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Bangladesh is collapsing
It’s over
>Zeihan found a new grift
Kek. Tapping into that anti-India sentiment next I guess
>a ruin is being ruined and turning into ruiner ruin
none will see the difference
How many weeks?
next week:
>venezuela is collapsing
>wtf??? how did he know?
That’s what they got for Indian hate
Bangladesh reunites with India when?
God no.... I d rather they take west Bengal as well and leave us alone. I'm from north eastern India and we don't look like jeets. More Chinese and sea and these scum fucks have infested every border town. Last time they for uppity as sent trucks full of their heads to the Pajeet pm as a warning to get the border under control. Unfortunately the Bengali niggers hav out bred us
Are there lots of Chinese near the border?
I was wondering where all the vpn flags went lmao. The students are fucked.... The hardline Muslims will take over and they can kiss their comfy pseudo intellect lives goodbye.
Not my state but Arunachal Pradesh does have Chinese military presence at the border.
How does Zeihan make money? I mean what kind of loser would want to pay to listen to him talk about China struggling? It's almost psychotic
Bump because things are supposedly escalating.
Peter is 6'6
My uncle owns a tea plantation there. I need to go he has his own hotel and does tourist nature walks, said he will fly me over for free but he always warns me il be getting the shits for 5 days and I'm too busy to be stuck in a hotel toilet

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