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Autism is FINISHED!
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@tm you might be interested
They finally admit it was learned helplessness?
This makes sense since autism seems so rare in history
>learned helplessness?
What is that even supposed to mean?
>in mice
I'm happy for int posters
>in girls

girls cant get autism
>learned helplessness
>can be diagnosed as young as 12 months old
Oh yea the autistic kid drooling in sped class just learned to be helpless ofc
Figures... just as the doctor undiagnosed me and diagnosed me with borderline instead.
girls want to be autistic just to post videos online about their "quirks" being an autist and get thousands of likes
Clickbait, apparently it was reversed in the context of a specific task after tons of training
Introverted person becomes more isolated out of ludicrous childish butthurt, stays in the house for a decade only to realise now he's unemployable, has zero friends, can't even drive a car anymore.
I guess now you are the expert. This is r/psychology here. Not that psychology isn't a pseudoscience at the level of phrenology and astrology.
>tfw over 30
It's too late
It anti gluten diet with omega 3 oil supplements and vitamins
Autistic bros...
There are versions of Down syndrome but those people definitely won't come online and spam imageboards with geopolitics and anime.
Uh oh linux bros, how do we hold up?
Nah it's over cause you were born in malaysia
Huge blow for /int/
Learned helplessness means you have internalized the idea that you cannot change your life and things that happen. A person with learned helplessness with give up easily or not try at all to make change. If you constantly find yourself wanting to do things, or wanting to make a change, but taking zero steps to do things or make a real change, you have learned helplessness.
Of course the fucking rom*nian gips* scum of the earth will have an opinion on the matter
i have both but undiagnosed
Does that excite you?
>marron favela dweller talking about gypsies like its even an issue for him
autism is a psyop
We're all gonna make it bros...
Autism =/= Aspergers
Autism in women is different, it's not that noticable in the first place and maybe they just made it so they can hide it better, you can't measure autism. Men will still be fucked
Girl in my class is I'm pretty sure.
Thing is with women it just comes across as quirky or cute cause child like traits are attractive in women
pussy cures autism
Girls also like pretending to have autism now, they have some machine that scans your eye now and tells you if you have autism in like a second and it's like 95% accurate or something and I've seen women seethe saying autism can't be measured like that because it's how they feel. Real autism is not great but still as you said child like features and yada yada is a feminine trait so they will be able to hide it much better.
You are probably just gay.
what that have to do with autism?
do normies don't have it or was it the opposite?
How the fuck would you be able to tell if someone has autism from scanning their eye? Sounds like a load of bullshit.
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It has nothing to do with autism. The Romanian retard just doesn't know shit about what he's talking about and is just farming for yous.
what happrn if I have both learned helplessness & autism?

Some AI shit and a bright light and tracking eye movements, sounds like BS but it's pretty accurate it seems. You can get the screening in Australia as far as ik and it worked on a friend who was previously diagnosed.
that makes sense, when those videos on tiktok made by autistic women pop up on my fyp i can immediately notice that they're not right, the autism eyes are real, it's just those dead eyes with big pupils looking at you in that weird way
It's rarer but possible, there was an autistic girl back during my high school
I saw discussion about this on Hacker News. The accuracy is too high, enough that it looks like there was data contamination.
Lol at the same person with the multiple VPN protecting his fragile ego. Autism is and always was narcissistic adult virgins with learned helplessness. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I think this is also probably somewhat a cure of inceldom too. Thank god.
Tornatene a rubare rame Samir
If only this has happened 20 years ago my life could've been different
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God please fix my broken brain
You can't really have learned helplessness as an autistic person because an autistic person is already helpless because of their autism.
answer this, I forgot to tag you >>200115584
You probably have seen more girls with autism the thing is girls can hide there autism very well that's the thing. Men can't so men suffer and become social outcasts
Idk I'm not an autism scientist but it worked on my previously diagnosed friend.
Sorry anon, it says girls so it's really just not saying much about a cure.
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>>in girls
>girls cant get autism
how do I know if I had learned helplessness instead of autism then if they're mutually exclusive?
8 gorrillion followers on tiktok and what not then call them selves social outcasts lol
In all likelihood it can be applied to men too. We're not a separate species, even if incels think so.
Girl autism and boy autism is different.
Autism isn't real just like cancer
Is this a medical statement or just your delusions?
>tfw when parents didn't pay for 18 different treatments from various experts when I was 20 months old to reverse my autism
It's over for me.
>girls can hide there autism very well that's the thing
Then it's not autism? It's jus choosing between acting like a retard or not
It's just that women can hide it much better and dont really have the problems like men do that comes with autism. You can't really measure autism and that that study is done on women, who can already hide it well, so who's to say that they just can hide it better now and it's not cured.
Hiding it doesn't mean you don't feel the problems on the inside, being social doesn't cure autism. But being social helps a lot with feeling like shit and an outcaste.
That's like saying psychopaths who pretend to be normal people aren't actually psychopaths.
Ketovore/carnivore diet cures it. It's a gut problem so stop eating plants and drink some raw milk.
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She's autistic okay? You just don't get its
People say that HRT can help reverse autism symptoms but after I started HRT I soon became obsessed with WW2 military history
It didn't help me
Shit, I'm going to have to find new hobbies.
If there was a cure that worked for adults, would you take it?
So true
You take out your natural hormones and replace them with hormones your body is literally not meant to work on and then it cures autism ?? If you started socializing more on hrt maybe it'll make it less obvious but that will just be the socializing.
Did it grow back your foreskin?
Probably measures how much pupil moves around a lot, how wide eyed person is
Theres definitely a common look in the eyes. Because autists aren't as emotionally expressive, it leads to different appearance over time as autists don't change their facial expression as much as normies do.
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Attention whores genuinely need to be removed from the genepool.
There are a variety of reasons for lower than normal emotional expressiveness. You can't use that alone to diagnose autism.
killing blow to the it industry
You just have to subscribe monthly payments to a pharmacy and only swallow approved pills from one conglomerate big corporation that spiked up the prices before publication of the recently newfound studies?
This is literally stolen valor
>autism=failed neet
Nah, there are aspies who are assertive as fuck, confident and that can talk to people just fine. Despite all this, they still autistic. The fact they are 100% literal makes them very funny people to have arround.
Autism is the opposite of introverted, it's when you got no inhibitions.
Autism can be cured by stop watching internet and porn and jerking off mostly
Dunno if I'd want it reversed at this point, desu. Suddenly becoming self aware of exactly how much of superb sperg I've been over the years sounds like an excellent path to suicide.
Not really, autism is from birth and doesn't have any real cure.
Mild autism, or 4chan autism, can be "cured" or compensated if the person grows up on an environement where he's forced to socialize/work and his parents don't allow him to become a perma online freak.
Still, if you are a neet that does nothing but playing videogames you have only yourself to blame. Sure, autism may make you more likely to become a neet, but it's you the one that decides that.
>can be diagnosed as young as 12 months old
Can autism be seen under the microscope? No... then, strictly speaking, you can't properly diagnose it.
>Oh yea the autistic kid drooling in sped class just learned to be helpless ofc
In what way does autism explain such a student? Brain damage would provide an explanation, but autism....?
People don't understand that autism isn't actually real other than a classifier for behavior. You can definitely reverse autism in some instances, just not regularly in those you're most interested in (severe cases).
>You can get the screening in Australia as far as ik and it worked on a friend who was previously diagnosed.
Meaningless since the eye test will probably screen 50 % of all subjects positive for autism.
Nearly all psychological science is bullshit.
>Not really, autism is from birth...
Big doubt... I've previously worked with "autistics" where it seemed to me like it was down to brain damage
>and doesn't have any real cure.
We don't have a cure either for diabetes, yet it can resolve on its own.
Just like betus not having a cure doesn't mean it cannot be managed. As I said, autists who are perma online/r9k/ neets could be perfectly integrated if they have grown on the right environement

lie on resume like everybody else, problem solved
>Just like betus not having a cure doesn't mean it cannot be managed.
1. You can't manage something that doesn't exist outside of rhetorics.
2. I'm distrustful of the concept because it goes too strongly into a "not a good wagie" syndrome.
3. I'm skeptical of "science" that arrives at the conclusion that a socially awkward engineer and a brain damage case have the exact same condition.
Autism is just a form of brain damage, case closed. People really need to stop spouting their whole “neurodiversity” bullshit. A disability isn’t something to take pride in.
This post really got the incels here creased.
dumping my Paradox stocks as we speak
I have autism and i believe this
>Can autism be seen under the microscope
It can be seen in CT scans due to abnormal brain activity. Another noticeable thing in imaging exams about autistic children is an abnormally high number of neurons in the frontal lobe
>In what way does autism explain such a student? Brain damage would provide an explanation, but autism....?
you are the lowest kind of retard: the one that thinks he knows shit.
see above
Preaty much this. If you diagnosed with autism you're legally retarded and shouldn't boast about it.
Devastating news for terminally online whites from the suburbs needing a personality surrogate.
>It can be seen in CT scans due to abnormal brain activity
No, it can't. There's no brain scan for it, otherwise it would be in use for it. All there is, is some made-up diagnostic tool that can be changed at will, hence why now suddenly everyone has autism (according to clinicians), since the diagnostic criteria were watered down to include practically anyone.
>Another noticeable thing in imaging exams about autistic children is an abnormally high number of neurons in the frontal lobe
See above. No brain scan for it. Correlational studies are irrelevant, otherwise I could include a shit ton of articles that have noticed a one to one correlation between autism and industrial pollutants.
it's learned helplessness for people who try to claim it's a disability. I just dislike talking to normgroids because I hate talking about socialfaggotry and they aren't interested in my hyperspecific niche interests, it's why I post here

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