niggas
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>US politics
>”We all believe x in Canada”
I fuckin missed it. I could've driven to Texas, taken a week off work
i like your gimmick posting because it's generally harmless and not mean spirited
>inb4 is not a gimmick. This is real love!
Something wrong with zoomers frfr no cap ong yo
It’s one guy from /brit/ using a canadian proxy.
>t. The brit on a Canadian proxy
It's not a gimmick. This is real love.
Girl I hooked up with had moon water and crystals all over the place. Namaste.
>ice hockey
Go back.
that was never in doubt anon
crystals are cool to look at but a lot of people like to make it their whole personality, they are just rocks
She'll be in NY next month, but I can't go clear across the country. All her tour dates are in fucking Europe. She's going to Montreal before NY but that's still too far. What's a fella to do
I haven't been to New York in 20 years. Vent'anni. Last time I was there, it was snowing. That was the last time I saw snow
Simping after a beautiful woman is obviously lame but at some basic level understandable. Simping at this level for some very basic 6/10 woman is just sad.
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Welcome back Yuta
you could fly to montreal instead of driving and do a mini vacation, get a nice hotel for 3 days and just do stuff downtown maybe.
Why is JJK so popular
It's understandable, doesn't mean it's good for you though. Same like getting so mad that you murder someone
Gojo carried the show early on, then it reached peak popularity with the Shibuya arc because it was just really cool and not it's just coasting. Current arc is ass.

Id love to, sounds nice. But Montreal is even farther away then NY. Et mon Francais est mauvais. I'm afraid it's just not meant to be.
Complain about groups of people being treated like human beans
I'm not simping. I'm just a fan and she's one of the few women I actually respect. I wont even jack off to her, I respect her too much. She's a great dj
You've never watched JJK old man?
I don't watch cartoons
The bar exam is in a week and I'm feeling so fucking anxious today.
What is that some kind of Limbo contest
Erm, actually, it's called anime and it's Japanese.
you got it buddy
Mexicans are human beans
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How low can you go?!
that looks so painful
I'm thinking bout those rn
This nigga over here being a bean
Kamala polls are horrible for her lol. She's doing worse than Biden
Filipina cashier keeps trying to steal my change when I buy coffee
I'm so bad at comforting people it's insane what am I even supposed to say if someone is really sick?
No politics stunad. Keep it up, I'll send you to sleep and fall school.
talking to the millionaire trustfund 28 year old lesbian

just found out her dad raped her basically when she was a kid.
She's just objectively a bad choice from a winnability perspective alone
Sic semper Lesbianae
>molested as a kid
Many such cases
That's what I just said >>200092225
offer them support, if they need anything let them know that you will be there to help. you don't have to do an emotional performance, just be sincere
My trust fund was only 440k :(
shes from california
how do i talk to her
last msg was brb
I detest sweets but today I got a hankerin for some jelly beans.
Hmm, sounds good, might start reading it
A lot of the people who signed that were killed for it and their homes burned.

I'd gladly trade 1,000 redneck (farmer) jimbobs who were thrown into communist labor camps for life for being Christian for 1,000 of "people" like you.
we have a weird history
i just magically started talking to her again after 5 months later

our last convo was like hrs
I'm from California but I don't know how to talk to Lesbians. Sorry
My brother always says he hates sweet things but then he eats all the candy I buy
Bumfuck nowhere America mogs some country's best areas
Maybe he means he hates BUYING sweet things.
Why do totalitarian states hold elections? Who they trying to fool?
There's a narco named el Plumas and the guy has commissioned some fire fucking songs, he has very good taste. Thank you Plumas.
That was quick
shes from LA
i dont know how to talk to this bitch
she had a crippling heroin addiction for years

she quit heroin and does something called oxy everyday, for years now....
She should have done it immediately tbqh but I think she thought she could salvage it lol #girlboss moment
Mayhaps. I think it might be a bit performative, like he believes men aren’t supposed to enjoy sugar or something
oxy is an opiate
Come on. She gets shown up by an untrained 90lbs, 20 year old incel with his dad's AR. What if they had been a crack assassin team from North Korea or some shit? Shit was embarrassing to say the least.
um, that's sexist chud
no it's not
Thinkin about drinkin a stout
How do you not detect sarcasm
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>be peruvian
>live in peru
>peru be a third world shithole
>get opportunity to emigrate and start again
>can choose between the United States or Spain
So. Would you go to the United States or Spain and why?
trying to fix my sleep schedule so i'm tired and i'm kind of stupid
That wasn't me. I wrote this>>200092607

But not this>>200092703
There is literally 0 reason to go to Spain if US is another choice.
Spain. You already know the language and you'll be exotic. Here you'd be just another beaner, no offense.
The fuck is there to do in spain?
America is more entertaining.
come to america we can smoke weed and go to whataburger together
You near Austin?
Go to Spain. You can visit many other European countries and see the world. Here you'd be stuck. Thousands of miles of the same country.
Not recognizing/understanding sarcasm is unironically a sign of autism. Please be patient and do not bully autists, they were born that way.
Spain. Reconnect with your roots, find where your family came from.
i don't have autism i'm just tired i have a different diagnosis anyway
I would choose USA. You can always go to Spain later.
>get warning instead of ban for politics
Nice change of pace today, thank you hotpockets!
This fucking retard again.
I think canadians are alright
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I like Mexicans in Mexico a lot, but not Mexicans in the US.
Very hotpockets-esque post above
I respect President Biden. He did what Orange Man never could. He put his COUNTRY first.
This. Mexicans in Mexico are top lads. Once they come here they're insufferable
I don't like either
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Imagine eating this normal
come join us in the sweden yarn!
What was he gonna do, pull another Jan 6? Ain't nobody checkin for Biden like that
You could've made that in like 10 minutes you retard
If you had to choose between Ataturk or Orange Man as your president, which would you select?
Too bad Orange Man is still going to win so it was all for naught
Why are you insulting me?
What did I do to you?
Tell me.
Too early
I apologize mexibro, I was wrong to call you a retard. I would like to retract my post.
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Trump is significantly more vile, incompetent and genocidal than Kemal. His indifference and malfeasance during the COVID-19 crisis killed more than a MILLION Americans.
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You're in for a bad time in November
Know a guy who is wanted on charges of arms trafficking. Don’t do crime, kids.
That's a based charge tho, like money laundering.
Yeah, nah
I’m pretty sure he was just used as a mule by gang members he thought were his friends
I find it very sad
No Second Amendment in Canuckland
He'll be out in like 4 years, even less if he can prove his race affected his upbringing lol
back from costco
>Greek flag
>not going into a rage at the mere mention of roach man
Non-Greek detected
What was the damage?
How expensive is gas in your state? Got some for $2.86 a day ago
Cheapest I can find here in California is like $4.50
$3.05 at costco
What'd you buy THOUGH
covfefe, pizza, yoghurt, avocados, eggs
normal gas is like 3.40-3.50, but premium is like fucking 4.40+
My state is 4.77 a gallon
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going to eat some spicy vietnamese pho derivative now.
thats about what it is here
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sexo con mejican bummy
Your keyboard is stuck
Is it true that Mexican women are passionate lovers?
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mejcanas? no. mejicanos? yes.
Just remembered that an anon here owes me a drawing.
I dont know, never had a latina gf. I svffer in Canada
i'll be drawing my nutz across your face l8r
Not much /cum/mers in /cum/ today
Where's the super mature, cultured and old anon who remembers a nixon reference aparentely no one else but him could remember?
I like Nixon because he made fun of jeets
>haha you use the term normie or normalfag, there's no such thing as an npc or the herd
>*insults immediately devolve into being socially excluded, ostracized, or not complying with social norms*
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Go ahead! I dare you!
I'm right here you trollop-spawned homonculus, what do you want
Milhous is a meme
>Women: we aren't just sex objects!!
>also women: *every insult they use towards men is based on them not getting sex or low sexual value*
Really makes one reflect
I want to keep laughing.
How many otjer super old events and mega oscure references do you remember not even history books say?
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My argument was that zoomers aren't familiar with the Nixonisms that Bosnian or whatever he was was talking about
They only say they don't like being ostracized or that they aren't sex objects when it's undesirable men who try to get with them sexually. They are more than happy to objectify themselves if it means getting betabuxx resources or Chad's genes
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XML is better than JSON IMO.
Brvtal trvthnvke
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Did you have good nutrition as a child? Are you tall and healthy?
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i drank a lot of milk
yes and yes. but im a skinlet.
>yes or no question box
>answer is neither yes or no
>"0% got this question right"
I'm going to start calling people trollop-spawned Homonculi
bussy milk?
I mean that's literall women's entire survival strategy and how they evolved. They lack the physical strength to acquire resources for themselves so they use psychological manipulation and sex to control men to get resources for them in exchange for sex and possibly reproduction.
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no, that's gay and not nutritious
It won’t hit the same if you can’t also make references to Nixon.
Imagine being this faggots father...holy shit what a disappointment
Anon is just handing out pure redpills today, call this mf Morpheus
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Leafoids be shitting in the beach

You should namefags or tripfag as morpheus
you must be my father then :D
I love my mom yes
Diversity is our strength chud. Indians brought their vibrant beach defecating culture and enriched Canada.
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If you get rid of the states that
>ban boycotting Israel
>require or will soon require a loicense to access to sites with adult content (meaning sites like 4chan and X will have to block those states soon)
>have unconstitutional gun laws such as bans on "assault weapons"
Then you're left with only AK, NM, WY, VT, ME.
If you go even further and get rid of the states that have laws protecting people that give HRT to kids you're only left with AK, WY, and ME.

Out of those the biggest cities are Anchorage and Portland. Anchorage is bigger, but it's a frozen hellscape. If you're okay with turning kids into trannies you can go for Albuquerque, I guess. Rent in Portland is like San Francisco or NYC, but it's fucking tiny.
I'm watching Armin Van Buurens "A State of Trance" show on YouTube, and it's EXTREMELY European.

So it's shot in a studio and Armin in DJing in front of a screen. His side kick is off to his right standing in front of a computer screen, music is playing and there's a bunch of regular jackoffs standing around in the studio rocking and bouncing to the music very awkwardly. It just looks so....European. and particularly Dutch or Scandi.

Skibidi dop dop dop skibidi yes yes yes skibidi babitibipitibopitibooo
my post telling an israeli to jump in the oven got deleted? really? this board is ass nowadays
I wonder if the ancient egyptian empire/whatever lasted thousands of years by being bureaucratic pussies
What a cool name to have. "Joseph Octavians"
You want European? THIS is European
There is an Israeli janny that is very sensitive here
You have a completely made up idea of what Europeans, Scandis and the Dutch especially, are like. The Dutch have the hardest raves on the planet. You made it up and decided that "yeah, I'm going to go with that and treat it as truth". Textbook definition of being delusional. It's a psychotic disorder.
The guy in charge of putting pictures with the articles at ABC news is drunk again
>t. Jan Pieterzoon
Europeans are too powerful for American minds to understand
I will not be buying this tent
Could a been worse, the dude could a been the mulignan
went 3 hours without seeing a n*ger
Just a glimpse of Kamala's America
That's just Laffin' Kamala at work
Is he new?
Kackling Kamala is better
It's so...disturbing to see 4chan speak irl, especially in politics
he's a gamer
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Idk seems like he has been here since the beginning of the year. Anything with an Israeli flag or mentioning the cunt is trashed quickly
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My girlfriend will look like this
Paid the Generalberg for the privilege of driving another month
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Anon Im going to take a shower but did you make it to 1pm
>he pays for car insurance
just don't get pulled over bro
Would quite like to own a car one day.
funny that you talk about insurance cause i saw a vehicular accident involving a female driver and another boomer driver
Why don't you go buy one right now?
fuck public companies
Anon didnt make it to 1pm >.> just like I expected
It's 2pm though
/cum/ on the left
me on the right
I might go to Morrisons, any of you guys want anything?

(Morrisons is a supermarket, like Kroger in the US or something like that)
Yeah but I turned out short. I don't think nutrition in the first world impacts height anymore unless the kid is anorexic or living off small portions of white rice and tofu.
I used to talk to a lot of women back in college
It was a problem whenever I’d try to date anyone because they didn’t like that most of my friends were girls
Its fun
lmao cat turned the ceiling fan on by sitting on the remote with his ass and now he's hiding from the entire ceiling
based kot. post kot please
Have any of you actually been in all 3 /cum/ countries?

Cuz I have
live in the US
went to Canada a couple times
i was in Mexico for like 3 hours during a cruise excursion, if that counts.
Went on vacation to Mexico like a million years ago. Never had reason to go to Canada
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I am not welcome in Canada
It does, you just have shit genetics
Yes but I dont count Mexico because I just was at a resort like most Leafs do
Wait I take that back, I was in Canadian waters as I sailed from Seattle to Alaska
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Him a tune on voocaroo and I'll try to guess what it is
How are you guys doing today?
Madam president
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Next year the USA and Mexico will have their very own first female presidents

Imagine the /cum/radery they're gonna form
andrew yang isnt a woman, thoughever
When I was in high school, we didn't get MLK Day off, and gay couples couldn't go to prom.
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I only want Harris to win to see the maga freakout
I swear to god if feels like this son of a gun has been in office for more than 10 years
"i want harris to win because i dont like the repubs so i want to see them lose, they will be so mad. i hope my side wins"
Uh, the star spangled banner?
I remember memes about him on this board 10 years ago in 2014
He was the dude weed LMAO candidate
well thats what you get for voting in for legal weed (degeneracy)
lmao yeah i remember those
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>Implying the seethe wouldn't be 1000x greater if Orange man won
You are not a true shitposter
Family from out of state is visiting, asks to stay with us
Proceeds to stay in my living room all day watching TV
What was even the point
Canada is what happens to life when you legalise weed and wants to be goyim
Dude, they literally stormed the Capitol building last time and lost 100 court cases
maybe your state is boring
you're supposed to take them places
>openly allowed China to interfere in our elections
>Canadian media doesn't even care
Crazy what this guy has done
It was a Machiavellian scheme to make you come on here and make a post about it. Now they've won you fool, you never had a chance
Nope. Close
Do you know?
Is it true that USA was very conservative until the (((sexual revolution))) of 60s and 70s?
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What's this haircut called?
It's over.
Kamala will win and our country will be truly fucked.
What do you think would happen if he won this time? He's already involved in 100 court cases. If you think this wouldn't set off a huge freak out you are deluded.
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How long till he steps down?
>steps down
Never , but he has to do an election next year by law, which he will 100% lose.
I woudlnt say it was the sexual revolution that did it. Women got the jobs in the 40's when men were all fighting overseas and that pushed them to want equality, and the berkeley free speech/anti war protests in like...64? were largely untouched

that and civil rights hurting our anti-authoritarian image during the cold war
>steps down
>voted out
next federal election
i had Texan BBQ crisps today
i think the BBQ sauce is just worchester - which ihs DELICIOUS by the way
So prime ministers in Canada stay in office until the people vote them out?
The Stunad™
Yea dems might scream and cry, but Trump will just claim the election was stolen again and his supporters will probably do something crazy again
>Steps down
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hahahaha wtf
Or they resign. In theory they can be voted out by their own party but this rarely happens in Canada unlike in Australia
hes so handsome
If Trump loses to kakamala then the election was definitely stolen
Biden barely won, and mail in ballots had no small part in that
None of that was substantiated in court, trump lost every single election related court case
going to make a post next thread about something ive been thinking about and then ill go to then come back later and check the replies ^.^
Fruity ^^^
I'm fucking done with California, I want to move back to Alaska. But how do I get my car there? It would never make the trip, how do I ship my car to Alaska.
>hes been to canada
sussy baka
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>there are several 17.86 year old girls
>better stay le heck away right guys!?
why are burgers cucked like this?
DO NOT let the proxyfag make the new. He will use an image related to US politics because he’s only here to bait people into /pol/shit
I was in Ajax Canada
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>17.86 year old girls
Thats cool but I'm not waiting 300 seconds
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Apparently the map on Wikipedia is wrong. Oregon doesn't have anti-BDS laws. How are Salem, Eugene, and Bend? I know Portland, OR is in decline. Population loss of 23K in three years. Crackhead hobos and BLM riots will do that.
I'm like 5'6-5'7. Not a dwarf.

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