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The only solution
Can you imagine the hundreds of millions of deaths if a Mao like figure ever grabbed power there
This is why we need it.
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>they still have unironic maoist rebels
Why are jeets like 10 to 60 years behind the rest of the world in everything?
Kinda based ngl. Something different than technocratic capitalist regimes of different aesthetic stripes.
Tried and failed. You need to stop with this meme
You can thank your daddy xi for still funding them
churchill fucked up the grain tariffs once and 3 million bengalis died
can't swing a cat without causing a mass human catastrophe
They didn't fuck up they took more than the Raj could handle on purpose for the war and didn't care that a bunch of jeets would starve to death.
the naxals are one of the few things wrong in india that you can actually blame on pakistan, and you blame it on china? meanwhile shitting streets, pollution, rape are all pakistan muslim benchod conspiracy?
>bong asks you for all of your food
>"okay sir here you are sir"
what is it with british colonies being unable to comprehend the notion of saying "no, i will not give you all of my food, i will only give you some of my food, so that i will not die." ffs first the irish now you lot. grow a spine.
That number exists today only because of the British no one would have kept up logs like that. Plus more would have died without British rail way systems and modern medicine.
All the Indians will flock to this thread and reply to me now so bye

Communists over here atleast do not know shit, they think communism was going fine in Russia without any mass deaths or anything until MURICA came in and poisoned there minds. Also they know about communism because some retard will read a poorly translated version of the manifesto and then have a Facebook cult following him where he teaches Jack shit to his followers.
The Brits ran the government, military, and police. Jeet peasants didn't have a right to say no.
just say no anyway. are you retarded?
if a police officer came to my door tomorrow and told me to stop eating food, i would tell him to fuck off. it doesn't matter if you have a "right" to eat food. just do it anyway. if bong doesnt like it, rebel. we rebelled, it worked great.
'peck in the eye
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It would have actually helped although I imagine it would have been extremely bloody
Imagine propaganda posters attacking caste
brits were in charge but indian public servants were the actual limbs of the administration. brits were not the entire government, a few british administrators signed papers and millions of desi public servants carried out their orders. how cowardly does a man have to be to recieve an order from his boss saying "pack up all the grain in this village and send it to england" and actually do it? and for this cowardice to happen tens of thousands of times over until it causes a famine? and considering you were wealthy enough to emigrate, you're probably descended from one of those officials. you're just as much at fault as a brit.
I'm not a Jeet
Cold War India was already crypto-commie and adopted many socialist policies which is one reason why they're so poor today
How is anything that I said Jeet suspect? I was just stating historical fact.
>the economic system that propelled russia and china from feudal backwaters to global powers in 20 years, and that enabled vietnam and cuba to resist decades of aggression from every single one of their neighbors, is what made india poor
>not 300 years of british kleptocracy
this is what americans actually believe
>how cowardly does a man have to be to recieve an order from his boss saying "pack up all the grain in this village and send it to england" and actually do it?
This is exactly why Jeets just ignore this entire aspect of their history and pretend like the 1% of them that were violent revolutionaries were the norm
India is a poor shithole because it's filled with Indians. Doesn't matter what political or economic system you put in place.
forgot your vpn barneyfag
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imagine indian struggle sessions with those stupid accents lol
>russia and china
Lenin himself called it state capitalism. China is a hypercapitalist world power.
The intense regionalism is why someone like Mao couldn't really arise in India. If something as retarded as the cultural revolution happened, parts of the country would say fuck that and split off. Their most authoritarian leader, that Gandhi girl, got shot by regional separatists.

The same happened in Ukraine, so it's a common phenomenon. Ukrainians could've held rank and protected their "kulaks". Most of the people carrying out the orders were just happy to be getting food themselves. Human nature is pretty shitty.
National marxism just doesnt cut it anymore. We live in a globalized world where every country is dependent on the global market.

A "socialism in one country" country would be jeavily sanctioned and harassed and what would eventually end up happening is nationalists superimposing themselves above the marxists & workers and eroding away the public ownership of means of production, until you get capitalist restoration just like it happened in USSR or China

Capitalism must be tackled internationally. Its not longer a matter of nationalisms and regionalism.
>the economic system that propelled china from a feudal backwater to a global power in 20 years
Capitalism. China adopted capitalism and export-oriented industrialization after they starved for forty years, this switch is what led to their success. India didn't completely open their markets until the 90s and you can see how that worked out for them.
isn't this what trotsky was saying and he got an icepick through the skull for it?
jeets need less of the economic aspect and more of the cultural ones
"but it wasn't real communism!"
cope, argie. capitalism has failed your continent for 100 years.
the only way that will ever happen is if pajeets get invaded from another power like the anglos, the idea of a united india is silly anyways
Marxists keep failing to do anything even vaguely like socialism and then cry when you point it out. If what you really want is market intervention and the faces of a few retards on red flags, why don't you say so?

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