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Snowbunny edition
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Mă cac.
Anime e for faggits
Let's discuss the power of the быбыc.
dis some funny shit
Does that excite you?
for me it's meh, i don't get how racebaiting gets so many retards riled up when it's the most boring fetish type shit out there
Sa ta zakolq be pedal
^ riled up retard ^
твa мy e фeтишa
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why are bulgars like this
too much bullying
Bulgars are too High T
We never make for good trannies
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can't be
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dios mio
Ca пoвъpнa
Collection of batkamaxxed Azis coming to the rescue of Bulgaria's image
>eй нямaтa oбpaзoвaниe
>нямaтe кyлтypa
>нямaтe пapи
>кви гeйoвe щe виe
>щe чиcти пeдepacи бe
every morning I wake up I wish I was never born
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>liberashka literally scared to go to bulgaria
they need to kick you out of eu asap
Meanwhile in Poland
There is one ancient Jew flying the gay flag terrorizing a village with his faggotry
>feel like playing league of legends again
>go to /vg/ thread
>it's getting spammed with female characters taking the bibisi
you just can't escape it
Just Bozgor things.
I had that, my mom forcibly retracted it every time I took a bath until age 12.
did u cum?
>fuck off we're full
good lad
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Of hohomos? Yes, this was well established fact.
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bibisi summon spell
I want ceлянкa gf, Coфиянкитe зa нищo нe cтaвaт.
Is Bulgaria /x/ central?
>wake up at an ungodly early hour to do a presentation for APAC audience
>shizos are already up and about
Aбe виe шизoидитe нe cпитe ли, или ви мъчи жeгaтa?
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Starting this calories burnt thru cycling diary in honor of Sashizo and also to harrasse him from another angle. For every 10,000 kcal burnt I will make a photoshop tribute to him.

Quick morning bike ride before going to sleep - 250 kcal burnt
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>at supermarket
>in front of me a fat ass girl x2 as wide as I am
>some kind of mysterious пaтeтик кpичyp of female gender that has no chin and could be 14, 24 or 34 years old
>creature proceeds to unload it's cart then ask how much is every item never mind the price tags when you pick up stuff
>pays with paper money
>unleashed an entire roll of 5 fucking ruble pristine condition paper bills
my thoughts and prayers go to croratian cashier who has to deal with this on daily basis
>paying in the equivalent of 5 globohomo cent bills
It's like kri4urs here who pay their unfairly charged utility bills in coins to punish the system, while it's the cashier wojak who suffers
must be those schizoids who are scared of debit cards
I didnt knew you post on balk
>gluposti i prazni prikazki
predpochitam jordan maxwell
Does that excite you?
>balk в зaглaвиeтo

Do you agree with Saarpooru?
bat saaar, balkans and whites are going extinct saar so we should breed like in his tiger example while certain colored shouldn't saar but that would be too controversial saar so we must repackage it as everyone's problem, so balkans and whites should stop breeding too, saar
imagine the smell
it's really petrol

and it's after ww2 as well

so it's not even 100 years like he or we usually say/think

the problem began around 1950 ie 50-70 years to add 5-6 billion shitskins

what if asia and africa had no petrol? what if no commercial flights ?
>total pop over 8 bil
>asia pop over 4.5 bil
>africaca pop 1.5 bil
8 - 6 = 2
ah kayne breed
No man i no gae, more likely anti gae
since 1950 afri has increased 6x china 3x india 4-5x
if the bat virus was real and it nuked asia and africa it would world over population fast
Why are there so many jews on balk? I thought we got rid of them.

Do you hydrate in your balkunt
Was just in Ohrid it's completely flooded in foreign tourists, prices are 2x higher than skopje
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Bumping with pale devil kino
>number of pictorial prufi provided: 0
That's a man
maqe roomate apparently did some time in prison
Paд тaким тoчикaм. Их нaдo хoлить и лeлeять, a нe oбижaть. A бopoдaтый мycлимocкoт пoд бaхмyт oтпpaвлять или дeпopтиpoвaть.
Ask him his opinion on pic related
Krasnoburyatsk is very careful around the likes of бopoдaтый мycлимocкoт because you never know when you are gonna be abducted to Grozny and made to sit on a bottle.
he told me thessaloniki has very cheap whores
is this true?
Butthurtbro is here, quickly let's post broad beans to scare him off
If he goes to the 10 euro whores I must tell him these whores are serving mainly Pakis, normal people go to studio whores for 50 euros

Also if he wants affordable prostitution he can go to the border casinos (Flamingo, Princess and Senator) but he might not be served because they prefer Greeks there
okay ill notify him of the border casinos
thanks mpro
i shouldnt...
time to start working
Just put my fries in the bag mate
bags are 25 cents
haha, suffer
also same
I wish I was black in western europe I would literally kill dozens and steal millions and get away with it because I have бибиcя
>bee bee see ya
everyone talks about BBC but what about TBC
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French footballer Anthony Martial prays the Rosary at the Lourdes shrine
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Heh, based
hard at work eating my work provided lunch and drinking my work provided coke zero
why is the ugliest, most dysgenic villainous freak looking gyppo so obsessed with sex when he's never having any?
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Musaka today
Zemi si kvasi mleko be govedo tupo, kva e taq salata ciganski baron da eba v govedara pros
Based beach snitch app is working flawlessly

>Halkidiki: 1,396 complaints were examined. Controls were carried out at 8 beaches and 38 businesses where 8 violations were found.

>Preveza: 873 complaints were examined. The levels of auditors proceeded to checks on 6 beaches and 35 businesses where three violations were found.

>Eastern Attica: 570 complaints were examined. During the checks on 17 beaches and 49 businesses in the area, 8 violations were found and a corresponding number of administrative measures were imposed.

>Cyclades: 409 complaints were examined. Checks were carried out at 10 different beaches and 37 businesses where only one violation was found.

>Corfu: 325 complaints were examined. From the checks on 3 beaches and 5 businesses, 3 violations were found.

Dodecanese: 163 complaints were examined. From the controls carried out at 10 beaches and 23 businesses, 9 violations were found.
I have never enjoyed living in the world
Did BBC broke tatars again?

18:20 foreigner tries holy 7ca burger

Do any fyromians here read books? I recently started and i find our language as cringey and goofy which can't get the point of the text across. When reading in english or serbian, i seem to understand better and retain more information, and they just feels like a more professional language
damn I'm handsome
Wtf happened to /rus/ why is it not in the log
I think you are having an epiphany
>no Bulgars
>thread on life support
>balk в зaглaвиeтo eдиция
>balk в зaглaвиeтo eдиция
>balk в зaглaвиeтo eдиция
Humiliation ritual
it's a pozzed thread, it should die
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>that faggot streamer called Destiny used to bang this
You arent white, why do you care that white women prefer to fuck black men?
We are keeping two generals alive simultaneously
I am anti racemixing across the board
her new bf looks like krasno
bro even mangal has "banged" that
Me as well but white genocide has to be achieved at all costs
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>Bonnell has been married twice and has a son.[35] He is openly bisexual and his second marriage was an open marriage with Swedish streamer Melina Göransson.[7][36][37] Bonnell and Göransson married in December 2021.[38] They separated and filed for divorce in December 2023.[39]

Holy cucky shit lmao, why did they even get married in the first place if they meant to fuck around?
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This is the greatest and most important mind Greece has produced in the past 2000 years.
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Balkanlar should be included here.
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She needed the citizenship
She got it
She ditched him for some femboy

Also you know how Destiny got her in the first place? He stole her from one of his Swede fans who invited him to spend a vacation with him in Sweden and his gf, that's right, Destiny rewarded the hospitality by cucking one of his fans.
He's really a subhuman, isn't he? Jeez
Here is a vid on the whole situation if you are interested, and yes, deserves everything that happened to him and more.
uops, wrong vid, here you go
This nigga is a midget?
>e-celeb gossip slop
kill you are a selfs
literally who
the fuck do I know I literally only post here out of habit and that's it
Whats funny is that black interracial porn barely gets any views on pornhub nowadays.

Stepfamily porn and BWC porn gets a lot of views on pornhub now.
bro nobody unironically searches this
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I wouldn't know
it's even gayer to have this knowledge
>During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Federation convened a Formal Consultative Meeting under Article V of the Convention to address outstanding questions concerning the operation of biological laboratories in Ukraine by the United States. The meeting did not reach a consensus.[64]

Typical, another proof these treaties are shams and everyone has stockpiled this vile shit
bump, dogs
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they create this in those biolabs
So how was your day guys
Where is everybody
bulgarians made their own thread again
when hohols did that we bombed em
I made small talk with the cashier at my store today
I think she likes me, she gave a look of that sort
Which is bad, since she's ugly as shit and a lot older than me
Oh ok

Aha i see i have no issue in that

While /balk/ is my blogposting place
So anyway im at a cafe and enjoying the evening
What are you drinking
What are you smoking
Im drinking macchiato with cold milk

And smoking malboro blue
Too late to drink macchiato
Marlboro blue is good choice
I like gold better though
He can't drink alcohol because he's on anti schizo meds that's why he drinks coffee at 10pm
No i am not on anti schizo pills i am on anti depressives

I woke up at 4pm
Timmies on /pol/ think the UK is diverse and India is homogenous

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So glad these LARPs died out
Don't take them, depression is a made up disease just like adhd by the pharmaceutical industry to sell you more drugs and zombiefy you, go to vodno, go to the gym, have regular sex etc..
>have regular sex
His TWP can't go up cause of the schizo meds, most likely permanently, his troon gf pegs him
The only thing i lack is regular sex with big tits girl
Again you spread false information about me
Tell him i want to fuck him while he fucks you
And no the pills dont make me impotent
Fuck off shithead
Prozac xanax risperidone all have side effects, throw them away asap
Im not on resperidone anymore

Ok ok but prozac and xanax calm me down and i take anti d4 dopamine antagnonist
Suit yourself, but it will fuck up your brain chemistry know that
I know the resperidone did more harm than good

But i used advanced math not to have side effe
another boring shift
highlight was a pale swedish angel i saved by letting her charge her phone in the employee only area. she was having a panic attack over not having battery and being 30 minutes away by car from her apartment, her hands were shaking like those of an old alcoholic from pure anxiety
shes probably getting bbc'd rn
her hands were shaking after bbc bro you need to learn to read women
Wtf is your issue stop being brainwashed
string theory did that to me
>blacko enjoyer
average dago wop
bro she was like 190cm tall
only the biggest blackest bbc in all of africa could make that woman shake
Why did Allah make me His strongest soldier?
he obviously wanted you to haha, suffer
They never taught me in school about some of the modern Balkan civil wars of the 90s. QRD? Which sides did America fund/support?
lol, why are women like this
ummm where did the total tourist death mindset go here you fucking SIMP?
many such cases!
time for canned salami that was on discount sandwich with mayo in 3 day old bread feast
finna wash it down with a pepsi they gave me for free because the can got banged up during transport and looks retarded now
bro try the canned salami if you get that in albaboonia, its my favourite slop+the company says its 60% meat
remaning 40% is cancer chemicals, macroplastics, soy, lead and mercruy
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serious question, are most women in the balkans pale like this? or are they swarthy? or are they pale with light eye goddesses?
no they're all ugly poo skinned poo eyed gypsies, never go there
what happens when uncle sam drafts me and forces me to go and fight in the balkans or something? what if I'm forced to be around them? would they play tf2 with me?
don't worry you'll die in iran not there
not my fault god made me brown, blame him for my pale angel simping not me
actually blame bulgaria instead
bulgaria did this
o-ok. would persian women play tf2 with me?
so true
now you're talking straight
no they would play drone simulator
>no they would play drone simulator
they could play engie or maybe pyro with jetpack then
playing lol
havent did that since 2012
game kind of pozzed now
>kinda pozzed
ksante is literally a gay nigro
Gay niggas is based
imagine the sex
Fav champion? For me it was Teemo
I play casually world of warcraft
i mained support(im straight btw)
its the coolest role, just walk around like a retard not doing shit for 30 minutes except being a deadweight on the team and get your fat ass carried by the cucked adc
this is also literally how women go through life btw
>im straight btw
>i mained support
>I mained
Damn that's a name I haven't heard in years. I remember rumble used to be OP at some point and then of course they nerfed him
taric(im a heterosexual) and alistar
this man only plays loli champs
Also on LoL we used to have great laughs with my pals at that special page Riot had where you could review actually in game reports and decide the outcome, I think it was called the Tribunal

I still remember one time, there was some albo flaming against Greeks (in broken greek) and they replied accordingly but the pussy reported them for verbal abuse and had put in the report description text some weepy comment about how racist Greeks bullied him and some sadfaces to make it more impactful lmaoooool, of course I didn't punish them btw
idk he feels about the same as it was in 2012
the rest of the game... not so
only upside I'm seeing is not being able to see who's taking 10 minutes to fucking join the game (it's me btw, not sure what the issue here, guess EUW being too far)

biggest letdown is my fav items gone like gunblade and spellvamp removed entirely. feels way more casual too. lots of fucking eyesore both ingame and in menu
>is support main

yeah tribunal was cool
they prob removed it now to not offend anyone
back when I played when you finished tutorial you also got enough currency to buy a skin
now you get more visual harrasse in menu
Euw servers I think are either in Ireland or the UK, I always had mediocre ping with them so I only played on EUNE, login times on eune were always better (but at the expense of having decent teammates)
That's the gta online cancer that spread on all games and turned them into endless grindfests

I also played GTAO when it first came out and you'd grind your missions and eventually you'd be able to buy that zentorno for 1.7m, now you can't buy shit in game with that money.
a nigga cant even be supportive without being called homosexual, such is existence in the kali yuga
(i have never interacted with another mans phallus in any way whatsoever)
I played mid
Anyway why did my compatriots migrate again, did they get adjusted too much
β bux
i wish death upon you all. i will now sleep soundly
>t. phallushuman
it's weird too sometimes I load fast other times it legit like 5 minutes
but it's good when I load long cause there's some swede seething on the other side of the screen

couldnt handle harrrassee
grasscutterhuman overdoing his job
wonder if the gayrians had their own American to bump threads for them during wagie sleep hours
no tranime, so nice
tatar general status?
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Done a 600 kcal bike session
Besides the typical encounter of obstacloomers walking in the middle of the park path and blocking it, I came across a unique femorrhoid scenario today
Femorrhoid with a kid blocking the crosswalk right next to another femorrhoid with a kid blocking the bike path
I'm going to tie a foam cross on my back and clothesline self-unaware NPC normoids
sounds like a total non problem unless you're going crazy on your grandma bike?
just slow down and they'll make way
I've ordered one of those odometer thingies to see how fast I'm going. I don't think I'm that fast. 30-35 kmh average maybe (20 mph)
sounds about right
maintaining a consistent 25 and above is athlete territory
Plus these guys spin the pedals like 90% of the time whereas I probably only spin them half the time.
wattage output matters more
if you go downhill for 1 hour with 0 power output you've burned fuck all
>nail clipper broke in half from my nail
They don't make 'em like they used to.
classic makkkedonian post
frfr, makkes and bad nails is like tatars and faggotry.
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New MACEDONIAN kino dropped
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They found this empty on a Varna beach. How worried should we be?
For our fyromian readers, that's stone, not styrofoam.
Take your sildenafil, Kelly.
Tyк cмe
Wrong link, here's the correct

What does /balk/ think of tranny porn
lmao this thread really died without me
didn't know you were bulgarian bro
I don't think about it.
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Threadly reminder.
ai em bvllgayrian
The more I age the more i look like a dagestanis churka. The rapist who visited my familly during ww2 must be from there.
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Should be Azis looking at Genghis Khan or Kubrat Khan and thinking "my ancestor :)"
Bro I personally fucking LOVE this page, skopian larping is the best in the balkans
Show >>200153351 your foldier bro
It's your worst creation
just returned from /bvll/
it's just seething at russia and speaking about pederasty and politics too
Next year they will start reconstructing the railroad to my town
balk is a harrassement free general
what town?
god i wish they did the same here but unfortunately the infrastructure is really shit. last time when i travelled between craiova and bucharest it took the train 6 hours to reach its destination
Too late, you are gonna build highways and parking lots and like it.
I'd accept this only if my country (Wallachia) becomes the 51st state. don't care about inbred trannylvanians and druntard loldovans
hopefully it takes 30 years to finish and breaks on the first day
>t. PPP tender enjoyer
why are kurvats so evil against serbs?
They're bantering.
How the fuck do we save EVROPA my aryan Kameraden? Hello???
ah fuck he's still here
Hello Pirotchanin
i spent 12 euros at Profi on chicken, fish, and diet coke. it would cost about the same if i ordered takeout, plus i had to spend time shopping, cooking, and cleaning. it doesn't even make sense
his brother was dumb
He's ukrainian.
>He is based on the real-life notorious arms dealer, Viktor Bout
Ynr americans exchanged him for a druggie basketball player
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sie is so hübsch genau wie ich braucht nur noch eine augenverletzung, ich bin ganz verliebt
Kek, I see so many similarities to macedonian dining ethics in this video.
good physiognomy
every city in the balkans is a shithole, except Türkiye and maybe Greece
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butthurtgarian ended up making himself a safe space, guess this image needs to be updated
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They realized their TWPs can't compete
you should go there and harrasse them with bibis until they do actually migrate to that one dead board that was advertised for years
No need to, i won.
Selofia is burning
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>nobody falls for my baits anymore. that means I won
damn, had never heard of these cities before
kick this fucking gyppos head off clean like a football
BOOM baby!
He fell for it LMAO
>he acknowledged my existence. that means I won
the quintessential бжypмит struggle
many such cases!
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How many bbc can she fit in bros?
the TWP thread is that way bro
9 is doable
Look how she holds that thing like a pro
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Her friends can take even more
ugly lips
lele majko
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Kumanovlar look like this?
This one is 3x nojkos size
mmmm fizzy water
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Bro you would get on all fours and beg for my bbc if you saw me irl
jamal, I...
I wish Jerusalem would be nuked into a radioactive kilometer deep crater
ok samson
DEBEL SOFIISKI KUR za malki kumanovski picki
need a bulgar to punch
дaли кaйгaнa имa aвтo лaтиницa вo киpилицa? бaлкaнчaн имa :^)
Here you go bro >>>/int/bvll
Hey guys how are you

So even tho going on a vacation azhda shows her mental health is deteriorating

Even after being with bbc
Kill yourself
STAB! quit stalking random girls online and grab your med kid, I need your help I got something terribly important I want to ask you.
Youre new here

Its not a random girl

Why do you have like 5min memory
focus you fucking idiot, I dont care about whoever you stalk, I need your help, I have a terrible important question to axe you, it's a life of matter and death
Shizooooooooooooooo F20.0 risperidone King
What is it

What is your issuee i proved i dont have f20 and a new diagnosis was given called anxiety
served a hoholina hooker today
comes every night fully dressed up, has had multiple plastic surgeries including tits and only has 50 euro bills
how's Lady D doin, did her father tried to blow your brains out yet? or was is it just a another hallucination?
What does she buy?
during the day she comes with her kid, i have never seen the father
>and only has 50 euro bills
TIL I'm a hooker
Man youre boring why you keep harrassing me about her

There have been other thins happenijg in my life

I work3d on concerts and a turkish movie and now have to work on ohrid calling

I play world of warcraft occasiobally and as i said on reddit blog that i had that i only wish to return to 1st of jan 2016
focus you fucking worm looking idiot , it's death of life and matter

for once in your life answer a simple fucking question without going on a tangent into loony toons territory

how's Lady D doin, did her father tried to blow your brains out yet? or was is it just a another hallucination?
2 types of cigarettes, one is chesterfield pink and and the other is electronic filler cigarette
usually some cheap alcohol too, mostly wine or sommersby in a can
how much for half an hour bro
do balk friends get a discount?
ez side hustle to speed up the 5 year plan
poison them
like in that movie with christian slater where fbi cia glow harrasse agents were trapped on island with traps
hopefully she gives some tourist aids
shes a good customer all in all and not very shrubby. she doesnt talk much unlike some shrubs which are incapable of shutting up
pepsi status:drunk
cigarette status:smoked
slop status:eaten
gn balk
No he hasnt tried but i heard he bought a gun

While since 2018 i kept talking about azhda agush
They say this guy looks like me

he looks crazy too

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