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Public transport edition

Missed the bus: >>200079065
Good morning. I hate the Jannies and Admins on this website
Good morning /med/.
Another hard day of wageying.
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Good morning.
The original Z sub-edition.
Just done with my scanner. Now enjoying a croissant and cappuccino in a little market
Too cheap to Moe-maxx in that case, but if it had Lisa and minorities, I might wait for the next.
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Apparently, I'm a bit radioactive right now.
As you damn well should!
You can do it fren, it's already the half point of the week. Took my day off today.
Didn't know Zorro was a russian puppet.
Nothing to smile about in my life
>Apparently, I'm a bit radioactive right now.
>Didn't know Zorro was a russian puppet.
No, Russians are simply big fans of Zorro.
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Roman Emperors ethnicity list:

Italian: ~28 emperors
Greek: ~11 emperors
Illyrian: ~8 emperors
Syrian: ~5 emperors
Pannonian: ~4 emperors
Armenian: ~4 emperors
Spanish: ~3 emperors
Other/Mixed: ~7 emperors
unfortunately these people were washed away with the slavic invasion of the balkans with albania remaining the only one reserving its racially heritage to the illyrians
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What have they done this time.
Beautiful eyes.
Not as beautiful as yours babe...
@Gironde Have you seen the game "The Quarry"? I think it is up your alley.
>JVPITER dabs on leftoids again
i am working from home hehheheighehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehe
so im not actually getting any work done
>i am working from home hehheheighehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehe
>so im not actually getting any work done
Hello /meds/.
What events are you watching during this Olympiad?
>Women's Volleyball
Maybe volleyball, male or female
I'm salty that they reduced yet again the number of events for weightlifting.
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Good morning sisters. As I was doing my sets in the adductor machine, I set the ROM lever to a higher level without paying attention to it. I thought to myself that something wasn't right, then I noticed that my ROM improved. What a pleasant surprise.
Skipped squats because my lower back was hurting.

>Budapest girls won't match with me for whatever reason, i only seem popular with brownies
Seems like a massive upgrade fren.

>What’s impressive about it?
You wouldn't get it.
What did he do this time?
Whatever the national sport channel shows, if any and if I bother watch.
Later I'll watch some compilation with sexo athletic women
Women's Volleyball
Women's Pole jumping
Anything with cute girls.
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Started watching Kingdom with my mom
Yes I played it and really liked it! I play all games by Supermassive, you're right on it being up my alley!
Nothing, just playing vydia
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How does it compare to the manga?
I love my gramps but oh boy I sure do hate talking with late silent gens and boomers about politics. I mean I can't even say I talk with them about politics because I just let them talk and don't even respond hoping they stop.
Same sister
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It is Eastern European week at Lidl, so today I purchased two tins of goulash: Austrian style and Hungarian style. I will serve as arbiter and determine, once and for all, who has the better goulash.
None of them, but I will watch some webms of the female gymnastics on /fit/.
Today I'd rather kill myself than wage, fuck fuck fuck
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Reminder that global warming will make the Mediterranean unlivable in two years.
You have been warned.

I will come to Bordeaux and slap you (after spending the day drinking your wine and woolking around town).

Why is such a great manga so SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW. They're now at the midpoint of the Warring States history.
BTW, in the real history, the main character:
>is the one that ends up conquering Zhao and defeating Riboku (real name Li Mu) after being told to do it by Ousen (real name Wang Jian)
>proceeds to fuck up the Yan Kingdom
>invades Chu after telling the Qin king that 200k troops would be enough (the advisors wanted to send 500k)
>gets an humilating defeat
>gets a second humiliating defeat, which is considered the greates setback to Qin unification of China
>gets replaced with Ousen and his 600k army which conquers Chu
>proceeds to never again command a great army and becomes the lapdog of Ousen for the conquest of Qi, the last kingdom to be conquered
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>when a native sees an iberian approaching
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The workplace's one hour lunch break, which last two hours with me, lasted over three hours today.
Yeah, uh, I'm not leaving later than usual anyway.
Thinking about myself makes me sad
This happens in my country too.
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The Mediterranean has been uninhabitable since 2003 - and yet, we continue to thrive.
Never understimate the Mediterranean man's ability to overcome great adversity, it could be your last mistake.
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Enjoy the slack, brother.
Is it to reward my fight again capitalism?
Did not coom this week, maybe I should to this, but don't want it to be weird with those imhotep heads fr
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Lucky for you, I'm a merciful person >>>/s/22011688
>did not coom this week
How is this physically possible, it's been three days already.
Theses days i will not do it for a week, then coom for severals days everyday fr
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And the sea will rise to make the Netherlands like the Atlantis.

Impressive time dilation, it's like that thing Einstein was talking about.

Why is this lady baring her breasts.
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>video of people from /med/ countries playing language games
>the ONLY person who isn't a girl is the portuguese one
>the most attractive girl is the brazilian (portuguese) one

More data for my hypothesis.
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It was today that I learned that I can also put 2.5 kgs of weight on machines instead of 5 by pressing that weird thing at the top. Wild.
Also I will never look like that, it's literally over. I will never recover from this.

What happened in 2003, monsieur chat noir?

>I will serve as arbiter and determine, once and for all, who has the better goulash.
Obviously the hungarian one.
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>What happened in 2003, monsieur chat noir?
I suppose you wouldn't remember, since you would have been a suckling babe back then. It was the hottest summer in Europe since the 16th century, and killed something like 70,000 people.

Such summers are normal now, but it was a real shock to the system back then. We were so unprepared.
I would like to bring back my suggestion of a dick pass being required to participate in this thread.
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>move bumble to Santo Domingo, Culombia, Mexico, Argentina
>get over 50 likes in a few minutes, mostly literal ogres, but also cuties
>move back home
>no matches beside a couple hamplanets
>move slightly south, Tunisia
>tens of matches again
This can't be a coincidence. The more melanine they have, the stronger my power gets. Snow princess are disgusted by me tho.
They are desperate for a european citizenship.
Cope. They are desperate for AIC (average italian cock)

>since you would have been a suckling babe back then
How sexist of you.
My mom only gave me milk for not more than two weeks, I can't imagine how strong I'd be now if I had not skipped my gains goblin phase as a kid.
It's not too late, you can start drinking milk every day now.
I had milk for more than a year and I still came out a manlet.
I drink a lot doe, hit my toe hard as fuck yesterday and I even thought it broke, but it did not. My skeleton is bonemaxxed.
Yes but you're strong.
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Good day med am back from the wagie cagie
>ayo I hate being a manlet
>deadlifts 280 kgs
How much can you leg press, asking the real question.
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While I am flattered by your proposition, I must reaffirm that I am straight and uninterested in showing you images of my tally-whacker.
You will be a fool not to consider booking your next holiday in Tunisia or South America. That way lies love.
>My mom only gave me milk for not more than two weeks
Jeez, is that the Jewish side of your family? You might not have become strong anyway, just fat (it happened to me).
But not because of milk, before going to the gym I wasn't particularly strong.
This is the only way to filter out women.
I don't do leg press, but they are a bad exercise to measure leg strength because they are easy to cheat on.
Squat is way better for that.
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>that the Jewish side of your family
Catnigga, I.....
Both sides of my family are Jewish.
Ashkenazi chads are strong as fuck. If you are ashkenazi you are either a genetic fuckup or a chad incarnate. I took the risk by being born into such a family and ended up winning. Dad used to do thai-box and his coach "hated" him because according to the coach my dad fucked up big time by not lifting with his build. Anyways, he used to impress mom by flipping bales of hay fr fr (which tbf the next day probably angered farmers a lot when they saw their bales being rotated by 90 degrees).
>Anyways, he used to impress mom by flipping bales of hay fr fr
The fall of the USSR was a mistake.
Went to the cinema with the niece to see a movie. Kiddo couldn’t come because he’s too young, so the plan was for wife to stay with him and go for a walk with him to a nearby park.
But the kid’s trolley is in the car that I took, and now she’s stuck at home for more than two hours because of it, only because I completely forgot (she even asked for me to take it out the car).
Feeling like killing myself.
It's ok, moments like this will make the kid stronger.
I have already seen this post though.
Looks like my experience in China kek
Literal climbing Olympians wanting to sex me (I checked she didn’t make the cut for this Olympiad).
>Both sides of my family are Jewish.
Whitest magyar
Sorry ytboi, but we are brown here in hvngary.

Just get a pizza for dinner (the one she and he like, not the one you like).
Tons of women want to sex you in Portugal though. So it's not the same.
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The other was with tinder. This time it's bumble. In theory on bumble they are looking less for casual and more for serious, on average.
Chad is Chad, whatever the country
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What the hell is going on, why am I getting connection error for 95% of my posts.

Who is doing this?
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>open /gif/ for the lulz
>girl calls the guy a good boy
>get the hardest erection I had so far this year
I should just kms for being like this.

Chinkmoot is testing his new invention. I'm not going to spoil the fun part, but get ready for 4chan pass 2.0 (only 99 pounds a year).
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Got the results from the scanner. They couldn't see the gallbladder so who knows where this little atrophied rascal is...
No other issue otherwise, except maybe a lot of poop in my bowels.
Don't think it's the same thing. The show is about zombies in medieval Korea.
>I will come to Bordeaux and slap you
Well huuuh maybe climbing then!
You can't complain that much for something you get for free, can you?

Oh wait nonono...
Today's training.
OHP, 1x1 with 85 kg, 3x4 with 72.5 kg.
Close grip bench press, 4x6 with 120 kg.
Dumbbell incline bench press, 3x8 with 40 kg.
Triceps cable extensions, 3x8 with 45 kg.
No they don’t, I just got lucky, that’s all.

But Chad is a specific country.
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Your futile attempts betray your self consciousness about your Chad nature. But you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Keep at it, you have our support.
My mistake.

It happens when my connection is crap, maybe a nutty little guy ate the wrong cable again.
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I am going to put spiders on your mouth while you sleep.
I am going to put squirrels on your mouth while you sleep.
I am going to put breastmilk on your mouth while you sleep.
>Got the results from the scanner. They couldn't see the gallbladder so who knows where this little atrophied rascal is...
What happened to your gallbladder? How does one's gallbladder suddenly go missing?
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Maybe it escaped.
We only miss prickled pears and the NHS for the Catnigga trigger bingo
>How does one's gallbladder suddenly go missing?
Gnomes used to steal underwear and small decorative objects. Nowadays, organs are much more profitable.
Well if I'm still alive and healthy, I suppose I can do without... or with a tiny one we can't see.
There is a video by Lingualizer from Valletta and he didn't recognise Maltese once or twice. Funny.
>I am going to put breastmilk on your mouth while you sleep.
H-hot. I'd rather you bring some black girl to my house, I impregant her then when the baby is born, she can just put her breast straight in my mouth.
Could be! Maybe it's hitchiking in SouthEast Asia right now.
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Me? I love France, simple as
Fascist scum.
Noticed that anti-aliasing was turned off in the nvidia control panel.
Now that I turned it on, I wonder if it fixed my issue with jagged edges.
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is this the slop you make
>I wonder if it fixed my issue with jagged edges.
you need high reso with texture and good graphics for it to work efficiently, jozef
Thoughts on this video title by Mihoyo?

No, I already answered you about it last thread.
My parents are from Argentina so they didn't teach me any Spanish cooking.
>I turned it on
>I wonder if it fixed my issue
Hmmm, so the difference is imperceptible?

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have you ever tried a shawrama?
I've had kebab from a few places, but always the fast food kind with industrial meet, and so never had a proper Syrian shawarma.
There are some Lebanese and Palestinian restaurants in the city centre, which probably have similar food to Syrian, but I don't think I've seen any Syrian one.
>Hmmm, so the difference is imperceptible?
What I meant was that I'm yet to try it out in a gaym to see if it fixed the issue or not.

>good graphics
I have a 4070 Ti and imho that's not too bad. Are you an ethnic emirati or do you just live in the UAE?
Nevermind, I remembered you posted about having a syrian phenotype some days ago.
What game have you been playing the most lately?
See >>200044198
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We won
Based Armenian guy.
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Damn, I didn't post throatussy yesterday.
Better post it twice today just to be safe.

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