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Western Europeanbros...
I really like Germany despite everything, but I'm glad now I decided to not move there (or Britain).
PIGS' economies solely depends on German gibs so they shouldn't be so cocky, once Germany stops paying for their expenses, their economies will just collapse.
The EU is a Germanix ploy to keep the brown man down
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Lets see per capita
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Yeah but so did pigs
per capita is a retarded metric that includes bullshit transactions like billionaires moving money between various offshore accounts which results in tax havens being at the top of the list
You're the one that gets the most gibs, it's not even close kek
Anon, that's a percentage... The per capita growth would be the same...
Are you braindead?
We never bankrupted tho lol
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>4 countries combined have a little bigger gdp than 1 country
That country that has the least DEI bullshit will eventually crush the others
all of them combined overtook germany? wow powerful. really powerful.
chud part: thats what to many mudslimes do to your country
>1 country gets more EU gibs than the 4 other countries combined
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I also remember when an Austrian painter gave a lecture and no one listened and look where we are now
In all reality, congrats boys. Keep it up.
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How does it feel to rape two flags with a single post.
Do you know what an average is you absolute fucking retard?
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South Euro bros, please forgive our hybris...
there is no mention of averages, neither in the post nor in the graph
the age of the barbaric dominance of german is over

Arise Rome
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Don't worry pretty German girls, I'm ready to cover all you expenses in case of need
>4 countries vs 1 country
It's 126M vs 83M people, a factor of about 1.5.
Yes, shitholes built on gibs recognize other shitholes built on gibs. What is it with this retarded "errmmmm seems like you did le epic hypocrisy there, gotcha!!!" brainrot that took over this board?
wait I thought people memed me into believing these countries are poor?
Lecture on what? Med work culture?
>absolutely abhorrent post
>yep, it's a maplescum
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Italy has always been a net contributor to the EU and is still the second largest industrial power in the union, you insufferable Polack faggot.
Poland on the other hand...
That's just plain wrong and the same bullshit is often told about us. Why are you regurgiating german propaganda instead of showing some solidarity with medoids? It's like 2 incels fighting over who gets to ask a girl out while chad already fucks her. Loser behaviour. Same goes for them shittalking us by the way. The germ holds us all by the balls.
Italy is a net benefit in the EU budget. They're the second largest exporter in the union after Germany
Why are you insulting me? I merely pointed out that the leaf posting Hitler was irrelevant to the thread's subject.
>the graph
Aren't you people tired of reposting the same shit for a decade while ignoring the per capita variant? At this point it can't be ignorance, just petty malice. Poland is an almost 40 mil pop country. Gibs are assigned per people. All countries above Poland up to Spain have way lower population than Poland. Do some basic math.
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I meant to reply to the PIGS guy
You frown upon Germans for their history, their mannerism, their policies and their culture.
I admire Germans for their history, Thier mannerism, their policies and their culture.
What happened in the middle of the graph?
The total shitalian death poster made his appearance
Probably because the best parts of German history, mannerism, policies and culture originated in Italy.
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The ECB does more to prop up the Southern countries, especially Italy than the gibs do the Eastern Europe albeit
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>They're the second largest exporter in the union after Germany
It is also the third largest EU country by population..
They'll have to pay everything back.
An how would Greek economy be doing had they continued to live with unsustainable debt, massive tax evasion and massive inefficient public sector? Face it, only reason those economies are prospering because Germany lectured them and they were smart enough to actually listen to Germans.

Danke Deutchland, without their forced austerity measures we'd still be stuck with lazy meds having free for all debt party.
Oh yeah I spent a while in Rome and I was shocked to learn that you do have a strong industrial sector
Italy probably has second strongest industry in Europe. There is shit ton of industrial brands too. Almoat on levels of german brands. Italian heat boiler maker is making high tech pumps for said boiler factory and famous italian tractor brand is making a tractor plant here as we speak
being able to afford 2 rocks instead of 1 rock from your monthly salary means a 100% GDP growth, thus you get to lecture the most advanced economy in the EU
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There's very little industrial output in central and southern Italy. They mostly rely on agriculture, tourism and gibs. In Lazio (Rome's region) there are some pharmaceutical companies, but it's nothing outstanding.
The real powerhouse lies in the Po valley (Piedmont, Lombardy and Veneto), as they're one of the most industrialized regions in the world.
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>poles coming in aid of daddy Germany
Now I've seen everything
yes the blue banana... I believe the smartest people live in north Italy/southern Germany
you mean slowly catching up, because the German economy is getting assraped by every politician there is
I remember when going to Spain, restaurants owners were initially reluctant to give me receipts (which I didn't to get refund from my employer), because everything is done under the table
Now imagine if that was taken into account in GDP calculations
Germany is OVER. When did the Germans become so lazy?
Congrats MED bros.
>catching up
italy industry has unironically already overtook germany in any other sector but cars.
poland has a strong german industry presence though
>instead of showing some solidarity with medoids
they are our competitiors for German investments
why didn't you invest in eastern Poland bros?
based poland
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Maybe those countries are thriving because they followed the wise advice given to them by the Germans
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how are you preparing for the italian century?
serbia is unironically the new romania, where italian industrialists go to escape Eu regulation, but it's still near. Don't do their mistake and never join the EU
hoarding Roman cosplay
Based, the two most soulful countries in Europe after France
I want to live my last years in Italy
I want to live all my life in Italy with an Italy wife an Italy car an Italy moka brewer an Italy friends and Italy music, with little Italy kids running around in my Italy garden of course
Germshit sisters....
A smart russian? I-it can't be!
You are actually retarded
I want PIGS to be great and I want Germany to be great.
No more brvther wars

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