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Why does this country get so little attention despite being the most developed state in SEA and generally providing peaceful cohabitation between various ethnic groups and religions?
I like Jelly
Discount Singapore
Do Indonesians like or hate Malaysia? Why Indonesia isn't as rich as Malaysia?
>generally providing peaceful cohabitation
they fund every islamic insurgency in their neighbors, from indonesia to us to thailand
I care their jeet situation since it worse than Canada. How tf they not chud up yet
i thought they have more problems with Chinese than with Indians?
okay but that is happening outside Malaysia, not in it. Maybe they export their problems, so they don't have them inside their country but it works for them
Chinese and Indians are 2nd class citizens yet outperform Malays still kek
if they're so superior, why did they have to immigrate to Malaysia and couldn't develop their alleged superiority in China or India together with their equally superior brothers?
used to be at war 50 years ago, than a rival

now their zoomer consoomed our "content" so much they can speak in our dialect
they seethe about it about how malay language is dying, but we don't care all that much
Indian made up 7% but made 70% crime arrest. They are 3 million of them, if you see they claiming as successful migrant, remind everyone about Malaysia or NZ
>but made 70% crime arrest.
But aren't these "crimes" like smuggling pagan religious literature/paintings etc?
Stop fooling around
mofos get drunk all the time
>despite being the most developed state in SEA
Only in the Malayan Peninsula. Sarawak and Sabah are poor as fuck.
the belong to us in the confederation of shithole
Their problems with the Chinese are being economically ruled by them despite having majoritarian affirmative action, not street shitting, raping, and other typical jeet problems.
Chinese Malaysians prop up the Malaysian economy. Malays would be poor without affirmative action.
>muh Chineses
Lol. It's just a cope by the Malay dominated government to keep the Malays from finding out how much they have been bullshitting and robbing them.
they planned 9/11 there
>Only in the Malayan Peninsula.
Aka where over 80% of Malays live
apartheid state where the victims, the Chinese, lift the entire country
so they're just arrested for being drunk? then it's a non-crime really, if that's the worst you can accuse them of then Indians are truly the best immigrants to think about
Bretty much.
oh you're the pajeet
how's life in poland?
Yeah they arrested for simply being drunk. Not violence. Case closed. Lets talk about paki/muslim gang in Europe, i want to hear your opinion
why would I be Indian merely for thinking that getting drunk is not a real crime? maybe im just not a muslim?
You're right. You're a dirty fucking Zigger larping as a Polish nationalist.
huh, how did you come to such a conclusion
>not chud
>indog flag
>polen flag
>cinkapoor flag
good thread
I like colonising and conquering the area in EU4, especially since there's a very lucrative trade node there
we shit them for accepting jeet workers but on the other hand our media suck their dick so hard, making it looks like a paradise and well-ran cunt to the point of making jawakphobic schizo says 'malays should run indonesia'
oh just a guess~~
Is there hentai in Malaysia and Indonesia? I want to see headscarf porn
>'malays should run indonesia'
why would you even remember such posts if you're not Rakesh yourself?
hahaha good one
I google the most common hindi word then search it on the archive, prakesh
>to the point of making jawakphobic schizo says 'malays should run indonesia'
Grim. It'd like Filipinos on reddit crying about how they would be a first world country if the British colonized them instead of Spain
>I google the most common hindi word then search it on the archive, prakesh
why would you even know that word?
t. Ping Pong
Um did this Polzigger just reply to my post? Does he know that he's not welcome in Poland and he's in the same level as Jeets and Arab refugees?
yes, I'm secretly a paki spy rakeesh
wtf is this thread
he's nak one by one
Malaysia zindabad, tivi tiga rangkaian sukaramai
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In addition to funding the Islamic insurgencies in their neighbors: Aceh, Indonesia; Pattani, Thailand; and Mindanao, Philippines; (Free Aceh Movement, Pattani Rebellion, and Moro Insurgency); the Malaysians also have the highest crime rate in ASEAN despite being the 3rd richest after Singapore and Brunei.
>generally providing peaceful cohabitation between various ethnic groups and religions?
Bad bait
>he Malaysians also have the highest crime rate in ASEAN
all zainichi dindus
Fun fact, islands below the word malaysia in your map actually belongs to us. The eastern part is an enclave and should’ve had joined us tbdesu.
it would be interesting to know why Malaysia didn't annex Brunei and Singapore so far
It's not that interesting, they just can't
Why didn't you take the left piece of Malaysia? It's closer to you and makes a lot more sense if it belongs to Indo
Tell me about Kuala Lumpur, can I visit, is it nice?
Britbong would hate it
And their military can't even beat chinkapore (at least on paper)
It's the chinky gay liberal part of Malaysia, of course you can visit.
I like Chinese women.
Go to China or Taiwan instead if you want qts, chinkapore & Malaysia have these tropical goblino mutt type chinks
I like some of those jungle Asians too desu
making money > your feelings but I won't expect a zigger like you to understand
City states have it so easy they don't count
I thought the Vietnamese were on top, Malaybros, what’s your excuse?
then just go to Thailand or Vietnam, much cheaper
>their zoomer consoomed our "content" so much
prove it
its your standard capital city, if you visited any of the asean capital city then you've basically visited them all
>liberal as shit
>full of foreigner
>traffic jam 24/7
0/10 i dont recommend going there
our zoomoids consoomed as much indog content as our own content
No Malaysian Chinese would say that they have not been discriminated against
>It was all zainichi cinak saaar!
Diaspochinks hate communism
Singapore was originally part of Malaysia but they didn't want there to be so many Chinese people in their country so they kicked them out of the federation
the KANG of Brunei didnt want to relinquish absolute power
was part of Malaysia, got kicked out cuz too many chinkies, in hindsight a bad move cuz chinkies here are so liberal they stopped having children altogether, mleis will eventually outbreed the chinks at some point
They're the next superpower, don't you know?
I'd trust caspianreport, even if they have some of the shittiest list of sponsors i've ever seen in a jewtub channel
>they didn't want there to be so many Chinese people in their country so they kicked them out of the federation
It's much more complicated than that tbqh. It mostly boils down to UMNO not wanting to cuck out and be dominated economically while power slowly shifts from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. It became much more prominent later on after the PAP started winning in Sabah and Sarawak.

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