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breakfast of champions edish
poo smells lmao
Watching Charlie Veitch to remind myself the shitshow that is Manchester will slowly spill out to my area one day
Global Bangladesh.
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what'll it be lads?
Right I'm fucking done
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>every single screenshot the "woman" is talking exactly the same way
>and it all sounds like the way spainnonce talks
omdz lad
use up the irish
Whats a good vantage point outside Manchester to watch the nukes fly in?
nice comeback spainnonce you jewish freak
Beeston Crag
need to read all the great books of mankind but all i managed to read was harry potter and other childrens books before the internet got to me and destroyed my attention span
goat stew with peas and banana juice please mate
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Medication is jewish. I will not take jewish spainnonce medication!!!
just read the bible
stop talking to/about me you boring worm, thanks x
The 5pm freaks will be flooding in now.
the only copy i have is my grandmother's from like 1934 and some of the passages are faded
waited until i was 18 to jerk off because i thought it was illegal to do so earlier
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Too many types of Coke nowadays. Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, Diet Coke, Zero Sugar Coke, so and so forth. Back in the 1970s there were only two types of Coke: -a Cola and -aine.
I'm the one behind the Hinge catfish. The only reason you think it's Spainlad is because he's the /brit/ boogeyman who can be accused of anything without evidence. By the time of deleting my account, I had roughly 75 matches (30 to respond to, 45~ their turn)

I've done it before and posted about it on here. Also done similar experiments on Badoo and Tinder
Might unironically vote rfk
>Obama president nah!
appreciate the effort lad but you literally can't reason with schizos they will believe whatever they want
Love how utterly reviled spainnonce is here. He is such an unlikeable freak he is hated by everyone everywhere he goes.
holy sovl
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And nobody can truly tell you why
Fellas in little hats
My "Spainnonce" character is hated

Me, when I post without trip and without being in character, I'm well loved
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You should be shot
just be a handsome man and women will sexually objectify, it doesn't feel great
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He's just so awful and not even interesting at all.
>Me, when I post without trip and without being in character, I'm well loved
he's clocked immediately lol
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done him
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Everyone hates you Adam you repulsive little nonce. The irony is that you created your gay little character because you have no mates IRL to LARP like you have mates here but everyone here fucking hates your guts. Go drink some bleach.
You're always spainnonce. You pretend its an act but you do these things 24/7 and the cuckposting spam was literally constant at some times in the last few months.
>not even interesting at all.
>*makes 20 posts in a row about me*

only when I want to be. when I want to blend in, I do and none of you can tell lol. i know that will wind you up and you will deny it but it's true. you've probably given me lots of friendly (You)s over the past few weeks :)
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Toil done
WFH next two days
Busy busy though
Spainfreak is such a slimy rat
you freaks just can't help but reply to me can you lol. you think "this time I am gonna OWN him once and for all!!!"

give it a rest you losers
Anyway, here are my takeaways from doing multiple black man Hinge experiments:

>You have to send out a lot of likes - I did not get many likes from women at all (symptomatic of Hinge as an app in general imo)
>Not all women prefer black men - but, there is a noticable percentage of women who do
>You have to be very attractive - I used an extremely conventionally attractive guy (very tall, etc)

I did not notice anything spectacular. I would have probably received more likes/matches if I had used a white man with the same attractiveness.
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The thread isnt particularly fast at the moment so he's toning it down for a few hours before his meltdown is finally triggered
A samurai who smells of sunflowers?
Sunflowers don’t have a scent.
So wouldn’t that mean the samurai you’re searching for…doesn’t even exist?
You should be shot
Your first good post in awhile
You’ve earned a reply with this one fella
Might become a furry
Genuinely mental how badly I mindraped some of you. I bet some of you even dream about me ffs, stop taking the internet so seriously you gimps
love how this obviously isn't sn but the same pedantic schizos still cant help themselves from replying
Mad how fit Jadeyanh was at age 20 and is already in decline at 23
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Hitchens looking peng these days.
kek, you got me. i pretend to be spainlard a lot, literally the easiest way to get (you)s on here aha
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Just absolutely BTFO this anon in another thread. It was epic.
It's because he's an attention seeking virgin

If he just acted like a normal person he wouldn't be hated
Dunno who that is
shes still as hot what do you mean
Chris Tyson is a paedo. A dirty paedo. Him and Mr Beast, they have thousands of trafficked children locked in underground vaults on their privage island.
And what exactly is your motivation
Why are the chinkys getting so uppity?
anti-tranny spammer doing God's work
it's hilarious
>spaino hasn't posted here in a week


hope he's ok :/
My first son will be named Jolyon
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is freddo being subjected to shrinkflation or something?
I'm here right now lad lol, just posting on /Brit/ without my trip at the moment to rile up the incels haha
Wanking. I am a recovering porn addict so I get off on getting women to admit their BBC preference.

The main goal was finding girls I went to school with but couldn't find them on my stack.
Hope he's dead
You can fuck off and all
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this brainrot has me was wandering around central london saying "gen zee boss and a miniiiii"
Not really
he's probably copped a ban on his trip, no way he would stop posting here altogether
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jolyon is trooning out one of his kids, that's why he is so invested in pushing puberty blockers and surgeries for children.
these cunts who have transed their kids will do literally anything to avoid admitting the harm they have done, doubling down is their only option
wanking to claire sweeney
im addicted to it
i do her hand movments and everything
Not sure this is a healthy way to recover from porn addiction
love angelic voice of prepubertal boys
a literal present from god
and then...for no reason at all...everyone voted for Hitler
Freddo was always a small chocolate bar, used to cost 15p at the corner shop.

Now you'd be lucky to get change from a tenner.
well of course she looks shit on stream shes not widening her eyes
My throat hurts lots
Shall be gargling some more salt water when I get home
It isn't. I frequently relapse, but I'm trying to stop. I don't even watch porn anymore; the catfish goon sessions hit like crack. I'm talking heart beating fast and shaking, the way your first porn wank felt.
Yeh yeh we know spainfreak you have like 5 iphones lined up in your smelly bedroom nobody cares, go post about Katy sucking a BBC or whatever
how do fake tits work when the women has no tits to begin with?
Imagine you're starting a new job and you walk in on this on your first day
Three cute possibly trans girls were on the train yesterday
Hope they're back on today
skin is stretchy
They'll shortly be on a train...to the gas chambers
Jesus Christ just join a running club or something, anything to get out your smeggy bedroom
>5 iphones lined up
how rich do you think i am lad lol
Noticed that Natalia Nix had a boob job. Quite tragic.
Trans people exist
Deal with it
porn addled FREAK
Not for long lol. TTD
>trans girls
kys nonce
Reckon I'm the sickest boy in northern england
uhm ok chud lol
You're so fucking bent, diego
You're on the wrong side of history
'trans' isn't real
a bloke in a dress is just a bloke in a dress
Oh he's doing that thing where he pretends hes someone else talking about himself or hes a regular poster
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>see an image of a scantily clad sports girl on facebook that, upon closer examination, is very obviously AI
>comment section full of replies by Pajeet and Singh with comments like “u so pretty baby give number so lets chat”
You're thinking of transvestites
ice cream van woke me up from my nap FUMING
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Go join the 41%
Stopped caring so much about the dramas on this general so much after inheriting 125 grand
i dont feel like i'm deserving of love

my heart is ice cold
Shame about that XXXTentacion thing, seems like he was a talented young man
Its so bad... i cant help but watch it all again and again
Giz a tenner
It’s iver
Going to play some Witcher 3 tonight
Just started heart of stone
Iver mentioned
who /SL0/ here
Give me your PayPal and I will
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Is it yeah? Is it iver lad?
Got 140k in my life savings and care very much about the drama on this general
You should be shot
No wife
No beach
No mates
No productive hobbies
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Heard two bits of good news today

>most people are in favour of keeping the two child benefit cap
>gaza at risk of polio outbreak
bon iver
reading a cuck thread on reddit where the bull has spaffed up his wife and shes pregnant with a blackoid baby and hes wondering how to explain that to his family
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Went to Richings Park golf club a couple times, that count?
Perhaps stick to the bible, deegsta
Oh, i know, is it Spaino?

the end result of porn addictin
What's with everyone suddenly liking country music? All the new stuff coming out sounds exactly the same
That is interesting. I suppose the answer is that he obviously can't
might cum in my gf without a condom just to see how she reacts
why do you read such?
either that or troonin out
he can say 'dont be racist' and the matter will die
single asian women are cringe
Who knew evil girls have the prettiest face?
Kek true
my problem is that when i shag girls for the first time i get ahead of myself and request things like anal, rimming, 69'ing etc which understandably puts them off.
i need to learn to take things a bit slower
You should be shot
For me it's liking your arse played with by a girl
Rórke utterly done in
Charlotte Dujardin shouldn't have wanked off that horse
69'ing is a mental thing to do
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Superstraight af
what will leftypol say when labour deports more than the tories did?
If 1st girl was English she'd be perfect
Couple of Chinese looking lasses on the train
Dressed nice but I'm sorry to say they're ugly as sin
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Where will the Albanian mafia commit their murders now?
They will cope and seethe and live in the 1000 year Starmerreich
its fantastic if you're an aroma connoisseur such as myself
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well rorke?
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Rorke eating his dinner with a spork
The cute possibly trans girls have not boarded the train
Gate when I see a girl with nice legs and then she turns around and is some hideous asian creatura.

Don't mind Asian girls, they just have some absolute munters among them.
You are severely retarded
isnt rimming normalised now on a first shag?
get anal is a bit out there but would have thought a quick rim was normal, i say this however, as a shagless virgin
You vill not have ze three child cap
You vill not take ze puberty blockers
You vill be deported back to vhere you came from
mad how true this is
You should be shot
all of sex is mental and what happens during it is shameful and disgusting or so i'm told
What's Monkchester like? It's in North East England
Just realised most of my problems are as a result of obsessing and panicking over pointless negative thoughts that don't deserve a reaction at all in the first place
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>Police officer is critically ill after being stabbed in chest at HMP Frankland
I am a 22 year old incel who has never even kissed a girl
*casts an evil hex on this thread*
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Binnus and Floapa
Things that become more common in porn become more common irl a few years later, so rimming is getting more popular but it's not a first date thing. If you are eating her arse or vice versa and she hasn't come straight out of the shower then that is true degen.
Imagine thinking some woman you've just met wants to lick your smelly arse
Holy cringe

Fat yank made this
The Asian Fanny.
The Asian Fanny.
There's no point arse licking if the arse is shower fresh
You need shot
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Ruby's word of the week
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Well, /brit/?
Don't look into the ethnic makeup of who is on the management of the major pornography companies. And definitely don't look into the Israeli army's experiments in weaponising pornography.
used to think this then i was messing about with a guy from grindr and tasted something funny when i rimmed him

only after did i realise it was probably poo particles and ended up with a stomach infection
I only just realised that she is subtly referencing a mini skirt, and not the fact that she drives a mini.
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>used to think this then i was messing about with a guy from grindr and tasted something funny when i rimmed him
>only after did i realise it was probably poo particles and ended up with a stomach infection
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Yeah but I like pee and they are normalising it, so let it continue
Why are none of these women sexually attractive to me? I'm not sure if that's just my inner incel or just reality.
parasites are just a normal part of gay life
3 years to go lads. How you preparing for it?
Hardcore goon sesh underway
>please give us more money
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I svffer in America
This is why they've been backing down on some of the woke shit lately. They got scared young men wouldn't fight for the West.
cant overstate how much i hate going into leeds
i imagine birmingham and manchester are even worse (only been to each once, but regularly go to leeds for work)
Portfolio should be between 250-300k by then, more than enough to start a new life abroad.
I want to fuck an elf unprotected
Just weaponised Blacked on /brit_
No idea what this means
no native normal european should be fighting.
lets all the benders, trannies, and immigrants do it
You guys still use L85s
Getting Blacked
GB for short.
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Does Britain have the bog roll TV adverts with the cartoon bears talking about how shitty their asses are?
leeds is a way bigger shithole than birmingham, completely, grim, manchester is fine on the surface but kind of pozzed and a coping shithole
t. birmingham but I'm not even biased
Up 32% on DFNG
I am the Lord of War
i miss being a real alcoholic. the best day of my life was when i woke up shaking and shivering, vomiting blood unable to eat, full of absolute dread and waiting for the uber man to deliver me a bottle of vodka at 10am because when it finally arrived the immediate relief was euphoric. i called in sick to work too and had a great morning until the ambulance came
a girl broke up with me because i always laugh my ass off at those commercials
they're fucking hilarious
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leftypol on a mad one
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rate the dinner order
does amuse me how the diego mythos has changed from "loser, incel, has no idea about women, no idea about the real world" to "degenerate, druggy clubber, goes to pride with his gay mates, out every weekend, bad christian"
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>It became well-known at past games that some athletes in the Olympic Village engage in sexual relations with each other, with reports claiming that over 200,000 condoms will be made available to them by Durex over the next three weeks. The 2016 Games in Brazil earned the nickname ‘Raunchy Rio’.

The Olympic Village is open. The atheletes are arriving. The most athletic people on the entire planet all gathered in one place. The two week long sex orgy is going to begin. In Paris too, the most degenerate city on the entire planet. Despite the anti-sex beds the orgy will go on. Nothing will stop it.
I don't watch TV and neither should you.
all accurate
why would u miss that
ghow idd ambulance come
ah yes, the good guys
>birthday cake donut

g r i m
£2.29 for a donut??
It has been about 3-4 different people at this point. Whatever loser happens to pick up his trip
A birthday cake donut? Never heard of it but it sounds sad and beyond grim
you forgot that he's a 40 year old midget
I've never really understood this meme. I don't believe it myself. There's nothing incredibly attractive about folks who are athletes, and most of them are just good at their sport whilst having worse physiques than a gymcel who has lifted weights for two years.

No apple pie, no pickles, paying £2.29 for a maccies doughnut
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>the means of production?
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Athletes are comfortable with their bodies and are in a place where they don't have much elder to do other than interact with other athletes from around the world. It's basically freshers week.
diego, spainnonce, heathermong
put them all in the woodchipper
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They never specify that he is a child rapist but they should
most of these kinds of posts on reddit are fantastical
None of them have any means of reproduction
attractive people get let off
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get in
HM is alright once you get to know him
Spaino is a proper freak
Diego is just about tolerable
if they wanted a real anti-sex bed then they should have asked for mine
no means of reproduction
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fuck you motherfucker I thought I was being clever
Im ugly and i have brown hair and brownish eyes so i dont really care about white people going extinct.
had a wank. much needed after 5 days without. bedroom is too hot. smell bad
1 – Gary Lineker – £1,350,000-£1,354,999 (no change)

2 – Zoe Ball – £950,000-£954,999 (down from £980,000-£984,999)

3 – Huw Edwards – £475,000-£479,999 (up from £435,000-£439,999)

4 – Greg James – £415,000-£419,999 (up from £395,000-£399,999)

5 – Fiona Bruce – £405,000-£409,999 (up from £395,000-£399,999)

=5 – Stephen Nolan – £405,000-£409,999 (up from £400,000-£404,999)

7 – Lauren Laverne – £395,000-£399,999 (up from £390,000-£394,999)

8 – Alan Shearer – £380,000-£384,999 (down from £445,000-£449,999)

9 – Naga Munchetty -£345,000-£349,999 (up from £335,000-£339,999)

= 9 – Nick Robinson -£345,000-£349,999 (up from £275,000-£279,999)
classic diego post
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we love our slags don't we folks?
Could do all of their jobs. Overpaid mongs.
The cold hard reality has finally hit you.
>1 – Gary Lineker – £1,350,000-£1,354,999 (no change)
that is clearly a £1 change
Genuinely why does Gary Linekar get paid so much money?
no idea who greg james, stephen nolan, lauren laverne, naga mcchuttney are
too skinny
Go to the gym then go get pissed and do coke off a pub urinal. You go gal
>Democrats make fun of trump for how he talks
too fat too ugly too black
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doesn't have the same ring as ridin' with biden
but i'll allow it
Is the russian nigger lover 190?
Just seen some off-topic posts
unironically a good broadcaster. they used to have him doing the golf as well when they had live on that
he's just unbearably smug
Which ones?
Good old boys club
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feels forced
Lads, covid isn't fun
Been almost dead since last Thursday
The good news is that there was a new toilSadhbh at the toil and she has massive fucking chebs for a tiny Sadhbh
Also on the cans to celebrate covid not killing me
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a gif that doesn’t gif

Inb4 >>gif >fuck off
185 thousand people disagree Rorke
how many bots?
People think I'm nervous but I just don't like talking to them. I don't have anything to say that they'd find interesting or visa versa. Thankfully you guys find my posts enthralling.
I dont gif a fuck
As many who shilled Reform
You lost leftypol. Get over it
yeah you should drink more canslad
alcohol is known to improve the immune system
nothing wrong with being a person of fewer words
quality over quantity, make them count
looool like fucking clockwork. He's such a cretin
Sadam (sad adam because he's a sad cunt)
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I heard that Adam Barratt (heir to the Barratt Homes empire) is posting about BBCs (big black cocks) in this thread
Someone should make a Bradder soyjak
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I hate going places, doing things, being awake.

I want to remain where I am, doing nothing, being asleep.
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>AEW Rampage: 284,000 viewers; 0.10 P18-49
That's the spirit, lad
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tony khan't in the mud
how is it subtle she literally points at it with both hands you FREAK
I thought you only drank lager
No he said he only drnks to get larger
Get ta fuck, lad
Canslad loves his cans so much he nonces them but he'll drink a variety of alcohol types
Do poos have a death wish? They do this with trains as well.
Might move to Chima
It's over for them
why do povvos have to be so loud and obnoxious out in public
it's like they forgot that they aren't in their shitty two bedroomed council shacks and amongst civilised people
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me with the rope
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Dead meme chud
Have noticed this more and more lately. People treating everywhere like it's their filthy living room. Dress like slobs, behave like cretins.
/pw/mong shitting up the thread as per.
Have you ever got 284,000 people to view something you did? Not into wrestling but clearly an achievement.

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