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I feel so fucking good right now
I wish this feeling would last forever
I have never enjoyed living in the world
And is there a reason for that?
Recomand me some kino series
I'm talking to this girl and I think she's into me
Taking it slow though, I feel like she is really gf material and I really hope something will happen
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henlo, hope everybody's as unburdened by what has been as me
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je tam jeste?
Very nice, anon.
>Taking it slow though
Best option if
>gf material
Gdzie jest mój dom,
gdzie jest mój dom.
Woda huczy po łęczynach,
bory szumią po skalinach,
w sadzie lśni wiosenny kwiat,
widać że to ziemski raj!
Oto jest ta piękna ziemia,
ziemia czeska, mój dom,
ziemia czeska, mój dom!
Fug, I'm only reading it now, the Czech anthem... kek
we need a vocaroo
Pls, do it.
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I bought a car today
Mazda 3
I hope you ended up accepting the better offer.
yes, ended up paying 130k PLN for slightly worse engine instead of 160k
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let me make you smile
So what trip are you going on?
probably a celebratory haul from Zabka. That's what I would do, anyway
I went on long dogo walking today, it was really pretty outside
gonna start with some shorter local ones to practice driving (I have barely driven during the past 10 years)
first big trip I plan is to Czechia and possibly Austria in September, for some hiking and cruising, when I will have 2 weeks off work
cool af anon
Nice. Did you take manual or automatic?
automatic, i'm a lazy driver
Probably a better choice considering you haven't driven much.
also it's time too look for some land to buy in southern poland, I don't want to live in w*rsaw anymore
I used to drive a manual alfa romeo to school every day back when I was 18 so it's not like I can't operate it, it's just I prefer not to
also did a lot of stupid shit back then such as winter drifting in local town or going 200+ km/h with friends on a one lane road in a forest
but I grew up since then
buy something in the mountains or near the mountains, the plain is depressing
picrel, you can see flat Poland on the horizon
>but I grew up since then
same, I am driving like old grandpa
I would do it with a bad anglo accent but I don't know what the melody is like
it is time for the freestyle
make up your own, lol this is taking unexpected turns
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I'm already embarrassed before posting it
original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsCeFv9Z03A
kek this'll give me nightmares
jk, solid effort Anon, I would not do any better
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They say the sky high above
is Caribbean blue …
I found a really nice Suzuki a couple of months back, but I realized I have to pay the gubernment and insurance companies like 600 EUR a year just so I can drive it and I gave up on buying my own car
They say Dark is pretty good
I think it's from Germany
>I have to pay the gubernment and insurance companies like 600 EUR
The cheapest insurance is like 100-200EUR, what else?
My insurance would be more like 200-250 EUR, because I'm still relatively inexperienced
The registration and technical inspection is like ~150 EUR
And another 100 EUR for yearly toll (I'm pretty sure Czechia has a vignette system similar to Slovenia)
The annoying part is that it doesn't scale depending on the value of the car as much as you would expect, you end up paying more or less the same amount, no matter what car you own. The registration gets more expensive if you have a larger engine, and the insurance does also account for the value of the car, but it's not like somebody who owns a new 50k EUR Mercedes would be paying 10 times as much
>The registration and technical inspection is like ~150 EUR
IDK, never been to technical inspection
>Czechia has a vignette system similar to Slovenia

but the freedom of mobility is worth it
>it doesn't scale depending on the value of the car
but I also have insurance in case I cause an accident and the insurance company will pay for the damage to my car
and that insurance is scaled to the exact value of the vehicle,
and trust me, you don't want to know how much I'm paying
we even have an extra surcharge for poor people. Can't afford a new car so you're buying second hand old car? That will be an extra fee + tip.
>IDK, never been to technical inspection
It's hard to get around that here, the registration has to be renewed yearly, and you have to pass the technical inspection to get it renewed. Your best bet is to find a mechanic who is approved by the gubernment and accepts bribes

>but the freedom of mobility is worth it
Yeah, I don't disagree it's cheaper long-term, but it does seem like a big amount of money when you have to pay it all at once...
Not to mention that the traffic is horrible, especially right now in the summer, because all you guys are heading to Croatia, so I don't really feel like I'm getting the value out of it

Insurance are jews, no doubt about that
But paying 200 EUR insurance a year on a 2000 EUR shitbox is annoying, especially because the car would likely be written off in any serious accident because it's not worth fixing it. And if I get hit by a BMW X5 in a Honda or Suzuki shitbox, the BMW will probably be fine
>the registration has to be renewed yearly
What the fuck...
Here it is once per 4y in case of new car, and than once per 2y? Idk
>But paying 200 EUR insurance a year on a 2000 EUR shitbox is annoying
Sure, but you're paying your insurance for the damage you do to others.
You certainly don't want to crash car worth +100K euros without insurance.
I could be wrong, I think if you buy a new car, the first registration is 2 or 4 years, but for used cars it is definitely every year, yes. And you can't just go to any mechanic for the inspection, they need to be specifically certified by the gubernment and have all the emissions testing equipment and what not.

>You certainly don't want to crash car worth +100K euros without insurance
and the people with the +100K cars are the shittiest drivers...
>they need to be specifically certified by the gubernment
Same here, crazy mafia btw.
>and the people with the +100K cars are the shittiest drivers...
I don't know, I've met crazy drivers in all kinds of the cars...
At least the gas prices are not too bad...
I don't know why politicians want owning a car to be a privilege
>I don't know why politicians want owning a car to be a privilege
Every politician's dream is to limit mobility, and to have a monopoly on information.
they want you to take the public transport and pay with plastic that they can use to control every aspect of your life. Plus there's the symbolism of you independently taking care of your transport vs being serviced by big daddy government etc

I'mma call it a day, could not sleep last night so I'm crazy tired. GN Anons
gn anon
But Muricans can drive basically any shitbox they want, and stop at Walmart to buy an AR-15
Even China I feel like, even if their quality is worse, they make stuff locally, so it's cheaper. And European quality is plummeting as well. VW and Mercedes should literally disband and give everything as scrap metal to gypsies. I see more and more Volvos and MGs every day. Skoda, Dacia and MG are literally the only cars an average European can afford.

Good night
>European can afford
Decent new Skoda = +30k EUR

The Octavia starts at 23K, that's really the most I would be willing to pay for a car (were it not a Skoda)
>The Octavia starts at 23K
You can have much better car for 23k
Of course. But if you want new (which you shouldn't, but let's put that aside), there aren't a lot of options
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It's good to be back, frens.
>there aren't a lot of options
Disagree. I think you can buy a new i30 with an atmospheric engine (!!!), which is a small miracle in these times.
It is just rebranded VW nowadays
Politicians love it because you can get Audi level comfort without people being annoyed of government employees driving an expensive car
Skoda is the most popular government car IIRC
Maybe the specific models differ by country, but the base model here for 23K is 96 HS 6-speed... Not too bad Hyundai. But I think it's hybrid only?
>Skoda is the most popular government car IIRC
same here, but probably because they give big discounts on fleet

And the last generation Skodas are terrible shit - slow interface, stupid controls, etc
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>without people being annoyed of government employees driving an expensive car
Wait, your politicians don't wear rolex watches and have >20 houses?
Why do they advertise all the smart shit, how you can connect your smart dildo to the infotainment system or whatever, I just want a vehicle to get from point A to point B that has an internal combustion engine, air conditioning and will not turn to rust in 5 years like a VW
>But I think it's hybrid only?
Even last year, they offered an atmospheric engine. With full features, under 20k euros.
Dont know about this year offers.
I meant more sophisticated countries and not necessary head of governments but mayors and things like that
Politicians, at least elected ones are corrupt here
>don't wear rolex watches
Bro, it is year of apple watches, kek.
they don't want you to be free.
Nevermind, the one I mentioned is not a hybrid
The biggest problem is this year's novelty - speeding warnings. This shit supposedly can't be turned off. All new cars are required to have this "feature".
Software can always be hacked, just give it to the Russians or Chinese
Sure, but they'll be checking it at regular technical inspections. It's just more shit that one has to deal with.
By my calculations, I'll be buying a new car sometime in early 2027, and I'm already worried.
I will NOT buy a car in Brazil.
I will NOT buy a house in Brazil.
I will NOT marry in Brazil.
Simple as.
I WILL buy a wife in Brazil
Same team. But I will accept her as a gift.
Slavery was abolished in 1888, anon.
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No clouds.
I don't understand why foreigners think Brazil is some mythical land of hot women.
The only time in my life when I consistently saw beautiful women everyday was when I worked at the airport.
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There are sexy women in every country. But you can find sexy women of other races in Brazil.
This is something impossible in Central Yurope.
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Why is Enya so good?
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And I can't find the ones I want here (actually I can, but they are all dating CEOs).
Easy. Start talking about yourself as CEO.
Who's Enya?
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>Who's Enya?
Lying won't get me far, anon.
Sorry kek
Gonna listen to her right now.
i literally made last weed a post on /g/
now i cant cause of fking rangebans?

what the hell are romanians doing????
>won't get me far
It's okay. Pussy is always close, kek.
>what the hell are romanians doing????
Just enjoy comfy night with Enya.
This is one of those songs you don't know the name but can recognize instantly.
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Let me sail, let me sail, let the Orinoco flow
>just me and the Orinoco
>you don't know the name
and I don't blame you.
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Im enjoying some rock and roll
I just need a small boat and to get over my fear of flying.
Dude, it is Enya night.
One day when I was a child I heard viva la vida in a TV program and immediately fell in love with it but it didn't say the name of the song and I went years without hearding the song again until I stumbled upon it last year.
enya think I care?
lel just kidding
I don't care for new age, I don't remember enjoying this kind of music (on my own), but I respect very much
in mazdas there's a button to mute it but I think you need to press it every time you start the engine
The fact is that I haven't heard Enya in 10 years, until today by coincidence.
enya is something I would listen with a girl drinking wine
When was your Mazda made? I don't think you can turn it off with a button in cars made after May 2024.
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>enya is something I would listen with a girl drinking wine
I just sent it to a MILF a little while ago, and now she's laughing at me for being too romantic.
there's a mute button, I explicitly asked about it if it works and it works
lucky you, like I said
>I don't think you can turn it off with a button in cars made after May 2024.
post some more romantic kinos
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Good one
>to a MILF
well pointed
I think after 35 (Im 38) the chances we end involved with milfs is very high, due probability and how women want to have kids. lel.
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el magyaro probably posted cp again or some shit
romania is rangebanned again on making threads cause of that moron

are you fking kidding me..... cant even post on pol, yesterday or two days ago i made a thread
>women want to have kids
That concerns me. Every time.
You are a hot-blooded nation, Brazil of Europe.
>That concerns me
we have to doctrinate them, pointing all in life costs money.
but if there's no choice, I would end up having kids with a decent girl in the future. but only if I had no escape, which I think is almost impossible.
its important to point another thing: I would only have a kid if I had really good money. Which is the opposite of what I live. I live perfectly fine but with a simple life.
>we have to doctrinate them, pointing all in life costs money.
It doesn't work. They act in such a way that it's not their problem.
>but only if I had no escape, which I think is almost impossible
>I would only have a kid if I had really good money
Poor people who shoud have 0 children are having dozens.
I didn't even recognize it. Well, the song. I have some vague memory of a trans woman sending me that song on Discord and I found it so totally unremarkable that I didn't remember the song itself.
Henlo Jerzy.
>They act in such a way that it's not their problem.
Yeah, you can see nowadays how people on earth think money is just not something to worry. everything is so wrong with people... I don't know where to start.
In Brazil there's a fever of people killing each other with knives.
I think when the universe start to balance this kind of fucked up things the bad ones will really take up the ass
>You are a hot-blooded nation, Brazil of Europe.
i think every latin country in europe is the brazil of europe

italy terroni and northeners, poor areas and rich areas, brown areas and white areas
spain same
portugal might be the same i dunno
romania same issues
>nowadays how people on earth think money is just not something to worry
always been like that
>i think every latin country in europe is the brazil of europe
Good. I meant it as a compliment. I love Romania.
It has a unique aesthetic.
Karma doesn't exist, bro.
Yes, it does.
>I think after 35 (Im 38) the chances we end involved with milfs is very high

38 on 4chin? i feel old at 29
I am 34 and it is over.
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If it did, most people would die before reaching 18 for practicing bullying or collaborating with bullying.
>38 on 4chin? i feel old at 29
I hear I'm old for imageboards since the first day here (I was 23)
You have to do some bad things in life.
I guess so.
>Karma doesn't exist, bro.

"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame."
Revelations 16:15
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I'm listening to the unofficial Polish anthem again, dancing cow.
The best day of my entire life was when I beat the fuck out of my bully in high school with a wood plank. I felt alive.
I, on the other hand, was the one doing the bullying. To this day, I still feel very guilty. The only relief is that he has a great life today.
what jobs are future proof these days?
>was the one doing the bullying
You should. Have you ever thought of apologizing to him?
house renovator
all-time trustable jobs are: doctor, lawyer and desntist
I've apologized in person.
top 10 degrees in 2024:
>gender studies
>lesbian dance theory
>critical race theory
>erotica writing
>social studies
>science-fiction writer
>lesbian dance theory
based, I finally know what I'm going to study
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You did well.
cs would be good if you were in 1985 and was a friend of bill gates
A drug dealer. This is the only profession that is promising in every era. Just don't do it in Malaysia or something.
i'd rather be a prostitute
my ass is kinda phat also, not the belly or other just the ass
CS is good if you're going into the actuarial field, which in that case it's best if you just do actuary
no homo, sry
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I took 50 mg of diazpam and a hit from. My my vapourizer
Oh I forgot to mention that I'm sober for a month and I suddenly did it
At least in the US context CS is making much more money than engineering. Of course you need to complement it with something like a double major in mathematics, statistics, physics, data science or everything
Then you're basically set yeah
>50 mg
what the fuck... isn't the usual dose 5-10mg?
Bro you just need Enya.
i think your doctors can handle that
every person I see taking benzodiazepine is a bit homo
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>doctors can handle that
>Ohh, son, you got a problem with benzos?
>Here, try more of these.
Benzos are the worst pills from a doctor. That shit is so addictive.
It does create great comfy times, but in the end there is a much bigger price to pay.
>em Salvador na Bahia
Como assim????????????????
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If only y'all heard some of the stories I've heard in college...
if i member its about the same
they are outsourcing a lot of cs these days
You can talk to us as well.
I was bullied for multiple reasons, and one of them was being white.
Also, speak english.
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>If only y'all heard some of the stories I've heard in college...
I bet they know the stories. But benzos are just so yummy.
No tempo em que estudei em Salvador foi bem de boa. Todo mundo era amigo de todo mundo. Ia pro yacht club da Bahia com os meus amigos, pras festinhas da escola nas mansões dos amigos no horto florestal ou em alphaville, tinha churrasco e futebol e ia para as casas de praia do pessoal na praia do forte. Muito bom este tempo. Até 2013 foi muito bom Salvador. Você concorda???
Você estudou em qual escola? Não foi particular?
Czech media reported the death of a Brazilian guitarist.
Por quê o Brasil piorou em 2013 e foi totalmente para a merda em 2015? Parece que tipo o país acabou em 2015. Você acha o quê???
I keep lying to him to give me more benzos
>Speak. English.
kek, he won't, he's probably still offended
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that might be a problem
>I keep lying to him to give me more benzos
You're at the stage where you MUST quit or you're going to have a meltdown and/or a hard rehab in a some institution.
its over.
It's not.
I've been sober for a month and I was sorta ok.
Life is so boring without drugs.
I was so happy because of this girl I'm talking.
I'm so self destructive
How were you bullied for being white??? I thought everyone was friends with everyone in Salvador??? Hello???
>I'm so self destructive
I don't think you know what hell awaits you in detox.
I've told you before, but again: benzo withdrawal symptoms are insane.
>How were you bullied for being white???
Unironically yes.
he's not so famous I'm afraid
I just checked the news here on google
I'll just sleep it off
>benzo withdrawal symptoms
Super slow taper can fix that yes
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>he's not so famous I'm afraid
He was famous today in Czechia.
And what about the next day?
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I'll quit every substance of course
I feel terrible. Thinking of quitting my anti depressants as well
it says he dies on stage
I have to check this out tomorrow on the news lolololol
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>it says he dies on stage
After being hugged by a wet fan.
>quitting my anti depressants as well
small steps, anon, this shit is tricky too
Why are hippie women so attractive?
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*also, When I watch the news these days it feels like I'm watching those "Premonition" (or Final Destination, dunno) movies
We both know she has a beaver. It's rare and kind of sexy.
Brapzil is more like this, drinking hallucinogenics
Bad luck sells. Czech commercial news are full of other people's miseries.
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I don't know what's going on or what it's about, but it's cool.
it's people taking DMT and praying (in form of chants)
Yeah you're right
I just feel bad all the time and I don't know what to do
Maybe quitting all substances is the answer
DMT camps are illegal in Czechia (unfortunately)
>Maybe quitting all substances is the answer
>I don't know what to do
Focus on the girl. These things do wonders.
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In Brazil, you are considered rude if you leave a party without saying goodbye to everyone you know.
Meanwhile, in Denmark:
How are you inpooting? I want to inpoot in German
How many hours a day are you dedicating to Danish?
>rude if you leave a party without saying goodbye to everyone you know
That's rude everywhere in the world. Here's the only excuse alcohol-caused unconsciousness.
Do you read a lot in english/danish? What do you usually read?
>How many hours a day are you dedicating to Danish?
30 minutes reading a danish course book and ~40 minutes practicing
I don't like spending 15 minutes looking for people I know just to say goodbye
>I don't like spending 15 minutes looking for people I know just to say goodbye
then the solution is alcoholic unconsciousness
I try, but finding interesting content is difficult
My entire youtube feed is in english
I was an initiate of that religion (Santo Daime) for two and a half years. I learned a lot from drinking that drink (ayahuasca).
It is a state of ecstasy, very instructive. Few people have the courage to drink.
That song in the video is called "I come from the forest"
Danmark ligger i Centraleuropa
>Few people have the courage to drink.
I would, but only in the company of someone who knows what they're doing.
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I can't sleep, can you?
in a few minutes.
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Czech bro, thoughts?
Czech mate
Anyway, Czech these digits
Nice, but check THESE
>only in the company of someone who knows what they're doing.
this is important
you're a smart person
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I'm sorry Czech bro, these dubs made me do it.
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A fellow De Armas appreciator, I see.
I cant.
I think there are a lot of women I respect. 4chan is just a garbage dump.
But we still don't have anything like that here. So I'm gonna buy LSD from my friends again and have a nice weekend in the woods.
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He said he was going to stop coming here, and lasted less than two days.
Can you him? /icy/ is just too comfy.
*can you blame him
I'm not surprised at all. I was just hoping he had a stronger will.
Gonna sleep now.
Goodnight bros.
Anyway, GN anons.
Boa noite

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