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Whitey when are you going back?
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it do be like that
Is that Chief Crying-Bitch?
It's not like that. The country of the United States of America was carved out by Anglo and later other European settlers. It's their country, they conquered it. There was no unified native American polity that was taken, and these polities had no hand in building what you know as the US today. That they are even allowed to publically seethe and get handouts is almost unprecedented historically. Anyway, at least they got to fight, Europe is being flooded by invaders and the people can't even fire one shot in anger.
>and the people can't even fire one shot in anger.
Why ?
The forces of their own governments are against them
>t. Portuguese
That explains the mental gymnastics for venting a colonial inferiority complex.
I don't see how explaining the reality of things is an inferiority complex. There is no America to give back because Indians never had it and didn't build it. Again, that they get benefits is hilariously merciful
as long as we get to stay I'm fine with this
Wdym? We've always been here.
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Joseph Smith told us that we were the original Americans albeit.
It’s so fucking joever
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Go back where? I was born here.
Indians today have basically everything they could ever possibly want except full independence, which the government will never willingly give them.
Here's what I don't get. Most of the US is unoccupied. But the US wouldn't let them go into the brush and regroup, they wanted them contained on reservations. It's basically the same thing Europe does to gypsies.
*scalps innocent white family*
*does a raindance*
*drinks listerine and gambles his life savings away at a casino*
*dies after he hits a tree while drunk driving*
>genocided and pushed out of your homelands
>what’s left of your people is forced onto a tiny fraction of the land you once held
>forced to give up your traditional lifestyle so you can eat goyslop and pay taxes like every goymerican
>the retards that took your land insist on making it as shitty and ugly as possible
>see all this coming before it happens, still couldn’t stop it
I’d drink and gamble too
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>innocent white family
>the land you once held
The problem is that they didn't hold it, they didn't settle anywhere or even claimed a land before the Europeans.
Nigga what
No permanent settlement, no concept of property etc, hard to say they held the land.
What's the complex?
When are you?
They did?
They weren't nomads.
They only moved when water ran out
Natives deserve a lot more respect and appreciation than blacks in America
They (natives) get an appropriate amount of respect.
Why do you guys pretend the natives were much more than they actually were?
They weren't like the Chinese. Not even the Aztecs or Incas.
No that was an Italian I think.
You(personally) deserve what's happening
I take a word from our greatest ally when it comes to genocide.
>if you don't follow my lifestyle, you deserve to be fucked over
Nigga what
Every day I stray further left seeing what Timmies really think
>nomads don't hold the land
Is this what they teach in French schools? Do you think the Mongols were a hippie commune?
When are you moving out from the lands you stole?
Timmies be like might makes right when dealing black and brown people but cry and moan about their jewish overlords exercising their will on them
How is that respect manifested, in reservations?

you worship blacks and feel "guilt' for them being sold by their niggers for you as cattle while you don't really care much about the whole continent of people your anglo grannies erased.
This lol
>We conquered this land
>Start crying when natives chant "Kill the boer"
Kys, golem
I just read 'In the walls of Eryx'.
If you want them to genocide lizard ppl you must first get them to Venus.
Cala a tua boca, seu lixo subumano

Pedaço de bosta

Eu mal posso esperar para ver um Sarmat caindo em Lisboa
/leftypol/ raid?
>my white ass is on fire!!!
>t.eu quero um negrocídio caraí
Based Tuga telling it like it is
>Do you think the Mongols were a hippie commune?
Good example, their empire only existed through the tribes they subjugated, they cared more about owning the people than about owning the land, so in that sense no they didn't hold the land.
Bilu tava de sacanagem aí na direita bicho.
>cleytinho tetrarracial chamando alguém de subhumano

they are so conspicuous, right?
Mongols got mad cause some Indian overlord beat theyr asses and then proced to make the largest land empire.
Sort like the Portuguese that got btfo after Vasco Da Gama reach India then send and armada and forged the first global marine empire.
the french colonialists racemixed them, I wish I was there to do it too...
Natives live alone and unbothered. That's the best they could hope for given their circumstances. If the media injected them into everything and lauded heaps of undue praise at them, everyone would just get sick of them like they did with blacks.
Timur was an Uzbek. Timurids (Mogols) are Uzbeks. Uzbeks were the ones who united India first and Brits took it from them
>just get sick of them
As for a foreigner it seems that blacks are dominant in your popular culture and it's been so for a long time now. You get sick but nothing changes white Americans are pushed to believe that slavery was something that makes them outstandingly bad and guilty whereas it's common throughout the whole world. It's mix of an American lack of interest for the history of the world and arrogance used as a tool to deceive
In the old world if a tribal nation of 10 000 hunter gatherers held 500 000 square miles of territory you can bet you ass they would have been conquered already many thousands of years ago. Mind you that's 500 square miles per person.

To who a land belongs is a complicated philosophical question that has never been resolved. From a right wing perspective, a land belong to those who have been living on it. From a left wing perspective a land belongs to who is working it. Usually it's not an issue because those who have been living on it have been the ones who was working it. Do you see where I'm going?

Let me ask you a question, who built Canada and the US? Because there was not a single buidling, not a single road, not a single port because the Indians didn't build thing.

When you immigrate to Canada or the US, your not immigrating in the wilderness or in an empty desert. So how can you say that a city like New York belongs to natives? What effort did they put in building that city? They didn't or they did it in extremely small margins. Everything north of Virginia was built by solely Europeans wheter you like it or not.

The question of native culture is also a misleading one. Because there is a huge fucking gap in terms of technological development and cultural complexity, it's just not comparable. At some point, you have a qualitative leap. Playing drums on animal skin is nice, but it's not a grand piano. You cannot produce a piano without a advanced civilization. Those things are not equal.

Do you really think that Indians wanted to go live outside in a tent and hunt for food? You don't go back from the taste of flour. If the Indians have willingfully engaged in trade it's because they wanted to and they saw benefits in doing so.

You guys probably have some clownish idea about this land's history white devil disembarked on the coast and killed them all like in a Micheal Moore movie.
*50 square miles per person whatever
>innocent white family
Man, Poortugeese education really is a joke (and not even a funny one)
Hollywood (or are you talking about rap/hip hop?) isn't our culture. It represents a sensationalist version of what few parts are based on reality, but it never shows all of the opinions and thoughts of the majority. The majority of Americans are indifferent to blacks at best and don't see whites, who were born centuries after slavery was legal, as guilty (duh).
>As for a foreigner
That's correct, you are a foreigner so don't run your mouth on how America operates. Every fucking school year Americans have to learn about the heckin native genocide just like they have to learn about heckin slavery. Not good enough "worship" for you faggot?
He's correct.
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>t. macaco
Who are the Mayans, the Inca. What even is Turtle Island.
He is an absolute lunatic moron, like every single fagtogeese fuckbum
True in some ways. Sparse tribes plopping some tents down doesn't really make a country. All the achievements came from European settlers.
Jose, Diego, Gabriel, and Juan all say the same thing. So does Tryone and Shaqweesha. What now?
>Mayans, the Inca
Not relevant. You should be asking Mexico and South American countries to return that land. The United States of America was settled and built by Europeans.
when you go back to Asia, chief
>be brit
>hear news from the americas
>disembark in the north
>kill every tribe
>think you did something

Spaniarda had it much harder than the cucks occupying nobody's land. Not only did they take the risk of actually trying to find the good out of the americas, they also had to make do with a tiny army. Brits? they just jumped on the already built train and occupied land with few tribes scattered around.
North america is nobody's land, that's why it's white.
South and central america are indian land, that's why it's brown

hope you got it
"""Settled""" only because Europoors are below decent humans beings that can not hold treaties, like proper respectable actual people
>Jose, Diego, Gabriel, and Juan
parents crossed the border illegally and shat them out
>Tryone and Shaqweesha
one way paid tickets to an african country of their choice
They weren't using the land. The settlements were a transfer from land wealthy wastrels to hard working immigrant Europeans.
You're either trolling or you are just as stupid as the next poortugeese (or both)
They were all born there is my point. Why should they have to move?
No human is illegal. The Europeans were immigrants seeking a better life in a land of abundance. There was more than enough land for everyone. Unfortunately, a lot of the xenophobic natives resorted to physical violence to stop the poor immigrants. Also sad they 99% of them died to disease because of their isolationism.
>They weren't using the land
europeans didnt use them for thousands of years before they built their first civilization.
Anglos are just oportunistic cucks
Why did North America become so great despite being almost entirely empty while everything south of that became so poor despite already having "great civilizations"?
> Yo give me Toronto because
Oh yeah that's right they got genocided by other natives
> Yo give me Las Vegas because my band of people were camping there for a long time. Give me the whole fucking city.

You have a bad woke education.
Because I have to subsidize a lot of them and I don't want to.
You say that as if Euros gave a fuck how the land was being used. What happened to the Aztecs? What happened in China? And literally everywhere else Euros explored?
I mean US and Canada, not North America.
>What happened to the Aztecs?
Idk, their descendants are still populating the area, right?

>What happened in China?
Brought out of poverty by American trade despite their hostile and unfair mercantilism.

>literally everywhere else Euros explored
They are real civilizations now instead of mud huts and tents?
See >>200106263
Spaniards killed those great civilizations and bred with the lesser tribes, eventually the culture of either got dilluted into a whole new thing that's basically 200 years old.

When you transfer an already thousands of years old culture to another piece of land they're going to be much better at organizing themselves
See this *unzips*
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One of the first things the freed slaves did when they were given Liberia was enslave Africans.
Not to mention we're already compensating them way more than what the land was providing them.
The Spaniards brought knowledge with them and they even got the bonus of the amazing indigenous knowledge which was far superior to savage colonizers. They continued to live there. That double knowledge should have served them well.
Not an argument.

By the way Greenland, what happened to the Thule civilisation? Did you genocide them and replace them?
that's like
your perception of it, clearly you dont know your history
For example, the incas wrote with rope knots (I think) since they killed them all they couldnt read them, and the spaniards also burned them now that I remember because it was satanic or something.
Slaves freed by the British did the same in Sierra Leone.
I didn't bring an argument because I do not intend to feed a troll.
>By the way Greenland, what happened to the Thule civilisation? Did you genocide them and replace them?
I suggest you leave back to that shithole India where you come from.
Nice argument as always, you ugly subhuman.
And just a reminder, the americas were no more than a huge mine for spaniards, they werent actually trying to settle there like the english
Could say the same thing to you!
Always that one pic, that one pic you think is Kalaallit Nunaat not realizing it's not, which shows just how much of a fucking moron you actually are

With roaming jesuits. Same here but even fewer settlers. It just took a 100 French settlers to outbreed 5,000 natives in my area. Hunter-Gatherers don't typically make 10 children families because they are always moving and it's hard to feed. I don't know how they practice their birth control, I guess they went mabiki like the Japanese or the Spartans.
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Wow, Scandinavian buildings and culture that have entirely replaced your whale bone and skin huts. Truly this shows the great value of your worthless culture.
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You think you are insulting and demeaning, but I am laughing at your pathetic attempts lmaoooo
Typical teepee nigger cope lmao! Why haven't your people ever accomplished anything?
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You seriously think I wanna interact with you with an actual answer?? Dayumm
You're incapable of it.
Chief Many-game it is over
You're incapable of not being delusional
At least try to be more creative. Put some effort to your trolling.
Use the same effort you put when erecting statues of Saint George in every state
Where's the delusion?
Don't worry, 200 more years and maybe your "people" will discover masonry.
I speak for every 1'987of us, when I post "No to BBC Worship Masonry Technology"
1,987? Wow, still too many. Hopefully the Danes start sneaking contraceptives into your food supply.
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They tried, but failed
Nope not here, nice cope. Someday my country is going to buy Greenland and move in 100,000 niggers, hopefully next to you.
>Nope not here, nice cope
Here is an article from news that definitely appeal to your taste
>Someday my country is going to buy Greenland and move in 100,000 niggers, hopefully next to you.
I'll take anyone but (((your))) kind
>Here is an article from news that definitely appeal to your taste
Wrong, I didn't find that interesting since implant contraceptives are ineffective compared to food additives.
>I'll take anyone but (((your))) kind
Like it's your choice lmao
>Greenland receives a block grant from Denmark. The block grant equals about two-thirds of Greenland's government budget[20] or about one-quarter of the entire GDP of Greenland.[21]
Wow, thanks for the known stats, now do NATO military/Space base in our land, and crunch the numbers on why they save money and should pay MORE way MORE
holy rare, hello inuit chad
Hello fren
are u inuit frfr on gyatt or nah?
I am Inuk
Why don't you have an argument against the first one? Why do you assume that could only be written by a troll?
take me to england
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What color of leech are you?
euroniggers, stop making threads about us
t. redtail hawk
>nothing he said was wrong
>anons still seethe
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the trvth?"
Vast swathes, no huge swaths, nonono gigantic swaths of the new world and especially north America have been empty at the arrival of the Europeans. No injun to be found and for the rate occasion that they've been seen then mostly just in passing. The population of the new world was laughably small until the Europeans arrived and even then it took quite some time until their populations boomed to where they are today. The land was as good as untouched. Sure not all of North Am was that way, but enough to make me roll my eyes at stupid idiotic images like that.
Landback is not realistic under capitalism.

However, once capitalism is overthrown and with it the colonial nation states (america, canada, mexico) then amerindians will have the opportunity to form their republics, if they wish to do so.
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>have garden
>retard starts building on top of it
>"it's not your garden because you didnt build on it"
>have garden
>population density of like 0.1 per sq. km
>entirely nomadic north of Mesoamerica except for like 2 places
They didn't even live there permanently
dang, we wuz juait
i mean that's a pretty good response ngl
building stuff doesnt make land yours
by that logic you're saying the indians owned the land
>they didnt even live there permanently
so they lived everywhere?
So it was theirs
Ermies we don’t heggin own land das a invention of da capitalist industrialists pig-chuds
>building stuff doesnt make land yours
Yeah you're right, conquering it does. All throughout history this happened and nobody cares Chinese took over a huge landmass that belonged to others. But some neolithic nomads somehow own the entirety of North America in perpetuity. Curious...
I have native american ancestry so I am a native american too
Portuguese people unironically think that slavery, colonization and genocide led by portugal were good things, they see themselves as "white (brown) saviors", they're dumb
>supported by new evidence
the evidence:
you didnt conquer nothing
Napoleon conquere, you just claimed a bunch of empty land as yours and bugged anyone that used it to submit to you
The spanish couldnt do this because they didnt even know there was an america. Since the anglos are opportunistic cucks, took all the info from the spaniarda and set themselves to "conquer" the empty land up north that was used as hunting ground by the indians. When they "conquered" it, they just bugged anyonce who's been using it for thousands of years to become "civilized".
It's a very pathetic thing to feel proud of. The spanish conquest has been much more noble and a true achievent, millions of times more valuable that the anglo voyage
shiet I forgot to focus on my writing
>you just claimed a bunch of empty land as yours
Oh you mean exactly like what the natives did? So then it's rightful clay for us by the same logic. Thanks for agreeing!
circular logic
>it was ebin when the spanish conquered indios but it was bad when the Anglos did it... because uhhh... it just was OK???
speaking of no logic...
Man, Sacajawayway was pretty damn hot. You think Lewis and Clark took turns or just spit roasted her daily?
China is an actual civilization so they bounced back. That was just another war really. They were killing each other and collapsing for thousands of years before.
Don't forget how the fool contradicts himself.
>"The land of Y isn't yours! It belongs to X!"
>"Your forefather's conquest of Y wasn't based, since no one really owned that land!"
What was the point of the mixing and Christianizing then?
So you can send a (((missionary))) to make indios pick cotton and say he's converting them.
You forgot Vikings, 2nd peoples
Not really. Not anymore than the Soviet Republics in the Far East.

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