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>americans will never know the joy of pinching the end of your foreskin and balloon it out with piss until it bursts like a water balloon
i know we like to meme on them but spare a thought about how sad their reality really is....
Why do /int/oids obsessively talk about American penises all the time?
Wow I thought I was the only retard that did that, good to know I'm not alone.
I used to do this but i read somewhere that you can get a nasty infection
I’m not circumcised (Mexican)
i like hamburgers and baseball but circumcision is just wrong
Because Americans keep defending this nonsense
>Americans can't store and bio dissolve emergency viagra in their foreskin
>Americans therefore have 0 guarantee that their gf will get an erection while she blows their penus
lmao anteaters can't stop winning
That’s retarded. Why would that give you an infection? As long as you shower and wash your shit regularly, nothing will build up
That’s why gringos hate us. They want our foreskins so they can feed them to Jews.
Don't cut off healthy body parts for no reason you sick freak
>Why do /int/oids obsessively talk about American penises all the time?
We obsessively talk about european penises all the time. Notice how the OP mentioned foreskin, something not found in Americans but in Europeans?
Interesting thread, all of you should post a video masturbating whilst curling your toes and cumming on your tummy for me ok
That would really be hilarious lol
This was taken from me at birth. The US needs to bring back slavery and enslave people with foreskins, then I can keep them in a private quarters and demand they inflate their foreskins with piss while I cry watching and pretend I'm vicariously experiencing this. This will be their role in life, I will make them do no labor.
because it's funny to mock you for your backwards practices, like it's funny to mock indians for 10.24 or REDEEM
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Anon but this is a blue board we'll all get banned!
We have basically no penile cancers and our rate of genital infections is much lower than yours.
It'll be worth it
for me at least
who the fuck gets penile cancer , I've never heard of that in my life
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please enlighten us more how baby dick mutilation is a good thing and losing all sensation of touch for the rest of your life helps you avoid the dreaded and common penile cancer
look on the bright side, at least your foreskin made great face cream for some jew in israel
Feels good to have my foreskin and NOT live in Lithuania.
Typical intactivist kneejerk response. The foreskin is practically vestigial. It does almost nothing. Other than provide a dark and damp area for bacteria and mold to grow in, of course.
My fwb who is white is uncut and 19 and can't pull it over his glans. I was surprised. I like sucking it though
giwtwm sucking phimosis cock
I remember that but was circumcised when I was 10yo
>dark and damp area for bacteria and mold to grow in
Just wash your dick bro, it's not that hard.
did you at least get anesthetics
It must be because dog dicks even have a special word for the nasty crust that builds inside, you call it smegma. Glad me and my son don't have to deal with that.
Is wish it wasn't phimosis because I love the moist and smooth glans of uncutfags
>Eyelids do almost nothing
I'm so sorry that you will never be able to experience the sensations that normal people do
Holy cope, mutilated dicklet. Circumcision literally cripples your penis' sensitivity and even shortens your penis by being too tight. When a normal penis gets an erection, all the slack in the foreskin is used. When your frankenstein dick gets an erection, it does not have enough slack to expand as much as it should.
I thank my chicano ancestors they don't do this jewish slave practice.
>tie a knot in the end
>now I don't have to go to the toilet
>piss my pants all day
>unleash a gallon of piss at the end of the day
You live in fucking Lithuania shut up broke nigga lmao
This literally never fucking happens unless if you're a disgusting sack of lard that refuses to bathe.
>stretch it into my anus
>clench with sphincter
>softly fart
lmao cutlets will never experience this ecstasy
is restoration worth it?
>Glad me and my son don't have to deal with that.
GG getting that little fag dick marked, bet he won't hold it against you and he will probably end up a tranny anyway and cut off the rest later
nah conjuration is better
okay so when are yuroboys gonna show us a video of how they pull back their foreskin using another man's mouth
yeah, local
it fucking sting for a bit because they injected needle into your dick
Not even a close comparison.

More intactivist voodoo woo nonsense. The sensitivity of the penis is not affected by the presence or absence of the foreskin. The bit about shortening the penis is a new one, fresh out of your ass.
man that's still brutal, i am really sorry this happened to you
what's the spell?
thank you germ bro
but female circumcision is for worse, don't google it
And the funny thing about it is that NOBDY would argue for circumcision if they weren't already circumcized. It's a reflection of how people cope with something negative happening to them. Instead of saying "shit that sucks that happened to me" they create a cope about how it's actually good and they never wanted a foreskin anyways. If everyone were uncut you wouldn't have a guys randomly saying they wish part of their body had been amputated for no reason. It's an incredibly pathetic cope and so easy to spot.
>I've been living without eyelids since birth and don't see any difference
vagina is a gross abomination unto the lord and a mockery of his creation, so i don't care what happens to it
People with phimosis and skin cancer on the foreskin might argue for circumcision :) Seems to me like dog dicks do the most coping and seething about circumcision. You're always obsessing over other peoples' penises...
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you guys literally can't lubricate
You wouldn’t be arguing about this right now if you hadn’t mutilated your son
Don't really need to? Vaginas produce mucous my guy. I'm guessing you're talking about masturbating tho' and even then no, don't need to use lube.
Theeeeere it is lmao. It's a little bit of skin breh. Why are intactivists so predictable? Do you all read from a script?
That’s objectively what it is. Don’t wash your guilt here, go apologize to your kid.
Nah. He's fine. Didn't even cry. Now stop obsessing over my boy's penis you weird faggot :)
It’s fucked up what you did to him, sorry.
Both you and tranny son are fucked up slaves to Israel.
I can't tell how much of the circumcision shit is memes and how much of it is real.
If he were uncut he wouldn't have. Anyone that's uncut would think that's cruel and bizarre. But cutfags always want to mutilate their sons too because they know if they don't then their son will be more of a man than they are and they can't allow that.
Tough shit bud. Mind your own bidness before something bad happens to you.
Are you gonna cut my dick off like you did your son?
Yup, there's NPC argument #2. What's next you going to post a picture of a crying baby? Or the circumcision table that hasn't been in use for fifty years? Or maybe it's time to drop the act and reveal that like pretty much all intactivists weirdos you are actually just a schizo antisemite even though most circumcisions in the US are secular and have nothing to do with jews or judaism.
I don’t have any problem with Jews actually. It’s just weird to cut off part of your baby’s dick.
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it's easier to fool someone than convince them they were fooled, especially when they were fooled by a breakfast cereal merchant
Yep, yep, and vaccines cause autism, doctors really just want to keep you sick for profits, jews worship saturn uh huh heard it all before there buddy. Don't really need to hear the whole play book again.
just wait for foregen
I believe none of those things. The only one I believe is that literally cutting the skin that keeps your dick from drying out is a weird thing to do to a baby. If anything, the fact that they don’t do it in other developed countries tells us that the one who buys into medical woo woo bullshit is you.
It's because it's a ignorant, outdated ritual. Kinda like how we make fun of indians for bathing in poo
Holy shit
christ what a fucking dog
those boots must taste real good fido
infant genital mutilation will be outlawed within 20 years, mark my fucking words
why are cut pipo so on edge
no need to shit on us unlucky fucking souls whose parents got fooled by this horseshit
fucking kike cultural practice got pushed on my people and fooled my retard parents a century down the line
now my fucking penis is mutilated
haven't I the right to be on edge when some people STILL do this fucking shit?
Oh, boohoo you big man-baby. You're a dope who fell for every intactivist meme and now you're going to QQ about it even though it has 0 effect on your life. You're a loser because you're a loser not because you got circumcized.
some coworkers was talking about how some female doctor convinced her to circumcized her son over the phone (you read that right)
like i guess they make phone calls to moms and shit about this lmao
don't even wanna imagine how it is in the US, there's probably no convincing needed
sorry for the pathetic autocorrect mistakes, i'm phoneposting
at this point, people just do it because everyone else does it.
Jews won.
Well we mostly do it because there are proven health benefits and the only negative is it might somehow reduce sensitivity of the penis (?) some terminally online incels with death grips say.
What’s so hard to understand about the fact that mucous skin that’s allowed to dry out and keratinize is less sensitive? It’s obvious on its face.
Guys I got an ear infection, my doctor convinced me to cut off my ear lobe since it’s very easy for bacteria to gather in the fold. I mean it’s just a piece of skin anyway, I’m not really missing out on much by getting it removed right?
>proven health benefits
Then why don’t people do it in other first world countries?
Yeah it's obvious just like uh um having too much sex causes your labia to get longer amirite? You will never have kids of your own so your incel opinions do not matter.
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well you have these types defending it >>200106033 and doctors trying to get your kids circumcised like mentioned >>200106036
it truly is remarkable what depraved acts will be defended just so the face cream industry can get it's supply and indoctrinated retards feel better about themselves while the rest of the world watches in horror, it's absurd and comedic at this point, I bet these types of retards would be the ones defending indulgence if it was still an issue
I've restored mine enough that it covers my glans when I'm flaccid at least
genital mutilation is wrong
and you're evil for letting it happen
Why are you making up weird shit and putting it in my mouth when I call you out on this one specific issue?
Except there are millions of people in the world born without earlobes or who modify them with piercings and gauging with no adverse effects. Should have stuck to the intactivist play book breh. I believe we are at the point where you start losing your everlovin' mind and start talking about childhood trauma.
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the ear is unnecessary, you've still got the eardrum anon
What in the world are you yammering about
Well, gee, maybe because it's bull shit? The skin of the penis whether it's cut or not is similar to your nose or the palms of your hands. It stays soft and makes a natural amount of oil even without a foreskin. Why do dog dicks always resort to bald faced lies when this subject comes up?
The skin on an uncut dick is not like the skin on the palms of your hands, literally what the fuck are you talking about lmao
Are you literate, my guy? I was comparing the softness of the skin. Did I need to sprinkle in some zoomer buzzwords so you could understand?
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I'm sorry your parents sold your foreskin to some abo-kike man.
I got cut when I was 25 due to severe phimosis. To be honest, I did not really notice a difference in sex before and after, but maybe that's just me coping.
Whatever man, believe whatever you want to believe. I hope your kid doesn’t resent you for mutilating his penis as a baby when he had zero agency over your choice.
I get dirt under my fingernails sometimes so I actually decided to remove them all now they look nice and smooth and I do think women find my hands more aesthetic even :)
He's a pretty happy kid and he doesn't have autism or anything. Long as he stays away from you bitter feckless losers I think he'll be fine :)
If you actually believed that you wouldn’t be in here arguing about circumcision with random people for like an hour and a half
Good point. Your opinions don't matter because you will never touch a woman so why bother arguing? Have a great day moldy, don't forget your brush your dick lmao.
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>all posters in thread disagree with the barbaric practice
>you're all sexless chuds
>haha BTFO
a peculiar train of thought, do they also snip parts of the brain during procedure?
I think my parents did it to me because it's "tradition" or some shit. seems like an awful fucking tradition to have. thankfully circumcision rates are dropping from what they used to be. hopefully this shit will get banned except in cases where it is actually a necessity.

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