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why are germanics like this
>decadent plaza
>working land
more proof that meds will do anything besides work
soulless vs sovl
Everything capable of supporting the top pic fell apart so no wonder the bottom one happened
"Fall of Civilizations" podcast had a nice episode about related stuff, how Roman Britain fell. Pretty relevant podcast to the topic overall
>turns your graeco-roman architecture into a mudhut

nothing personnel :)
>takes pride in working
That happened after the 3rd century in Roman towns anyway.
The classical Roman economy was based on towns as consumptive centres supported by the villa system. Manufacture and production was broadly kept out of towns and cities.
From the late 3rd century the economy of the empire was much more localised and rural landowners had become much more powerful. The effect of this was twofold. Firstly, those rural landowners were no longer willing to pay for public works in towns. Occasionally christfags would guilt trip them into paying for a church but usually they preferred to spend it on a new wing for their villa or a load more slave girls to bang. This also meant less money to pay for trained sculptors, masons and engineers.
Secondly, as trade networks had shrunk towns had to become more self-reliant. They couldn't rely on goods being brought in so they had to make goods themselves, and the great public buildings that were no longer being maintained by the elite were oerfect places to do so.
There are surviving texts from the late 4th century lamenting the state of towns across Italy
Nordic aryans were the thirdies of the first millennium
Let me quess you are from south Italy?
Хyй бyдeшь?
It's pretty interesting how even then (and way before during the Bronze Age too) the world was so intertwined that disruptions to the system could cause such massive changes.
They're dirty
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Why were romans unable to develop the heavy plow or the horse collar?
they were too busy ruling the world and shit
It's all about productivity.
>the world
A small corner of it.
40% of the actual world's population spanning over 3 continents and countless cultures and peoples

yes, it does qualify as the world
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it's happening again
Some argue that it was because there was no need. There was so many slaves that innovation in agriculture wasn't a priority at all, same for increasing efficiency. They could just easily and cheaply throw more slaves into the issue and make larger estates
SOVL. Where is this from?
Souns like modern day
They saw no value in the culture of those that had invaded, slaughtered and oppressed them so they just did their own thing after Rome was stupid enough to think that letting immigrants in and giving them citizenship would be all it took to make them Roman.
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Thats not what happened you dumb fucking animal
>from the country who has aids rate of africa
I think now more than ever companies are trying to push every bit of efficiency and cost savings out of their resources, including workers. Though I guess outsourcing to Pajeetistan and the likes is sorta like the "let the slaves do it" approach of farming estates.
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That's pretty interesting. I didn't know it happened before the collapse of the empire.
The collapse was a slow and gradual progress and happened at different times and with different speeds at different parts. Even a century or more prior to the end of Western Roman Empire some of the heartlands redembled more a medieval way of life than that of Pax Romana times.
1. Europeans had practices like that, one example are viking funerals where the wife and the female slaves consigned themselves to that.

2. It was noted by observers in India that women only do that because life as a widow is worse than death, something which wasnt the case in European societies.

Another case of indians being up their own ass despite being utter subhumans.
aids gas nothing to do with laziness
you arent a "real man" unless you take pride in being a manual labor slave to corporate overlords who treat you like a dog
That was a Roma camp along the petite ceinture in Paris. It was evacuated 10 years ago I think
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He can't keep getting away with it
He's right though. The first thing everybody does after becoming rich enough is to stop working and pursuing their own goal/dreams/projects/whatever
Taking pride on your wagie job is slave mentality
More than just resembled, it was Medieval. The post-Diocletian Empire was structurally and economically a feudal state
I said it resembled it because even though the start point for Middle Ages is pretty fluid, it's usually considered to be somewhere around after fall of Western Roman Empire, even though a lot of the hallmarks of medieval society were around way before that
Why does the nigga on the left have a celtic tattoo?
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because we like the aesthetics
auxiliarii mercenary from transalpine(french) tribes?
Why is he so smug, he's presumably about to be killed by savage germoids.
first time i agree with a shitalian lmfao
Is this why they larped as Romans for the next 1000 years?
Literally every single thing you wrote here is wrong I can tell you've never read a single history book about the Romans and Germanic tribes
Mr. Spengler has also stood on the sites of ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon, and lamented how their civilizations once flourished and now such a decline. Then Spengler traveled many places, and came to a conclusion, which is the "civilization of the season." All civilizations have a lifespan, and no civilization can be brilliant forever. Civilization has spring, summer, autumn and winter, and it goes through spring (adolescence), summer (maturity), autumn (harvest) and winter (decay), which means that civilization also has its own life span, and there is no civilization that never declines and never dies. Therefore, in 1918, Spengler wrote The Decline of the West, predicting that the spring and summer of western modern civilization had passed, the autumn of modern civilization, that is, the harvest season, had arrived, and modern civilization would harvest unprecedented huge achievements in civilization, but at the same time, the winter of modern civilization would inevitably come. Huge cities, unprecedented numbers of people, the spread of atheism, the prevalence of hedonism, the spread of low fertility, the emergence of extreme ideas and extreme people on a large scale. Spengler sees this as a symbol of modern civilization's coming winter, which he believes will occur around 2010.

According to Spengler's theory, most civilizations in history evolved according to this law: mobile barbarian tribes loosely autonomous feudal city-states increasingly powerful centralized states corrupt and authoritarian bureaucratic states conquered by a new wave of barbarians
I don't see the problem, they cleverly re-utilized an ancient structure they had no reason to keep for protection
It's a western planet chink, deal with it.
Germans are strangely proud of the period of their history when they were forest hobos that managed to undo a thousand of year of human progress
who cares they are tall, strong and handsome.
Imagime tall strong and handsome people of the forest how cool that wpuld be
The g*rm can only find pride in destroying civilization. There is no other explanation for his behaviour over 1000 years
I think they actually admired the Romans, they just felt unfairly treated and wanted to be on more equal terms.
The Holy Roman Empire larp afterwards wasn't a coincidence.
Unfriendly stroad design vs walkable mixed use community
All that chimpout just to institute eternal serfdom and muh divine right of kangs, just like modern day Poland

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