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Did you know that cancel culture in Japan is even worse than in the West?
we will pray for every american soul during pearl harbor on next world simulation
Wasn't he just that one dude's curiosity to show off to other nips?
good, i could care less about the japs, only want to see ubislop crash and burn
I wonder how Africans in Africa feel about all this "controversy"
except elon musk
Ubisoft is French THO
I didn’t know japanese people cared about ubisoft games
our virtual comrade was inform
our shadow cobby dont very like their games
why are they apologizing
turns out we wuz kangz culture isn't compatible with japan
the main source they pulled used for black samurai man has been revealed to be a fraud. they are going with an appeasement strategy instead of doubling down.
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In the first place, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has acknowledged that Yasuke was a samurai, and was working with Mozambique to promote his existence overseas.
The Foreign Ministry must think that Japanese right-wingers are more assholes, because the Foreign Ministry has been trying to deepen its friendship with Africa through Yasuke for years, but they are interfering with that lol
it's only interference if anyone in africa cared about this. i think they have more important things to worry about.
they don't
the guy who wrote the books ubisoft was using as sources claimed that japanese enslaved africans (while omitted it in his japanese translation)
now nips are pissy for some bizarre reason, cannot fathom why
Japan is non-stop lean mean seething machine when it comes to anything that has anything to do with Japan
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Reminder that before the whole AC Shadows thing, Japs were soifacing over Yasuke and boasting how Japan was AMAZING for granting the title of Samurai to a Black guy
They're having a hissy fit only now after being on the receiving end of political correctness and wokism
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Lmao. For such a cultural powerhouse Japan is weirdly self-conscious
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Why would any Japanese person play a game like this?
Mortal Kombat has been doig this for 30 years
at least hirohito was hot
Lol don't care, still gonna slaughter jap manlets and fuck them with a BBC in #AssassinsCreedShadows
why is it in English? not that it matters anyway cause it's a bunch of worthless crap as always
would have actually respected them more if they just said "fuck you slant eyes the nigger is staying"
Hirohito looks like le chud
Young Xi mogs young Hirohito by a mile
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>we never intended to make a factual representation of history
>we encourage players to learn more about historical settings
Learn by... feeding them lies? Which one is it ubishit?
Why is it in English
I'm not reading all that
These people should be killed.
French people?
We truly are the most opressed race on earth
Asians are all the same. Literally Hurt the Feelings of the Japanese People
>Asians are all the same.
They just got triggered from seeing a black man go around decapitating ethnic Japanese people.
They probably wouldn't care near as much if it were a white guy.
The ubisoft developrs responsible for some of the choices in this game deserve to be killed.
>a message for our Japanese community
>posts in English
God, I hate Americans so fucking much.
Imagine the seethe if the next Assassin's Creed was set in medieval Africa except it had an Asian swordsman going around slaughtering Africans
All Ubisoft games are the same and all Ubisoft games are bad.
Only certified smoothbrain morons and women buy them.

This shit has been going on for decades and NOW there's a reaction? Why wasn't there one when the "Ass Valhalla" had stronk womyn shieldmaidens with shaved heads and battle braids and the (default) main character was a butch lesbian femoid leading a viking army instead of being at home, looking after the house?
Hirohito is really cute but you're not ready for that conversation yet
would've been funnier if they just doubled-down and called the seething Japanese chuds
They don't care
only ameriniggers do because they want to we wuz everything
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>Did you know that cancel culture in Japan is even worse
I find out the translation of the "Chud" into Japanese just in the context of cancel culture
The problem isn't the gore, retard

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