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>British convicts used to be sent to Australia as a punishment

>Now convicts are being released onto the streets of Britain while many Brits choose to move to Australia as a better, safer place to live

It's all come full circle
australia has police execute puppies because of some made up CCP virus that place is not safe. it's a dystopian authoriterian nightmare like canada
Lots of Brits are trying to flee here. We see you as the same as Indians. Fuck off we're full.
no we don't, saar
we're your loyal golem and this is how you return the favour?
You're that mentally ill freak who hates Britain yet is an ethnically British Briton in a British state founded and settled by Britain, aren't you? fucking freak
>not the heckin pupperinos
it was a good thing actually
we should start with jews too
actually i heard on the news we're cucking out hard and now they're always talking about 'antisemitism' for not supporting israel. apparently 'our' jews are divided on this.

only older people hate brits. my nanna unironically thinks everything bad comes from there. kind of weird given we come from there. she got pissed off when the news was talking about the queen's death, because she doesn't care. not a lefty either. i'm not sure what people were taught in the past about this but i guess there is a current of nationalism that is strongly anti-british.
Relative of mine went to Australia a couple months ago. She looks very australian desu. Do you really see all immigrants as the same? There cant be that many europeans going there
Brits are economic migrants, refuse to assimilate, take local jobs and buy houses from locals
Most of them are brown now anyway, 19% of Britain is ethnically brown
There's no real difference

And yes, you can spot a Brit in a crowd, you stick out with your weird mannerisms
>nanna unironically thinks everything bad comes from there. kind of weird given we come from there.

If Indian immigrants across the world talked like this about India people would make fun of them. Anglos across the world who talk badly about Brits and Britain are self loathing and deluded and unbelievably arrogant
>i'm not sure what people were taught in the past about this but i guess there is a current of nationalism that is strongly anti-british.
The British used to look down on us. Like we were just colonial rubbish for them to use and throw away when it was convenient. The reason we pivoted to the US was because Churchill hated Australia and was willing to let us be overrun by the Japanese. That and they're extremely jealous of us, constantly whinging and always try to insult us in the cricket.

Australia doesn't need Britain, it never did. They're a dag.
Have you seen the state of the UK? You're the laughing stock of Europe and regarded by many here as a shithole. Britain isn't the core of the empire it was 100 years ago. You're nearly irrelevant. Scotland will leave the union soon. You're done.
>Brits are economic migrants
Every single white person in Australia is either an economic migrant or an immediate descendant or economic migrants
>refuse to assimilate
There's nothing to assimilate to. Australia is a nation founded and settled by Britain. When did Australia stop being British? What year? It never did. An act of Westminster ended Westminster's parliamentary sovereignty over Australia. That's it.
>take local jobs and buy houses from locals
So you don't want any immigrants? No brits and no non brits?
>Most of them are brown now anyway, 19% of Britain is ethnically brown
Australia is 32% brown
>There's no real difference
Exactly, Britain and Australia are separated by geography and climate and literally nothing else

I knew it was this retard. Cricket doesn't matter, you're British, grow up
I like how the australian in the OP pic looks distinctly australian
>Scotland will leave the union soon. You're done.
See, look how much of a fucking ignorant cunt you are. You're so fucking stupid. You don't know anything. Do you know how many MPs the Scottish National Party has? 9. They had 48 in 2019. Scottish nationalism is dead. You don't know this because you're a mong. All you care about is cricket and hating Brits like a braindead third world subhuman.

Scotland is part of Britain and isn't going anywhere. You're British and you live in a country that's only considered a "country" because it's British. If it was populated by the French it would be seen as an extension of France and nothing more.
You're British.
Most of us have ancestors that have been here for a hundred years or more. There are Chinese and Indian Australians that have the same story. A brit that moves over in 2024 is no different from an Indian or a Chinese that does the same. You are no Australian.
>There's nothing to assimilate to
If a Brit wants to assimilate in Australia they need to stop watching soccer and begin supporting the AFL. They need to cheer for the Australian cricket team and boo the English cricket team. Assimilating means forgetting England. Stop talking about English politics, stop using English slang and words.

Assimilating means that if there was a war between the UK and Australia you would pick up a rifle and kill Englishmen for the Australian military.

Aussies first over immigrants. House locals first.

Brits have a different culture, world view, history and character. To continue denying Australian identity is what makes Aussies hate Brits. You act like you still own us. We dropped you in 1943.
If we were British we would still be part of the UK and vote in British elections. We are our own sovereign nation. We are Australian, not British.

You don't know the difference between nationality and ethnicity.
Maybe aussies should drop that the tiny British flag first.
>If a Brit wants to assimilate in Australia they need to stop watching soccer and begin supporting the AFL. They need to cheer for the Australian cricket team and boo the English cricket team. Assimilating means forgetting England. Stop talking about English politics, stop using English slang and words.

So you're defining "Australian" as anyone who lives in Australia who's bitter about the UK lile you are. All those Australians who died in world war 1 and 2 must have been traitors for dying for the British empire.

What's the difference between an an ethnically British Australian whose family has been there for a century and a Brit who turns up in Austalia today? Football allegiances? You're fucking insane.

>Assimilating means that if there was a war between the UK and Australia you would pick up a rifle and kill Englishmen for the Australian military.

No it literally doesn't. Australia and Britain are militarily inseparable. Always have been, always will be. There'll never be a war between Britain and Australia you insane subhuman freak.

You're just a mentally ill Brit in a British country and you hate other Brits because you're insecure. You want Australia to be some "civic nationalist" fantasy because you hate your own kind because they remind you what a pathetic excuse you are for one. You've got no Britisn/Australian banter or warmth. You're a deluded schizo who fantasises about murdering people of your own ethnicity because you can't handle how much better all of us are compared to you

You're desperate to throw up an imaginary "Australian" identity around yourself to hide what you really are

A Brit in asia
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Canada, UK and Australia are all still brother nations...

Brotherly Hindu nations, i mean
Their ancestors certainly didn't
All those Australians who died in WW1 and WW2 led us to realise that Britain's didn't value their sacrifice. You used us.

Everything, Brits from Britain have memories of a life in England, Australians don't.

Australia and Britian have been militarily separated for years ever since you abandoned Singapore. You didn't fight in Vietnam, we don't defend you if Russia attacks you. You won't defend us if China attacks us.

I'm ethnically British
I hate the British nationality.
Ive seen this before, except it was in North America.
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>You won't defend us if China attacks us.

The fuck do you think AUKUS is?
Something you attached yourselves to to cope with the fact you've lost all military relevance as your army fails to meet quotas and your navy is not even in the top 10
>i'm not sure what people were taught in the past about this but i guess there is a current of nationalism that is strongly anti-british
Insecurity, cultural cringe, and propaganda from republicans about how Australia was somehow mistreated or neglected during the World Wars. Similarly, a sense that Australia lacks a founding origin myth (like the Americans with their revolution), which is why there's been a massive increase in discussion about the Eureka Rebellion. Then there's the fact that there's always been a steady stream of people from the UK to Australia as wilful migrants, so they're the most obvious target for discussions about levels of migration and locals being undercut for wages, homes, services, etc
Holy kek I was partly joking but the UK is actually not on the list of top 10 largest navies
>North Korea
>Sri Lanka
>Similarly, a sense that Australia lacks a founding origin myth
Lol what? That's Gallipoli, where naive Aussie boys looking for adventure were thrown into a meat grinder by the British command under Churchill who despised Australia
Rasheed needs a new iphone and kidney transpant so im afraid we cant spend any money on boats anymore.
Australia is an an Irish republican state up the ra
Thank you for proving the point, Abdul ;)
By saying that we in fact do have a founding myth?
You know nothing about my country, Muhammad
Churchill despised every country except uk
lol triggered
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>I knew it was this retard. Cricket doesn't matter, you're British, grow up
>Muhammed is the no.1 baby name in the UK for the last 5 years
>London and Birmingham are minority majority
Okay Muhammad
Here's a tip for the Brits. When this schizo starts his anti-British nonsense then just call him a dirty wog and watch him seethe st being called out. Works every time.
Up until the 70s we used to sing god save the king/queen and fly union jacks on all government buildings then we swapped them for aboriginal flags and its been over pretty much ever since.

It all started going wrong in ww2 when we started sucking yank cock, we should've let Japan invade us. They stole a Japanese/Anglo hapa nation from us
Maybe that would work if Britain wasn't 40% Arab/Pakistani/Indian
Always were wog city's the native Brits in those towns are Irish anyway
Why would we want that? Hapas are extremely mentally ill
Wouldn't work
>Hapas are extremely mentally ill
So are mutts and jews
I would rather us be simps for Japan than as we are currently i.e serving Israel's interests
Hapas are mutts. But nah, its on another level. I've known like 15 hapas, ALL of them are mentally ill/self-hating and destructive. There was a hapa r/Aznidentity ricecel seething his mind out on Australian reddit the other day. There's something about not being able to identify with anyone that causes them to break down into mass murdering psychopaths
If you move to another country, you assimilate to the culture.

Why is this so hard to understand?
We don't serve Israel's interests. We haven't supported them in the war. Difference is we know that if Israel gets BTFO'd by the Arabs China will move in to take all the oil to fuel their war machine.

Go look at the news, China is trying to unify Hamas and Fatah right now.
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Hapas with boobs though... think about it
lol it's all just a show
Albo appeases a few hard left in his party while secretly backing Israel because of the grip they have on us. Not just Albo but every Labour PM, Liberals don't even feel the need to pretend their worship of Israel
Albo doesn't appease the hard left lol? He hates the greens and told that Muslim chick to get fucked. The left doesn't like Albo.
I have never cringed as hard in my life
>Making tiktoks to broadcast their insecurities
>It's worth having psycho Asians kids cause boobs
he puts on a show that we're not their golem by "criticising" them in the currently Gaza conflict, while at the same time serving their interests by letting in thousands of Palestinians into our country without background checks, probably half ot those being criminals/terrorists, very conviently for Israel
>Letting in thousands of Gazans
>It's convenient for Israel for Australia to bring in anti-Israel Palestinians who haye Jews, will stage anti-semitic protests, and lead to Australia dropping support for Israel
Makes no sense
they want to ethnically cleanse all of the Gaza and send all the refugees to the West, so yeah it is convenient for them. It's at least a few thousand we've let in, you can see for yourself
Where do the gazans even come from. Do they all live underground aswell? How are there so many of them? What do they eat?
they breed a lot it's demographic warfare against the Jews
>Israel wants to ethnically cleanse Gaza
>By keeping them alive and sending them to the West to harass Jews in the West and put pressure on the West to cut support to Israel so it can be destroyed by Iran, Hezbollah and Syria
>It's at least a few thousand we've let in, you can see for yourself
Nah I want the source
flee from brown people? White Australia policy is no more, it's just a matter of time until it's the same there (this goes for all of the west)
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I get paywalled from the article but you get the idea
>Murdoch rag
>Visitor visa
So not even PR. Nothingburger
>stop using English slang and words
Most are basically the same anyway.
Rugby League is the lifeblood of sport in both NSW/Queensland and Yorkshire/Lancashire
Remembering i had a mini AFL obsession last year.


Was just singing this down the pub

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