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How do i escape this place and europe in general?
Marry me and get a green card. We don't even need to sex but maybe some cuddling at least
go to the airport and get on a plane
You need a visa and an occupation to escape this hellhole
Dubai hires Euro expats exclusively
there are millions of illegal immigrants, join them
Stay in your muslim shithole.
go to centre paris and scream IK HAAT NEGERS!!!
Move to Réunion
Only browns can do that.
I have already tried getting hired in kuwait, ksa, oman, bahrein, qatar. Without success.
Stfu tax haven.
Move to Eastern Europe. Nobody considers it Europe anyway.
Not allowed. Normal people cant move to the islands. Only essential workers and high ranking civil servants can.
You have a French passport, you can go to any country you want.
i will smuggle you in
Thats not how it works. Maybe indians can waltz anywhere they want but i requure a visa to live in every non shitropean country
Keep crying bitch. And don't come here. There's already way too many of your kind.
He means you get visa-free access to almost any country for up to 3 months. In those 3 months fucking around as a tourist, maybe you'll meet someone who is willing to offer you a job. Better chances in person than just being another name on hiring list.
I once told an anti-American American to join the French Foreign Legion, so I'd say for you to join the US Army and get a green card that way.
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Lying faggot
what do you mean you CAN'T relocate from one part of your country to another
France is a unified homogenized gigacentralist turbofaggotparisgoyfuckfest central fucking NIGGER fuckfest of a paris FUCK FUCKERS big parisian cock FUCKING
it's like you told me you can't move from Târgoviște to Iași wtF!!
>gray French Africa visible from space
civilizating mission sisters...
Except it absolutely never happens irl
Thats for visitors you absolute mong. That leans you dont need a visa to do tourism in that country for 2 to 4 weeks. If you want to live in all of those countries you need a visa.
Because the islands have special rules that give priority to islanders. Non natives arent allowed to live there or work unless they are essential workers.
Thats how it is here you can only live in mainland france which is a shithole dump.
just leave, bitch
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Yeah like any country is going to deport a white european.
These are your brothers who do this all the time.
I thought the French were supposed to be charismatic. Just by having a diploma from a French university gives you a huge advantage. I'm sure you'll tell me that foreign employers will just overlook someone with experience working at a French company in your particular field.
And they get immediately deported. Only browns can just waltz into any country and stay there forever without any kind of paperwork. Overstay you visa single day as a european and you are facing a fine+ immediate deportation.
Noone goves a shit french universities are garbage and degrees from france are completely worthless especially in my field (law, finance).they will only hire locals or maybe south asians.
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You're an idiot. You'd find something to complain about even if you were born the child of a billionaire. You live in one of the best countries on the planet and still bitch and moan.
Yeah it's clear you're just trolling now.
No chance that a european doesn't know the combined power of his passport, white skin and euros.
Worst shitholes on the planet you mean
You are either teolling or delusional if you think this country isnt the trashcan of europe/the west and a litteral dump.
Those are 4chan memes
Noone gives a shit and will deport you as a european
>white skin
Noone cares irl stop feeding into poltard delusions
frabce is a third world shithole most people are richer than me
and i have travelled around quite a bit. I would pick india, sri lanka or nepal over fr*nce any day of the week
Come here froggy boy
We're not in europe anymore
You can get a white monkey job in any one of those countries you listed.
>most people are richer than me
Are you retarded?
I would move to the cayman if i could. Theres plenty of jobs in my sector too. Too bad you need to be a caymanian (?) To even apply
you don't, you make this thread for years now and you are just inept.
>white monkey jobs
Dont exist. You should stop feeding on 4chan memes. The only jobs open to people in asia are english teaching but you need to be a native english speaker and have a teaching degree
france is a litteral shithole and the majority of countries make and save mire than us
I dont. You seem to be projecting.
>Noone cares irl
lol come on bro.
>those are 4chan memes
Lol I've travelled to a lot of countries and white skin+firstie passport+good currency is prerequisite for good experience in firstie cunts and worshipped as gods in thirdie cunts.
I have travelled a bit in sea, central asia and north america and litteraly noone gave a shit. If anything its more of a pain in the ass in asia because people will try to scam the shit out of you.
>worshipped as gods in thirdie cunts.
Ask me how i know you havent travelled and base your view on 4chong memes. Litteraly noone gave a shit about muh white skin when i was in asia. You are absolutely delusional
Yeah it definitely wasn't me waiting for an hour to clear immigration in heathrow after a 7 hour flight while people like you waltzed past through the automated gates.
Fuck you.
>people from countries nearby have easier immigration when visiting their neighbours, a country 100kms away than a country thousands of kms away
>must be white privilege
I waited 8 hours to cross into tajikistan while russians and central asians could go straight through
Two can play that game, is that your best you got
Thanks for confirming you base your worldview on 4chan pol memes
There are clubs in China that give free drinks to foreigners just to attract more Chinese customers (they get the false impression that the club is cool because foreigners are partying there). Asian girls literally throw themselves at you if you have European features (and I'm an ugly fucker). You're probably some snobby unlikable bitch.
This post reeks of projection. Touch grass.
>Asian girls literally throw themselves at you if you have European features
4chan memes and ive been across asia
lmao how this dysgenic country even exists. it should had been divided between spain england and germany 220 years ago
Yeah Americans and Australians have to wait hours to enter UK or Schengen. They don't live next door you see.
They both share historical and political links with the UK, are you playing retarded?
Z btw
go to the embassy of the country of your choosing nigga
Yeah there are strong cultural ties between Australia and Slovakia.

Also I done replying to your bait posts.
Chinese girls would take pictures of my ass in the supermarket. I fucked a few without trying very hard at all. Some blond blue-eyed US guy was fucking a new one every week.
> projection
What did I whine about? What am I snobby about? You're the one complaining about every little thing while living in a fucking first world country.
Imagine being born French and failing this much at life. You'd have killed yourself by now if you were born in any country that's not in EU/NATO.
Already tried. Didnt work.
Yes australia is an anglosphere country and slovakia is an eu member, the thing the uk was part of. Are you trolling or legit dum?
Project more, i accept your concession.
Muh being white doesnt help. The opposite actually
stop memeing you retarded gypsy it never happens
i was in china too and nobody gave a fuck despite me being turboultrawhite nordick blond vikang and not a gypsy like yourself
Seems like either shitposting or legit trolling.
I have spent months in sea and central asia with friends and alone and nothing happened. People behaved the same as here except for the scamming/overcharging part. I was with froends that were more attractive and had a lot more money, nothing happened either.
>first world
france is a third world shithole you are completely delusional
>waaah you cant complain about slums, gangs and terrorist groups
Fuck off
>being born French
Which only brong downsizes and has no worth whatsoever because this country is a dump
>failing at life
Project more
>you were born in any country that's not in EU/NATO.
Thatd be better than franceshit
>Z btw
nah rusgolia is literally troonce but with a lag of 100 years. you killed your country in 1790 we in 1920 and neither is going to recover
the us seems to be the only choice where there is a chance to live a decent live
You're here foreveeeeer
If you had the typical icicle Russian attitude then it's not much of a fucking surprise. The word "charming" cannot be translated into your language.
I remember dating this Ukrainian chick while I was studying abroad and this one Russian dumbass actually went and asked her why she's dating me because I don't even speak Russian. Imagine being so much of an idiot.
You can drink tap water in the city without dying. You don't need to burn wood in a stove to keep warm during winter. You don't need to shit into a hole in the ground because you don't have an indoor toilet. You don't die in the hospital from regular infections because there's no money for disinfectant or medicine.
There are fucking countries that have your language as their official language. Some Hungarian fuck moving abroad needs to learn a whole other language. You can move to an ex colony and do just fine.
Whine some more and imagine that some fucking hellhole is heaven on earth compared to your country.
>slums ,gangs and terrorists
Motherfucker thinks he's living in Mexico or Brazil.
youre brown and dumb stop making shit up subhuman
Most Russian guys were too shy to speak English and just kept among themselves like pussies. They were ashamed of their shit language skills. Do you want to know the name of the cities the Russian girls I fucked came from?
there is no romanian (gypsy) in the world who can afford to travel even into ukrainian ditch lmao
tajiks are whiter than you btw
or is it an armenian lol
cant tell all these thirdies apart
St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Krasnodar. Two of them had boyfriends waiting back home.
imagine this shitskin masturbating when making up stories about having sex with white women lmao
>you can drink tap water in the city without dying
>You don't need to burn wood in a stove to keep warm during winter.
Wrong , especially in my village
>You don't need to shit into a hole in the ground because you don't have an indoor toilet.
I dont but many people do
>You don't die in the hospital from regular infections because there's no money for disinfectant or medicine.
Wrong. You can even be left to die on the hospital door in franceshit because they cant afford to take you in
>There are fucking countries that have your language as their official language.
No they arent. The few that had are ditching frogshit fir english. Fr*nch is useless and a waste of time, noone speaks it.
>You can move to an ex colony and do just fine.
They dont speak fr*nch are especially dont allow french people to move there or even work for a few years. Meanwhile hungarians can. French is a disgusting useless language and being fr*nch has no advantages anywhere on earth whatsoever
>that some fucking hellhole is heaven on earth compared to your country.
Brazil and mexico are paradises compared to franceshit where isis and al qaeda gangs control entire parts of the country
>russian argument is swearing
Colour me surprised
>a gypsy is retarded
color is brown
You mixed up your proxies.
Crossed the border into that other faggot country. Point still stands. Fr*nce is a shithole and being fr*nch has no advantages.
You mixed up your skin color.
See>>200105801 , i wouldnt live in luxembourg or anywhere in europe either.
go into the us anon
dont look at their cities there are no nogs or browns or fags or trannies or trash in suburbs where they all live
Even their cities have better demographics than this shithole country. Seattle was heaven albeit crazy expensive. I just cant get a visa
Just move to Russia then. They'd certainly have you. You seem to be enough of an asshole to fit in without any issues. They also have slums, gangs and terrorism so you'll feel right at home.
yes but suburbs are just literal heaven
basically entire neighborhoods without a single shit colored person and with far enough space to raise 2+ children
romania is a huge gypsy tabor
I would say Quebec, but fuck off we’re full
>we’re full
full of pajeets
Your seethe is just pathetic. Id move to russia in a heartbeat over franceshit if i could because its far better than here.
>if i could
What's stopping you?
>Only browns can do that.
It's arguably easier to do this in the US if you don't look Mexican. But well, if you spring for this option you'll be limited to working stuff that can be done under the table.
>not moving to poland
The US military requires you to already have some kind of permanent residence before you join. This is unusually lax since most countries require you to be a citizen.
You’re thinking of Ontario you have to speak French to stay here
Cant speak fluent russian ,got a western passport so pretty much guaranteed not to be hired and get detained.
No, i actually tried that and they do detain everyone who stays in the us for a bit.
>pretty much guaranteed not to be hired and get detained
But it was so much better than France, no? That kind of shit doesn't happen in France.

mexico accepts anything that walks in op
Living in Russia as a russian or an immigrant from friendly countries > living in franceshit as a frenchman.
Also here its the opposite foreigners get priority treatement over us.
Yeah. Last time I went to Paris they kept insisting I become president.
>But it was so much better than France, no?
It is way better than here
> That kind of shit doesn't happen in France.
It does if you criticize the government or adhere to alt right ideals or even call out politicians or isis gang leaders. If you complain about al qaeda or sharia law you get arrested in fr*nce
Foreigners have pirority over us for social services, universities and jobs. Meanwhile i go abroad as a frenchshit its the opposite
That's why so many people voted for Lepen or whatever her name is. If it's so illegal to complain about foreigners how is she not in jail?
She is controlled opposition, despite having the most votes she has almost no seats and no important role. Thats clear as day. You need an antagonist to justify our shithole dictatorship and thats her role: scapegoat
Controlled opposition when everyone else shat their pants and had to bunch up against them so they wouldn't win. Take a tour of the rural parts of the Balkans then complain about France you ungrateful prick.
Reading about the state of France the last couple of months makes me shake my head. Why did this happen?
Why don't we allow white Europeans into the US? Specifically Western Europe who have no criminal records, have useful degrees and/or some form of trade?

I'd gladly take a million French men and women (they'd undoubtedly improve French instruction in the US, it IS the 3rd international language along with English and Spanish) than 3rd worlders. Shit I bet Japan would prefer French and British immigrants too.
buy the clocks from seller of the streets of paris he will take you to the magical land
Niggers actually. There are plenty of french speaking African countries.

Does Quebec fast-track French immigrants compared to any other nationality? Because it would make a lot of sense.
you're welcome in brazil as long as you are not wh*Te
No, it depends on your background. We only take low-life's if we know they have future potential.
Well obviously you want productive law-abiding immigrants, but if there was a French immigrant or a Walloon from Belgium that wants to emigrate, has money, a STEM degree, and no felonies, would they get a point in their favor since they can communicate in French and have a similar cultural background? Or are they treated equally to a Korean, Ukrainian, or whatever with the same credentials?
This is literally the plot of the french guy from Red Dead 2.

I will marry you. I've always wanted EU citizenship.
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Just go to any other EU country tho
>Why don't we allow white Europeans into the US?

Jews won't allow it.
Whining instead of doing something about your problems is the most french thing to do. Thus you are where you belong.
>i have money and free time to travel
>woe is me I'm so oppressed here
lmao, okay froglet
Are you this French dude that works in a female majority company, is regularly asked to make a 50 euro donation by his female coworkers to upgrade their flight/travel, and was labeled “racist” and “disciplined” by his boss when he once turned down her proposition because she is an Algerian?
Already did and france is the ugliest and most disgusting shithole in europe
Not allowed because i only have one master degree and less than 5 years of experience in my field
The french countryside is ugly ,expensive and grim af
I did this before i started working. Now i dont. You guys can afford multiple round the world trips whereas people in franceshit are poor af. So yeah living here sucks
They are shit too albeit less than france, theres no country worth going in the eu
I also need to escape this shitehole

Let's just exchange each other's passport

Marry an American
Too poor for american girls
I would take korea citizenship lver frenchshit one any day
American girls don't care about how poor you are if you're French
You can always marry a guy if you're desperate enough
Girls here love French accents unironically, it's in their romance movies
Never happens irl. The opposite in fact.
t. Has been to the us mutliple time
Manuel Ferrara shags all the US girls
>a superstar pulls girls
I would unironically move to any country of any continent except the most war torns. I would pick tanzania, zambia, laos, cambodia, new zealand, australia ocer this shithole every day

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