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I am a world champion
Still early though isn't it yank
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>Dogger Bank incident, during the Russo-Japanese War, Russian naval ships opened fire on British fishing boats in the area of Dogger Bank on 21 October 1904, mistaking them for Japanese torpedo boats.
Couldve sworn the bump limit was 300 and early news were tolerated until very recently
got tummy ache now
The bump limit has been 310 for over a decade and early news have never been tolerated and the cunts that make them shit be dropped by helicopter into a patch of cacti.
me 2 :(
Ive been here for 8 months now and ive made and seen several threads before 310 posts that were never deleted
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Arrr Ser Kier won't put up with any far lefty loonie nonsense. Sensible Centrism it is.
>Ive been here for 8 months now
Fuck me you’re a new cunt
>and seen several threads before 310 posts that were never deleted
Only because janny wasn’t about.
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Unironically true.
Just noticed that there was a Ben Mitchell edition last night. I'm quite glad I missed that, I hated that four-eyed Mockney cunt.
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'The Tice are permitted' - Janitor's note
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I clicked on this expecting something Thomas related and instead it was some shitty sheboon rap singer’s music video that I had to delete from my watch history. My fault really, I should have known not to click any youtube link posted here given how utterly imbecilic many of you are.
Dark Souls NPC hangover
Is he famous in the UK?
I can all but guarantee that this sequence of worlds is an original post.

Hope that makes you feel special.
No, he looks too fat to be likeable (I'm also fat)
off to gringotts
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please dont post ugly fat people here, thank you
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Chinese owned country
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it's polite to say 'want owt'
third poo of the day already and its pure liquid
might call in sick ot toil
Last thing you ate is what every penis on earth tastes like for 24 hours
How many are you gonna suck
Ate 20 of these loacker biscuits so I'd be willing to do that many
Had a gay fling last month. Weird how it just happened, didnt feel weird about it but went back to being straight this month.
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what did you do with him?
Bit of everything really. Put my willy in his bum, put his willy in my bum.
went for tea at the ritz
first poo of the day
Has lady gaga ever been surpassed?
I had low expectations for labour but they've been pretty based so far
Get some pantoprazole
quite warm this morning
might forego a jacket
why is baby boomer music so good
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holy mother of basedola
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Which boomer music? Like The Beach Boys?
don't even know what that is any more - 60s music I guess? It's because back then you need genuine musical talent to make it big, and things like looks, stage presence, style etc came second
saw plenty of bread in china and vietnam when i was there
no homeless either
just left my smelly childhood bedroom briefly but came back again
I don't know they're fucking retarded
*goes bald in your general direction*
another darkie attack i see
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a cu ad di eo t
my fellow americans, i have once again forgotten to put my towel in the wash
Why is it such a ball ache to get a new car insurance quote? Last year I had 0 no claims bonus, now I have 1 year. Show me how much cheaper that makes my insurance. No "you already have an account with us" bullshit, give me a fucking price.
catberg harrassing me for his tea
ought to fling the cretin onto a railway line
just switch every year
you always get a better deal
these cunts never value existing customers
Late 50s blues rock was based
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give him the foog NOW
every single non white wants you dead
love cats me
wish i had one
live in a flat though and think it would be cruel to keep catberg inside all day
This British /pol/tard is really fucking annoying.
What does suspending an MP actually do? Obviously they still have a seat in the house of commons, but now you've just made them hate you?
Monday, 8.15am. I am crammed on the Overground train, making my way to a boring work meeting when I am suddenly overcome by the desire to rip my husband's clothes off.
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>This British /pol/tard is really fucking annoying.
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>The bump limit has been 310 for over a decade

Nope, less than that

>early news have never been tolerated

It has been 4 years since the corona dictatorship began and when I first started coming consistently to /brit/ those entitled cunts would make a new one as early as 260. It's better now since the early morning janny has been keeping them in line.
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>speaking positively about the janny
janny detected
Not even in China?
>replying to an hour old post
>being wrong not once but twice in your reply to an hour old post
chebbing nora
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pub tonight with the toil lads
Rather spend my evening here than watching whatever hollyweird is cramming down our throats
Feeling seductive.
alas this is my situation as well
on the third floor no less so the little fella would never even touch grass
maybe I could find a rescue cat that's terrified of going outside
>stand up to racism
>kneels down
Sick of the woke mob.
ah the elusive pint gf
greek cunt seething because no one here likes his dogshit schizo slop posts
servile spineless wretch
want to go to the cafe and get a big fryup but I would need to shower first
I am at an impasse
Choon x
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>the singular british /pol/tard
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It seems you missed me. But you need to learn to accept those feelings and not get upset by them.
No you dont
prime sade was so fit
I think only a few countries can realise true socialism.

Its a hard balancing act but its worth it.
I haven't showered in days lad, I look and smell like a homeless
your posts aren't funny, interesting, evocative, etc, they're not anything
just dogshit generic mindless self-soothing autistic ritualposting that everyone glosses over as usual, they don't even work well as ragebait
wake up from your own delusions you tedious spastic
holy BASED
Sade walked so Jameela Jamil could ...also walk
shut up nigga

who stabbed the soldier then lads?
got the sade on
>they don't even work well as ragebait

today i will be a better man
niggersending to tesco
can't say or i'll get done for racism
Love to see it.
A clue gained.
put together 3 ronaldo clips
spent 10 minutes making a youtube short
uploaded it
made 3k$

why do ronaldo fags make it so easy? imagine actually spending your time working when you can just doss about and make money with 0 effort
plenty of pictures about, it was an invader
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theyre finally demolishing this piece of shit
making poo
what software did you use?
you'd need 60m views to make that from a short, no such ronaldo shorts exist
no need to arse, he's a poo operator
VERY good post.
might buy a draft excluder
*curls up in a ball like a cat and goes to sleep on an armchair in the corner of the thread*
Games from 2012 are 12 years ago

That means games from 2000 were 12 years old in 2012

That means that we're far off the deep end
where else will provide affordable overnight accommodation?
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“I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise, not like the wet windy farts which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night.”

~ James Joyce
>tfw was gaming in 2000, 2012 and 2024
Were you conceived there?
*throws water at you*
*blows in a paper bag and approaches silently*
The first video game I ever played was Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt on the NES circa 1993 or 1994.
tfw if you started secondary school when covid started you'd have finished school by now
Oh, that's nice!
wonder if they did a survey of every woman in this countrys weight what percentage of them would be a healthy bmi
well under 10% i reckon
virtually every woman is a fat pig
woke up at 1am and made some sausage rolls
not sure i cooked them right and tummystein is a grumbling
don't like that
woahhh you mean time moves? no way
see so many in shape lads with fat gfs. sorry state of affairs. it's why I'm volcel they're all disgusting
in A.D. 2101 war was beginning
They're all running around London trying to find a man who works in financd
must admit i'm highly attracted to chubby women but it's entirely sexual and i wouldn't dream of building a relationship around one

they're my choice of shag though
Sega Playstation
Ah yes, well done Slytherin. Well done and congratulations on your House Cup victory. However, I believe I have some last minute points to award to the Gryffindor house.
gayga gaygaytion
I want china food again
china china china (thai)
Volcel because I don't fuck fats or nonwhites, incel because I can't get the women I desire.
gaycation all i ever wannid
gaycation had 2 get away
this is why i exclusively hit on girls in techno clubs where due to drugs and dancing even the fattest are like bmi 25 and almost everyone is thin
ought to be thrown in a cell you nonce
is secondary only 4 years in the UK?
but you never pull deegs so this is a pointless comment
The Shaman of Sexy
Yeah age 12-16 is compulsory. You can leave and scrounge bennies the rest of your life, takes 2 more years to get into uni, you can go to college or do an apprenticeship.
>muh bogeyman
Brit has been, and always will be, a shaggers general
*nasally, stuttery, unable-to-make-eye-contact voice*
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Rome Total War is 20 this year. Mad that it's still somewhat playable today when it's the equivalent of someone playing on an Atari 7800 in the mid 00s
cope on
least projecting autist
Actually participated in the habbo raids as a wee runt, can't believe how long ive been coming to this shithole of a site
todays kino: JUNY-055
wordle took longer than i'd like to admit
thank you for your service
I was on runsecape during the fally massacre
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c aa ud de it o
Mad how your A-level results stop mattering within 12 months of getting them.

You either got into uni, or you chose to do something else with your life and they'll never be asked for by an employer ever again.
Don't even know what that is. I bow, possible olderfag.
on the bog fighting for my fucking life
need to return to when black people said things like "right on" and "outta sight"
I love women. They're so cute and have such pure souls after being pampered for their entire life and being deaf to the evils of this world
dont they get raped n all that
I coulda been somebody
I coulda been a contender
faint whiff of poo coming from me even though I wiped thoroughly and washed my hands
well Mousey, you're an odd fellow but you steam a good nettle
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Yeah if you take the sum of all people in north america and look at the mean average there are a reasonable number of rapes and sexual assaults yeah.
Just curled out a fat shite
skibidi biden
So obviously I've been given a big fuck off inheritance and feel it's only right I pay some of it forward to the less fortunate

Does anyone know any good charities I can donate to?
Proper ones not ones were 80% goes towards admin fees and definitely not ones focusing on jfs
You could say that it's not your forte
Barnardos, the samaritans, the NSPCC and the salvation army.
Salvation army
Local housing charities
that reminds me, I'm gonna put a euromillions on today

this is the PERFECT day to do it: either the day after a Tuesday draw or the day after a Friday draw. And of course you want to put a ticket on for the draw that's a week from now, not the next draw. This way you maximise the number of days where you hold a valid ticket for a valid draw, thus maximising the number of days/nights you can fantasise about winning (while having a mathematical chance of actually winning)

buying tickets on the day of the draw or the night before is a mug's game; then you only get a few hours of hope.
wow you've cracked it lad, now you've got a 3 in 4,678,922 chance of winning instead of a 1 in 4,678,922 chance
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please watch it till the end
No, my chances of winning are exactly the same. I'm only buying 1 ticket. No idea where you've got that nonsense from.
Not reading that...
And not clicking that...
what car would you buy if you won the lottery?

probably just a boring, normal car like a VW Golf for me
err.. oh fuck um... *frantically shuffles through cue cards*
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one of these, or maybe the v8 aston from Living Daylights
I can't get white women!
Convert it all into solid gold and have a block of it in my smelly bedroom
quite cool

feel like you'd likely die if it was involved in a crash thoughbeit. No modern safety features in such a vehicle.
I get to the part on Hinge where you have to upload 6 photos and just nope the fuck out
on bumble I've got as far as the part where they message you then I don't reply and instead just delete the app
First wipe with dry toilet paper in 15+ years, grim not to use wipes or a bidet.
I'd buy a few
Alfa Guilia Sprint
>rally rep
Impreza P1
>family car
F90 M5 Comp
812 Superfast
Well that's bizarre
omg the beast film from this year eactually has an eliot rodgers parody
So that Olympian whipping the horse, is it blown out of proportion or is it actually animal abuse? I know nothing about horses or equestrian.
/brit/ not /bressage/
use the money to start holden commodore production back up
too many povvos in here to know about horses
I have anxiety and menthol elves
What are the rich people forums then Mr fancypants
cant imagine being so retarded as to put all the efort into making a profile
then somehow get a reply
and then being too pathetic to reply to the reply
it's like you've done all the hard stuff and now you fail at the easy
fair enough if you get too nervous on a date but via text like fuck me how can yhou be that pathetic
Not being racist but why was the head of a secret service a woman in the first place. I find it very hard to believe any woman would be even in the top 10 most qualified people for the position.

Although look at our military, operational capability is knowingly being reduced in favour of diversity optics. Worlds gone mad x
He says 'our' like we're friends or something
Seems like a hitjob to rob UK of a few garuanteed golds
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haven't had a ciggie in over a month now but I wouldn't mind one
genuinely don’t know how people wipe their arses with dry paper, just did and it feels so unclean and alien
Youll regret it and most likely womt even enjoy the cig

Do 50 push ups and 59 bodyweight squats and if you still want one afterwards youre allowed
>From my bum being slapped to glue being left on the women's toilet seats - the jokes and sexual advances were constant. Male colleagues would even walk around the crew room with their penis sticking through the zip of their trousers and their pockets turned out. They'd swing it and sing Nelly The Elephant.

bloody sick and wrong so it is
doing a bit of punching down are we?

very cool
Exercise every day.
Muscle is all that fucking matters!
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err... no
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Looking forward to the Women's U-17 Euros de leds :3
Thanking you lads
do yall reckon sponge bob got autism
Need some new gym fits and gym creps. Got to look for some inspiration photos.
just looked up tickets for november
will be demanding that daddy take me
I'd get something elegant like an Aston Martin
What's the one that makes you never shut the fuck up
he be shaking dat thangg for mr krabs
play the euromillions because winning that would feel like actually winning the lottery

winning the Lotto you could buy a house and car, that's it. You'd probably still be a wageslave too
Feeling deeply brainful.
Ascending to a higher level.
A clue gained.
well im not capable of making a profile or getting any matches
how so
I feel like im more likely to win the lotto tho, not just statistically but like, god can see im not being too greedy, so he is more likely to grant me a cheeky 2-6million, meanwhile asking for a 100m mega jackpot on the euros is taking the piss so it will never happen
too ugly to make a profile capable of getting matches
feel like youtube just recommends the same videos over and over like nothing new or interesting is being uploaded
that is all very true to be fair

humble NEETs like ourselves could easily make a 2mil Lotto win last a lifetime as well. I don't need a big house or a flash car; a lifetime of not working is worth infinitely more to me.
On the one hand i get how people are nervous to talk to girls and get with people etc

On the other its literally SO fucking easy once you get over whatever neuroticism is making you act like a dweeb. Biggest problem in my life is too many girls vying for my attention and worrying about getting in trouble when they find out about each other
open it in a private window and take your pick of the slop
make a black man catfish
Adidas Powerlifts for squats/overhead and Nike Metcons for anything involving moving, any flat thin shoe for deadlifts
Metcons are great, they're like lifters you can run in. Felt stable as owt the other day basically running with 100kg/hand farmers and no stability issues even up to 140kg/hand for 20m beltless which was a PB
>once you get over whatever neuroticism is making you act like a dweeb

If it's not having shagged though then you're locked in a catch-22.
Im not a neet tbf im just off sick. You should get a job that enables you to have a social life desu bro, ifs a very difficult transition to make but it is well worth it. As an ex-neet who now has a lot of friends, decentish career and just a busy life. It really is worth it. Its just difficult

Get out there my bro
will they help me doing curls do you reckon
>The Home Office said it was not treating the stabbing as terror-related but the result of a mental health episode.

going to be a lot more of these 'mental health episodes' from people of a certain colour
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Was looking for some fresh crep pictures desu lad, but good advice anyway. I prefer using just socks for squats and pulls, lets me balance better.
You just have to stop caring about it. Thats what people pick up on, the low self esteem and self doubt bleeds out. Just dont show it, and let go of worrying about what people think. Ironically got way more attention and girls chasing me exactly around the time I pretty much gave up on trying to do the right thing, treat them well, be there for them, and care whether they liked me or were interested. It's a sad irony but a true one
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let me guess: you are not conventionally ugly?
Well desu they suffer from mental health due to the racism and trauma they suffer on a daily basis, so whenever a terrorist kills you or your fanily, remember its actually your fault for radicalising they/them
blud paying over 100 pound for trainers
mental how much body language held me back for years. Spent too long over analysing what I said but so much of it is how you come across in general
got me crocs on having a poo and drinking coffee
homie wearing shoes "engineered to the exact specification of championship athletes" to kneel on the assisted pullup machine in PureGym
I am told quite regularly that I am attractive to be fair. But nevertheless I think thr sort of personality you exude when you just speak and put yourself out there still works for lots of people. Confidence cant be understated, qnd fortunately for confidence, faking it is actually convincing to others
jus b urself and be confident bro
posture is very important
Seem to have posted a picture of your hairline here mate?
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Had a really weird and intense dream where I was topless in a crowded room and someone had to help me get out without exposing my boobs. Woke up having a sort of anxiety attack about it.
reading this while sat hunched over at my incel desk like a gargoyle
About £75 I think I paid
It's pretty good considering they're solid enough for heavy yoke/farmers, most trainers compress way too much especially on yoke
How you gonna fake confidence when you're unemployed with no pals, no hobbies and no social credit?
according us odd is it
as current administration director ed thompson
can we do delivery if only
I am attractive and this doesn’t really work if you are with good women, good women do exist and do appreciate a good person. You don’t need to be a simp but you definitely don’t need to act like the bad guy and not put effort in.
it's hard to be confident when you know you are ugly
Dreams last 4 so long
just be yourself
blud doing yoke but can’t squat 180kg for five reps
Step 1. Get a job.
2. Use newfound work connections to make friends.
3. Try new things! It can be anything, go to a fucking class or something and just get comfortable talking to random people
4. Is complete by the end of 1, 2 and 3. Just remember to be kind, helpful and respectful along the way :)
you shouldn't even be thinking about women if you're in that state
Do ASMRtists make money on patreon from simps or is youtube that lucrative?
Steady on bruv
Hmm agree, I maybe missspoke there. I go out of my way to be nice always, i love being kind to people. I just let go of that part of me on the inside that cares too much about whether its reciprocated
ads and sponsorships
Good advice
True, but theres a lot of ways fk build confidence all the same. Develop points of personal pride, that can be in your achievements, your relationships with other people, your expertise. Any number of things. The hard part is being proactive about it. But it can be done, so don't be down on yourself
how you gonna be mad on vacation
People at new jobs hate me within 2 days because I'm a friendless spacker loser. Two days in and I'm walking into an environment of people who would rather speak to anyone else.
literally none of that matters if you're ugly
corr need those hands round my throat x

good looking woman. what do you lads think about women with bra (an underwear) outlines? bit crass i think
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Here's your MPs that think we should pay people shit loads of people to keep pumping out kids
We should, but brits only
stopped doing meme shit like squats and deadlifts since I hurt my back twice, do slow tempo dumbell/machine stuff now, 3 seconds on the way down and a pause, feels much better
You definitely arent as ugly as you think you are. And loads of ugly guys are with nice girls. Its easy to use your own shortcomings as a reason to never try in the first place but it's still a mistake. You need to just ignore that part of yourself that says its not worthwhile to even try. You got this :)

Theres nothing uglier than a negative personality, its hard to believe but its true.
went to the park yesterday and there were a lot of brown people there

must have all been on annual leave from their employment
Good posts
>And loads of ugly guys are with nice girls
cause the girls have had their fun and are ready to settle down.
appreciate the support
I think the government ought to go around popping balloons and firing blanks behind clinically anxious people, bunch of fucking freaks, they'd deserve it.
got the gay poo porn on
Larry Fink said that populations with negative growth or stagnation and that are well educated with an eye towards automation and AI will have the edge in the medium and long term. Pack in some migrants rn to shore up the gig economy then slam the door shut
third from left would get it

forgot to add: i would've posted the image but i couldn't save it cause i'm not an internet whiz kid
Bit of genetic dead end are we?
And how many "Brits" do you see in that picture?
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there u go lad x
That's Rebecca Long-Bailey, nicknamed Wrong-Daily because she's a fucking idiot
Aren't we all in the end?
poor people shouldn't breed.
enjoy your wheelchair

There should be a tax cut for people who have kids rather than bennies, this would encourage the rich to have more kids than the poor
Dogshit early JF new
The rich don't pay taxes anyway

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