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Realistically what % of France is white European these days?
30% at best. This country is lost. Its litteraly haiti.
Previously, testing for sickle cell disease was done for
>targeted populations considered to be at higher risk, such as the West Indian, African and Mediterranean populations.

In 2007, 28.45% were screened.

In 2016, 38.9%.

If we assume that 20% of screenings were due to "unclear answers" as in the first link, then the number that have that ancestry was 31% in 2016.
87%nonwhite you mean. Fr*nce is a brown third world shithole
This would be for new births btw. Keep in mind that the US is still 55-60% non-hispanic White despite less than half of births being White, which is basically inertia from previous generations. So it's not 31% brown/black, but probably 31%+ of new births are brown/black.
Its more like 60/70% nonwhite births, 10% other europeans and 20% native french
Among newborns, probably around 70% plus 3% mixed.
kek good joke anon
70% nonwhite its a negro shithole
Nah youll be fine.
why are you guys such doomers? you're far off better than we are. you still have time to save yourselves
No lmao this country is already a nonwhite caliphate slums
Delusional this shithole is a muslim run dictatorship, its majority nonwhite and is basically the sahel but with scandi prices. You dint know how good you have it or how bad it is in franceshit.
They greet with As-salamu alaykum in France nowadays
Is this true? I need a whitepill on France bros
Stop being apocalyptic. Even if Whites eventually become a minority France can still be saved.
of course it's true. don't tell me you actually buy into all the sensationalized chud propaganda
It's still the majority but not for long since a lot of white people are boomers
>muh 87%
if you exclude the old farts and keep only young and middle aged people, it's 40% native and 60% ooga boogas
>don't tell me you actually buy into all the sensationalized chud propaganda
If you walk through any major european city the indigenous population is easily only 10%
Kek no this shithole is majority nonwhite, even villages are filled with arabs and negros. This country is a giant favela
Thtas just how things are. There is nothing to save because there is nothing of worth in this shithole
official data from the INSEE (national statistics institute) said 44% newborns from immigration (fully or partially) and that was in 2017
Now 7 years later we can probably expect 50%+

Every other statistics are non official and shouldn't be taken seriously
What the absolute hell. How did this happen?
why would you abandon your homeland? and yes, I see the irony of this statement
Remember this
mmm sweetie races don't exist in france. They do exist in others countries somehow, in racist countries such as america or argentina.
Because its an antiwhite shithole and degeneracy central. The sooner it dies the better
Franceshit is cucked and already an african caliphate
The second post says probably 30%+ are non-European if you consider the rate of increase and the last measurement was 2016. I don't know if that's exactly a whitepill.
>How did this happen?
exponential growth. We've imported so much more since the 90s and it never stopped. We get like 250k people every year, that's +0.3% of the population every year, but the new arrivals make 4-5 kids. These kids' later birthrates then stabilize down to the level of local birthrates (around 2 babies) and their numbers directly compete with natives

You keep increasing the arrivals, and with that the local competition, and it just keeps doubling, and doubling, etc you get the idea
where would you even go?
who cares, they deserve what they get for all the colonizing they did
Latam, asia, the anglosphere... anywhere is better than here
have the french youth given up? i feel like you guys have capitulated. but i dont know anything of whats going on in france
>you guys have capitulated.
Glad to know people still follow centuries old french traditions. The flag will be the only white thing in this country in a few years.
so its actually over? it's weird how french people are many millions yet not one single person does anything
the french youth is actually the most active one in this regard. It's getting more and more polarized. People are now understanding that democracy is a scam. The national party is the first in term of votes but because of the stupidity of Le Pen, and the alliances of all others parties, it will never get power.

Like most of western cunts, it was the boomers who ruined the demography.
will it be enough?
you forgot to mention that Marine Le Pen somehow became the biggest Israel and Jew cocksuckers, that the other far right party is led by a literal """converted""" Jew, and that even some of the fiercest antisemites in France like Soral still accept that Muslims can be French because they are "trad".
it's literally completely and fully over.
Yeah it was over for a long time, now its just minority white
>many milions
Kek no
strongly doubt it, it will result in more and more balkanization and natives french going to rural places. Macron have a clear strategy to send refugees directly in those places. People are protesting it more. One year ago a mayor got his cars bombed because he wanted to welcome some of them
Compared to Portugal 100%
true, everyone is playing the game "i'm more antiracist than you"
Your recent elections straight up looked like a Weimar German election from the 1920s. I know neither your left nor your right is as radical as the KPD or the NSDAP, but the center in your country seems to be collapsing the same way it did back then in Germany.

Even Macron sabotaging the NF's chance and basically handing the far left power seems to reflect how the center in Germany compromised and threw its support behind one side to counter the threat of the other. And in the same way, it seems he's underestimating the far left. He seems to be in a delusion that people will come crawling back to him after 4 years of a socialist fuck up, but if anything people will be more radicalized by then.
Yep, he played short term and botched it. Now he's hated by his own party members since lot of them lost their places. He's probably gonna let one far left politician in charge and come back for 2027 saying "see how many shit they did vote for my guys". But even the far left don't want the position because they know it's a trap.

It leads to people not trusting politics but still a sizeable part of french are big stupid sheeps.
The recent decline of the conservative party in the United Kingdom should also serve as a harbinger of playing these sorts of cynical politics. I think they've all gotten used to boomers being retarded docile cattle voting for Macron in France, CDU in Germany and the Tories in the UK. But the boomers are dying off and everyone under the age of 55 is pissed. Also everyone has clicked on that the promises to solve immigration are just lies, and after 12+ years, I don't think they can ever get that goodwill back.

>come back for 2027 saying "see how many shit they did vote for my guys".

That's literally what the centrists in Germany thought when Hitler got into power. They thought he'd be a one term retard, they could control him and things would get better. I'd say not to underestimate the Far Left in the same way, they could speed up the Great Replacement and just pay off all the ethnic minorities for votes, and stay in power perpetually as the demographics shift in their favor. Eventually it comes to a point where the FN won't ever have a chance to win due to there not being enough whites.
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ok then explain this
probs around 80-90%
lived in france for a year pretty recently and it wasn't nearly as bad as doomers say
the truth is that most of 2nd generation nafri men are the equivalent of the US black dad, ie they either don't have kids or don't raise them. the majority of nafri women are no longer muslim (even if they still "feel" part of a minority) and therefore don't give muslim names to their children.
as for Blacks, they started giving Christian names to their children several generations ago even before coming to France. in fact even Black muslims rarely wear muslim names.
the ethnic minorities don't vote as much as the far left want them to. The part where the less people are generally the most replaced ones.
kek you're really trying to convince people that there's a whole generation of Black muslims and Nafris called Gabriel and Louise
there are tons of Blacks called Gabriel and Louise. they aren't African-Americans, they don't give retarded names. and yes, most nafri women would unironically call their daughter Louise if they are alone to choose (because the father is AWOL) or if the dad is white (nafri women get white fever as soon as they are just a little bit emancipated).
holy shit you're retarded
>let me tell you about your country
yeah whatever, Lopez.

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