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>need to check this cuckstamp before buying food
do they really?
i dont when i'm not traveling
>t. Visajeet
They do. Yikes
I don't care any more
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>imam have to stand close to the automatic buthers machine to ensure all the processed meat can be considered halal
Economic jihad. Should be banned. Unecessary evil.
Yes and?
>butcher has to be a muslim
>animal has to face mecca
>butcher must chant arabic blood sacrifice spell
>butcher must slit throat
Fucking barbaric.
The animal can’t see the knife and you have to keep it sharp so that the animal won’t feel any unnecessary pain. The throat has to be slit so thay the blood runs out, you know the thing that houses most diseases in a creature. Also that arabic spell you mentioned is basically ‘In the name of God’.
>blood houses the most disease
ya'll niggas wild
Pressure gun is less painful.
>Make issues out of nowhere
You are literal reddit/woke tier
It results in cleaner meat but I don’t expect you to understand cleanliness
you drink camel piss
All animals are raised in clean farms nowadays (at least here in euorpe)
Pisslam is extremely autistic about cleanliness and hygiene which is one of the very few positive qualities about it.
You drink cow piss and eat cow poop
and i make up for it by with hygiene, you puke and get diarrhea every single day don’t call anyone nasty with that flag again
You are still not white, Pablo
I'm Anglo Mormon so technically I'm a demigod white.
aren't hong kong halal standards a bit lower?
I've seen footage from halal abattoirs and honestly I've seen videos of people dying that are less disturbing.
Reminder that Trump will never use 'Fortunate Son' for his campaign
I have pisslam fatigue
It's like something out of hell. Muslims aren't human
>So im just another most hated group
>t. Rakesh
How is that different from another butcher house? You would make propaganda and fear monger out of nothing
And this is supposed to be in the first world, can even imagine in tje slums of pakistan and balgnadesh whats happening
Because they have standards here and stun animals with captive bolt guns before killing them so they don't suffer rather than have muzzies hack them to bits as they writhe around.
They get an exemption here for religious reasons, animals right campaigners have been calling to ba it for years but pakis would chimp out if they did.
>Indians are the only people that dislike Muslims
The whole planet hates you mate
Give Northern Ireland back to the Irish you British scum
tbf ours is even more autistic
That's down to them, we're not holding them hostage, about half of Northern Ireland are protestant unionists that want to stay within the UK.
Anglos and Jews, bad news
we can actually eat kosher food too
>wait you don't like my barbaric religion?
>pajeet pajeet pajeet!1!1
>brahmin aryan
>iran flag
for once the namefag match the flag
really? thats cool
I hope this doesn't mess up my YouTube feed. How is this considered sanitary enough for Muslims though? They have all these rules for cleaning themselves, but blood is all over the floor of this halal slaughterhouse.
Turn off your VPN, sicko
I worked in an abattoir when I was younger, they did exported meat that had to be halal. The reality is the only difference is the animal has its throat cut after it is hit with the stun gun. At a commercial level, you likely wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless it was your job to know.
Slaughtering animals is messy, there's no avoiding the reality of physics and butchering flesh.
Here they're exempt from the stunning process for religious reasons.
Blood is on the floor to drain, there is likely a drainage system in place for it. Have you ever thought about what it takes to have a live animal enter a factory floor and come out as clean, various cuts of meat on the other side? The in between parts are kind of bloody.
You may be right but I doubt it, given your other posts in this thread. I'd wager you've never been in a butcher shop behind the counter, let alone a farm or slaughter house.
is it true that some abbatoir workers get mental health problems from prolonged exposure to the animals being slaughtered?
>All the non-Arabic muslims seething
>Even funnier when they call people indian as an insult but they basically look and sound the same
>When they speak it sounds like simglish
Bet they feel jealous the cows get to die while they're stuck living so that's why they do these barbaric things
why’s the thing with curryjeets and the word ‘’jihad’’, love jihad, economic jihad, pajeet jihad
why aren't those sheeps sheared ?
Aryan Jihad
>wipe their ass with rocks
>drink camel piss
>their prophet himself wears cum stained clothes all the time
>more shit I'm not asses to look for, like bathing in a well full of dead bodies
Great hygiene.
You will never be white
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You will never be clean.
I don't really care about people coming to Europe but I don't know why we allow them to bring their cult.
Is this thread halal?
why sea niggas love Islam so much?
If I'm a pajeet why would I care about nipland?
Did you lose focus when counting how many times you wiped your ass?
You are a nigger
Nice digits
I'm sorry islam made you a complete retard.
Stop being afraid of hell, everything will get better.
Try it, even for a minute.
You have no argument you can only insult. Islam is only making your life worse, and is eating your brain.
This is just sad.
What is your religion? Definitely not Christian.
accuse him of being a hindu
I have no religion.
The fact that you even ask this irrelevant question is further proof that your own religion has conpletely taken over your brain.
What the fuck
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Even the Japanese hate Islam and for good reason. You guys really bring the hate upon yourselves. You're intolerant of the cultures of your host countries yet cry victim when people tell you to fuck off
I don't really get why people get so pissy about halal butchery. Their reasoning for not stunning is autistic, but as far as pre modern techniques go it's not very cruel or unsanitary, essentially the cleanest kill you could perform on a large animal.
The goatfucker fears the samurai
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Halal deez nuts

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